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/lit/ - Literature

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7875679 No.7875679 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7875707

I have la sobre del viento in my bookcase, unread. Should I give it a try? Is it good?

>> No.7875722

It's not high literature but it's a page turner and a fun read, I'd recommend.

>> No.7875767

Invisible Cities. It may not be /lit/-patrician-tier but boy, did my puckered little brain go pfoooshhhhh!, like in that "mind-blown.gif", you know the one.

>> No.7876589

twilight...I swear i'm done with that though, its all about DFW and tommy pinecone

>> No.7876606

You're the next EL James! Shit taste and shit skills.

>> No.7876784
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this was the first book i read for pleasure, got me started

>> No.7876820

Blood Meridian is what got me into good /lit/erature. So every time I eat a tortilla I make a small offering of mescal to our lord and saviour Corncobs McCarthy.

>> No.7876828

Me too, besides the stuff we read at highshool

>> No.7876833
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>> No.7876842
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>> No.7876859
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>> No.7876865

so good

>> No.7876872

Redwall and Drizzt, i was about 12 or 13 when I started reading, I still wonder deep down inside when I look at my old sci-fi and fantasy books whether the books I read nowadays are supposed to be as fun as those or not.

>> No.7876882
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Any thing by Brandon Sanderson is gold.

>> No.7876913

Go back to the sffg and stay there