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7855430 No.7855430 [Reply] [Original]

is the STEM/humanities dichotomy valid? Hack foster wallace majored in math and english, and pynchon was an engineering student for awhile. Is the way we look at knowledge just a shitty meme?

>> No.7855444
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>> No.7855447

>Is the way we look at knowledge just a shitty meme?


>> No.7855465

It's not. If you're intelligent and not autistic you should have no problem excelling at both arts and science. The brain is a pretty flexible organ, especially if you're smart

>> No.7855493

>Is the way we look at knowledge just a shitty meme?


>> No.7855513

>Is the way we look at knowledge just a shitty meme?
Yes, but it's necessarily shitty. In an ideal utopia we could practice both and with equal capacity because they wouldn't be treated as disparate trajectories. But dividing and fragmenting them is a necessary evil to make society actually function. And I say this as a biochemist with an even stronger passion for the humanities.

>> No.7855530

Meme Wolfe Invented the machine that makes pringles as well as editing an engineering magazine for years.

>> No.7855548

this your answer: http://cargocollective.com/evanpuschak/Discourse-On-Truth

>> No.7855575

no, the two are nihilistic, the same nihilism.

-no knowledge will be gained from your speculations, labelled scientific or religious or philosophical.
precisely because your imagination is not really meant to be connected back from your five senses.
Scientists and any rationalist choose to think that a few of their favourite speculations, mental proliferations will lead them to truth about the world, will be ''validated empirically'' (after they invent the notion of ''validation'').
Why? because Scientists are hedonistic and love their hedonism. hedonistic people live through entertainment, which brings the most pleasures with the least discomfort. hedonism is the nihilism and most people rely on their speculations about the future, from the past experiences, to enhance their hedonism.

-the notion of irreversibility, necessity, certainty is present in pure empiricism, but the rationalists despise this, because, being hedonistic, they choose to think that empiricism leads you to boredom and sterility (to reach certainty). This is not the case, empirically, since as soon as you no longer care about what you think, you access a new world, free of speculations, where for once you no longer rely on induction (nor on the fantasy of deduction). You are concious directly of what people would call ''knowledge''.

>> No.7855580

I am a CS major and have pleb taste.

>> No.7855582

>CS major
No surprise there.

>> No.7855687
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