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7872757 No.7872757 [Reply] [Original]

Tell us the premise of that story you're probably never going to write.

>> No.7872759


>> No.7872808

It's a 100 page sentence fragment that is lacking in any and all punctuation, which is supposed to represent, among other things, the nature of time.

>> No.7872838

It starts with my great great great great grandfather's birth and ends with me writing the book you have in your hands. Its called Song of Eternity.

>> No.7872841

Ottoman harem lesbian fantasy

>> No.7872854

sounds like a breeze

>> No.7872856

It's about an aging author who quits writing to spend more time with his family. He discovers that his family is actually far more interesting than he thought and he gets to know all of them a lot better. But then he gets the anxious feeling that he has to document these experiences by writing about them or they'll slip away. "Just live," his wife tells him, but eventually he cracks and he writes the book you're holding in your hands right now it's called Song of Eternity.

>> No.7872860

It begins with the big bang and follows a single hydrogen molecule for six 1,000 page volumes. It's called Song o

>> No.7872876

what's this new meme about fellas

>> No.7872887

It's about the holocaust. A rich wall street business man wakes up one morning to find himself in the holocaust. He tries to reason with the germans but they dont believe that hes a time traveler and he gets sent to auschwitz. There he spends his time talking to everybody about the future. "This is called the holocaust, what we're in right now," he tells them, but they dont know what hes talking about. He tries to tell them about the atom bomb and 9/11 but they just think hes crazy. Eventually he cracks and he starts to sympathize with hitler. "Hitler is, actually, really good," he tells the jews. They start to get fed up with him and one night they beat him to death, causing him to return to his bed in 2016, where he immediatey starts writing the book you have in your hands right now: Song of Eternity.

>> No.7872925

You'd think, right?

>> No.7873015

Two men in a WW1 hospital. The one next to the window (1) starts telling the second (2) who has been blinded by gas about everything he can see outside. All of the trees and birds, young couples etc (2) becomes insane with jealousy and wants to see for himself. (1) has a heart attack and begs (2) to ring for the nurse, (2) allows him to die.

The doctor takes off (2)'s bandages,"you'll have to stay with us for a few weeks longer but is there anything we can do for you (2)? I know he was your friend"
"I want to be moved to (1)'s bed please!", finally as he is wheeled over to (1)'s bed he sees nothing but a blank wall.

I think it's tragic but also hilarious. It was a story my dad used to tell and idk if it has already been written.

>> No.7873032

a mosaic tale of my early life and all the people that impacted me in one way or another, like a homage to my home city. i would cry my way through writing it because i'm a melancholic nostalgic

>> No.7873049

That's from infinite jest

>> No.7873056

fug. I'm only 2/3 through the meme trilogy as well that was the last one.

>> No.7873058

A young teenager sleepwalks into a career as a child actor thanks to the influence of his artsy parents, landing a starring role in the next big YA movie franchise. His character is gay and success turns him into a reluctant LGBT icon. He struggles with the responsibilities and expectations that come with being hailed as a role model. As he grows up in the public eye, he is put under pressure by producers, his parents, publicists, etc to maintain an ambiguous public persona and stay closeted about his heterosexuality.

Ideally I'd like to go all out and try to say something interesting about identity and perception but I'll probably half-ass it and write it as a relatively light-hearted satire.

>> No.7873062

>around at the big bang


>> No.7873069


I will as long as you all promise to sign an NDA.

>> No.7873083
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The heartbreaking story of one Syrian refugee family fleeing from ISIS, but when they reach Germany they are met with evil bigots. The young boy Abdul falls in love with a German girl but the girl's racist parents won't let him be with her!

With a NAZI-Trump presidency where Mexicans are shot on sight, and the racism they encounter in Germany. The family discover that they can never flee barbarism because racist barbarism exists in us all and we are all 1 humenrace reelhumanbeans love and kisses kumbaya poz my neghole up.

