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7883630 No.7883630 [Reply] [Original]

How do we argue against nihilism again?

>> No.7883634

nihilism is a spook

>> No.7883635
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>> No.7883642

Build your own nest over the abyss. Or did you not do the reading?

>> No.7883645

>meaningless one liners
>arguments against nihilism

pick one my good chum

>> No.7883658

We choose to admit that there is no meaning in all things because we are afraid of the burden of discovering the unspoken meaning. Nihilism is saying you dont know if there is meaning or not and then will assume that there isn't. What if there is meaning in all things and their existence but we just dont know it?

>> No.7883660
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Yeah, we get it—you haven't actually read Nietzsche: how could you get the reference?

>> No.7883663

>so what?

>> No.7883664

le ad hominem response

another classic for the library, keep em coming

>> No.7883671

>gets called out for not having read the thing he's talking about
>claims ad hominem


>> No.7883672

broh is that mother fucking UFFIE? when the fuck is she gonna drop another album? uffie was the best on ed banger after Justice

>> No.7883674

>makes claims based on nothing
>doesn't understand ad hominem

keep em coming, thick and fast please

>> No.7883678

I think that the other user was trying to explain that without reading the source material you wouldn't have a complete understanding of the quote. I don't think that ad hominem is inappropriate in this circumstance.

Calling ad hominem an inappropriate response would be like denouncing an idea without fully understanding it... oh... wait... that is what you did.

>> No.7883683


Differentiate between long term and short term. Nothing matters at the end, but something matters tomorrow.

>> No.7883687

If there is, it is unknowable, as yet. And as it is unknowable we are back to square one:
>dont know if there is meaning or not and then will assume that there isn't.

But I have a separate question for the thread at large:

What makes you think there would be a meaning to life, beyond a conceivable endgame in biological evolution?

>> No.7883701

Or it could be that someone reads a philosopher and disagrees with their position. I know that's probably a very damaging idea to you but it is possible.

So either you think you have to agree with that moustached retard or you don't understand what ad hominem means.

Maybe both!

>> No.7883709

* doesn't belong in the same sentence as Justice.


>> No.7883712

no it doesn't

>> No.7883714
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>> No.7883719

Bro Sex, Dreams and Denim Jeans is like the fucking album of the generation man, Justice makes sincere Christronica for plebs, Uffie is like the Tao Lin of Techno, but actually good unlike the Tao Lin of Literature

>> No.7883726


ya it does

>> No.7883744

That's not ad hominem. Ad hominem is a personall attack like "You are too stupid to understand the full meaning of this."

What you did was tu quoque, answering criticism with criticism. If you read it, then you should respond with a statement to reinforce the statement you were trying to make.

And you were both doing it, so everyone is retarded.

Ad hominem.

>> No.7883751

Ad infinitum

>> No.7883755

it was a personal attack. Attacking me as an unread guy on a board where that is a bad thing. May not have been said directly but that's the meaning of it.

In summary kys

>> No.7883761

Simple, when people argue the point, you just ignore them. Your very living and saying yes is proof enough. No need to waste time on scoundrels.

>> No.7883789

Just say that it's cliched and make fun of them for being edgy teenagers with the "le nothing matters" meme

>> No.7883797
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>So either you think you have to agree with that moustached retard or you don't understand what ad hominem means.

Really? Is it one or the other?

>either you think you
Nice ad hominem btw

>> No.7883802

>Really? Is it one or the other?
>either you think you
that's dealing with what you think i.e. your argument i.e. the matter at hand

literally lmaoing at ur life t bh

>> No.7883809

Just saw this thread on /his/ and thought how would it fare better in /lit/ Turns out it's just as bad.

>> No.7883814
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How do I into Nietzsche?
How do I into Stirner?
Is their philosophy similar?

>> No.7883820

you can be a 16 year old edgy faggot

>> No.7883824
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Try in to bring up MY opinions or MY argument is ad hominem. Non-hominem would be simply disputing the argument itself independent of the thinker. I will speak of you because that seems to be the level that WE have stooped to.

You have failed to accurately argue against anything brought against you.

