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7860831 No.7860831 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post the first line of your current writing project.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.7860846

In the tartan lilt of childhood I liked to spin between glass cases.

>> No.7860877

The rain relentless and the street was deserted and the stranger's hand was edging ever closer to my wife's breast.

>> No.7860936

The rain *was relentless

>> No.7860986

A dildo comes across the sky.

>> No.7860994

A blank page isn't scary, neither is a clear sky.

>> No.7861004

Woman has no penis, whatever.

>> No.7861011


>> No.7861048

Prebij se skozi zid
naj te dvignejo oblaki
posesaj rožo
posesaj vso kri
saj si le krater v kravati

>> No.7861050

"So I guess you're wondering how I got here?"

>> No.7861051

Those words feel like they should be in moon runes desu

>> No.7861059

Two figures stood in the middle of a seemingly endless grey desert.

>> No.7861062

record urself reading them, i wanna hear how much you'll butcher it

>> No.7861063

Zusammengesunken mit röchelndem Atem

>> No.7861089

Elle devrait sucer ma bit, I do think.

>> No.7861121

"What the fugg," says our protagonist.

>> No.7861129

Oil paintings of nude boys lined the walls of King Alexander's bed chamber. Directly across from his bed, the nude portrait of his son and heir, Prince Philip, occupied the place of honor. Prince Philip had posed for the portrait when he was 16 years old. In the portrait, he was reclining on his side in a rumpled bed with his head resting on his arm. He wore nothing but a pink rose behind his ear and a beguiling smile. There was an invitation in the boy's eyes and in his ample erect penis.

>> No.7861149

She had been a navigator once.

>> No.7861290

"but first, we need to rewind a little"

>> No.7861302

i'm hooked

>> No.7861361

Quand ta mère la pute est venue me sucer la queue telle une chienne en chaleur, j'ai failli jouir de la couille comme un bon gros porc plein de semence crémeuse à distribuer à sa truie laiteuse et chaude au point d'être en rûte. Cette vilaine chienasse pompait mon gland avec une aspiration extraordinaire, j'avais l'impression que mes couilles allaient sortir de mon scrotum pour sortir par mon urètre tellement cette vieille pute me suçait la queue ultra-fort. Vraiment, je crois que je n'ai jamais éjaculé avec une telle force que dans la gueule de ta mère.

>> No.7861453

The sound on my PC is broke, what does this say?

>> No.7861479

The sound of drums thundered across the theater as the cry of a thousand warriors.

>> No.7861481

Me detengo en el umbral de la puerta de la sala de reuniones del Hotel S para contemplar durante un instante el escenario: los vendedores, con poses que desprenden hastío, se sientan detrás de cajas de plástico o cartón llenas de vinilos apoyados sobre su canto y dispuestos uno detrás de otro, en espera de alguno de los diletantes que merodean por la sala y se detienen ocasionalmente ante alguno de los puestos (esta selección suele tener bastante de azaroso) para escoger, con celeridad entrenada, cinco o seis LPs, escudriñar sus fundas y estado y, eventualmente, elegir uno en concreto descartando los otros.

>> No.7861486

Something splashed in the toilet bowl.

>> No.7861501

"You're a big guy," he said, admiring the taut muscles which adorned the masked man's stout frame.

>> No.7861505

and but so she would become the social justice warrior.

>> No.7861517

Neither of the Grimes sisters would have a happy life.

>> No.7861807

When you find yourself inside of a malfunctioning Astro-Clippern smoke billowing out of the pilot's dashboard into your sensitive eyes, there are many things running through your mind.

>> No.7861828


>> No.7861844

"If you want to find your fortune, you need to come to Amerika." Vodka dribbled down the sailor's face, wind-burned.

>> No.7861845

After the third puch in his face there were no teeth left to be knocked out.

>> No.7861869

Somewhere along the banks of the Ohio River rests the rotting remnants of a homemade raft, abandoned to old age. Not abandoned to old age in the sense that the raft was old and needed to be replaced, although, that was true, too. Abandoned to old age because those who made the raft grew up and moved on.

>> No.7861919

I stared at the battered voilet cunt and it stared straight back. Gasping for air. Knowing it would forever be as restless as the strung out wench it belonged to.

>> No.7862077

"You shall become death, the destroyer of worlds"

>> No.7862105

His penis went into her penis. "Cool."

>> No.7862147

- Oh I bet you will like me - he smiled from underneath his tipped fedora - I'm nihlistic, intelligent and with a quite wicked sense of humor.

>> No.7862158

>Gasping for air
that was actually pretty vivid. i lost it.

>> No.7862165

It's better without the "was" imo

>> No.7862292


>> No.7862299

A crowd I suppose.

>> No.7862322

The plastic penis electric dildo wriggled in the shadow of the moonlit window, gasping amongst the puddle of blood like a fish out of water. He was dead.

>> No.7862341

Really good.

>> No.7862368

I am protected by filth. My desk is coated with ash, my floor is hidden underneath garbage, a wall of junk obscures my door, and sunlight no longer pierces my dusty windows.

>> No.7862389

i went to high school with charizard guy. i still see him driving around in my town sometimes. guy's 22 but he's looked exactly like that with the moustache and everything since 9th grade.

