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7855651 No.7855651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What book should every migrant-invader read?

>> No.7855668
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>> No.7855674

The Prince

No, really

>> No.7855688
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>> No.7855689
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how so?

>> No.7855704

Europe has become the civilization equivalent of that hoe who likes to go to clubs to get black out drunk and wears too much make up.

>> No.7855714

Actually mean Machiavelli's Discourses
Here for example: Book 2, Chapter 8


Since there has been discussed above the method of proceeding in war observed by the Romans and how the Tuscans were assaulted by the Gauls, it does not appear to me alien to the subject to discuss how two kinds of war are made. One is waged because of the ambitions of Princes or of a Republic that seek to extend their Empire, such as were the wars that Alexander the Great waged, and those that the Romans waged, and those which one power wages against another. While these wars are dangerous, they never drive all the inhabitants out of a province, but the obedience of the people is enough for the conqueror, and most of the times he leaves them to live with their laws, and always with their homes and possessions: The other kind of war is when an entire people with all their families are taken away from a place, necessitated either by famine or by war, and goes to seek a new seat in a new province, not in order to seek dominion over them as those others above, but to possess it absolutely; and to drive out or kill its old inhabitants. This kind of war is most cruel and most frightful. And of these wars Sallust discusses at the end of (the history) of Jugurtha, when he says that, after Jugurtha was defeated, movements of the Gauls coming into Italy were heard: where he (also) says that the Roman People had combatted with all the other peoples only as to who should dominate, but that with the Gauls they combatted for the (very) existence of each. For to a Prince or a Republic that assaults a province, it is enough to extinguish only those who command, but to these entire populations, it behooves them to extinguish everyone because they want to live on that which the others lived.

>> No.7855720

The Romans had three of these most perilous wars. The first was when Rome was taken, which was occupied by those Gauls who had detached Lombardy ((as was mentioned above)) from the Tuscans and made it their seat: for which Titus Livius assigns two causes: The first, as was said above, that they were attracted by the sweetness of the fruits and wines of Italy, which were lacking in France: The second, that in that Kingdom of Gaul, men multiplied so fast that they were no longer able to feed them, (and) the Princes decided it should be necessary that a part of them should go some place to seek a new country. And having made such a decision, they elected as captains over those who should depart Bellovesus and Sicovesus, two Kings of the Gauls, of whom Bellovesus went into Italy and Sicovesus passed into Spain. From the passage of this Bellovesus there resulted the occupation of Lombardy, and hence the first war that the Gauls made against Rome. After this came that which they made after the first Carthaginian war, where they (the Romans) killed over two hundred thousand Gauls between Piombino and Pisa. The third was when the Teutons and Cimbrians came into Italy, who having overcome several Roman armies, were defeated by Marius. The Romans, therefore, won these three most perilous wars. And no little virtu was necessary to win them; for it is seen that when that Roman virtu was lost (and), those arms lost their ancient valor, that Empire was destroyed by similar people, such as were the Goths, Vandals, and the like, who occupied all the western Empire.

