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/lit/ - Literature

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7873282 No.7873282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you work out? If not, what's your reasoning for ignoring your physical well being?

>> No.7873285


is there any fucking board that has not invaded /lit/ yet? jesus fucking christ. what's with all the influx from /mu/, /pol/, /fit/ and other cancerous boards?

also, how the fuck is your question relevant to literature at all?


>> No.7873287

Where do I start with will vollmann?

>> No.7873305

Glad i'm not the only one who was noticing this

>> No.7873316

Nah I'm obese. My excuse is that it's really hard to lose weight, not to mention keeping it off.

>> No.7873324

I don't have the time

I'd have to work out for two hours a night and if I do that I'll barely have any time in the evenings

>> No.7873328

muh nugget

>> No.7873331


I work out six days a week.


Probably the Rainbow Stories or the Atlas. They introduce some of his favourite themes: poverty, travel, violence. I haven't been able to get into the Seven Dreams myself, so I can't really comment on it. His prose seems to range from digestible historical fiction and travelogues to the kind of dense postmodernism I associate with Pynchon and have never been smart enough to enjoy. Europe Central is just a great book to read in it's own right.

>> No.7873357
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no thanks i don't care about your pure ideology

>> No.7873361

Sodomy is a crime, but not a punishment

>> No.7873375

Nah being a lanky skeleton is more literate

>> No.7873386

Actually yes.

Come on, mate... I've lost 8 kg just running twice a week.

>> No.7873394

>it's really hard to lose weight
It's harder to gain weight than to lose weight. I say this as someone who has been fat, thin, obese, skinny fat, fit, and ripped (currently fat).

>> No.7873400



>> No.7873414

A friend and I just decided to start working out together and get fit. We start tomorrow.

>> No.7873419

Thank you. He seems daunting

>> No.7873423


this tbph

>> No.7873425
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>reading book in boxers
>see myself in standing mirror across the room
>see my sick, thick, tight hairy quads bulging with masculine power
>pretend not to notice
>shift my legs to a different position to see my calves
>keep taking little peeking glances above my book
>thick tight calves
>thick tight quads
>so much power
>tfw i pull my briefs up into my gooch and buttcrack and strut around like a greek god for two hours while reading baudelaire before my mom comes home

>> No.7873428


Good luck buddy

>> No.7873430

I work out, I'm not ripped but I am strong and comfortable in my own skin. I believe it is a mans duty to perfect himself both in his physicality and his knowledge.

>> No.7873436

I'm a spooky skeleton.

>> No.7873437

I'm skellyfag. My fav writers are Faulkner and Chekhov. I'm currently reading Wittgenstein's Tractatus. I started doing this three times a week some days ago
100 pushups
50 crunches
10 minutes of planks
50 squats
50 chair dips
I'm also bulking. Will this get me out of skeleton town?

>> No.7873440
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I believe that's bs

>> No.7873459

Read the /fit/ sticky and learn about rep ranges.

Look up the Reddit bodyweight routine if you want a decent work, or do Antranik's.

Othwise get a gym membership, and do SS.

>> No.7873466


No, not at all. It fill make you a fit skeleton, but thats pretty much it.

In order to gain size, you have to increase the weight you are pushing/pulling. The classic rep-range for size is between 8-12, however that is not a definite formula.

That being said, over to the important part. This is /lit/, you should want to look like a dying skeleton. Name ONE writer that is /fit/ , not just "in shape" but fuckin shredded. 50% of them look like you can snatch their legs in half just by lookin at them, the other half are chubby drunks.

>> No.7873469
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I need to do more on the legs. Pictured is current bedside reading. I highly recommend Paintings in Proust.

>> No.7873505

You probably aren't doing those exercises optimally, you can eke quite a bit out of stuff like pushups and pullups, though it will never be quite as effective as progressive overload on weights.

If you keep at it you will see improvements though, provided you actually pay attention to what you're doing and figure out ways to make the exercises more challenging for yourself.

>> No.7873518

Why would you buy the first three parts of Min Kamp all at once?

>> No.7873519

This has been going on since the dawn of /lit/. People from other boards trying to make the conversation about the topic of that board rather than literature. Dunno why you're getting so upset about it?

>> No.7873523

Wtf is this picture flipped horizontally?