I'll take my $6,000,000 check now please!

t. Ezra Goldberg

>> No.7873086
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It is the near future, science has invented time travel to destroy religion, which it perceives is a lingering blight on the world against reason. They are really using the F.E.D.O.R.A system, which is a new form of virtual reality unbeknownst to the public alongside aerosolized drugs to sell people on falsified trips into the past, showing off key events like the crucifixion of Christ just without anything supernatural occurring and juxtaposing these against dinosaurs and shit to further undermine religious history. They are widely successful and religion is all but eliminated from the world. 1 person takes one of these tours into the past and notices a graphical glitch, realizes what is going on, is deemed an insane pariah.

>> No.7873094


>> No.7873100
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It's a meme about fellas

>> No.7873106


>> No.7873107

It's about the earth having wasted away and all surviving humans have been put into metastasis on a ship indefinitely. The ship is discovered by aliens who are never described, and whom which the story is told in first-person by.

The Aliens explore the ship but decide to not accommodate the humans, instead keeping a close-eye on the ship and pushing it in the way of a more sentient species.

>> No.7873113

A stray dog intervenes during a convenience store robbery and is awarded a medal for bravery. The stick-up guy he sends to jail vows revenge on the dog and starts pumping iron in jail to get huge so he can take his revenge when he gets out. The dog is adopted by the police and trained to be part of a dog unit, where the dog meets tougher, meaner dogs that give him a hard time. Eventually, though, our hero dog pins the alpha dog in a skirmish and becomes the top dog. The former alpha dog swears revenge and he starts to organize a coup, which our hero dog discovers too late and is attacked and left for dead in the woods. Some homeless people who live in the woods take care of him for a while and feed him while he gets his strength back, determined to return to the police headquarters and regain his position as top dog. But in the woods he meets another dog, a lady dog, and he falls in love & decides to stay in the woods with her. They spend a year together, in love, but one night he returns to the woods from a day out scouring the neighborhood for food and discovers his lover having sex with another dog. He doesn't confront them, he just turns away in disgust, leaves the woods, and begins to wander the neighborhood. He finds a doghouse in somebody's backyard and falls asleep in it. The next morning he wakes up to a kid prodding him. The kid's dog whom the doghouse belonged to was recently put down. He asks his mom if they can keep him and she says yes. Being a religious family they consider it a gift from god and they name him Adam. Adam the dog spends many years with this family, enjoying life as a regular domesticated dog with no responsibilities. One day the wife's husband returns home from jail. It's the stick-up man from the beginning. He comes home, recognizes the dog, grabs his gun from the bedroom, and starts firing it right there in the house, trying to kill the dog. The dog flees out of an open window but not before he catches a bullet in the leg. He hobbles his way to a vet, but it's too late. They decide the best thing to do is just to put him down. As the anesthesia takes hold of his body, he sees God. God sticks out his finger and touches Adam's paw. Adam wakes up the next morning as a beautiful man, gets out of bed, sits down at his desk, and begins writing the book you have in your hands right now: Song of Eternity.

>> No.7873121
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Erotic fiction based on the passion of Christ.
Erotic fiction starring Reinhard Heydrich and Hans-Joachim Marseille.
Confessions of a Mask : Uncensored

>> No.7873122

>a dude that wants to blow his brains out because his life is shit
>he decides to sell all his shit and travel the world with a shitload of drugs instead of killing himself
>he meets a cast of weird characters
>they go on a crazy drug binge that spans all of europe
>all kinds of crazy adventures ensue while our main character comments on and rants about modern society

Pretty much Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas accept modern and less good.

>> No.7873123

Delayed coming of age story in a fantasy setting where a guy with no direction in his life hardens the fuck up all Conan style while finding himself.

>> No.7873127


I need sleep

>> No.7873178

Fantasy hero taken POW and experimented on with mind altering substances.

>> No.7873333
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My politican views, and how I could improve my country.

A honest love story between a guy and a 10yo girl.

A long story (perhaps a poem) where a (6yo) little girl, daughter of fire, meets interesting people during a long journey, including a wolf inspired by my own pedophile desires. It will be full of allegories, social criticism, and lacks of morality.

