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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 312x475, n49390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
785210 No.785210 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Published novels, short stories, or novellas that you've read, but think that no one else on /lit/ has.

Picture related.

Bet you fuckers can't post any. Picture related, but I wouldn't recommend it ^^

>> No.785220
File: 61 KB, 328x500, will-self-book-of-dave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.785224

I read some sci-fi novel called "Glass House" a while back. Maybe others have read it, but I've never seen it mentioned here or by any of my friends.

>> No.785228

Indigenous Beasts
-Nathan Sellyn

>> No.785229

Axolotl by Julio Cortazar

Hey, Op, guess who I am:


>> No.785233

george rr martin's "a song of ice and fire" series

>> No.785234

The night land is pretty rare

>> No.785235
File: 29 KB, 333x500, dark sleeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall are weak. Seriously.

Dave Self, Charles Stross, and a book which had a popular browser game based off of it? Come on.

I really doubt anybody has read pic related, especially if they haven't done so as a result of me yelling about it on here.

>> No.785238

I bought Manifesto: The Anonymous Novel because it had a blank cover and cost only a buck. After reading it, I discovered the contents matched the cover.

>> No.785239

I love the straw man fallacy. So cash.

>> No.785243

David and the Phoenix.

>> No.785245

A Smart Cunt by Irvine Welsh. i find many have read Trainspotting and even Porno and some Ecstasy but few the short stories in The Acid House and even fewer that last and so great a novella.

>> No.785246

A kid at my school where's a fedora...
Pisses me off.

>> No.785250

Dave Self?

>> No.785252
File: 33 KB, 640x480, Picture0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong, sucker

>> No.785253

Henry Kuttner's short stories.

>> No.785257
File: 19 KB, 314x353, christs sake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn the difference between straw man and ad hominem.

And reading obscure shit doesn't mean your well read or cool, it just means you read something obscure.

>> No.785272

Fuck, got me there.

Anyone read The Railway Man?

>> No.785278

That wasn't ad hominem. He was distorting and oversimplifying someone's views.

>> No.785280

From Amazon

Jennifer Government [Paperback]
Max Barry (Author)
3.8 out of 5 stars
See all reviews (186 customer reviews)

>(186 customer reviews)

Dude, that's like full mainstream.

>> No.785283

I said on /lit/.

Not ONCE have I seen that book made mention of here. You have to remember, eople here always talk about the same shit.

>> No.785289
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>> No.785292

Fuck, Will Self. In my defense, it's been a long weekend of moving and not sleeping. Although that's not a very good defense given someone posted the cover of the damn book.
Yeah, people tend to talk about a very limited number of books on here, so there's a lot of books that a decent amount of people have read that just don't get talked about because there's so many dumb people or something

>> No.785293
File: 73 KB, 637x627, who are we kidding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an obscure book for you

>> No.785295

Idlewild by Nick Sagan.
One of my favorite books, but no one ever mentions it on /lit/..

>> No.785299

Bull-fucking shit, I always see that made mention of in post-apoc threads.

Unless it's you spamming it every time :P

>> No.785302

In my defence I haven't seen many post-apocalyptic threads... I guess I should check them more often, but it's hard with most of the same stuff being posted.

>> No.785312

I know man, I know.

That's why I posted this thread.

>> No.785317

Are you kidding me? Jennifer Government was great. Pulpy as fuck, but it's Max Barry so that's what you get.

>> No.785318
File: 17 KB, 270x263, 1256158497590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giovanni's Room by Baldwin.
I know he's a superb writer and /lit/ has heard of him. It'd just be nice to see more threads about him :)

>> No.785324

I don't read books on the basis of their authors...

>> No.785329

>Not ONCE have I seen that book made mention of here.
Then you've missed just about every single thread about dystopic novels that I've contributed to.

>> No.785345

the fish can sing - halldór laxness

>> No.785346


>> No.785348

"Trouble and Her Friends" by Melissa Scott
"The Fortunate Fall" by Raphael Carter

>> No.785349


Read Giovani's Room, for a class on Queer Theory admittedly. Wasn't too bad. Wasn't great either.

>> No.785360

Looks like someone else has been to nationstates

>> No.785365

Also, I haven't read it yet, but I've got a copy of "Villains by Necessity" by Eve Forward lying around, and I'm reasonably certain that not many have touched that either.

>> No.785371


>> No.785374
File: 15 KB, 400x600, johnwray-lowboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully not this.

You all need to read this.

