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/lit/ - Literature

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7856941 No.7856941 [Reply] [Original]

Any Indian wagecucks here struggling to find the time to read?

It annoys me when these 9-5 eurofags (who gain much more for their work in purchasing power than we do) talk about how little time they have to read.

What annoys me most is the fact that most of the coworkers who cause this "working hour inflation" (I work 9 to 9) are total tools who only work so much because they have nothing else to do.

>> No.7856944


Slightly related question, is it possible to be a NEET in India at all?

>> No.7856952

>life has to deal me a fair hand

realise the pointlessness of it all panjeet

>> No.7856953
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>> No.7856956

It's all about priorities, Sayid. I would postpone reading literature indefinitely until you fix that literal shithole.

>> No.7856960

Not at all. Unless your parents are super rich, or you are a married girl.

>> No.7856962

Of course it is, but people who are NEET aren't the kind that can likely afford internet or computers or like proper clothes and food.

Also, so many degree mills, it is not that hard to be a graduate.

>> No.7856964


In college. Soon to be indian wagecuck. Terrified of the job right now considering that I'll be a corporate whore would on paper have a 9-5 job but would inevitably have to work much more for a pay that is pitiful compared to the amount eurofags or amerifags would earn for the same job in their countries.

But I'll try to change jobs in a year, will hopefully migrate out of the shithole that is india.

No. unless you're really really rich. or you're living off your family which is frowned upon after a certain point.

but yeah, NEETS here do not have the same luxury as say NEETS in more developed countries. It's much harsher here.

I detest the work ethic here. People have 9-5 jobs on paper but are expected by their seniors or managers to put in more hours because there is the implicit understanding that if you don't do that then you're dispensable and not working hard enough. sure you could work 9-5 and fuck out of office but be prepared to be fucked over eventually by unhappy corporate overlords.

>> No.7856977


Depends whether the NEET is a guy or a girl.

If you're a guy then as a NEET you're fucked. Life will be harsh unless you're super rich and have rich parents. Else you're screwed. Not a single girl will look twice at you and forget about getting married ever because the first question that a prospective match will ask you is how much you earn and if you speak english.
if you don't earn much then you won't get married .

if you're a girl then being NEET is the easiest thing in the world here. just put reasonable effort in your looks and parents will eventually marry you off to some rich guy. Even if you're not interested in marriage, for every girl there'll be a thousand men who would jump at the opportunity to splurge money at them in exchange for company. So just date any guy and he'll be expected to pay everything for you.

At least that's what I've observed. The sex ratio is fucked here so there's a huge difference in the number of men and women. This is why men tend to be desperate here and would go way out of their way to please women. So a NEET lifestyle for women here is completely devoid of any problems. (unless you're completely and utterly hideous).

>> No.7856991

>men […] would go way out of their way to please women.
You mean rape?

>> No.7856997

In the third-world they call that 'courtship'
Your objective experience doesn't decrease the value of another's objective experience. I'd tell you to read more, but that would be a waste.

>> No.7856998

Feel obliged to point out that this dynamic means /lit/erary females who are into the comfy NEET lifestyle can chill with the status quo.

The status quo usually works against females interested in working and making a living though (why the fuck would they want to do that? I have no clue, but most of them will claim they want to in college, the ones who don't know the realities of office jobs).

>> No.7857000

but all your women are hideous.

>> No.7857003

>doesn't decrease the value of another's objective experience

I have no clue what you mean by value, all I said was that it annoys me.

>> No.7857008
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Desifags, can we please agree that pic related is a giant meme?

Also, am I the only one that has met Bengalis who are total pseuds (self-proclaimed Marxists who have never read anything by him or about him, people who "love reading" as long as it is something by Tagore, etc.)

>> No.7857011

One of my classmates is in a LTR with an Indian guy 'studying' at the university. She has all the features of an arian woman. He somehow managed to brainwash her and now she's obsessed with the Indian culture and she's determined to travel to India to marry him. From fucking Europe. To India.

>> No.7857015


Why is /pol/ making a concerted effort into turning /lit/ into the same ideologically homogenous and needlessly spiteful shithole that it is?