>> No.7862400

I am livid. Covered in effluence, cold, too weak to move. I feel my sister slide out beside me, silent, still. I turn my head around to see if it is possible to claw my way back into mother's torn cunt, when, with a mammoth grunt, she shits on my head.

>> No.7862415

I have known beauty

(yes the line's sappy but the rest of the thing explains it.)

(may or may not be a scene about gay rape)

>> No.7862444

Roger's first ten stories began to decohere.

>> No.7862456

It was there on that porch that I first saw it.

>> No.7862496

I disagree but I respect your opinion

>> No.7862528

Is he much younger? Does he like it? Does the grass he's being forced on oddly reminds him of this afternoon he and his single mother spent together in a park when he was 6? Does he doze off in nostalgia while someone pounds him on the ground?

>> No.7862554


>> No.7862603


>> No.7862630

"I have the girls grabbed, cornered with sugar on the floor four times"

>> No.7862672

What exactly do you mean by 'tartan'? What about the mentioned lilt of childhood is 'tartan'? I only know this term to mean the Scottish pattern, so I don't exactly see what you mean.

>> No.7862697

*record scratch*

>> No.7862836

She watches him.

>> No.7862881

Nothing is. A plane of existence apriori to all, heavy with submaterial substance.

>> No.7862891

it's good!

>> No.7862913 [DELETED] 

Ain't enough calories in pussy to sustain a grown mane [poverty food]

>> No.7863097

It was a dark and stormy night

>> No.7863251

Love is a harnessed satisfaction

>> No.7863264

Bincent, he told me his name was.

Tad contrived. Will probably change it in the future.

>> No.7863301

Some of these are very good.

>> No.7863304

We were both passengers on that train; we smiled at each other as that pretty never-ending country passed on by behind the window—and then there was no longer any need for windows, seats, train cars, or even any metaphors at all.

>> No.7863339

"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?"

>> No.7863426

Stouty, Plush Betty Megane came from the stairhead, bearing a belly well fed in which a full meal and desert lay consumed.

>> No.7863492

>first two but oh well

Anna was lost. She sat in the diner eating half a cheeseburger while John Denver played on the radio on the counter, a tinny, garbled rendition of 'Take Me Home, Country Roads' blaring out way too loudly for this side of midnight.

>> No.7863513

"I always felt like fictional immersion came way before the picture begins."
(Translated from French, maybe it doesn't mean anything idk. What is the best way to say "film" in english? Why do you have like 5 different words to say it?)

Is this a reference I didn't get? I actually think it's great.

lol, I like that one

Feels a bit "heavy" imo. Nice idea, but the execution is a bit poor imo.

>> No.7863627

These are my personal favorites. I'd love to see this stuff posted in the crit. threads.

>> No.7863634

Great (meme-worthy as you can see by the vocaroo guys)
I chafe at seemingly, but I don't know why. Apparently adverbs are bad. The image intrigues me, though.
The verb "pierces" strikes me as cliche. Reminds me of Notes from Underground.

>> No.7863675

I remember fondly my time as a wakashū: leaving my peasant family at age eleven to live within the majestic confines of Edo castle; realising my dreams of learning the ways of the samurai; but more vividly, I remember the ways of honour and love taught to me by my mentor, my nenja, the man who would become Tokugawa Ieyasu.

>> No.7863692
File: 328 KB, 600x750, 1458869026226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was elected to scout over the hill. They never spoke a word on their journey, but the implication was all the same.

>> No.7863735

Against the backdrop of a disgustingly defined sea of concrete marches a wayward soul, bound to the earth by only blood.

>> No.7863827

The breath of the bellows blew the sooty air through the blackness and filled my lungs with a heavy and hot smoke that doubled me over coughing as the contractor waited ahead to continue.

>> No.7863837

Just listened to these and although you both missed out the 'was' which I forgot to add first time, I liked the passion with which you read it and either one of you has a guaranteed job as audiobook narrator when I inevitably sell a million copies and gain some popularity.

Unfortunately that might be a while yet because I've only written this line and am unsure where to go from here.

>> No.7863840


>> No.7863952

It's nights like this I hate my job, the pounding rain on my skin, cold catching in my lungs, a typical Chicago winter night.

>> No.7864045

One Yunogram capsule and I'm a sweltering karma bullet for radial bystanders.

>> No.7864063

Kultur in einer landwirtschaftlich orientierten Dorfgemeinde mit Fokus auf Wechselwirkungen zwischen Machtverhältnissen zwischen den Menschen und zwischen Mensch und Natur

>> No.7864093

Truly awful. "I don't do drugs but like to write about them because they're cool."

Too many descriptors, too long of a sentence.

Alright, though I'm not really hooked

Lot of fluff here. Could really do without "a backdrop of." "Disgustingly defined" is meaningless for the purpose of setting the scene.

Weeaboo shit, also you misuse a semicolon.

>> No.7864122

Wherever and however we look, by whatever metric we choose, by quality or quantity we are sure today that it is all memes—complex, free-floating structures of self-replicating, reconfigurable affects and ideas—all memes, all the way down.

>> No.7864137


>> No.7864219

"So maybe I’m no king of the urban jungle, no president of street smarts, no emperor of the concrete whatever, but in my line of work I ride the waves of the internet, fly the highways of the fiber optics, I’m a zephyr across the deserts of cyberspace, mkay, and the open vistas of the world wide web are my red river valleys, my high-rise plots, my open market, my killing fields."


disposable and sophomoric

>> No.7864232
File: 2.46 MB, 3016x3929, 1455453547137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the title?

