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File: 321 KB, 1020x866, withandwithoutANDNOTHISISNTMYBOOKSHELF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7878319 No.7878319 [Reply] [Original]

Give me one solid reason to buy hardcover over paperback. There isn't one.

Also, how to acquire the perfect book shelf aesthetic? Dust jacket or not?

>> No.7878351

Hardcover/Leatherbound books are nice if you're really into that story. I see it like a collector's edition. It's nice if you have disposable income. I just buy used paperbacks.

I don't really like dust jackets, it makes it awkward when you can to take it off when reading and then putting it back on. And it looks so strange because a lot of the time the dust jacket paper/plastic and artwork is way too slick looking.

>> No.7878353

I agree with you basically anon: I never buy hardcovers if I can help it, they're too heavy and difficult to manipulate physically while reading.
There are some books that you ought to own hardcovers of though. I tried to read Infinite Jest as a paperback and couldn't do it. The thing came apart. Anything much bigger than about 750 pages and it's hardcover only for me.

I typically keep the dust jackets on until I finish reading the book. It protects the underneath part from getting damaged. Once I'm finished with it, though, I put the dust jacket away so that it will look nicer on my shelf.

>> No.7878366

I take the dust jackets off when I read because I don't want to deal with slippery fucking floppy bullshit when I'm reading.

I prefer paperbacks, but if a translation is only available in hardback then so be it. I have big hands so I don't find them uncomfortable.

Personally I find the chaotic nature of a disorganised bookshelf to have a pleasant aesthetic quality. I've seen shelves which are immaculately presented and it makes it look like you have never read a book in your life.

>> No.7878371

>collector's edition
This whole idea is so American, and so fundamentally stupid. That is, it is so American.

>> No.7878375

I agree to a point. Consumerism has no place in literature. That said, I was given a Folio Society book by my manager as a thank you for a job well done and it is lovely. I would never by one, but it does have its own merits.

>> No.7878376

>no reason to buy hardcover
>also how do you acquire the perfect bookshelf aesthetic?
By buying hardcover you ninny

>> No.7878378

I agree with the anon above, hardcover is like collector's edition.
It feels worse when you are using the book, but looks better on the self IMO

>> No.7878380

Anon, you can't let yourself be drawn into vanity because it comes free. You're a book whore, and not the nice kind.
You must burn the book.

>> No.7878383

Hardcovers are uncomfortable to read, heavier, more expensive. If you are actually going to read the book, a paperback is better. If you want something to nice to look at it on your shelf, maybe a quality copy of your favourite book, a hardcover would be do.

>> No.7878386

Of course you keep the dust jackets on.

>> No.7878389


>> No.7878404

Yeah? I just buy what is the cheapest for me. I can understand some people use hardcovers not out of materialism and because they are a fan of higher quality books. But unfortunately I don't value books above my money and go what costs the least.

>> No.7878776

>perfect book shelf aesthetic
Hardcovers obviously

>> No.7878820

>"how to acquire the perfect book shelf aesthetic?"
>doesn't buy hard covers
enjoy your fucked spines and bent covers

>> No.7878928

If you cant enjoy the aesthetic of a well read book you should just gtfo.

>> No.7878983

When I was younger I used to hate hardcovers, as they are more unwieldy and cumbersome.

Now that I am older, I notice that all my cheap paperbacks - Penguin Classics, etc - are yellowed and disintegrating.

There is a happy medium, though: trade paperbacks printed on thick, acid-free paper. They will last just as long as the hardcovers.

>> No.7878990

>Give me one solid reason to buy hardcover over paperback.
>how to acquire the perfect book shelf aesthetic?
wew lad

>> No.7878994

Can you post an example that you own?

>> No.7879020

An example of a quality trade paperback? Your standard university press book would qualify. It's all about the paper quality.

>> No.7879028

Not him, but one of mine would be Tales of Moonlight and Rain by Akinari Ueda. As >>7879020 said, usually university presses are good for it.

>> No.7879032
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Sturdier in multiple ways. No ugly creases at the back, they won't start falling apart after heavy use. Hard cover and dustjacket provides protection.

Easier to open flat for a comfortable read, especially around the middle of the book.

Typically use higher quality paper that doesn't go yellow.

Aesthetics, they look way better.

>> No.7879069
File: 514 KB, 1600x1081, 1310835025496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book aesthetics is about having a home FILLED with well-read books, all in a mess, everywhere.
Not some fucking capitalist-circlejerking collector's editions hard covers standing neatly in your IKEA bookshelf, you total pleb.

>> No.7879192
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I try to do away with any book that is not essential to me to be honest. I prefer a single shelf of personal canon to bookcases full of stuff I don't care much about and try to distil my library down to what matters to me.

A good rule of thumb for me is that if a book can go a year untouched it's probably not that important. I strive for a metre of quality books that get consulted regularly rather than loads of paperbacks that never get reread.

It's not that hard to achieve, especially since these days you can get most of your less essential reading material online if the sudden need to revisit something really strikes you, so I keep my favourites in paper form (hardcover if possible) and use the library and the internet for the rest.

>> No.7879194
File: 17 KB, 215x280, 1403069243073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about hardcovers
>posts example of ideal aesthetic of library filled with nothing but hardcovers

>> No.7879484

>le minimalist meme from 2010

Go sleep on your mattress laying on the bare floor, pre-hipster cunt.