>> No.7855725

These people go out from their countries ((as was said above)) driven by necessity; and the necessity arises from famine, or war, and oppression, which in their own country is experienced by them, so that they are constrained to seek new land. And these such are sometimes of a great number, and then enter into the countries of others with violence, killing the inhabitants, taking possession of their goods, create a new Kingdom, and change the name of the province, as Moses did, and those people who occupied the Roman Empire. For these new names that exist in Italy and in the provinces, do not come from anything else than of having been thus named by the new occupiers, such as is Lombardy which was called Cisalpine Gaul, France which was called Transalpine Gaul, and now is called after the Franks, as those people were called who had occupied it; Slavonia was called Illyria, Hungary Pannonia, England Brittania, and many other provinces which have changed names, to recount which would be tedious. Moses also called that part of Syria occupied by him Judea. And as I have said above that sometimes such people are driven from their own seats because of war, whence they are constrained to seek new lands, I want to cite the example of the Maurusians, a most ancient people of Syria, who, hearing of the coming of the Hebrew people and judging not to be able to resist them, thought it better to save themselves and leave their own country, than to attempt to save it and lose themselves; and taking up their families, they went to Africa where they established themselves after driving out those inhabitants whom they found in that place. And thus those who were unable to defend their own country, were able to occupy that of others. And Procopius, who wrote of the war that Belisarius made against the Vandals, occupiers of Africa, refers to having read letters written on certain columns in the places that were inhabited by these Maurusians, which said: We Maurusians here fled from before Jesus the robber, son of Narva. Whence appeared the reason of their departure from Syria. These people, therefore, who have been driven out by an extreme necessity are most formidable, and if they are not confronted by good arms, will never be checked. But when those who are constrained to abandon their own country are not many, they are not as dangerous as those people who were discussed, for they are unable to use as much violence but must employ cunning in occupying some place, and having occupied it, to maintain themselves by way of friends and confederates: as is seen was done by Aeneas, and Dido, and the Massalians, and the like, all of whom were able to maintain themselves, with the consent of their neighbors.

>> No.7855727

The great numbers of people that went out, and are going out, are almost all from the country of Scythia, a cold and poor place, where, because there were a great number of men and the country of a kind which was unable to feed them, they are forced to go out, having many things which drive them out and none to retain them. And if in the past five hundred years it has not occurred that some of these people have not inundated any country, it arises from several reasons. The first, the great evacuation which that country made during the decline of the Empire, when more than thirty tribes left (Scythia). The second is, that Germany and Hungary, whence also such people went out, have now improved their country so that they are able to live comfortably, that they are not necessitated to change places. On the other hand, their men being very warlike are a bastion in holding back the Scythians, who have the same boundary with them, from presuming to overcome or pass through them. And often times there occurred very great movements of Tartars, who were later checked by the Hungarians and the Poles, and they often boast that if it had not been for their arms, Italy and the Church would have many times felt the weight of the Tartar armies. And this I want to be enough concerning the people mentioned.

>> No.7855731


I get The Prince and Discourses mixed up sometimes because The Prince is basically the cliff notes version of Discourses

>> No.7855739
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>> No.7855741
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oh that's really interesting, i should re-read the Prince

>> No.7855828

>has become

You've never read much history have you?

>> No.7855841

you're a fucking retard

>> No.7855846
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>tfw Francis' support of the refugees and migrants is part of an elaborate plan to restock the Church in Europe
>tfw the frightened Euros will flock back to Christianity, while the migrants mean new opportunities for converts
>tfw it's all an elaborate scheme

>> No.7855872

>>tfw the frightened Euros will flock back to Christianity, while the migrants mean new opportunities for converts

You mean they will flock to far-right nationalist parties, and white-power groups.

membership of Belgium 'White Power' group DOUBLES in three days

"A huge number of people have started supporting us online. We have had more than double the number of new members in the last three days," Bart Vanpachtenbeke, the leader of the organisation, told MailOnline.

Other populist organisations have also reported a dramatic spike in support after the attacks. Tom Van Grieken, leader of the anti-Islam Vlaams Belang party – Belgian equivalent of France’s Front National – told MailOnline that his party’s Facebook page gained 10,000 new likes overnight. https://archive.is/rT2OD

migrants will remain muslim and engage in degenerate behavior when they can get away with it

>> No.7855877


I've got the feeling you've read neither.

>> No.7855878


if europeans associate Catholicism with inviting migrants, they will not flock to it, they will flee from it and from migrants...if anything, Francis is hurting Christianity and its image.

>> No.7855881

Caliphate or Hitler 2.0?

>> No.7855882


>> No.7855885


hopefully the latter.

>> No.7855900
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it's funny cuz it's true

>> No.7855962

wrong again

>> No.7855978
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noes! OP is thought criminal. Mods please remove this white bigot

>> No.7855994


I just watched this and I'm literally shaking here


>> No.7856033

that music was a ballad to anarchists

no joke dude. I would dedicate my life to fascism were it not the case that every single video you guys put out, every single post you guys make, every single attempt you make at stirring some emotion or effective some change is somehow deeply fucked up at a fundamental amateurish level. How is it that black trannies can have advocacy websites that look as good as facebook with wooshing windows and everything perfectly grammatically correct, but fascists can't even put out a single video that isn't incredibly awkward?