Not like it matters anyways. You are just a nonexistent spook and your posts are just spooky bait. prove me wrong pro tip you Kant

>> No.7883830

Stirner is Nietzsche without fillers and less 2smart4u aphorisms

>> No.7883835


>> No.7883846

>My philosophy is that nothing matters
>I'm trying to convince other people of something
Pick one.

>> No.7883908

Why do these conflict? Just because we acknowledge that nothing matters doesn't mean we can't discuss and debate things. It just means the discussions have no meaning, ultimately.

>> No.7883923

Then why argue?

>> No.7883933




>> No.7883936
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>> No.7883940

The concept of spooks is a spook.

>> No.7883950

Why not? It's the thing I feel like doing and there's nothing but time to waste.

>> No.7883960

nuh uh

>> No.7883970

Why listen to feeling if feelings are not real? Why waste time is time isn't real? Why do anything? Why not just kill yourself?

>> No.7883971


>> No.7883976
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>> No.7883977

At the end of the day nihilism is really just solipsism

>> No.7883981

I never said those things weren't real.

We all die eventually, there's no reason to run toward it. You'll get there inevitably, and the outcome will be the same. But you can find enjoyable things in life until you die, so you might as well make the most of it.

>> No.7883982



>> No.7883984


daily reminder that OP hasn't read a single book by Nietzsche and the addition of /his/ hasn't improved /lit/ one single bit.

>> No.7883991
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>But you can find enjoyable things in life until you die, so you might as well make the most of it.
Can anyone become more of a cuck?

>> No.7883993

>he watches le amazing asian faggot

>> No.7883994

Nihilism is a pit stop on the road to enlightenment. Nietzsche was a nihilist in the sense that he did not believe the world had any inherent meaning, but he emphasized the importance of creating our own meaning and overcoming nihilism through this.

They are subtly but substantially different. Stirner is very, very narrow in his focus while Nietzsche is incredibly broad. Most of the similarities are superficial in nature, owing to them working with the more or less the same source material.

>> No.7883995
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Nihilism isn't a position. You can be a nihilist about x, or y, or you can be trying to look cool. You can't argue looking cool. Tell me what you're a nihilist about, and I'll know what you're saying.

>> No.7884005

>posts on a Tibetan toon board

>> No.7884007

It's definitely possible. To be a cuck you have to be cheated on and/or raise children that are not your own, and since what you replied to has nothing directly mentioning that, doing either of those would make you more of a cuck.

>> No.7884008


>> No.7884010

His answer to it needs you to believe in eternal recurrence. ..

>> No.7884020

i don't get the eternal recurrence, it's not like you relive all th lives at the same time, it's just going to be moment to moment each time so who cares so long as it is not excruciatingly painful there's nothing to worry about

>> No.7884024
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>I know you are but what am I
You are like literally a gigantic faggot. Go cry some more nihilistic phaggot.

>> No.7884041

No, no, you misunderstood me. That's not what I was saying at all; my phrasing was poor. I was simply trying to tell you that there are many ways a person could be more of a cuck than by posting/believing what I did, because there's very little directly linking my post to cuckoldry. Actually being cuckolded, then, would make a person more of a cuck. No offense or insult was meant.

That said, we've kind of gotten off the topic of the original argument. I'd rather not hang around if that's the case, so unless you have anything to add in the vein of that theme...?

>> No.7884042


Nihilism assumes too much.

>> No.7884048

you're a fucking simpleton

the eternal return implies each being wears a mask, but that beneath the mask every time is the same actor- you.

your mother, your father, the people you work with, the bums you pass on the street, the dogs and bugs and birds in the sky. Every sensation and experience is your birthright. Every one.

this is actually basically poo-in-loo philosophy iirc- easy to see how things like Jainism come out of that kind of thinking, it's honestly more horrifying than nihilism desu (esp if you also buy into many worlds theory sort of stuff)

>> No.7884063

sounds like you are striving to be a drama queen t bh

how does living over and over imply a mask

>> No.7884079
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Listen... You need to go back to the start. Throughout this entire thread you have not said anything that makes any sense. I am trying to be gentle and sincere.