>> No.7857022


It's more than /pol/ I can safely say pretty much everyone on this board thinks India is a fucking shithole of a country.

>> No.7857025


doesn't matter to the innumerable sex-starved men here. women are few in number and therefore dictate the dating scene. even if you're ugly, there'll be hordes of men lining up to cling to your feet.

>> No.7857027


I'm from india and i concur. As I've grown older, my contempt for almost everything and everyone here has only grown. Can't wait to get out of this shithole and migrate somewhere else. (despite living in a major "developed" city)

>> No.7857036

There's plenty of first generation Indian immigrants in Sydney that don't seem too bright nor hardworking, it seems as though it shouldn't be too difficult for you guys to leave, or is it just because they're rich as fuck

>> No.7857039


You better get in the US before we close off all our borders and make America great again.

You don't want to go to Europe only to get bombed by a bunch of Muslims.

>> No.7857047


primarily the latter. do you think the people who migrated there are working on high-paying jobs in super-successful careers? they probably aren't. Most of them could afford it and exit when they could for a "better first world life".

Hell, a fuckton of people who got rich here through some bullshit means migrate to canada and work as taxi drivers or some other job.

But yeah, there are students who're leaving this country for higher education. The brain drain is ridiculous. What's funny is that the older generation that fucked this country over blames the youth for not being patriotic and abandoning this country for selfish means. But the truth here is that the quality of life just isn't good and academia is shit.

When basic things like the air, water, food are intolerably toxic among the innumerable other problems here, you could either take the convenient exit or spend your entire life trying to make it big in politics thinking that you even have a shot at making a difference. Maybe you do, but it's more convenient to get a decent education to get rich and eventually migrate the fuck out of here.

>> No.7857049


>> No.7857056


To be honest, europe sounds much better than US.

I've heard that in general the native white population of the US does not view immigrants favorably. So even if I come to the states, I'll probably be isolated within Indian neighborhoods and communities. A few friends have told me that people in US don't like indians much. I don't blame them because there are a ton of mannerless cunts that give us a bad name. But I don't want to migrate to the US only to be treated like a 3rd class person by the rest.

In europe people are more liberal and accepting. As a consequence they get bombed and raped and shit but they still are pretty open. Plus, europe is more culturally diverse, more developed, culturally richer and an all round better place than the states in my opinion.

>> No.7857058
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>> No.7857060


My dear friend; why so you do not resign?

>> No.7857063

That's devolution desu.

>> No.7857068


A bunch of propaganda liberal bullshit. America doesn't mind Indians that actually have talent and potential to succeed.

What we don't like are the generic Indian immigrants who move here just to run a fucking 7/11

It also depends on the state you move to, some fly over states are more conservative and don't like the melting pot idea, some states like California have a massive range of different ethnicities and don't give a fuck what race or country you are from. Especially Northern California.

But by all means if you are one of those people who get offended easily and don't have a thicker skin go to Europe.

>> No.7857075

Is there any good contemporary Indian lit that we don't know about in the west?

>> No.7857081

i second this; this isn't your fucking blog and you don't get excused from this for being non-aligned

>> No.7857082


I don't get offended easily at all. I just don't want to go to another country only to find myself confined in the generic Indian immigrant community.

I have an acceptance for masters in a university in California and am currently contemplating whether to continue working here and apply to some European university next year or migrate to the states for higher education and work on research as a student there.

Higher education is expensive af in the states, specially to the uni from where I have an acceptance.

>> No.7857084

If you master Java and know several other programming languages, then IT corporations will hire you in the US. If you don't, go to London. That place is already half BLACKED.com

>> No.7857088

if you don't have a scholarship don't fucking go; it's all a ruse to vacuum up all that sweet supplicant dollaaaaaa
allahu akbar
for real, phd with research funding or bust

>> No.7857090


I'm a CS undergrad who got accepted for masters at a university in california. Currently contemplating if the huge cost of education is worth it.

>> No.7857091

I have sworn off modern Indian literature after reading that monumental waste of time A fine Balance. I thought when I started it that something suspicious was going on, with the complete lack of anything resembling grace or style in the prose, but I told myself it was on purpose and the story would develop in such a way that there would be a reason for this. There wasn't, the book is enormously pointless. The author could have said 'bad things happen but there is beauty in life' and he would have gotten across the same message with about the same amount of effect.