>> No.7856036

>that music was a ballad to anarchists

the song is fitting and good, despite being anarchist/leftist garbage. It's historical context can be ignored

>> No.7856039
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>implying nat-socs are the only kind of fascists that exist
I fucking hate this meme.

>> No.7856042

It's "its."

Personally I don't think it was that good. I think the author just like played Ground Zeroes and thought that it was cool. Joan Baez was also probably super leftist, just guessing. As she is like a folk hero.

If these guys wanted to promote white culture, why not post some tragic classical music? Adagio for Strings can get plebs criin everytime. I'm sure Wagner wrote something that could shake people into action.

>> No.7856045
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>historical context
>being ignored
You're not a fascist, you're a poser.

>> No.7856047
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this video is unintentionally dank AF

>> No.7856059

this is decent

>> No.7856063
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southern europe confirmed untermenschen

>> No.7856066
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With Open Gates is the only "serious" /pol/ vid that is a work of good propaganda. As the other anon said many of them are flawed and amateurish. I think Gexter actually has the skill, knowledge and nuance to pull it off, unlike a lot of his imitators.


>mfw the God of War segment in this video

>> No.7856067
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too bad they were forced to remove the soundtrack...really hurt the video


ya the video is great and sad

>> No.7856068

I completely agree. Excellent video.

>> No.7856073

>moor-moaning world music
>shitty joisey rambling doubtless from some made for tv HBO special

my heart cries ree

>> No.7856075

the most retarded part is that sacco and vanzetti where the wave of catholic "invaders" viewed with just as much paranoid as "non-white" white people like hispanics and south asians...i'm with you, fascism is compelling and as a whitey i have nothing to lose but my chains, still i don't get it why the fuck they would put that song on it, do fascists think that since Death In June is kind folksy that any folk ballad is a fascist anthem and not 90% chance of being leftist hippy shit?

>> No.7856076


>> No.7856080

>How is it that black trannies can have advocacy websites that look as good as facebook

bro have u seen the sissy videos by deepslutpuppy and pandorasissy? that shit is pro as fuck

>> No.7856081

see >>7856039

>> No.7856082

this one is kinda kek


>> No.7856083

its used merely because its a meme song for having been in Metal Gear Solid

>> No.7856090
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>One day, the lion wakes up and tears the shit out off everybody *hitler montage ensues*
my fucking sides

>> No.7856096

laugh now but sooner or later some muslim shithead is going to kill patroclus and everyone is going to be fucking sorry

>> No.7856115
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hippies could make nice songs, despite their brains being toasted with drugs

>> No.7856118

I don't think the nationalist right can ever win the propaganda war
they should focus on direct action and self improvement

>> No.7856136

no, that kind of ghettoization is why the far left never amounts to shit, right wing ppl need to start businesses, in capitalism money is everything, the jews know this, you can't concede any ground to them, you have to fight everywhere, academia, private sector, elections, make them fight

>> No.7856146

Issue with modern fascists becomes very clear once you compare them to the actual fascists; middle class men of mostly pampered life led to ruin by their lack of self discipline and lack of character versus mostly military men with the right mindset and guts to launch military coups to take power.

>> No.7856148

>tfw even the goatfuckers propaganda game is stronger


>> No.7856151

you're right, they should fight
but they should actually *fight* not just post shitty videos on the internet

>> No.7856154

the jews took over america without firing a shot

>> No.7856168

Don't bother replying to him as he takes everything /pol/ says for undeniable truth.

