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/lit/ - Literature

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7881063 No.7881063 [Reply] [Original]

I had to drag myself to finish this novel for an assignment. What the fuck are women's problems with themselves? How is Heathcliff an ideal guy?

I was raging most of the time I was reading this book. Catherine was Heathcliff's equal - THIS is true love? What the fuck, man. Did I miss something? This is a well-written novel with absolutely shit characters. Am I supposed to like this?

>> No.7881065

Some women are retards. That's not news.

>> No.7881086

>shit characters
did the characters hurt your feelings? did you feel you could not relate to you bland little life? :((((

>> No.7881115

>Women are retards
Tale as old as time

>> No.7881122


>> No.7881162
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I think you're taking Emily Bronte's flaws a bit too personally. Yes, she was nuts; no, Heathcliffe is not an ideal guy. Yes, it's a commonly recognised trend that some women are attracted to abusive men; no, let's not extrapolate that into some kind of sweeping 'what the fuck are women's problems' anger as if plenty of men don't make poor romantic choices too.

You have to read this novel as a product of its time. It exalts passion and personal integrity above all else, and especially above the very Victorian virtues of decent, mannerly conduct and conventional bourgeois morality (as exemplified to one degree or another by Edgar and Lockwood). In that sense, it's quite radical. You don't have to agree with it or approve of its conclusions to appreciate the breath of fresh air that it represents compared to, for instance, Jane Eyre.

It's also up there as one of the greatest evocations of a landscape and atmosphere in literature.

tl;dr forget any 'Catherine Heathcliffe OTP greatest love story ever' nonsense that you may have been exposed to by your teacher or anybody else, and appreciate the book for what it is, which is an intense insight into a disturbed but creatively gifted mind.

>> No.7881531

Well said bro.

>> No.7881559

great post.
also worth noting that emily herself said that heathcliff was unredeemed and a cruel man

>> No.7881570

Fuck me, I was born in Victorian England. That's precisely why I like Jane Eyre. We were raised to be conservative, values-oriented children so I appreciated Jane's propriety.

I fucking hated Heathcliff and Catherine because of that. They made a travesty out of what I believe is love so I raged.

>> No.7881606

how are you even alive right now

>> No.7881741


>> No.7881746

r u a grill?

>> No.7881817


nah m8

>> No.7883231

All that text could have been trivialized to
>get cucked
>btfo everyone

>> No.7883256

You're an idiot

>> No.7883439

Fuck off niglet.