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7858659 No.7858659 [Reply] [Original]

HARD MODE: You can't use the "for sale: baby shoes, never worn" one.

>> No.7858665

Baby shoes for sale, I wore them twice.

>> No.7858672

For sale, baby shoes, worn thrice.

>> No.7858673
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Foreskin: baby worn, for sale.

>> No.7858678


>> No.7858686

tfw no gf

>> No.7858700

For sail, baby rigging, YARRRRRR.

>> No.7858706

Is it still suicide if i'm killing myself slowly?

>> No.7858723

My life is devoid of love, friendship, and conversation.

>> No.7858728

The bright star Wormwood fell from the sky, and made the waters bitter.

>> No.7858732

For sale: baby shoes; they don't fit

>> No.7858737

Chuck Norris is just a disgusting faggomrkvnmsklngjlsrngjlsngjlsn mvsnd gm gs blçaf vlçr bj

>> No.7858759

I hope you get cemented into the sidewalk in a freak construction accident so I never have to read another post from you ever again

>> No.7858770

Went to the store and bought some bullets for myself only to find out that they were blanks.

>> No.7858774

Mongolian moving picture discussion forum cucked my life

>> No.7858778
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>> No.7858788

Every sentence tells a story.

>> No.7858803

I topped keked to that post, but not IRL.

>> No.7858811

Every letter spells a word.

>> No.7858818

I reach for another cigarrette, but I only find an empty pack.

>> No.7858822

To his amazement, Miranda did not transform like the others.

>> No.7858857

I don't have any use anymore for this ring.

>> No.7858858

The condom broke, despair sets in.

>> No.7858860

My cab driver farted with the windows rolled up.

>> No.7858865

wedding ring for sale: never worn.

>> No.7858869

I dropped the ring to the sidewalk as I stepped onto the guardrail.

>> No.7858870

I cried as he pulled his pants up from around his ankles.

>> No.7858876

The ghost plugged in to the wall, weeping.

>> No.7858879

Purchasing my second baby coffin was easier than purchasing the first.

>Unfortunately true.

>> No.7858882

Well then.

>> No.7858883

"Yeah, the old executive chef got fired cause a female manager found him masturbating in the office"

>> No.7858898

Twenty minutes passed as I stared into the horizon 'till I remembered to start the 1976 Leyland Mini.

>> No.7858905

Baby corpse for sale, may or may not have wore shoes during his short lifetime..

>> No.7858927

I killed my baby

>> No.7858935

The cold feel of the metal and the overwhelming weight of the barrel scared me, but then i remembered i was the one holding the gun.

>> No.7858944

Im not ready for hard mode yet so here goes nothing

for sale: baby shoes, never worn

>> No.7858954

Small condom for sale: never worn.

>> No.7858966

just came so hard to that pic

>> No.7859009

>Oh no, my baby is dead!
>I would like to sell this tot's shoes, as he is dead.
>"Infant, 12 pounds, male," the doctor said as he performed the autopsy.

>> No.7859051

Okay I lied. I'm yet to purchase the second as it's a public holiday, but tomorrow I'll be going shopping for my second in 2 years.

>> No.7859058

For Sale: Earthbound, still in the box.

>> No.7859066

I hope your baby boy doesn't rot or anything.

>> No.7859072

and the spring the war ended

>> No.7859073

For sale: Originality, never worn.

>> No.7859080

want: gf, never had one

>> No.7859087

Wake me up inside (I can't wake up).

>> No.7859099

For sale: virginity, never shorn.

>> No.7859118

"You needed worthy opponents."

>> No.7859173

He had to switch to gin cause jaegermeister was giving him the shakes

>> No.7859209

Wanted: baby feet.

>> No.7859215

OP sits in silence, regretting this thread.

>> No.7859237

Suddenly, they all turned to Mark, the only student currently not in the grips of this horrible jungle mushroom-psychosis.

>> No.7859241

Change shakes to snakes and you've got yourself a movie.

>> No.7859248

The end.

>> No.7859265

Ugh, I hate it.

>> No.7859283

The first words I heard when I woke up were "Have you ever gotten a straight catheter?"

>> No.7859291

okay this one made me laugh

>> No.7859378

Snakes on the Brain?

>> No.7859516

Do you think I spent twelve years disguised as a semi-erotic Filipino sex boy just to be kissed on the bell-end by a shape-shifting reptilian, Mr. President?

>> No.7859525

Nice one, couple more threads and you'll get there. Dont rush yourself.

>> No.7859620

Shoes for sale. Cheap.

>> No.7859645

I have no arse and I must shit

>> No.7859652

She left; I was alone, but ultimately glad.

>> No.7859669

worn baby, shod, for sale.

>> No.7859772

Four shoes: baby sale, never born.

>> No.7859786

I like this one.