>> No.7864239

damn, my tongue like this.

>> No.7864248

shit nigga i liked this one

>> No.7864255

A screathing jumps across the sky

>> No.7864267 [DELETED] 

i like to go pee pee

>> No.7864276

His gaze was set upon, the horizon ; iron and salt, sting of the sun and the knight had wished the winds would carry his prayers.

>> No.7864277

>writing in present tense

>> No.7864285

>"elegir uno en concreto, descartando los otros"
Goddamn, the first sentence was enough, don't add stuff just to get your word count.

>> No.7864290

>Getting all teeth out with three punches.

Unless this guy was already missing a lot of his teeth, this is nonsense.

>> No.7864302

I loved you, you fucking cunt.

>> No.7864328

A troubled cure for a troubled mind.

>> No.7864389

I was only nine-years-old, i loved shrek so much.

>> No.7864595

Did you take this from a Nick Drake lyric?

>> No.7864616

Yeah, my previous title was shit and I'd been trying to come up with a new one for a while, and then I heard this when listening to Drake and realised it's got a nice sound to it, and it's pretty closely aligned to some of my ideas for themes.

>> No.7864846

In some traditional cultures, it is believed that the self-talk children engage in is a symptom of possession. Of course this is untrue: it is perfectly natural for children to talk to themselves. It aids them in self-regulation, it allows them to practice communication, and overall it is a healthy mechanism that signals normal development. Most people outgrow their verbalized self-talk for the most part, relegating it to thoughts, or murmurs.

>> No.7864862

Resumelo en 10 palabras porfa. Me molesta eso de la literatura latinoamericana, a nadie le importa el nombre de la calle, de la plaza, de la señora Martita que vende historietas en la esquina, o tu cafe favorito. Expresen ideas, no escenarios csm.

>> No.7864928


>> No.7865514

>I chafe at seemingly, but I don't know why. Apparently adverbs are bad. The image intrigues me, though.
You want to read the rest of it?

>> No.7865926

I knew of a marionette; she is petrified, she is quixotic, her legs lay cross, with her face covered by her hands.

>> No.7865977

American-Palestinian, but how did you deduce Finnish?

>> No.7865994

Coming up on my fourth and most eventful of the sort, I was struck by the peculiar geographic arrangement of audiences on opening nights in Egyptian theatres as contrasted with what I knew of their foreign counterparts.

>> No.7865998


It says a lot about this board that I want to ask you which of the two guys writing novels with electronic dildo antagonists you are.

>> No.7866025


bretty güd anon. knock out the "president of street smarts" + replace with something else in the same vein and you'll be ready for sentence 2. king and emperor both imply complete dominion while president is a little more bureaucratic.

>> No.7866031


Quixotic is an earned word. Dropping it in the first sentence almost always signals an unhealthy desire to impress.

>> No.7866100

“You ever hit someone with a dog?” Em asked, taking her ball cap off and scratching her scalp.

I'm thinking this will come later in the story, but it's the line I wrote first.

>> No.7866117

Rodandundundantnych redododendronów,

>> No.7866167

"If I convinced them I'm gay will they let me in for free?"

>> No.7866217

pick a tense

>> No.7866335

Thanks. Writing the whole thing to be both pleasing to the mind and tongue is hard as hell

>> No.7866356

X looked out toward the street, her t shirt doing nothing to shield the cold air coming from the open window. She looked beyond past the boxy cars, the angry people, and the winged-rats perched on telephone poles.

>> No.7866373

Alot of you guys are trying to do way too much with the opening sentence. Like, I realize we are all trying to impress our /lit/ buddies, but it's still no excuse for ham handing it.

>> No.7866396

probably go with the word "movie" for a more casual setting.

>> No.7866399

Personal taste, I don't like having adjectives at the end like that. "the sailor's wind-burned face" just feels better to me. But in context, it could work depending on your style.

>> No.7866404

"I don't think I've ever seen my parents have a meaningful conversation with each other."

Considering using that line to open a play/screenplay as well.

>> No.7866410

movie if its a low-culture theme
film- if its more of an art/high culture thing
picture- if it takes place before 1970
cinema/movie theatre - where its being watched

>> No.7866414

The british might still say picture

Are you around ceit? Can you answer this?

>> No.7866432

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles, an interminable notion that has influenced works of literature in similar directions

>> No.7866466

He could feel it picking away through the back of his skull, working its way through his skin and hair, around the top of his head until it rested over his eyes, blindfolding him.

>> No.7866474

in my experience as a British person, one might "go to the pictures", but if you referred to a film as a picture outside of that context you might confuse people

>> No.7866476


>> No.7866482


>> No.7866489
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I like it.

>> No.7866491

I'm assuming line isn't synonymous with sentence.

There’s a dull glow on my face and I’m reading. Her correspondents are:

>> No.7866522

Skip the first 3 pages of chapter 1 as it was written three words at a time by me and a few buddies to set the story up initially. It will be changed later.

Also this is supposed to be YA

>> No.7866972



MMMMMM *sniff*


What does /lit/ think of this?

>> No.7867004

No matter how hard I stare, the wall doesn't move.