>> No.7857092

You're from Delhi aren't you.

>> No.7857095

I traveled a few time to the United States and I do hold this opinion, too. It's easier in Europe to live a nice, struggleless life but, on the other hand, the United states is the country you have the opportunity to join the elite with chance and dedication. I mean, you can launch a company with ease and earn a million each year as long as you have the right idea and do enough effort. Europe is much different, there are too many rules, too many policies which protect the majority to create the “American dream”. Instead, you can earn easily and with no risk $60,000 to $80,000 then move on in a quiet neighborhood. Frankly, I think it's better this way. Less people are poor or in debt, the social security allows you to be treated with barely no fees and the education is concurrently cheap and very good. I'm speaking from experience; most $1,000 admission colleges in Europe have almost better curriculi than Ivy League ones, the difference being so much people graduate the degree as an economic leverage has little value. Anyway, it's better for everyone.

>> No.7857096


fuck. seriously?
i don't have a scholarship right now. isn't masters as a cs grad worth it there?

>> No.7857099


isn't language a barrier? I eventually intend to settle for a quiet simple life in some scandinavian country and hopefully write something good.

>> No.7857101


what makes you infer that?

>> No.7857104

To all you Indian migrants out there, how the hell do you plan to migrate?

Are you all from IITs or something?

Migrating to European countries isn't easy, right? right?

>> No.7857105

how much you going to pay?
i was always told by anyone who didn't seem like a huge sucker to do grad school funded or not at all (but this is academia, pure, not tech college MS)
on the other hand, maybe the states is gagging for techies to such a degree that whatever you'd pay is worth it for the easier (one would hope? i have no idea about this -- you do the research) visa afterwards
calculate your cost/benefit properly, comparing to other countries' systems

>> No.7857107


>> No.7857114

Not that much. Although it may slightly differ, most European countries have an overall good command of English. Languages like Finnish, Italian or French—to some extend—are inherently easier to learn, and some structures exist so you can learn the target country one with less trouble. The company I work for have twenty-seven different languages spoken with the only required one being English, which is not even one of the country official ones. Being bilingual—English and your mother tongue—and holding a degree is enough to find work.

>> No.7857117


We've got enough of your people as it is. Stay there Panjit and make India great again.

>> No.7857242

India is a classic example of how restrictive economic policy can completely fuck an entire country for a century

>> No.7857388

I'm an Indian woman and female NEETS here aren't even a thing, what the fuck are you even talking about? The kind of woman you're describing is the kind who is smart enough to take advantage of the fact that women are actually just resigned to being nothing but housewives which is why they don't mind not having an education because they know they will marry a doctor or engineer anyway.

As a woman who was born in an upper-middle class family, I can be grateful enough that I have the luxury of education and a career.

>just put reasonable effort in your looks

>> No.7857390

Was going to say the same about Satyajit Ray

>> No.7857411

india is a classic example of how being a bunch of idol worshiping pagans damns your whole civilization to a hell of poverty and vice

happy easter 2 u

>> No.7857437


in my experience bengalis have been more "cultured" or shown more interest in literature and the arts than people from the other states. there are tons of pseuds of course but at least they pretend to be interested in all this stuff. the rest just don't give a fuck.

there's a derogatory term used for people who're into the arts: jholawala. (literal translation: person with the slingbag). supposed to be useless to society and pretentious in general.

But anyway, i doubt you can generalize that all bengalis are pseuds and all non-bengalis uncultured or extremely intellectual.

>> No.7857450

jholawalas are like liberals, left leaning, marxists at JNU

>> No.7857474


>female NEET aren't even a thing

>kind of woman you're describing is the kind who is smart enough to take advantage of the fact that women are actually just resigned to being nothing but housewives which is why they don't mind not having an education because they know they will marry a doctor or engineer anyway.

so NEET? not under education, employment or training? maybe the kind of people you've been around are much different than the kind I've been around.

I've seen women from lower middle classes and rural areas undergo quite a lot of hardship but in general my observations from "upper middle class" or richer families have led me to believe that it's quite easy for women because (in your words) they've been smart enough to take advantage of fitting into their expected roles as housemakers instead of breadwinners.