>> No.7873529

to pose ofc

>> No.7873543

I used to buy as I read but now I just buy when I find a good deal on something I want to read.

>> No.7873552

>Name ONE writer that is /fit/ , not just "in shape" but fuckin shredded
Probably Xenophon tho

>> No.7873556
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>> No.7873572
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Looking pretty good here desu

>> No.7873586

Simply false, friendo

>> No.7873598

Im lit and fit

its a good combo

>> No.7873615

>Name ONE writer that is /fit/ , not just "in shape" but fuckin shredded. 50% of them look like you can snatch their legs in half just by lookin at them, the other half are chubby drunks.


>> No.7873625

nigga has fucking tits

>> No.7873627

Every Greek

>> No.7873629

According to science I am right.

>> No.7873644


Those are some lovely pecs.

>> No.7873647

>Mickey Mouse


>> No.7873678

That picture is so gay it's insane. Assuming he took the picture himself imagine how awkward it must've been.

For real, the thought of it is kind of depressing, just imagine him sitting there naked looking through all the pictures he took looking for the perfect one.

>> No.7873689

You only find it depressing because he puts your pathetic body to shame

>> No.7873692

been exercising near-daily for the past several months after a long bout of heavy drinking/pot-smoking made me into a fatass once again. i was big up until my early college years, when i made a serious effort to get in shape. it felt so demoralizing to have gained back everything i lost, but now i'm back in the game. still have more belly fat than i'm comfortable with, however.

>> No.7873702

thanks senpai

>> No.7873719

yes I am fit. body influences the mind from my experience.

>> No.7873720

Can't beat the Early Disney comics, the collections that they have been publishing are well with the price.

>> No.7873737

/fit/ has always had a /lit/ element newfag.

>> No.7873742

i've always had a thing for classic disney. been watching the old silly symphony cartoons, and they all have this wonderful cinema pur quality to them.

>> No.7873747

I'd say it is equally easy to lose and gain weight. The difficult part is maintaining.

Never understood people who can't lose weight, it's fucking simple... Eat less! I could go days with just eating a meal per day, sure i'd be hungry but so what?

>> No.7873748

Does anyone read between sets?

I try to but I feel like listening to podcasts like In Our Time is more relaxing, and when my reading is broken up like that I lose focus.

>> No.7873781

I'm neither /fit/ or /lit/ tbqh

>> No.7873782

i used to

started drinking and made it a nightly routine. i feel smarter now that im not worried about my daily workouts and diet. my body is not sore anymore and i can worry about more useful things like learning how to fix my ranchero and landscaping. working out was too much for my lifestyle, probably any lifestyle. a small warmup exercise in the morning seems fine but dont make it your life.

>> No.7873791

No, don't work out. I need slim, weak, twinky gaybois to pound on and chat books with after I ruin his prostate.

>> No.7873816

>reading baudelaire before my mom comes home
kek. Lost it

>> No.7873837

Oftentimes the daily strips were based off the cartoons and vice versa, it is exciting to view the two side by side.

>> No.7873968
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I'm too busy curled up in a ball in the corner wallowing in the misery brought on by writing an erotica about domestic, physical, emotional, and mental abuse.

And vampires.

>> No.7873985

Ask them if they read Pynchon first before attacking them. Pynchon readers are notoriously paranoid and carry pocketknives.

>> No.7873993

I run ultramarathons and other races because cardio is fun and patrician. I also box and swim for cross training.

Lifting is pleb.

>> No.7874011

>Lifting is pleb.

yeah there's something beta about lifting, it's like these pussified dudes thing if they get big muscles they won't be cowards, well that's wrong, you can't lift your way to courage, and besides cardio and calisthenics are what u need to be healthy, anyone who's competed in any combat sport knows cardio is by far the most important attribute in a fighter, big muscles are of little utility, your punching power comes from how u rotate your body to generate torque (and how wide the span between your shoulders is) the most devastating punchers tend to be tall skinny dudes, inb4 some pleb goes "wut abt tyson?" yeah what about him, the power was from how he rotated his body, not how puffy his biceps are