>> No.7867111

The year is 2100. The world is hot.

>> No.7867155

"Get out of the pool, Tyrone."

>> No.7867252

I see that you take inspiration from Pynchon. Needs a little work though. Could be good.

>> No.7867267

The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait was the spark that lit the War on Terror.

>> No.7867310



*bite, I got you bro






is this a research paper

sup leo

try "ignited"

>> No.7867378


Would eating turds straight from a butt while imagining said turds to be negro cocks be good enough?

>> No.7867406

Well you would still have to work on your prose, but it could help flesh out your plot.

>> No.7867454

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men."

>> No.7867489


Lmao fuckin gay

>> No.7867530

Pounding rain, it's all I can hear. There seems to be a dull noise there, maybe not? The constant downpour, I have to focus, but my head won't stop aching. How long has it been? My ears are ringing.

I'm a shit writer.

>> No.7867586


It was the fact that was patently obvious to those well versed in statesmanship that, if the presiding equation of humanity continued at a constant, Earth would be rendered uninhabitable, proxy wars would spin into conflicts of astronomical destruction, and all in all the sheer incompatibility of the world’s people would transgress the container known as political borders.

>> No.7867608

The shopkeeper wouldn't kill anyone. Everybody knew that.

>> No.7867620
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/pol/ plz go

>Also work on your fucking syntax, half the words in there scream "8th grader that just learnt what polysyllabic means". It's your opening, make it more succinct.

>> No.7867626
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1364468289887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7867639


>> No.7867644

A horrible start to an even worse book that I'll never finish because I can't write worth a damn.

>> No.7867704

Es de mierda pero al menos puedo entenderlo :)

>Escribiendo en el presente
Tanto asqueroso en español como en inglés, temo notar. Aconsejo que te suicide mi chorizo.

>> No.7867775

Jason lit a cigarette.

>> No.7867779

My favourite flower is the forget-me-please.

>> No.7867784

I get the impression from reading this that you're trying too hard to create a certain style, rather than writing what you really feel and want to write.

>> No.7867799

this one is probably the only one in the thread that seems somewhat legitimate/serious and publishable

i'm not kidding

>> No.7867800

actually I read it again and it's fuckin brilliant, so much weight already

>> No.7867806

why not
>passengers on 'a' train
>as 'the' never ending-country

why that in both instances?

>> No.7867816

I think if you took out the first sentence and reworded "this side of midnight" it'd be much less melodramatic. unless you're going for a noir-like feel or something akin.

>> No.7867842

"Cuando los seres humanos dejaron de soñar nadie lo admitió."

Not a fan of long descriptions-lines. I prefer to be concise and direct, leaving long-ass lines for very specific moments, when I really need'em.

>> No.7867851

A man walked alone in the hot desert sun, slowly baking underneath it. For miles around him, there was nothing but golden sands that rose and fell almost like waves.

I'm trying to write a book and this is the first line of the first chapter.

>> No.7867882

It's just clichés, sorry bro.

>> No.7867885

Those two sentences contain more than one cliche? Which ones?

>> No.7867896

I suppose you could argue it's just one, long cliché but here:
>A man walked alone
>in the hot desert sun,
>slowly baking underneath it.
>golden sands that rose and fell almost like waves.
With the exception of the last one you might get away with them if they were in sentences about something else, but put them together and it's just not good. Find another way to describe all that without doing so. Maybe something about how the long thin line of tracks made by one pair of feet are being slowly erased by the minute winds, or will be erased in a sandstorm soon. Just spitballing here, but try to find a novel and interesting way of approaching it.

>> No.7867908

Well that's just part of the first paragraph, not the whole "Thought"

>> No.7867912

It's your book, do what you like but keep in mind how important the first line of a book is.

>> No.7867924

>omnipotent jab
>Carnivirous left hook followed by an abominable uppercut

Follow this strikeset to crush any opponent's teeth into dust.

>> No.7867946

Your time in the den of crustaceans has endeared you to none around these parts, young Bryce. If needs must, you may take shelter in Old Quincy's pig farm, but if it is not pressing, you'd do very best to leave the village without delay.

>> No.7867947

Have to agree with >>7862496, omitting was for one subject and not another looks odd.
Also consider revising that second statement
"...and the street was deserted..." if you get off by getting cucked why would you let your attention be so divided? You can hear the rain, especially a torrential downpour as described, which is fine, but either you're looking outside the window to the street or at your wife's titty, so which is it?

>> No.7867952
File: 80 KB, 600x600, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASCREAMING COMES ACROSS THE SKY. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to no.

>> No.7867956

A silent gust of wind howls across the road, carrying with it a brown paper bag. "Ernest!" an old lady is heard yelling from her kitchen, "We're out whiskey".

>> No.7867963

Fade in:

(It's a screenplay)

>> No.7868714


>> No.7868725
File: 73 KB, 610x834, 1433247239540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was on the morning of my twenty-third birthday that I discovered—a scene lit, it seems to me from posterity’s vantage, by some ineffable quality of the dramatic, a delicious caprice of irony, such as one encounters in comic operas or Greek tragedies—an unknown shadow of a man rutting away at my intended in a manner that recalled (with a certain je ne sais quoi) Pasiphaë and the Bull of Crete.

>> No.7868730

This guy went to college.