I remember once in school where a teacher asked each one of us to announce our parents' professions and 95% of the class declared that their mothers were housewives. I'm not blaming women or anything. I'm just saying that it's easy as fuck to settle into a NEET lifestyle as a woman here if not at a severe economic disadvantage.

> I can be grateful enough that I have the luxury of education and a career.

good for you.

>>just put reasonable effort in your looks

my experience might be skewed. Of course there's a huge wave of empowerment where we see women take up positions in academia and the office environment. Or the huge number employed in factories, agriculture etc.

But I'm talking about a major set of women from the middle class and upper middle class that chose to forego a career in order to settle as NEETS in marriage.

I've observed that women from this set who're attractive have it quite easy in life. Pre and post marriage. Reduced expectations and a guaranteed financially secure future certainly adds to it.

Do you disagree?

>> No.7857475

>People have 9-5 jobs on paper but are expected by their seniors or managers to put in more hours because there is the implicit understanding that if you don't do that then you're dispensable and not working hard enough. sure you could work 9-5 and fuck out of office but be prepared to be fucked over eventually by unhappy corporate overlords.
the same happens in the west.
unless you have a comfy state job, thats pretty much the overall work ethic in your average company office unfortunately.

>> No.7857477

>I'm an Indian woman and female NEETS here aren't even a thing

Do not take NEET literally their defining characterestic is the fact that they do nothing all day and our unemployed not that they are uneducated.

Most indian girls do that, housewife or get a really lax job in academia or someshit because they do not really need the money.

>> No.7857485

Sorry, I go to a really crap college so I have only interacted with the residue/shit of the Bengalis.

The less intelligent of those/you folk seem to have all the pride without any of the achievements.

At first I thought them being pseuds was better than being ignorant but then I tried having a conversatiom with them and it pissed me off.

>> No.7857486

I've been working for three multinational companies and it never was as you described.

>> No.7857489


that's depressing as shit. I've realized that in order to escape this vicious compromise, the only thing one can do is get really good at one' job. To the point where the company needs you more than you need it. This way you hold the leverage and dictate the terms of work.

>I'll work work from 9 to 5 and if you have a problem with that then good luck finding a better replacement because it wouldn't take a minute for your rival to take me in with better perks.

Something of this sort? I'd like to achieve this position in a few years. At least before they suck the soul and life out of me.

>> No.7857499

what's some good indian literature? I've only ever heard of tagore

>> No.7857508

On this note, sup with kanaiya, since when did lal salaam start being used by people who "ideally want to bring about change through the parliamentary system", is he being labelled revisionist scum by the naxal/radical hardline not underground (the ones in univs) or is there a consensus among the radical left now too that it's time for everyone to go legit for a while to get support since Green Hunt done fucked y'all up.

>> No.7857524

kanhaiya* this the JNU student union dude.

Also, sup with using lal salaam and then emphatising with men of the system a couple paragraphs later (the police from lower-middle and poor backgrounds), what happened to fuck the man? You guys used to be cool naxals, how am I going to wear my Maoist tag for fashion now?

>> No.7857547

Any Indians here in or closely know people who are in non-top tier academia (Not JNU DU IIT ISI etc)

How shit is life? I mean they earn like 30k per month? Am I naive to think I can enjoy the life of a patrichian bachelor on that much and I will not care about my social status?

>> No.7857553

Tbh I think the only good books that came out of the country are from the Buddha and even then that might be Nepal.

>> No.7857569

Sweden here. I am actually surprised that your "population" can read, let alone have time to read books. Try to spend less time chewing betel and raping women outside of the call centre, and more time reading something of value to develop your chimp-like mind. It's all about time management.

>> No.7857604

have you ever met a non-white person before.

Like had a conversation with them

Or are you that far up your own ass that you actually believe this bullshit.

>> No.7857607

your country has a huge population of millions people who are illiterate and live on less than two dollars a day, but you expect us to play along with this farce than indians are just white people with a tan? no.

>> No.7857614


he doesn't. he's baiting. and you took it.