>> No.7873336

Sounds fucking terrible

>> No.7873397

It's the story of a certain CIA agent before he gets on the plane that leads to his untimely demise.

>> No.7873478

Rewriting LOTR from smeagol's perspective, except it takes place in Africa and the ring is a precious diamond that needs to be delivered somewhere in africa.

>> No.7873508

Fucking Kek

>> No.7873584 [DELETED] 

A philosophical essay on the awareness of the motives and sonder(realization that individuals around you lead a life as rich and troubled as your own) of each individual person you come into contact with whether they slight you or aid you. Its to help people who have faced bullying,petty actions, and criminals or to give insight to people who have been shown charity. I'm going to try and cover both ends of the spectrum.

>> No.7873634
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Cats can understand humans but choose to ignore them.

Rest of the story is just a suburban-life story where cats are the main characters.

>> No.7873722

Vaporwave-infused geopolitical/existential tragicomedy detailing the rise and fall of Yung Vova, a Putin-idolizing trap rapper from St Petersburg (Florida) and his attempts to infiltrate the LA music industry as part of a somewhat dubious Kremlin psy-ops ploy. We get to meet his handler, a mescaline Eurasianist crackpot and disgraced former foreign policy adviserwho believes the scheme to be of crucial world historical importance, Sandr@,Transgender superstar and Vova's unrequited crush and Walter J. Donnegan III, milquetoast intelligence contractor who develops a sexual obsession with an F-35 figther jet

>> No.7873779
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 1457151661246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy graduates high school and goes to college. An old friend enrolls in the same college at the beginning of his junior year.

They are the genesis of a wide friend circle that lasts the next two years until one of the people in it is arrested in an undercover pedophile sting. Latent problems erupt and the friend group explodes within the following two weeks.

Based on my own experience but I am having trouble determining the focus on my own perspective versus the other people in the story.

>> No.7873790

literally cringed reading this tbqh lad

>> No.7873808


There is no way you've left your teenage years yet. I refuse to believe it.

>> No.7873815
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About a group of prisoners of diverse origin soon to be executed by Islamic militants.

It doesn't end happily.

>> No.7873842
File: 138 KB, 1280x566, city_ruins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starts out in a post-apocalyptic world for the first two chapter, until the third chapter when the main character wakes up in his house with a surreal feeling. He gets involved in something he's not supposed because he talk to some random chick who to him seemed pretty crazy. Then somewhere in the middle of the novel, it goes back to the post-apocalyptic world where he can barely remember anything. Only to be woken up again and dismiss it as some kind of nightmare. He protects the chick, but gets heavily wounded and wake up in the hospital and talks to the girl. In the end of the chapter it goes back to the post-apocalyptic world where the character finds a colorful picture in an otherwise grey world, with himself and a group of people.

I am kinda disappointing with myself to be honest, Its all in my head. And I want to write it, but I'm not good in english

>> No.7874969

If I could come up a premise, I would have started writing already.

>> No.7874990
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Don't give up on your dreams, anon.

>> No.7875008
File: 10 KB, 182x277, Iamacat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That already exists senpai

>> No.7875023

The main focus is to rely heavily on strawberries to draw inspiration from. I don't want to sound cocky, but it's going great.

>> No.7875121

Philip K Dick pls stop

>> No.7875124

Kys today

>> No.7875155

A sequence of coincidental circumstances leads to a terrible pun that causes a philosopher to reincarnate; this philosopher proceeds to be mocked for the rest of his new life.

>> No.7875170

A bitter teen documents his freshman year at college and having to live away from home in a windowless apartment. Ugly, unsuccessful, and failing his classes, he begins to lose contact with his parents. He makes plans for a school shooting but when he gets to the campus on the day he finds another school shooter. He kills the other guy in a shootout. He's lauded as a hero and must navigate his new fame.

>> No.7875183 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 535x745, PAPIER-MACHE_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My story is about the death drive of an individual; a life that is destroyed by a self-destructive urge. It is also a pedophilic love story and a criticism of the worthlessness of generation Y.