>> No.7856175

fascists aren't jews
it's not that fascists necessarily have to immediately start a revolution (they probably will have to eventually), but they have to start applying pressure to journalists/media personalities and businesses that fold to leftist demands
the left has done very well to make it social suicide to express certain right wing beliefs, the new right should focus on recreating that but in the opposite direction
I'm not a fascist at all btw I'm just approaching it from a realpolitik perspective

>> No.7856186


>the jews took over america without firing a shot

it's true, yet they can't take over palestine without violent apartheid, tanks, white phosphorous and copious amounts of missles and fire power.


are you denying massive jewish influence of america? to a large extent they are over-represented in media, banking and politics...

they don't need to "fire shots" in foreign countries because they have no allegiance to the land. But in israel they show their explicitly violent side, while the violence they do abroad is implicit and underhanded.

Also lets not forget the USS liberty incident, the false flag incident: Lavon Affair, etc...who knows maybe they had a role to play in 9/11 and other bombings too.

>> No.7856202


>> No.7856204

>Jews are powerful! How can this be?
Jews are mostly genetically superior to gentiles and achieve high status in whatever society they live despite the handicaps they've faced for their entire existence as peoples. This is the only explanation there is to Jews. All the rest is resentment. /pol/ claims Jews are inferior and superior to them at the same time, though I lean towards the later as Jews are at the very least successful at making money whilst typical /pol/ enthusiast is socially ill adapter retard that bases his entire set of beliefs on .png macros made my similar genetic failures. /pol/ is right about genetics, too bad it doesn't have the self awareness to see themselves at the shittier genetic end.

There is no conspiracy in as much there was never anything resembling white men wanting to enslave every god damn race on this place; it just happened because of genetics.

>> No.7856212

If hook nosed cunts like the guy in the OP's pic get genocided I won't be sorry.

>> No.7856219

All the Jews' success, including them being intelligent, is down to their being God's chosen people. Why does everybody forget about that part?

>> No.7856223


>> No.7856226
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well white people were building nations and empires for thousands of years, while jews were homeless nomads, living like gypsies, with no real allegiance to any nation, so they adapted to exploiting their host nations, not building them.

>/pol/ is right about genetics, too bad it doesn't have the self awareness to see themselves at the shittier genetic end.

jews' genetic strength is tailored towards exploitation and of host nations. The problem is their underhanded tactics backfire, in the short run it's a strength but in the long-run it causes huge problems, for jews and for the host nation. pic related

>> No.7856244
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>tfw brown
>not from a islamic country
>want to visit germany
>will probably get beat up by germans and refugees alike

>> No.7856245

The only good part was "that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody."
Made me kek.

>> No.7856246

Now they have forcibly taken land built a mostly Westernised country amidst a towelheads that haven't made any relevant contribution to anything for over 600 years.

More like not being the tenant farmer or nigger slave in a society mostly hostile to them. Anyways, anything that is powerful exploits something. Jews have mostly made it up with their contributions to modern world.

>Jews genetic strength is
They have genetic strengths, but if you think that they have some sort of genes that turns them into elders of Cion schemers, you're pretty dense. They have already made themselves a nation, so it shows they can build a nation. And it is surprisingly good despite being surrounded by people that literally want to kill them all and all the whilst having an annoying aboriginal population.

Jews have done nothing wrong and anti Semitism is mental illness very much like any form of resentment.

>> No.7856249

I have nothing against Jews per se, but Zionists do nothing but harm.

>> No.7856264

>towelheads that haven't made any relevant contribution to anything for over 600 years.

600 years ago was 1416
>The Ottomans ended the Byzantine Empire with the 1453 conquest of Constantinople by Mehmed the Conqueror.
Their peak in power were the next two centuries

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.7856268

More about cultural and intellectual contributions.

>implying Muslims ever produced anything good after their Golden age eclipsed ever again

>> No.7856273

>They have already made themselves a nation, so it shows they can build a nation

ehh, after 1900 years of exile and getting kicked out of every country they went to...it's not a good track record is it? It shows a huge weakness in them as a people/tribe. Historically they were failures, the Romans beat the shit out of them repeatedly and the jews never recovered until they were able to exploit the holohoax myth to their advantage. 1900 years of absolute failure as a people, living dispersed and causing the hostility they faced. They never understood short-term gain vs long-term cost very well. They still don't.