>> No.7857619

yes, thank you comrade nu, we all know how 4chan works

>> No.7857794

I'm a white guy who's going to India in May(Mumbai and Goa) How fucked am I?

>> No.7857803

Like for a holiday? It's meh probably very hot for you this time of the year.

>> No.7857806

Holiday yeah. I'm usually pretty ok in heat though, even though I'm from the Netherlands.

>> No.7857851

What experience do you have with "heat".

What problems did you expect to have?
Place might be stinky for a foreigner.

>> No.7857862

So does everyone in India ride a permanent jenkem high from all the poo laying around and fermenting in the heat?

>> No.7858138

>I'm an Indian woman

Post your feet

>> No.7858147

These. When I picture "India" I picture shitbeaches and people eating bugs to survive. What is it really like?

>> No.7858282

India really needs to sort its shit. China is right across the border building shit and booting soft-power goals while Delhi cant even get a train to run within a five hour time frame of punctual.

Not to mention all the lost territory and rape. It is frustrating.

>> No.7858423

India is like that quiet old guy you thought was wise but who turned out to be creepy and insane.

>> No.7858494

come on, dont think about your country like that, instead of running to somewhere else, try to better your country with your learned skills. Just imagine the millions who you left out, dont act selfish and do something for your land, take from other countries just as you give to your own. India's forecast for the upcoming years look very promising unlike the US or other NATO members, and Im sure most cucks wont agree with me, but this unipolar hegemony that has been predominant this couple of years will soon be over. Be glad you will be safe from the imminient destruction of the West. Soon neutrality will be as highly sought after just as the "prosperous" nations of this century.

>> No.7858660

very crowded

theres a couple episodes of idiot abroad where karl goes to india. it's exactly that

>> No.7858669

so there are just naked fucking hindu wizards roaming around in public and everything looks like it's medieval?

>> No.7858681

i meant more like, bloody fucking crowded, but like ye pretty much

>> No.7859116
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Going to have to beg to differ here.

I would give my left (not my right) bollock for a sexy Indian girlfriend.

>> No.7859137

looks like a tranny, m8

>> No.7859145

Indian girls have super deep belly buttons

>> No.7859160
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>> No.7859168

it depends on how the umbilical is cut, any human can have deep b buttons

>> No.7859206

Indian women age like shit, imho.

>> No.7859251

still not as bad as white women do

>> No.7859297

Ive noticed that Indians with skills in healthcare or technology do very well in flyover US (New Hampshire for me) and always make the effort to send their kids to good schools and have excellent manners, if not a bit cold.

>> No.7859313

Anyone with opinions on:

The God of Small Things
Roy, Arundhati

Nervous Conditions
Dangarembga, Tsitsi

The Joys of Motherhood
Emecheta, Buchi

I read an article about how Indian SJW Feminist lit is actually interesting since unlike western SJWs they may actually be raped and hung at a moments notice by police or their husbands.

>> No.7859327

>The God of Small Things

god-tier prose

>> No.7859380
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BR Ambedkar
Arundathi Roy
Kamlah Das
Swami Vivekanadh
The Vedas

To name a few.

This is seriously one of the most ignorant and low intelligence threads I've ever read. Being an overseas Indian it doesn't surprise me, because my fellow country men have a struggle to live before they can learn.

>> No.7859391

Will you be watching the next world cup out of a perverse interest to see if they will have a ceremony to your countrymen who have died to become a part of the stadiums' foundations?

>> No.7859470


Already watching it now and being prowed that we have labourers who still give the blood, sweat and soul to Thiet work. Unlike the Vick-sterners that festers in the Anglo-American sphere.

>> No.7859507

Only read The God of Small Things and I really enjoyed it.

>> No.7859998

>since unlike western SJWs they may actually be raped and hung at a moments notice by police or their husbands

Do not worry bruv, plenty of mens rights activists here too, despite all of that.
If anything feminist is more hated here, even by educated folk from upper middle and high class backgrounds.

The number of "rape is not that big an issue in India" posts I have seen.

>> No.7860349

link to said article?

>> No.7860407


I was inspired to read up on it after Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o's comments on the matter in Wizard of the Crow.