>> No.7874017

I'm a heterosexual male but I actually prefer to appear lithe, smooth and skinny. I'm not gay but muscles do nothing for me other than as basic means of highlighting the otherwise skinny areas of my belly and arms etc. I like to take long baths and shave all my body hair off and then stand in front of the mirror with artificial lighting only (at night) and pout towards the mirror and turn around and part my buttcheeks and turn my head as if "catching" me looking at me and biting my lip etc. I wish my face was paler though and that my five o'clock shadow was less visible even after saving. But really beauty is just something I admire so much and the fact I possess it, even if it's an alternative form of masculinity, I'm cool with it. There's barely anything I enjoy more than lying on my back in bed and pulling up my tight boxer shorts and then rubbing in a circular fashion my semi-erect, soft, smooth, pre-cum-saturated penis as if I was rubbing a clitoris through the panty material and moaning and sighing and sort of gyrating a little and arching my back as if I was being rubbed from behind. Whenever I get my first girlfriend it'll be so cool because I'll know how she feels in a sense and will know how to get her off and what getting off for her feels like and it'll just be so awesome.

>> No.7874025


I do a bit of exercise, but there's no need to work that hard. It's a waste of time and effort, and it's not very good for you after a point.

>> No.7874027

You can be my little pederast fucktoy if you want. I'll teach you all sorts of wisdom and knowledge you jsut have to sukk

>> No.7874030

>hasn't been in a homoerotic Mishima thread.

How new are you?

>> No.7874035

maybe your story about the immortal general and the reincarnator will be less miserable

>> No.7874036

I think you have a point but you can lift and do cardio. And what about going to the gym just to be healthy and for hobby? Not everyone who lifts is a narcissist with low self esteem.

>> No.7874047

That's like lewd as heck *blushes*. The weird thing is that as an intelligent, detached observer and a highly (can't stress this enough) self-aware individual without any real stable, consistent notion of self that I act out each day I can pretty much enter into the consciousness of whoever I desire without any mental restraints preventing me from doing so, which in turn means I can view the world rather easily (relatively speaking) from a female POV when I choose, which consequently means that my understanding of what turns women on is just so profound that it really is a shame that so few women (one so far) have had the pleasure of receiving my intimate romantic affection. The first time I ever got into bed with a girl and began kissing etc my instincts, informed by my hyper-awareness and insight into the biocultural-assigned (my phrase, for better or worse) female performance-role, allowed me to make this girl orgasm (no faking on her part) without even penetrating her or even touching her vaginal area. I didn't much enjoy it since in retrospect I wasn't attracted to her (despite the fact she is, by contemporary standards, extremely "hot" and "sexy") and the fact I was myself performing the role of the traditional, rather brutish and dominant male role.

>> No.7874076

lifting if ur like a normal person is cool, i think it's a great thing to do really, i just hate the internet weightlifters who have all kinds of weird resentments and spooks that they think they can banish by getting big, if u get big u'll still have aspergers and be annoying, if u get big u'll still be a coward scared of chads and black guys with baggy jeans, if u get big u'll still be gay, that is the kind of shit i hate..people who just think it's fun, i can respect that, can't hate on gym rats (although on the other side of that i think ppl who use peds to bulk up are corny)

>> No.7874099

Why not?

>> No.7874146

Being super ripped is totally impractical. In any kind of survival situation it's better to have good cardio and be skinnier. You need less food, are more agile, and can hide more easily. Even in a combat situation it's way better to be skinny and know wtf you're doing than to be ripped and not know shit about fighting.

Plus, I just think lean looks better. This might just be because all of my favorite fiction has lean main characters but idk.

>> No.7874151
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>If not, what's your reasoning for ignoring your physical well being?
I am no longer an hedonist.

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failed hedonist who loves hedonism
-you are a homo, aka a hedonist who loves hedonism
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women
-you cling to your health, aka a hedonist who loves hedonism

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift. I know that it hurts to hear this.

>> No.7874154

This isn't Auschwitz kiddo. This isn't Robinson Crusoe's Desert Island. We aren't in the fucking Ice Age. Fact is if I saw you walking around with some girl I could literally appeal to her instinctive desire to be cared for, protected and fucked out of her mind just by intimidating you and requesting that she ditch you for me.

>> No.7874158
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>doing anything for mere humans instead of God the Father
Spotted the plebeian.

>> No.7874160

Is this what you fantasize about when you see people with girlfriends? top kek