>> No.7875202

I like this

>> No.7875225

A retired policeman is called to investigate on a disaster that killed many people.

>> No.7875231

Please write it if hadn't already been done

>> No.7875267
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Yeah, yeah. I love you too.

Hey, anon. I'd be your friend irl.

>> No.7875294

ROWLING for ideas?

>i bet there are more.

>> No.7875360

A surreal story about a corgi lost in Denver as he tries to solve the mystery of why his balls are missing

>> No.7875367

these 2 teenagers have cancer and spend their last days fingerbanging and being kooky

>> No.7875370

A psycho-fan of a child movie star who gets lynched by the villagers rednecks

>> No.7875398

Hopefully it'll be based off your life anon

>> No.7875464

I wrote it in high school as a part of longer series of stories about sexuality in Middle East in various parts of history. My favourite part was about Palestinian boy who became suicide bomber because his Jewish lover left him for a girl and joined the army. The boy had a voice of Allah in his head who told him to write new Koran chapter on homosexual love. It was funny to imitate a holy book style writing about butt sex.

>> No.7875613
File: 76 KB, 440x660, 440px-Subudei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is a good idea. You shouldn't have posted this anon.
Falsified tips into the past
Could be interesting, maybe if you write it in the syntax of the last sentence of your first paragraph
Don't get discouraged by all of the responses anon, it could be good if the characters are good.
Are you going to have him talk to a guy with an elephant head?
Bush did 9/11
This actually sounds kind of cool. You're writing it as an allegory?
I think I've seen you mention this in threads before. Awful lot of talking you're doing instead of writing. Where's the rest of the story? It sounds like you only have a clear idea of the beginning. By that question I mean: how far have you gotten? It was not a request to post the rest of the plot.

>> No.7875640

A man who is accompanied by an imaginary troubadour who can only talk in rhymes and trains the MC to become a patrician.

>> No.7875684

fuck i really like this

i might borrow this idea :^)

>> No.7875687

Young squire tries to honor his family by killing tyrant of nearby town, finds help in an old hermit. Turns out hermit and tyrant were once Patroclus/Achilles bros, but they fought over a shared love, and when she choose the hermit, they went their own ways. Love ended up dying by robbers and when the hermit failed to save her, the tyrant decides that he will take it upon his self and protect the people he cares about, but over time his mind has degenerated and his rule has become more and more brutal.

>> No.7875856
File: 9 KB, 275x183, lololol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent YA material
What even
Would probably check it out honestly
Change it to detective or something. Seems unrealistic otherwise.
Dumb. It's cliched. Nice name though.

>> No.7875908

Fantasy comedy set in the dark ages, full of explanations of fantastical archetypes attributed to non-fictional reasons in a narrative written as a historical document. The whole thing is narrated by an arsehole armchair historian convinced that everyone wants to hear his life story - so he reflects upon events in the narrative with past experiences of humiliation and arrogance. Looking like it might get published actually, but there's a long way to go yet. The blurb starts with:

"The decline of the western Roman Empire is attributed to two things - the relative absence of historical source material in the aftermath, and the progressive demonisation of buggery. Set in a time during which Spain wasn't Spain, Portugal was only half Portugal, and the spread of Christianity owed it's success to the increasing popularity of the 18-30 holiday..."

>> No.7875932

>tfw I wrote an 80k novel
>tfw something kept bugging me about it
>tfw I eventually realized I'd pretty much re-written Harry Potter without the magic etc

>> No.7875973

A tribe of lolis living in an alternate reality hunt dinosaurs using powered exoskeletons.