>> No.785396

I read poetry books...I see people on the board talk about poems...not so much the books though.

>> No.785401

People consistently talk about how all the same books get mentioned and yet I see tons of threads every day on /lit/ where people bring up books that aren't part of that group.
There's a select group of books people choose to discuss because they're far more popular/accepted and so it's pretty much guaranteed people will be able to discuss them. You have to remember that our community is pretty small, guys, and plenty of "Have you guys read this?" threads either go unanswered or nobody's read it.
Post more REVIEWS and RECOMMENDATIONS yourselves of books, and give us time to read them. What I don't understand is people complaining about this, but instead of trying to rectify it with reviews and recommendation threads, you just bring up the book and then give us next to nothing to intrigue us to actually explore it.
I've picked up some books I've seen mentioned on here because of passionate or intelligent comments and discussions of them, not because some asshole just put its cover somewhere. I think most of us are motivated similarly. We're already hungry, put something in the oven that smells terrific and we'll be sure to try a bite.
I already looked for Lowboy but it's not at the library and the Half-Price I went to didn't have it. I'll keep looking, it sounds pretty damn good.

>> No.785402

A novel from 1917 called Wilt Thou Torchy. Found a first edition copy of it in a prop room at a photography studio and took it. It wasn't that bad.

>> No.785405

C.T. Westcott's EagleHeart trilogy

Best damn books I've ever read

>> No.785414


It needed to be said.

>> No.785418


Fucking this. I picked up and enjoyed Jennifer Gov't because of you guys. Neat concepts, and just generally a fun book.

Got me thinking, though. Yes the world created is a dystopia, but it's also a utopia for serial killers. Pick off the lower classmen, and the police are guaranteed not to follow up on it. That would make a great follow-up novel.

Which reminds me, Altered Carbon. How many people enjoyed that book? I sure as hell did.

>> No.785422

Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun.

Amazing book.

>> No.785425

The Worm Ouroboros
Far From the Madding Crowd
Darkness at Noon
The Wings of the Dove
As I Lay Dying
A Bend in the River
Hunger (Knut Hamsun)
The Day of the Locust
Parnassus on Wheels
Travels with Charlie
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

>> No.785446
File: 38 KB, 429x696, thewake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.785457

Can't believe how well this thread's turning out. Is it because it's summer break in the US or something?

>> No.785461

Threads don't tend to turn out well when summerfriends get a hold of them.

>> No.785475

So you're implying that someone else here has actually read the Wake? And by read, I don't mean looked at the words attempting to understand so they can say they read it. I mean got all the puns and careful and perfect wordplay. I find that unlikely.

>> No.785485

But a lot of guys here are always like: "Hurr fucking durr, what is this shit? This isn't (insert one of the few discussed novels here), you're a fucktard"

>> No.785562


read them both :] I thought both were alright. Barry is a fun storyteller and I've never been a huge fan of Rand so yea

>> No.785574


... it's about William Shatner battling other versions of William Shatner. Awesome.

>> No.785580

Doris Lessing, Norman Mailer's An American Dream, Tropic of Cancer, everyone here is so stupid

>> No.785600

has anyone read chung kuo by david wingrove? probably the greatest sci-fi i've ever read,

>> No.785649
File: 82 KB, 300x450, lane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. And it's a bit of a shame because it was some of the most beautiful prose I have ever read.

>> No.785695

A book called "La Teoria del Nous", which I'm pretty certain no one has read but the author and his editor. It's from the 1920's and I can't even find the author's name on any other libraries or google.
I bought it because it was dirt cheap and it's not bad at all.

>> No.785956

I stopped reading Chung Kuo when I realized I didn't care who was getting strangled anymore.

Novels I've pimped a half dozen times on /lit/ that I've seen no sign that anyone else has read:

John Hawkes, The Lime Twig
Alexander Theroux, Three Wogs
Marilynne Robinson, Housekeeping
Paul Cain, Fast One
Richard Grenier, The Marrakesh One-Two
Terry Southern and Mason Hoffenberg, Candy
Madison Smartt Bell, Soldier's Joy
Thomas McGuane, Panama
Alasdair Gray, Lanark
Muriel Spark, The Girls of Slender Means
Donald Barthelme, Snow White
Louis de Bernieres, Captain Corelli's Mandolin
John Lanchester, The Debt to Pleasure
Jim Thompson, Pop. 1280
Charles Willeford, Cockfighter
Brian Moore, The Colour of Blood
Joan Didion, Salvador
Magnus Mills, The Restraint Of Beasts
Par Lagerkvist, Barrabas
Mary Renault, The King Must Die!
Barry Hughart, Bridge of Birds
Mario Vargas Llosa, Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
Thomas M. Disch, 334
Harry Mathews, My Life In CIA