You need to get a better understanding of Nietzsche before you try to talk about about him. Not once have you actually disputed any of Nietzsche's ideas.

For the sake of future arguments I ask you to try to step back from yourself. Step back from yourself and analyze your posts. Someone cannot draw much from them. This thread's composure was a result of it having any real backbone. By backbone I mean sound arguments. Try to open yourself to new ideas before arguing.

Lay a foundation before you seek to construct a skyscraper.

"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."

>> No.7884081

By friendly reminding people that nihilism is merely scepticism that has lost its patience. The nihilist's 'no' is as unwarranted as the 'yes' he opposes.

Nihilists need epoché.

>> No.7884093

I never claimed to have an understanding or even an appreciation of Nietzsche. In all honesty from what I do know I had the impression he was not in fact a Nihilist, and was wondering why he was being used in the OP, which is not a Nietzscheian (Nietzschian?) thread, but a nihilism thread.

>> No.7884098

>the eternal return implies each being wears a mask, but that beneath the mask every time is the same actor- you.

yeh, no

>> No.7884106

Don't worry anon, you're phrasing wasn't poor at all. The guy you were replying to is just autistic, or at least a little thick

>> No.7884122

by being as coherent as possible

>> No.7884131
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I'm done here.

>> No.7884143

Goodbye. Nice talking with you.

>> No.7884166

sad sad times

>> No.7884177

by creating the ubermensch!

this thing which is impossible to be but which gives us a target and therefore some hope or something! Nihilism solved.

Thanks papa neech, crisis averted

>> No.7884178


maybe it was being contextual as possible

>> No.7884180

Why is meaning necessary? (It is.)

>> No.7884183

the best argument against nihilism is evolution

one day evolution will allow us to become THE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM, fulfilling our biological, genetic destiny as well as the ancient prophecy foretold by ancient monkeys

>> No.7884190

As in, it is necessary for our metal well-being and survival?

>> No.7884196

What's the point??

>> No.7884203

Alright, stop eating and drinking water, and see if you don't feel like shit in a couple days.

>> No.7884205
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>implying that it wasn't our ancient frog ancestors that first laid down the elder memetic prophesy on caramelized poo-poo tablets

>> No.7884215

this one knows too much

>> No.7884239
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This one knows too little

>> No.7884340

you don't argue against it, you ignore it

it's not possible to build a verbally logical argument against it(it's practically "unfalsifiable", yet it's possible to realize it's not the end-all philosophy, it's a void and for a human being which you are, a void is not enough

you need something to spiritually sustain you. in regards to this, nihilism is a necessary stepping stone to realize the true value of values. that is, values are important, but less important than you thought pre-nihilism.

values are not ultimate, or "real". it's somewhat like the difference between an IKEA sofa and the assembly instructions for said sofa, values are the latter, but pre-nihilism you thought they were the former.

the instructions leave room for improvisation, or you can find new schematics, but you realize that without any schematics you just end up twiddling your thumbs doing nothing, which is the last man answer to nihilism

the above is not true at all but I had fun writing it

>> No.7884411



>> No.7884417

the argument you are looking for is present within the pages of thus spake zarathustra. continue your studies

>> No.7884497


>> No.7884523

>Reminder: This is the kind of sad people infesting the board you once loved.

>> No.7884544

By not being a colossal depressing faggot and making the most of our meaningless time.

>> No.7884546

Didn't Camus with Absurdism and the Myth of Sisyphus do a fine job of this? Or, am I missing something?

>> No.7884583
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>> No.7884735 [SPOILER] 
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By using evolutionary psychology and Aristotle's ideas about pragmatism and virtue. It doesn't matter if nothing in the universe has meaning. People's brains are wired to seek it, create it, and feed off of it. So may as well be as virtuous of a human animal as possible and go along with it. I'm an ironic Satanist for the lols btw. I simply imbue the world with meaning as I see fit.

>> No.7884844

you defeat nihilism through belief in God.

God trumps all desu.

>> No.7884851

we dont cause it got facts right but was a faggot about it.

other ppl got facts too but was not a faggot about it.

>> No.7884852
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>> No.7884863

What? I'm confused.