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/lit/ - Literature

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7878810 No.7878810 [Reply] [Original]


Is this a joke? Stephen King....

>> No.7878816

He was a poser faggot when talking about what her liked. He pretended to like star wars episode one and shit.

>> No.7878826

He was very self-conscious about being pretentious, which is why he took such efforts to demonstrate that he wasn't a snob.

I think if you asked him what his Top 10 books were in a personal conversation, he wouldn't be able to answer without worrying about what you would think of his choices.

Choosing commercial fiction authors that are looked down upon by the literary establishment (which he was a part of) is his way of avoiding anxiety and denying his vanity

>> No.7878843

that makes a lot of sense. after listening to the KCRW interviews and reading between the lines in his work i'm pretty convinced his struggles with privilege guilt were one of the main contributing factors to his self-regard

>> No.7878866

i read the first 10 pages of silence of the lambs and i literally wanted to vomit. the movie blows the book the fuck out.

>> No.7878869

SOTL is a fantastic book. Harris is very competent

>> No.7878875

Pretty much, he was the most insincere man that ever lived.

>> No.7879049

Heh, a Tom Clancy novel is in his top 10. I got The Hunt for Red October in my backlog right now. Has anyone here read any Clancy novels?

>> No.7879081

Yup, there awful.

>> No.7879093

Why did you find the novels boring?

>> No.7879099


He didn't say that.

>> No.7879107

Nope. It's a good book. Red Dragon is a little better in my opinion.

>> No.7879108

My mistake. I'm a bit tired today. I should of asked why he thought they were awful.

>> No.7879111
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>> No.7879127

Maybe he just, you know, liked those books? I mean look at the way he dresses.

>> No.7879174

Franzen's, in comparison.


>> No.7879310


No big deal man. I just felt like being a nitpicking asshole to someone on 4chan for some reason. That was a totally unnecessary negative comment on my part merely to try to get a rise out of you and I'm sorry.

>> No.7879324



No wonder modern lit is in such an abysmal state. Jesus fucking Christ...

>> No.7879325

I take it as he was the type of guy who could enjoy a light read without judging it or comparing it to literature.

>> No.7879332

he was a pleb, and will be looked upon as a joke in 20 years. As will the late postmodern era.

>> No.7879333
File: 100 KB, 956x704, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a list of books he owned I believe


>> No.7879360

Where am I?

>> No.7879379

Hit the nail on the head.

He really worked hard at pretending to be genuine.

>> No.7879507

>An adult child's guide to what is "normal"
>You have begun to deal with the pain and trauma of being raised in a dysfunctional family and now you are ready to lead a healthy life.
>Do you know what healthy people do?
>Do you know what is "normal"?
>Do you know how to ask unwanted guests to leave?
Wow. Guess some of us gents need to pick this up.

>> No.7879614

More like a total pleb that cared way too much about what people thought of him to hide his narcissism.

>> No.7879645
File: 22 KB, 472x472, son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting cross and modern Jesus.
>Get holy tripples.

>> No.7880832


>> No.7881931
File: 599 KB, 720x720, Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 12.40.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised not to see Wittgenstein's Mistress on there, given that one essay he wrote.

By the way, how can this be the case?:

if i exist then nothing exists outside me
but if something exists outside me i do not exist

>> No.7882038

333 is half of 666. Jesus confirmed for half-Satan.