>> No.7876009

would read

>> No.7876025

this desu

>> No.7876067

A future setting where when you're about to die you get sent into space. As you "drift" past the moon a set of massive analog televisions replay significant events from each year of your life. The story revolves around a girl named Echo, who know body particularly remembers, as she begins her drift. She is a solemn normal human that you can relate to. Happy at moments, sad at others. She goes through ups and downs throughout her life "stories" with much philosophical and retrospective wisdom as she views upon them. She wants to relive some moments and would love to alter or otherwise forget others. Towards the end she comes to a realization that all the goods and bads are in and of itself who she is and wouldn't change a thing in her life. They're to essential to her essence and being. She is happy that she was never known to many and overall accepts death as a welcoming conclusion to living knowing that she is exhausted.

Have had some re writes and huge changes to the original idea.

Was originally from the perspective of the televisions.
>that was over in less then 2 weeks of writing

Have been thinking about changing her name to some more human. (Maybe Rachael). Echo is a very ham fisted name for the story.

About 70 pages in. I would pay somebody to murder me so I can stop. I feel like I'm to deep in the whole.

Books name is "Drift"

>> No.7876071
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Replace "college student" with "middle-aged office worker," and this is a movie. It was't bad.

>> No.7876213

A fifteen year old is forced to stay at his grandpas house over the summer. There he starts noticing ookity spookity ghostly behavior. The MC struggles to define if what he is seeing is real or if he is schizo-ing out from his drug use/paranoia.

Always kind of felt like it would be a shortish story that never decided on an answer to what he saw.

>> No.7876231

Anon leads a happy life.

>> No.7876252

A historical novel about a young swedish guy in the 800s who goes on a voyage to Constantinople. When he gets there he gets involved in Byzantine palace politics and joins the Varangian guard under Basil the Macedonian.

>> No.7876327

Jesus, that's money in the bank.

>> No.7876346

But if I do that means I've basically started writing it.

>> No.7876386


>> No.7876390

You could decide through the process of writing

>> No.7876392

This could be really good if the characters are fleshed-out enough.

Make sure to open with a description of their situation and the main character breaking the fourth wall a la "So you're probably wondering HOW I ended up in this MESS!"

>> No.7876397



>> No.7876409

god damnit

thanks for saving me the effort at least.

>> No.7876497

Write it anyways

>> No.7876608

There is this character, and things happen to them. Some things happen because of them. But in the end, the book ends.

>> No.7876747

must read/10

>> No.7876826

An american and a british guy become friends while fighting in ww2, the first is what you could call a Clark Kent type, coming from nowhere, Kansas, the other is a mysterious type that seems very intellectual. The story is about their friendship and how the american discovers the british guy to be Gilgamesh, a five thousand year old sumerian demigod. Gilgamesh is in his own mission trying to recover a powerful artifact the Nazi have stolen from a cave, which, if activated, could bring civilization down. It's set in a very innocent, funny mood, with quips like a Marvel movie. It's essentially about male friendship.

>> No.7877004

An astronaut gets turned into an organic mech by 6" tall aliens who pilot him around when he gets back to Earth to observe people.

>> No.7877039

B-but... why?

>> No.7877044
File: 75 KB, 634x770, 1457310807027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6" tall aliens can't really just walk around having conversations. Also they'd look like bugs

>> No.7877076

I'm crying laughing so hard

>> No.7877085

better than anything DFW ever wrote

>> No.7877089

Sounds interesting. Why not write it in your native language?

>> No.7877095

Care to elaborate? Already wrote down like 50 pages of this shit. it's less broad satire and more like watching a metaphysical B-movie VHS on DXM and cheap Mexican weed, that's the feel I'm going for. the takeaway is that humanity is basically doomed and everyone has different ways to deal with it.

>> No.7877096

>Aaah gomen gomen.jpeg

>> No.7877106

This is great, even as it is right now, a genuinely good short story.

>> No.7877175

you aren't pynchon, regardless of how many wacky names and characters you can think of.

>> No.7877179

Thought it was gonna be starwars at first lmao

>> No.7877191

he prob said dont cause
>v a p o r w a v e

>> No.7877240

Monkey start evolving into humans and a new race appears

>> No.7877251

autobiographical account of my failed attempts to socialize in college

>> No.7877269

An English professor wakes up one day to find out that everyone in the entire planet has disappeared.