>> No.7868737

A letter was pushed beneath the door while Isaac slept.

>> No.7868780

The old man had fled on feet blackened by ash to a place where he knew he could die in safety.

>> No.7868782

Growing heavy, a black egg falls from the branch of a fig tree, nestles into the earth, and awaits the drink of life.

>> No.7868794

These guys know about the name thing.

>> No.7868814


This sounds to me like you're trying way too hard.

>> No.7868815 [DELETED] 

He looked like Morrissey. Tall, curly or wavy-haired, buttoned-up undershirt highlighted by a trendy leather get up, wearing shades so often they might as well have been fused over his eyes. Jewish Dave Grohl, maybe, noticing her — the young girl with glasses in a Lacoste knock-off — jamming along to the industrial whatever she was blasting out of her whatever phone to show off that she was in whatever crowd. Right across from each other, the world speeding past them outside the glass windows on either side.

>> No.7868818

It's inspired by Romanticism and Gothic stories and set in the 1820s, the writing style is supposed to be adorned

>> No.7868822


I don't have a critique on your first line on account of the fact that I can't speak spanish... But I agree with your sentiment on stretched out, meandering opening lines. A sharp, intriguing first line is, in my opinion, the best.

Granted, I've yet to perfect that to any degree...

>> No.7868827


Sounds like the opener to a John Green novel, or some sort of YA romantic thing.

Though, it's not bad. Just kinda meh.

>> No.7868835


This is so-so. Provides a clear image but is kinda void of any hook. I'd expect to see this kind of line on, like, chapter two of whatever story this is part of.

>> No.7868836

op said first line you fucking prick
hang yourself cunt
and your writing is shit

>> No.7868837

He tenderly placed his lit cigarette into the tramp's coffee-stained change cup.

>> No.7868840


Well you've nailed it then. Knowing this and reading your line again, it feels much more appropriate. Opulent.

>> No.7868867

Red and white - the Tyrant's blood on the floor - lit by a false sun.

>> No.7868883
File: 104 KB, 725x589, ivan the terrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this has a lot of potential, but I'm not very impressed by the sentence structure.

Makes me think of this image, even though it's the tyrant's son whose blood stains the floor.

>> No.7868884

The more I think about it, the more I realise that when one thinks about a concept for long enough, he is bound to arrive at the wrong conclusion.

>> No.7868900

Yea I feel like the hyphens may be too much, but before that it was commas. Maybe beef up the midsection a bit too.

>> No.7868931

no él pero es obvio q no sos hispanoparlante nativo tampoco

eso o sos chicano saltamuros en los EEUU :^)

suicídate boludo

>> No.7868935

>no él
venga, hombre...

>> No.7868940

Don't go overboard on any beefing up. I think the ingredients are all there, just gotta make the recipe look good.

>> No.7868944

en serio wey :)

>> No.7868984

Rate this pls

>> No.7868993

Seemingly is bad. Fix that and you have a start

>> No.7869001

You need to ease me into this, im immediately repulsed otherwise. Also the pacing of your sentences are too stop starty, choked. Fix dat

>> No.7869006

The man sighs as the lights flicker across his face.

>> No.7869007

This is good maybe cliche because of the thundering drums, but still good.

>> No.7869009

Actually good although I have a feeling you made this up right now.

>> No.7869078

Oscar snatched Tyler's beer out his unsuspecting hand.
"Is Lithium," Oscar said, his face stuck in an uncontrollable smile.

Not even close to the first line, but the first one I have written.

>> No.7869109

Tears mingled with cum dripped from her cheeks and chin, what would Jason do?

>> No.7869121

A screaming comes across the sky.

>> No.7869164

What I learnt today was: deserts, rain, and things being lit are all to common story tropes.

>> No.7869171



>> No.7869178

>Things being lit
>is on lit
Can you see the problem here?

>> No.7869200

Someone correct my mistakes and rate
>I was sad

I sat rest in my place of slumber which was now a windowed coffin. I noticed the clouds outside cried rivers as the stains on the wall glared at me with empathy along with the darkness that loomed the room that accompanied the utter silence. I stood on the Devil's pedestal and stared at the forbidden knot my very hands forged and decorated around the razors on the ceiling. Letting Death's serpent wrap round my neck, I reflected on my past goals that I pathetically failed to fulfil. My lungs took a large dose of life as they prepared for my subconscious to euthanise me into sleep for the final time.

>> No.7869230
File: 519 KB, 639x557, ^92BE06F25B6A9FE93E02C9F98182492B2DDEF413FE703910D7^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw im an 'offender' but idgaf since its all about the sound

>> No.7869231


>> No.7869301

"The end."

I start at the end as a gimmick.

>> No.7869308

Jeremy already did that

>> No.7869345

Something is wrong.

>> No.7869358

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.

>> No.7869362

Confusing, clumsy, over done. Tenderly sucks by the way. Not a good beginning, this might work further in the piece

>> No.7869364

See what man fails to see beyond the shut gates of night breaks, sudden stops of time-shattering sleep: seven days do not a week make.

>> No.7869446

Seems like the second line and is a little tongue twisty, i like what you're going for though

>> No.7869465


>> No.7869472

Mariano peered through the stained glass.