>> No.7859958

this is from a Melvins song iirc

>> No.7859968

>Verily a fair-haired, fast-track guy, whom in the very best human tradition David Wallace had back then imagined as happy and unreflective and wholly unhaunted by voices telling him that there was something deeply wrong with him that wasn’t wrong with anybody else and that he had to spend all of his time and energy trying to figure out what to do and say in order to impersonate an even marginally normal or acceptable U.S. male, all this stuff clanging around in David Wallace ’81’s head every second and moving so fast that he never got a chance to catch hold and try to fight or argue against it or even really even feel it except as a knot in his stomach as he stood in his real parents’ kitchen ironing his uniform and thinking of all the ways he could screw up and strike out looking or drop balls out in right and reveal his true pathetic essence in front of this .418 hitter and his witchily pretty sister and everyone else in the audience in lawn chairs in the grass along the sides of the Legion field (all of whom already probably saw through the sham from the outset anyway, he was pretty sure) — in other words David Wallace trying, if only in the second his lids are down, to somehow reconcile what this luminous guy had seemed like from the outside with whatever on the interior must have driven him to kill himself in such a dramatic and doubtlessly painful way — with David Wallace also fully aware that the cliché that you can’t ever truly know what’s going on inside somebody else is hoary and insipid and yet at the same time trying very consciously to prohibit that awareness from mocking the attempt or sending the whole line of thought into the sort of inbent spiral that keeps you from ever getting anywhere (considerable time having passed since 1981, of course, and David Wallace having emerged from years of literally indescribable war against himself with quite a bit more firepower than he’d had at Aurora West), the realer, more enduring and sentimental part of him commanding that other part to be silent as if looking it levelly in the eye and saying, almost aloud, ‘Not another word.’

>> No.7859973

My wife had a miscarriage so we're selling the baby shoes we bought since we don't want to try again.

>> No.7859974

Fleshlight for sale; never used.

>> No.7859980
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I got you.

>> No.7859982

plunger for sale, heavily used.

>> No.7859993

for sale: refrigerator bag, never used

>> No.7860016

I like this.

>> No.7860579

Ya got me

>> No.7860641

For sale: paperweight; was it used?

>> No.7860645

mofucklla btich bitch bitch

>> No.7860646

Most shoes, even baby shoes, that are sold are never worn except to try them on and Hemmingway is a hack.

>> No.7860654

how much?

>> No.7860656

For sale, my baby shoes, Ive never grown.

>> No.7860663

I have no willy and I must wank.

>> No.7860689

Buying: baby shoes, new.

>> No.7860699


>> No.7860704

You are unique, just like everyone else.

>> No.7860733
File: 6 KB, 153x187, Stalinslovingsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying: baby shoes, used.

>> No.7860746

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.

>> No.7860754

For sale: baby shoes, with baby feet still in them

>> No.7860790

When he pondered the prompt, all he could think about was his father peering down over his shoulder, gently shaking his head, on the precipice of a tsk or two, still dead.

>> No.7860794

Baby for sale, never worn with shoes.

>> No.7860798

She told him it was good but really meant the opposite: too $hort: on that hyphy shit.

>> No.7860824

Louis Vuitton futon.

>> No.7861071

Dozin' on that louis vuitton futon
makin' this green with the croutons
to buy a bitch a fancy dress to put on
on a different level than m00t on
while you fall and cry like 'shoot, mom'
yeah i like the shit that you on
specifically the louis V futon
but now its time to move on

>> No.7861081

At first I read "peeing" and it changed the whole meaning. Sublime gift for writing ya got there, m90.

>> No.7861100

The last man on earth was sitting in a room when there was a knock on the door.

>> No.7861106

thanks dawg

>> No.7861113

How much for them bars? I'll give you $500 per verse.

Gucci Mane

>> No.7861163

For sale: Worn babies, never shoed

>> No.7861232

Girl I'm not stupid, but my knot stupid

>> No.7861235

it was a woman

>> No.7861299

Though she had asked him to throw it out, he glared at the leather of his dad's mitt, seeing it was thoroughly sun-worn and dusty; Is this what nine years of absence will do?

>> No.7861432

Midway through the journey of my life I found myself in a dark forest, looking for unworn baby shoes.

>> No.7861476

In two days, I'm going to be attending my first and last funeral.

>> No.7861506

I fucked your bitch in some Gucci flip flops.

>> No.7861537

In two days, I'm going to be attending my first and last unworn baby shoe sale.

>> No.7861654

> glared

>> No.7861688


He saw the girl in a shopping mall and, thinking she was pretty and that it was time for him to be brave in life, decided to talk to her and give her his phone number: she never called back.

>> No.7861716

You look at me and I feel high

>> No.7862686

supreme meme gold

>> No.7862720

What in gods earth must I do to get a girl like the one on the right to be my gf? I would literally have 10 kids with her and slave away for the rest of my life to support the family.

>> No.7862748

Ever worn baby shoes?

>> No.7862754

For sale: baby, never worn shoes.

>> No.7862770

For sale: baby shoes, babies, shoes, and shoe babies.

>> No.7862835

For sale: condom, worn.

>> No.7862933

Whered you get this page out of my journal

>> No.7863397

Kek'd hard on this one

>> No.7863401
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Four worn baby shoes; never sold.

>> No.7863901

I've only ever been in love with one woman, and she died on Monday, May the 7th, 1954 when I told her she meant the world to me.

>> No.7863945

Let me back in the womb.

>> No.7863949

for sale: rune scimitar, never used

>> No.7863969

This thread is retarded. You could write an entire novel comprised of only one sentence if you put a bit of effort into it.

>> No.7863979
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>> No.7863983

Altough Anon had been trapped in the immortality machine of his drifting spaceship for millenia, the artificial intelligence still worked and simulated for him his only passtime, the forum of a Bolivian straw basket weaving stock exchange, and did so until time ended.

>> No.7864501

brooooo I fuckinloved animorphs

>> No.7866483