Clearly the situation of women in southeast asia and the resulting social movements have no parallels with the pampered and entitled women of the west who search out oppression after finding themselves the oppressors due to their support of kleptocratic capitalism (the cunt hipster bitch with a tumblr account posting outrage on her Ipad Air 2 from a Starbucks).

>> No.7860413

>South Asian women writers writing in English
into the trash it goes. this is Westernized South Asian women writing for Western eyes and literally plays into the colonial racist paradigms.of Western liberal feminism.

>> No.7860421

>into the trash it goes

it's so sad to see people literally judge literary content on such whimsical, flimsy and petty grounds. You might as well judge a book by its cover. Because who gives a fuck about the actual content and the ideas represented in an article or a book right? It's all about the language in which it's written. That itself encapsulated a literary work. right?

fucking idiot.

>> No.7860423
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Thats fine if its directed towards the extremely real problems facing Indian women. It has nothing to do with western liberal feminism if it is directed towards pic related and not man-spreading or microaggressions.

>> No.7860484


>Clearly the situation of women in southeast asia and the resulting social movements have no parallels with the pampered and entitled women of the west who search out oppression after finding themselves the oppressors due to their support of kleptocratic capitalism

lol. no shit.
It weirds me out when I see the contrast between western feminist struggles on the depiction of women in videogames as compared to the struggles of women in rural india.

To be honest, women in middle class and upper middle class are certainly getting empowered and have more access to education and opportunities than previous generations.

However, rural india still has a fuckton of problems when it comes to women. And really fucked up problems too. Basic treatment, expectations, upbringing and the life that women in rural india are expected to adopt. A huge majority doesn't even realize the extent to which they've been deprived of basic freedom.

Quite a few politicians in these rural backward states hold extremely sexist views and some of them even condone rape in some of their speeches and vilify women in that act. It's sickening really to see such regressive twats as a part of the political cesspool.

But whatever, I'm sure anita sarkeesian's representation of feminist struggle against mean tweets in the UN deserves more attention.
PS: Thanks for linking the article.

>> No.7860509


shit man. that photo made me physically sick when I first saw it when this incident occurred.

It makes my stomach churn whenever I see it. It's just so fucked up.

>> No.7860531

Just claim that you're from syria

>> No.7860571
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They basically invented it.

>> No.7860596

>You better get in the US before we close off all our borders and make America great again.
The fuck are you talking about? Your borders are closed, have you ever checked out your immigration laws?

>> No.7860606

Thanks for making me appreciate my EuroNEET life more, third world friends.

>> No.7860730

begone vile troll

>> No.7860760


ladies and gentlemen, this post here demonstrates /lit/'s sophistry in its purest form. I guess this is how the horde of college freshmen who browse /lit/ go about trying to sound smart.

>> No.7860766

Are you saying colonialism was bad? I don't understand

>> No.7860773

t. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxd9T6qv6hQ

>> No.7860781

Except it does. You're literally falling into the racist stereotype that Indians are savage rapists as if rape isn't an issue in the West.

The language that is written in IS the fucking form of the content you mongoloid. Ignoring the colonial legacy of English forced onto India and then ignoring all of Indian literature that is written in its native tongues is retarded and culls only predigested Westernized books and then you wonder why it just happens to magically fit in with your racist ideology that Indians are savages.


>> No.7860785

Can't they be savage rapists and the West can have an issue with rape?

>> No.7860872

By denying people a lingua franca you'll only keep them savage and spooked by nationalism. Your shitty peasant wisdom obviously isn't helping lower class women much either. Of course you'll just clamor for the teat of a patronising Post-colonial ideology and blame your problems on the white man like that will make anything better.

>> No.7860895

All good bro, we here from the middle-class like to compare ourselves to rural Indians and feel better, that or Africa.

>> No.7860902

Question, do people actually enjoy this stuff?

>> No.7860913

Not sure if you're trolling, very interesting person if you are not.

They aren't actually writing for Western eyes though, mostly middle and upper middle class Indians.

More importantly, how do you think speaking and writing in English as opposed to Hindi fuels racism?

More importantly, why would you suggest we promote our national language when pushing rural Indians to learn English will make it much easier for them to live life?