>> No.7869689

perfect harry-potter-core

>> No.7869693

tenderly is complete ass
'he placed his lit cig' is way more interesting/capturing

>> No.7869702

I didn't wanna say gently dropped because he deliberately and carefully puts the cigarette in the cup as opposed to haphazardly flicking it in
When I thought of the scene it made me laugh. What's confusing about it?

>> No.7869713

What's a better word then? He didn't just drop it in the cup, he deliberately and carefully put it in as if he was doing it with love in his heart

>> No.7869720

>he deliberately and carefully put it in as if he was doing it with love in his heart
Just use this instead of tenderly.

>> No.7869723

And at that moment, it was as though I truly could sense life; I saw angels in the sky and smelled their heavenly perfume as they pooped a perfect array of ball-shaped turds, as if they were goats come up from hell to call me names and exclude me from their social goat-cliques.

>> No.7869726

don't need an adjective for it. you can qualify the action in the next sentence. you don't need to describe the action and everything all at once.

>> No.7869738

True. I like that idea. Cheers.
How would I qualify it if he did it for no rhyme or reason? He's just a dick

>> No.7869749

'Placed' already implies putting something down with more prescision/care than normal anyway. Placing something is a considered act.

You don't need an extra word because that would be overdoing.

>> No.7869789

I guess so. It just seems like such a dull word

>> No.7869792

Forget Cataline and Coriolanus, the role of art is to serve the state - change minds - no; build on prejudice.

>> No.7869806

I don't think they were being that though.

>> No.7869812


>He's my commander in chief, my god and my all. He is prone to all things mathematics. And he is adored by me. Who am I? Pathetic and shallow woman, who tries too hard to fake an identity who isn't mine. I, who doesn't know true life, will never be worthy of this man.

Do you like it /lit? Love me please.

>> No.7869849

Forget Cataline and Coriolanus, the role of art is to serve the state - change minds - no; build on prejudice. Poetic justice is just rhyme.

It don't work without the second sentance

>> No.7869864

>" "
Thats my first line, i've not started, not yet.

>> No.7869865

nobody cares

>> No.7869871

Suspended in the cold, the speck of ancient dust sat alone. If anyone cared to look upon the tiny fragment they’d see it as nothing more than some indiscriminate whiff of fiber. Common airborne filth, unremarkable in every aspect, but not tonight.

>> No.7869876

And the other one...

Warming the landscape and awakening a new day, gentle sun rays tenderly crept over the low grassy windswept hills east of the sea shore. In an old oak, dawn brushed the upper most branches before slowly trickling downward in its quest to warm away last night’s shadow. Midway down the trunk they found two closed eyes and Chantal awoke.

>> No.7869877

The first line of my story is complete shit for whatever comes after. Needs to be fixed.

>The autumn sun streamed through my kitchen window that morning, gleaming on the blackened patches of skin on my arms where ink lay.

>> No.7869884

I think I would have said "And I adore him". Or if you're going with the "he is", perhaps "And he is the object of my affection." Just sounds better.

>> No.7869920
File: 205 KB, 500x500, CnEtYaS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all have to perfect that, anon. Just keep it with the good works and improve.

>> No.7870061

As I accelerate away from the hive orbital, the undervoice whispers, "Urqulon awaits you."

>> No.7870080




>> No.7870081

Thanks to all my friends again,

>> No.7870082



>> No.7870103

The fetid air of revolt is wafting through the manors of our good lords and ladies.

>> No.7870106

Descending over the San Gabriel mountains into LAX, Los Angeles, the gray rolling neighborhoods unfurling into the distant pillars of downtown leaping out of its famous smog, one can easily see the fortress narrative that Mike Davis argues for in City of Quartz.

>> No.7870112

Jonathan Granger was in many ways the ideal man: handsome, educated, witty - and of course he hated the muslims.

>> No.7870118

"Muslims" should be capitalized.

>> No.7870166

I like it


Digging the clinical scholarly cover that already betrays bias.

Burning gold, tossed around like sea spray. It cuts at the face and eyes. Lost in miles of it, a man walks under the desert sun.

Do anything different than what you did. Sounds cliché and forgettable

>> No.7870185

The man was alone. Surrounded by an endless sea of sand, and yet off on the horizon he saw dawn breaking under black storm clouds. It would be rain there. Night still here but soon only more punishing under mans most primitive God. He didn't spit. He moved on.

>> No.7870187

Atop the hospice there are adobe scrags and leaves like Apache Tears whose symmetry is lost to the patients. But to Chloe they are a continuance of plant reincarnation and bear the eld of leaves past and erstwhile wilted. Leaves do not die, they wilt.

>> No.7870198

The farmer took a handful of dead earth from his ruined field, weighed it in his hand, then let it slide between his fingers like water. "The Negroes did this to our land," he said quietly to his son.

>> No.7870202

I wouldn't capitalise the word vermin so why would I capitalise a synonym?

>> No.7870203

A guy woke up and was a cockroach.

>> No.7870215

"Heh," muttered Zack as he slowly unsheathed the broadsword hidden beneath his trenchcoat, "I don't think you'll be calling me 'gayboy' for much longer. It's a bit hard to do when you don't have a tongue, you know."

>> No.7870287


>ITT: /pol/ writes a book

>> No.7870288

After Ebola went airborne and drug resistant, Sub Saharan Africa was population free. After 7 years, blacks form America and England were offered the oil rich land of Nigeria and the diamond rich land of South Africa if they wished to re-settle in their ancestral homeland.

