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7873576 No.7873576 [Reply] [Original]

>person pronounces it show-pen-hauer

What else makes you immediately know your professor/classmates are inferior idiots?

>> No.7873585

>people who pronounce it 'lee-oh' tolstoy

>> No.7873621


tremendous thread op
very temendous

>> No.7873705

It actually is pronounced with a long open O. It'd be written Schoppenhauer if it was pronounced like you think it is. Also instead of being a smartass online go study.

>> No.7873716

That's how it's pronounced, dipshit.

>> No.7873728

Have we fell into OP's artisan trap?

>> No.7873744

OP knew a horde of slobbering nerds would immediately surge forward to correct him. You both fell for it because you were insecure about your intelligence and wanted to make somebody else feel the same way.

Now please reflect on your vanity and foolishness. I hope OP's thread taught you something tonight.

>> No.7873755

don't romanticize the trolling m8

>> No.7873777

Response Patterns to being Mad/Owned Online and Trying to Hide It

1. I actually find this funny
2. Actually you're the one who's mad
3. My hot wife thinks this is funny
4. Clearly you suffer from clinical wrongness
>5. I was just pretending to be retarded (to prove a point)
6. Thanks for the traffic
7. Put your location on/say it to my face
8. Cease and desist this libel, slander and defamation per se
9. Look at how not mad I am
10. I am not mad and also I am nude

>> No.7873798
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>1st day of class
>discussing L'Étranger
>prof pronounces it 'cah-moo'

>> No.7873814

Jokes on you, ididot. I'm OP, >>7873705, and >>7873728

>> No.7873916

you've outclassed them with your intelligence well done good sir

>> No.7873919

He who oils.

>> No.7873928

I pronounced Chopin as choppin' in the sixth grade

>> No.7873939
File: 91 KB, 347x259, 1458064521076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once pronounced Camus as 'Samus' as in the videogame character.

>> No.7873978

Is camus more like camel or cum?

>> No.7874114

It's more like the opposite of Nabokov

>> No.7874131

Sometimes I pronounce shit like a pleb, mostly when I'm speaking English, just because I hate repeating myself. Whenever I say shit in French/Spanish/Portuguese/Italian I say it as it would sound in eng, saves time and a lot of cringing.

>> No.7874301
File: 44 KB, 473x280, polan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is blatantly wrong. Gdansk is in Poland and there is no vowel length in Polish. Please note, though, that this great Polish philosopher (second after Fryderyk Nicki) learnt the German tongue before he did philosophy, so that he would not have pronounced the English Show word either, in his name. The German "Scho" It's more akin to the Brooklynese way to say "Sure". So you guys are wrong twice, even though OP is a faggot.

>> No.7874331

>he pronounces is "lay tron jay" and not "le train jer"

>> No.7874338
File: 301 KB, 485x363, 1456796867639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Discussing Goethe
>classmate pronounces it "goat"

>> No.7874348

vocaroo your pronunciation, plos.

>> No.7874349

how do you pronounce aeschylus?


>> No.7874359

The actual German pronunciation of Goethe is very ugly

>> No.7874360


>> No.7874363

Ugly...? It's the correct pronunciation you cuck.

>> No.7874368


>> No.7874369


ayy sheh lus

>> No.7874370

what is your point

>> No.7874387
File: 12 KB, 220x259, le.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7874406

How do I pronounce Aeneas and the Aeneid? Every time I try to pronounce it it comes out like ænus.

>> No.7874407

And here is the right way to say "Schopenhauer":
Nativ-Sprecher sprechend.

>> No.7874426
File: 743 KB, 616x587, Charls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ur homie lends u his copy of le train jer

>> No.7874435

Is that Murzow character a Russian?

>> No.7874567

it's scope-en-hauer

>> No.7874588

i've always pronounced it show-pin-hower

i pronounce goethe like Gurt-tuh

tell me i'm dumb

>> No.7874600


Idk about Aeneid

>> No.7874613

All I'm thinking about now is calling Samus 'Sa-moo'.

>> No.7874623

>Art history
>Man Ray was on the slide that said "Surrealism"

>> No.7874626

where u gettin that r from faggy?

>> No.7874638

aye - NAY - əs

>> No.7874660
File: 148 KB, 288x328, sad-dayum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they haven't read infinite jest

srs doe
>they only read pptxs or assigned readings
>they use tumblr
>they don't understand the use-mention distinction

>> No.7874698

I have some audio-books that pronounce the latter as you do also. It always sounds strange to me, but I suppose that's how they did it a few decades ago.

>> No.7874714

So is this what you guys do all day? "Troll" each other?

>> No.7874716

Those letter are an unperfect imitation of speech especially to those of us who're not surrounded by tea drinker or heavyweight burger annihilation machinery with a baseball cap.

>> No.7874730

That's written with an Umlaut, you pleb.

>> No.7875361

No it's not.

>> No.7875399

It's Shoopeenhair

>> No.7875430
File: 634 KB, 902x1058, yghjuuiiok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7875480

fucking northerner

>> No.7875529

I always imagined it more like "Geulghr-teulghr

>> No.7875550

Is that... is that NFKRZ?