>> No.7861090

>rape isn't an issue in the west

Rape as a criminal and maybe psychological matter that is universally abhorred is different than rape as a symptom of culturally embedded apathy towards fundamental women's rights.

One is identified as aberrant behavior, even by those who commit it, the other is nearly institutionalized, and requires cohesive movement against it. If village elders are "sentencing" dalit women to rape by men of standing you have a far larger issue at hand.

>> No.7861360

other girls like her i imagine

>> No.7861689

ughh, embarrassing

>> No.7862723

When will this meme die

>> No.7862731

How rich is super rich? My cousins in India are all NEETs living off rent on properties my great grandparents owned, but I'm not sure if they're rich. They're Brahmins if it changes anything.

>> No.7862929

>like shit

>> No.7863022

Quite good.

>> No.7863045

I'm surprised at how many indiabros come to /lit/. I thought you guys couldn't go to porn websites. You all using VPNs?

>> No.7863066
File: 103 KB, 1437x908, 226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the 'wagecuckery is a meme' meme

>> No.7863189

>I have sworn off modern American literature after reading that monumental waste of time The Corrections.

>> No.7863195

well they are Caucasians.

>> No.7863600

Are they from the North? I think pahadis have less pressure to be, you know, civilized/productive members of society.

>> No.7863601

Nah nah the ban got sort of lifted.

Some of our ISPs are blocked (by 4chan for trolling and whatever) but shit it's like 200 million people who have interenet access in this country, folks are bound to land up everywhere.

>> No.7863620
File: 1017 KB, 1500x1060, Ordzhonikidze,_Stalin_and_Mikoyan,_1925[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you know about Caucasians, monkey? The Caucasians are cucks to no man and the Caucasus is a power that reverberates not only throughout Russia but throughout the world. You had your British Empire and decided to become instead the Imperial Slaves of both America and Europe. We had our Russian Empire and we decided to take it over!

>> No.7863639

But famalam, it is.

>> No.7863659

good luck with that dude, sounds pretty rough over there

>> No.7863666

really depends on how much it's going to cost you / how likely you are to find a job. I don't think funded masters programs are really a thing, but phds almost always are.

>> No.7863671

eh, depends on your job in the west but if you're determined to stick to a 9-5 lifestyle, you can find that

>> No.7863673

the /pol/-ification of /lit/ has honestly been something to witness

>> No.7863683

lmao this 19th century linguistic romanticism is still a thing in Indian nationalism? All languages and cultures spread via imperialism lmao. Do you think that all the parts of England came up with English at the same time? How do you not realize that every non-European language in India has a similar history (being spread by violent imperialism?) There's no escaping it.

>> No.7863714

>self-orientalizing :DDDDDD

>> No.7864177

it's not /pol/, it's just fucking hilarious

>> No.7864190
File: 18 KB, 379x374, 1454388558174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl-F "poo"
>7 results

>> No.7864899

he isnt a meme. he is something you are not. he did well. You can have different choices and also the knowledge to distinguish between something which is really good and something which is not. I think what's really bothering you is that the number of people who try to look or sound interesting by taking his name in their conversation is too damn high.

>> No.7864907

why would you do that ?

>> No.7865016

Pretentious Bengali Marxists are the worst, yes there are revolutionaries who are devout but there is no shortage of Bongs who are petite bourgeoisie to the core, but that's not the worst part becauase hey they can side with the revolution to.

The problem is these petite bourgeoisie are also snonbish elitist fucks who do not give a rat's ass about the poor. It infuriates me the number of them who wear the tag for fashion...

>> No.7865687

This phenomenon is no different than calling Americans fat or calling Europeans spineless cowards. Merely jesting about something that is an actual problem that should be corrected.

>> No.7865840

Not a wagecuck but a student and don't even lurk on /lit/ much but the absolutely punishing curriculum makes me not want to read books and instead spend my time on vidya or tv shows.
Indian education makes you dumb.

>> No.7866021


>> No.7866046


>> No.7866049


>> No.7866058





>> No.7866418

>Europeans spineless cowards

Isn't this just the French stereotype?

>> No.7866442

My Nizzle.

These guys genuinely fascinate me.

But I rarely find anybody else who finds them more interesting than disturbing.

>> No.7866590

not even the French are, really.