>> No.7879503



You're not well-versed in history I take it.

>> No.7879599

Chunky paperbacks are one use only, commit to a paperback or borrow from the library

>> No.7879606

Legit fucking tip hardly ever seen here

>> No.7879608

>tfw u prefer to pay more for a paperback copy even though there are a million hardcover copies on ebay for 1 cent plus shipping

paperback is more patrish unless u talking antique shit from the 19th, but the raddest shit is those hardplasticy shits libraries put on softcovers, anyone know where i can get those to put on my paperbacks?

>> No.7879625

Paperback-only fans confirmed for retards

Paperback is expedient, hardcover if you want it to last. My bookshelf is roughly 80:20, paperback:hc

>> No.7879633

u kno a programming book is patrish tier when it comes in hardcover (not counting college textbooks) my fave hc books are all computer science shiz, advanced programming in the unix environment, GoF design patterns, refactoring by fowler, etc. but i like my lit light and flappy like a bird

>> No.7879661

>object oriented programming patterns

Oh lawd
HC doesn't promise anything beside it being made of longer lasting materials, and even that is cheated on

>> No.7879670
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>i hate nice things and people that do like nice things are just fundamentally stupid

>> No.7879673

>impying GoF book isn't a classic of our times

bro plz just cuz ur some "fullstack" web weeny using javascript's demented attempt at objects doesn't mean Design Patterns isn't a classic

>> No.7879683

"Think of the GOF as helping losers lose less." -- Richard P. Gabriel

keep losing cuz

>> No.7879691

when u finally stop being a hobbyist and take the step of moving out of ur mom's basement and going pro be prepared to not get a job when u don't know those patterns in the interview

>> No.7879710

>went through 9 interviews for a position in a research dept of a large semi conductor corporation
>got the job
>same job for last 3 years

Oy vey

>> No.7879724

>working in hardware

stay trailing edge bro, enjoy making boring incremental improvements to generic commodities

>> No.7879730

Advanced programming in UNIX is legit tho. Haven't heard of that refactoring book, but in strongly typed languages refactoring is a breeze

You should just get an e reader honestly, if you already don't have one. I've been delaying it for a long time but I like the look of the new kindle shits

>> No.7879734

I don't touch hardware :3

Try again

>> No.7879740

Erm no... Collector's editions are fundamentally just feeding the American narcissism. It's not about having nice things, it's about having nice things and thinking of yourself as a special dandelion - It's disgusting and you're wrong

>> No.7879762

that's a cool looking library.

>> No.7879785

Hardback books look infinitely better on a mahogany shelf in a room, candlelit or fireplace.

>> No.7879847

>i'm a living cliché

>> No.7879866

this is what i like about kubrick, if u look at eyes wide shit the middle class doctor has paper back books with commercial covers i.e. bright colors big titles, but the aristocratic dudes have all leather bound shit that u can't even see the title from a distance, and the poor ppl like the russian hooker i don't even think they had a book

>> No.7880021
File: 223 KB, 1058x1058, diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meme is a bit older, lad.

>> No.7880027

Diogenes wasn't a "minimalist" who went to Starbucks daily or bought the right kinda "minimalist" $1000 Kanye West-Tshirt

>> No.7880035
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Hardcover books look better imo
And they are more durable
I like the idea that long after I'm dead my son will read my copy of the Iliad and read my notes

>> No.7880083

Neither am I, friend.

>> No.7880099
File: 585 KB, 1519x2000, 1425647317666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not about having nice things, it's about having nice things and thinking of yourself as a special dandelion - It's disgusting and you're wrong

>> No.7880115

>'holy shit dad was a pleb'

>> No.7880360

paperbacks are nice, but i don't like my spines to get royally fucked over time. hardcovers are also nice when i doze off with a book in bed, no concerns over bending the cover.

>> No.7881040

i recently read the mezzanine by n baker and this post could've been written by the narrator.

>> No.7881046

using factor/lisp means i don't need to care nerd

>> No.7881051

>not instant coffee
>kanye t-shirts
>not a wardrobe of just three plain t-shirts bought at a thrift store five years ago

>> No.7881118
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>> No.7881138

You can't grep dead trees

>> No.7882023

Shows you aren't a poorfag

>> No.7882039

Paperbacks are only for if you're not going to read that book a shitton of times. Paperback Harry Potters? Fuck no. But a paperback copy of, say, Fahrenheit 451? Sure, it's a great book, but how often are you really gonna read it?

I throw away dust jackets as soon as I get them. I like the canvas and leather and all that. And dust jackets just get all tattered and fall apart.

>> No.7882046

This. I have my books all willy nilly however I want them organized, to show a big variety. Lots of colors and patterns and sizes. It's really cool.

>> No.7882131

>tfw hardcovers are the norm in my country
>tfw even the cheap $5 classics that you can buy together with newspapers are hardcovers
Feels good desu. I can still read my greatgrandfather's edition of Don Quijote while your shitty american books will fall apart in your lifetime.

>> No.7882141

Six to midnight

>> No.7882258

paperbacks tend to incorporate corrections. Usually best to buy the latest edition

>> No.7882600

just like their houses