The white English and Americans chose the fertile plains of Rhodesia to call their own.

>> No.7870410
File: 301 KB, 906x829, Fetch Underwood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I hit the ground running."
Standalone, perhaps, not much, but it flows well with the rest of paragraph. The opening is punchy to grab attention; the book cools down afterwards. Any fans of war and action novels?

>> No.7870447

Julio’s looking at tits again on the shop computer; Marshall shoulders it off with a casual chuckle, and we all eat lunch together.

>> No.7870455

Huddled in the corner of the ring, Donovan’s hands covered his swollen face, his eyes burning from the steady stream of sweat pouring into them.

>> No.7870457

This is great. But you better be backing this up with some good shit. Dont one line me bro

>> No.7870458

Where did I go? All those images of me—shotgun craters on my floor. The first: a sunny day out in corn. The green stalks slapping at my shins as the shouts of dogs and men careen through the repeating foliage. A warm rucksack tucked beneath my arm. Dad in my thoughts.

>> No.7870462

Too many words, actually good intro though. Cut some words, then cut some more

>> No.7870463

check me out, breh.

>> No.7870469

Ignore this guy: >>7870462

>> No.7870472

In this book I will be explaining why Nabokov is a cunt.

>> No.7870478

Title is actually Cuck Chronicles

>> No.7870489

Very interesting style lad

>> No.7870491

Thank you both.

>> No.7870495

Maman died today.

>> No.7870497

This is hilarious, would definitely keep reading. Just two things that are just my opinion of course: I dont think you need to say that the school comment is dark (its pretty obvious and would be funny if the narrator just kind of ignores it) and the white male narcissist line is kind of beating the drum. Good shit though forreal

>> No.7870514

Hey, thanks. If you really love it and would like to see more, you can sign up to get emails when we post new content and share with your friends. Sorry to whore myself out; I guess that's just how the internet works.

>> No.7870678

By the end of the first month most people stopped noticing the red lights.

>> No.7870845 [DELETED] 

A guy begrudgingly working for another dude while fucking his wife. Meanwhile the place where they stay is crumbling from the inside out.

>> No.7870860

The night was thick with the stench of fresh birdfly cocoons surrounding the channel.

>> No.7871095

De las agora tan sabidas y notorias hazañas de hidalgos y caballeros, si bien a las personas tales —y destaca dellas aquel seglar y devoto Padre Fray Andrés de Urdaneta, de la orden de Sant Agustín, a cuyo cargo Felipe Segundo tuvo pedir que de famosa expedición cometida a Luis de Velasco, por dos galeones, conforme a la instrucción a la par encomendada por ser su fama sabida de abonado y buen navegador dese buen virrey, acompañase como ayudante el cosmógrafo, tanto para tocar la dicha navegación al descubrimiento de anónimas islas al oriente de los Molucos, como para el servicio de Dios Nuestro Señor y del Rey, «pues de gran efecto aquesto fuese»,— cosa fingida era que abaxar las carezas, con el fin de alcanzar buena ánima y contento, diese mayor verdad de sus empresas que la fama, más embelecida y suprema, empero no falta de agreza, no ay como fue la de Samborino del descaezido Tallo, por más pecho que aquél hijo de Neptuno puso en preterir de androminia el asunto, pues se dio a la tarea la literatura de por dar al través de su esfuerzo, tanto que se convirtió en saloma la abominada —ciertamente que por él— historia, que de su folla tan muy poco alarde hizo. Imaginaros quán mala fortuna de aquél mareante, que bandeó por saltar de la sartén precisamente para caer en las brasas; es decir, que por huir de Cila dio, naturalmente, en Caribdis.

>> No.7871107

The bruise on the the half-breed's eye was beginning to heal.

>> No.7871116

import java.io.*;

>> No.7871123

The moon was bright as i started following him. It could've chosen to follow anyone that night. But, he looked so average.

>> No.7871135

I had just given her $65 dollars for her Jackson Pollock themed nail polish job, and the worst part about is that i've yet to tell her that i'm gay.

>> No.7871225


I want to write fiction that sounds like a pop-psych book. In this case, mis/leading the reader to a certain conclusion is intentional.

>> No.7871231

The young man had now not left his apartment (...)

>> No.7871256

I have always been aware of my individual teeth.

>> No.7871272

Kind of a little gypsy came to my house, a few months ago.

>> No.7871369

It was all a dream.

>> No.7871475

I'm sitting in a chair at an office, surrounded by people. I'm sitting straight. it's cold and the walls are made of wood. There's an old-ass rifle at the wall, right next to the two windows through which the sun passes. A while ago, my uncle, Charles, Mr. deLint and I arrived at the reception area right outside this room, but for some reason they wouldn't let us in until late.

As I said already, I'm in this room. If you really need to know where it is, it's in University Administration.

>> No.7871482

I used to read Word Up! magazine.

>> No.7871484

Pretty awful. Reads like some navel gazing MFA project that tries extremely hard to convince the reader that its writer is very clever.

>> No.7871485


>> No.7871488

Salt and pepper and heavy D up in the limousine.

>> No.7871490


You get it :^)

>> No.7871493

Stopped reading there. I won't listen to a manchild narrate an entire book.