Israel is a chaotic and violent mess, that's being propped up by billions in foreign $ aid and the US military, but Israel is too young to really judge...if the jews can build a safe and stable nation for themselves, that would be a start, so far it's going in the wrong direction and anything but safe.

>More like not being the tenant farmer or nigger slave in a society mostly hostile to them

historically the vast majority of jews were useless to society and lived like religious niggers in their own segregated enclaves, even up to WW2 this was true. Sure there were rich jewish families involved in banking and insurance, and art sometimes, but the majority of jews weren't rich and lived like peasants. the Zionist-atheist jews of the 1900s hated the vast majority of jews, called them lazy and parasitical, if you read what Zionists said about their religious brothers it sounds similar to Nazi claims, but more venomous.

>Jews have mostly made it up with their contributions to modern world.

I would say they did more evil than good, both to themselves and to their host nations -- but "good and evil" are hard for the jewish mind to understand, so I don't think you'd understand what I mean, my words would probably just buzz through your head...assuming you're a jew

>> No.7856281

the golden age of european civilisation ended back in 1945. What's interesting about ISIS is they got a project to create a whole new civilisation. The West has lost all sense of direction, no sense of higher spiritual purpose, its people reduced to isolated consumers, no reason to exist.

>> No.7856283
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Ausfag here, going to Europe in December. I'm actually frightened by the thought of refugees and terrorists. Tell me I'm being silly plz

>> No.7856290

you're being silly
are you a woman? then you might have a problem, but not any more than you would have with the lebs where yer from

>> No.7856295
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> Tell me I'm being silly plz

wish you were, but it's true. Western Europe is getting enriched by diversity. If you want a safer trip go check out Eastern europe. Many of them refuse to take in migrants, and are building walls.

>> No.7856296

you'll have a decent chance of experiencing wwiii firsthand, thats kinda cool

>> No.7856303

>If you want a safer trip go check out Eastern europe.
Can't tell if joking. I'm from there and it is anything for safe compared to Western Europe.

>> No.7856307

I will be with my girlfriend, oh no

Lol fuck no, I'm not gonna get myself shanked by a Russian

I guess there is a positive side to i then

>> No.7856317


Eastern Europe is safer than Western Europe now.

if you live in a bad city you might get pick-pocketed or scammed, sure, but in western europe you'll get blown up, shot and raped.

>> No.7856319



>> No.7856322


ehh, try Romania, brasov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwNtlYX_iYM

super safe, good food, nice architecture, beautiful nature surrounding it, really cheap and best of all no shitskins and migrants.

>> No.7856325

Try leaving the capital or tourist spots.

>> No.7856326

Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland - refugees pretty much not interested in these countries, so you'll be safe there.

>> No.7856328
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holy shit the nature tho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQu3Dick4Fg

>> No.7856331

you'll be fine lmao
there are definitely areas you should stay out of but you'll know them when you see them

>> No.7856336
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>> No.7856375


the song is also a symptom of the decay, it's like putting rap music over a video of BLM protestors chimping out in ferguson.

the hippie generation is partly responsible for this shit, so it's only fitting to use their music against them

>> No.7856377
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You never lived 10y under this asshole, stop glorifying him.

>> No.7856422

I was thinking the same.

It's slightly different though, I think this is more like the Franks conquering Gaul to make France. The franks were pushed out of Germany, but unlike the Gauls moving into Rome, the franks knew they were culturally shit compared to the Romans and instead largely adopted Roman laws adding only some of their own barbaric king shit and bastardized the Gaul's Latin making French.

In short, Europe is about to get a lot more cultured, one way or another.

>> No.7856458

Is there a trap version

>> No.7856464
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vaguely psychosexual ramblings + ebin hitler dubstep montage

>> No.7856476



>> No.7856559

Self-aggrandizing nationalist propaganda is always silly


>> No.7856569
File: 112 KB, 289x474, NightWiesel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd bet that this is on the reading lists already.

>> No.7856572

Animal Farm

>> No.7856623

Camp of the Saints.