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7856930 No.7856930 [Reply] [Original]

how many hours a day do you think good authors spend writing

>> No.7856931

16 hours

>> No.7856933


i'm a good writer

>> No.7856949

As much as needed.

>> No.7856957

They usually have a word count per day they try to stick to, the hours vary.

>> No.7856978

35. Authors of the right caliber are granted access to the full amount of hours in a day.

>> No.7856980

4 - 8.

>> No.7856996

writing as an exercise or writing on a project?
I guess a tot. of words every day in the first case and until you fall asleep in the second.

>> No.7857136


>> No.7857192
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>> No.7857237

None of these schedules make time for 6 hours of compulsive masturbation.

>> No.7857769


>> No.7857786

This is exactly why I believe there's a place for myself on that chart.

>> No.7857791


something this doesn't include in their daily schedule which i suppose no one really knows is "hours spent thinking about their work" which probably composes most of the day for the average great, even when they're doing other things.

>> No.7857796

Why is Maya Angelou on there?

>> No.7857799

i would imagine pynchon spends 30 mins to an hour, but does most of his work in his head while watching tv or reading

>> No.7857956

>implying a truly great author would sully his ideas by bringing them to the mortal plane

>> No.7857967

sounds like the ideas are not within the authors grasp

>> No.7857992


>up to 50 cups of black coffee a day

Fucking based

When I hear someone is a notorious work-a-holic I immediately become interested in their work

>> No.7857993
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>his greatest ideas are so basic he can wrap his own mind around them

>> No.7857997

desu i thought it was a bit weird too, considering ye she's an accomplished writer and all, but like not at the level of Emanuel Kant and Mozart.

I figure it's to provide a little diversity to the chart. That or the author was studying her at the time

>> No.7858006

>no Joyce

>> No.7858012

bottomless pit when

>> No.7858033

How does one fit 50 cups into a day.

>> No.7858039
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I heard Balzac wrote with an erection so it may be possible

>> No.7858049

He edged

>> No.7858053


Probably smaller cups of coffee than what most American's drink in the day I suppose.

Every morning I make myself a big ass mug of black coffee and try to write over a 1000 words a day on whatever project I am doing for fun, I seriously don't have the work ethic to sit on my ass for hours drinking coffee and writing though, nor do I have the funds.

>> No.7858056

>counting words
Lol xDDD

>> No.7858057
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I'd love to see GRRM on here. Most of it would be taken up by traveling and writing about sports on his blog. Also, every time I read an article complaininghow long it's taking him to finish the just series, I imagine GRRM flying in a jet full of cash with "Girls just want to have fun" playing in the background.

>> No.7858062

I think i can manage about 9 cups of black a day if I'm having a hermit day inside and thats mostly instant coffee for the sake of time.

Cigarettes help my writing but I'm trying to quit.

>> No.7858067
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>instant coffee

>> No.7858076

Yeah I know. I much prefer my french press but i'm just a lazy man who cant be bothered with the clean up

>> No.7858093
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>being so lazy to not allow yourself good coffee
What are u doin nigga?

>> No.7858099

Re-evaluating my life

>> No.7858115
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What does that mean?

also checked

>> No.7858118

french press is so easy. so is aeropress, so it pour over, so it moka. there are 10 million ways to get a good cup anon, find yours.

>> No.7858120

Folgers + drip

>> No.7858141
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Its not the method its the cleaning the muck from the base i hate. Man i shouldn't haven't said anything!

posting coffee core

>> No.7858150

rinse it out in the sink anon

>> No.7858158


I don't french press, I just use those standard American brewers with the coffee filters. Good, decent store bought coffee, easy to clean up.

I worked at a fancy cafe' too, I learned that all these fancy Italian coffees are horseshit, the difference in taste is unimportant to me to a nice freshly brewed American coffee.

>> No.7858159

It sounds like you're cleaning dogshit instead of a muck.

>> No.7859611

how long did joyce