>> No.7871495

Hanging pictures on my wall

>> No.7871497

Every Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley Marl.

>> No.7871500

Is it supposed to be Holden Caulfield doing Infinite Jest?

>> No.7871506

Now I'm in the limelight 'cause I rhyme tight

>> No.7871510


>> No.7871511


I'm sitting in a chair at an office, surrounded by phonies. I'm sitting straight. it's cold as shit and the walls are made of wood. There's an old-ass rifle at the wall, right next to the two windows through which the sun passes. A while ago, my uncle Charles, Mr. deLint and I arrived at the reception area right outside this room, but for some dumb reason they wouldn't let us in until late.

As I said already, I'm in this room. If you REALLY need to know where it is, it's in University Administration.

>> No.7871514

Time to get paid, blow up like The world trade.
End yourself, friend.

>> No.7871528

I opened a window with my dextrous, clawless digits, my bipedalism permitting me easy access to its handle.

>> No.7871529

>using caps as highlights
Wew lad

>> No.7871531


Go on

>> No.7871540

My 7-foot katana wagged at my side. "Teleport no jutsu," I whispered, making the hand seals lightning fast. I materialized behind my enemy. "Heh... Nothing personnel, kid."

>> No.7871552

It became clear during the first few minutes of 2016 that the world wasn’t ending, so I got myself banned from 4chan by posting naked pictures of a 13 year old anime robot pilot on a blue board and turned my computer off with a hammer.

>> No.7871564

From his rented pleather couch, scented and scorched by cheap cigarettes he saw the world.

>> No.7871575

My dull, social blue eyes surveyed my domain. "Hey Bob," I broughed, baring my rectangular white teeth in a display of supplication. The other human looked up at me, the top of his furless cranium gleaming in the sunlight. "Steve," he replied, indicating he recognized me.

>> No.7871579

It's okay. Not bad.

>> No.7871583

Sorry, that wasn't the latest draft. The first paragraph goes as follows

>It became clear during the first few minutes of 2016 that the world wasn’t ending, so I got myself banned from 4chan by posting pornographic pictures of a 13 year old anime robot pilot on a blue board and turned my computer off with a hammer. I had been let down by the Apocalypse once again. When I was nine years old my father had told me about how the Y2K virus was going to shut off all the electronics in the world and our family would live close to nature in an idealic agrarian existence while the wicked people in the cities burned. 15 years later I think I finally understood my father’s subsequent depression when normal life continued its unbearable march.
>2015 was supposed to be my year, living wickedly in The City That Never Sleeps With You and crowned by the world ending Third Impact on New Year’s, in which all of mankind’s souls would be collected by God and merged into a giant Origin-esqe gestalt being. Instead I was sitting alone in my apartment smoking crack.

>> No.7871602

"I enjoyed the match last night," I said, referring to a violent battle we had viewed from a distance on our teevees, magical sight and sound transmitting devices powered by lightning and crystals. "The New York Mets, our favored team, was by far the dominant side in the conflict."

"Agreed," said Bob, baring his teeth. Mine were no longer bared as this gesture usually lasts for only a few seconds. "Their mindless cooperative behavior and merciless treatment of outgroup members is an important representation of our values. Yet did you notice? They did not kill the opposing team after defeating them. Why?"

"That is simple," I said sapiently. "We do not kill each other because we value the increased access to resources allowing one another to live creates. Little do we know this is unsustainable in the long term."

>> No.7871638

9/11 pretty good

>> No.7872015

My protagonist doesn't get off on being cucked, he has simply found out about his wife's affair and this is the first time he actually sees that his suspicions are correct. He had been waiting in his car down the road for them to come out of the hotel, so I think it's fair to say that he is aware that the street is deserted.

>> No.7872026

>First three, for context.

He would have to take the bus. To make it on time. He was under no obligation to get in early, the slashed tires of his Honda Accord wouldn’t fix themselves.

>> No.7872031


I also read 120 days of Sodom.

>> No.7872034

Lel I thought your writing Is Great. But you just forgot the was so Its quit Bad desu

>> No.7872045

I love you all
But that's not the next line matey

>> No.7872056

Like always, she passed by the window the moment I took my usual seat on the train.

>> No.7872086

A homeless man walked out into the street carrying a severed hog's head and decreeing: "No God! No God!" At least he was college educated.

>> No.7872118

In the last moments of every day, the boy took the time to set up his tent around the coffin.

>> No.7872655

"Memes here! Get your memes here!" called the memeboy, moving briskly between passersby at DuPont Circle, "I've got piping hot Pepes here, fresh off the chans!"

"Memeboy! Memeboy!" yelled a young heavyset man from across the platform, waving his thick hand violently. He was squat and dressed entirely in loose black cotton clothing, with a rich and curly brown neckbeard draped beneath chin. "Memeboy, I will take twenty of your finest 'Poo in the Loo's."

>> No.7872675


I hope you a writing a novel that takes place in an alternate universe (or the future here) where memetic culture has permeated the entirety of society, and 4chan's values are the core for the leading political party, some alt-right system.

Damn, I should write that... Don't think I'm talented enough though.

>> No.7872784

It is undeniable that mistakes were made.

>> No.7872785


>> No.7873271

It was clear to me that someone had to finish what Hitler had started.