>> No.785958

i lol'd

>> No.785962
File: 27 KB, 324x500, 067976080601lzzzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was somehow tricked into reading this book, thinking itd be another animal farm....its ok as far as fiction goes, but the political themes are too obscure. please let me not be the only one

>> No.785967

I see this mentioned often enough on /lit/. I read it and agree that it can get obscure, but reading some of the papers on it made it doubly interesting.

>> No.785972

"Her" by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

>> No.785974

i didn't read Jennifer Government, but i did play the text based mmorpg for a couple of days. i just googled it. it's called nationstates.

>> No.785986
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>> No.785987

No one on lit has ever read Greene.

>> No.785994
File: 165 KB, 313x475, Kosinski_Being_There_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best books I have ever read.

Also, Jennifer Government and anything else Max Berry writes is shit.

>> No.785999


Jens Bjørneboe - Haiene
Peter Wessel Zapffe - The Last Messiah
Steinar Lødding - Jernalderdrøm


>> No.786004
File: 52 KB, 331x500, FoaK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this last "Books no one else on /lit/ has read" thread.

>> No.786005
File: 26 KB, 300x300, deadlyharvest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it during a car ride up to my aunt's house for... Thanksgiving, I think. I can't remember exactly. I remember absolutely nothing about the book. Another aunt gave it to me, because a woman she went to church with gave it to her. Said woman's mother read books all the time, because she was completely homebound and had nothing to do except read and watch TV.

Also, I haven't read Jennifer Government, but I played NationStates. That was what our midterm was on in my senior Government class. Fun. :3

>> No.786008

>> Author is a woman, it must be shit.

>> No.786009

>google jennifer government
>wikipedia says its a critique of libertarianism
must read!

>> No.786016
File: 44 KB, 288x475, luck_in_shadows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Samefag here. This is a book I read several years ago, when I was going through my annoying yaoi fangirl phase. It's way too wordy and the author can't write fight scenes worth a damn. I got halfway through the sequel and gave up. It's been sitting on my shelf ever since.

>> No.786034
File: 42 KB, 316x485, the_third_god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember giving up on that series at roughly the same spot, just got mind-rendingly boring. I read them while going trough some fantasy recommendations for stuff with minor gay elements.

The series to the left here were from the same pile, but are actually good. They apply to this thread I'm sure.

>> No.786053

No. It's bad. Find a better book.

>> No.786097

I second this motion.

Unless you're one of those faggots that gets off of anything dystopian and needs your next hit.

>> No.786110

Paradise, Toni Morrison.

>> No.786115
File: 17 KB, 243x400, straub-shadowland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadowland by Peter Straub.
I've yet to read anything else by him mind, but it seems like its one of his lesser known books.
Recommended, even if it's a bit long winded at times.

>> No.786135
File: 34 KB, 420x683, armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I routinely bring this up when talking about great scifi and no ones ever heard of it.

>> No.786139

read it several times. great read.

>> No.786155

Dog On It


>> No.786160

I read Starship Troopers and enjoyed it. Think I'll like this?

>> No.786165

Both involving power armor and a vaguely insect like enemy are the only features they have in common.

>> No.786169

you would think its similar from the title and pic, but its not.
this is a better story IMO
split between plenty of 'in armor' action (set as happening in the past with a single protagonist[sp]) and a story that pulls all the flashbacks together

>> No.786261
File: 51 KB, 323x500, 341905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone has read this I will be the happiest duck on earth.

>> No.786529
File: 37 KB, 246x383, byjaneharris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently the first book about a lesbian relationship that has a happy end.

>> No.788160

i have it right here

>> No.788200

ITT: Prentention

>> No.788258

I have read and thoroughly enjoyed Armor, and was even considering posting it in this thread myself!

>> No.788260

The Dream Tower by David D. Sands.

>> No.788265 [DELETED] 

ImMeDIATeLY REMovE yoUR ilLEGaL cloNE tiNy.4chan.Org FRoM yOUR sERVEr, cHrISTopher "scuMbag THief" pOOl AR-BEAR, ANd REdIreCT it (AnD THE StOLEN at DOmaiN) tO WwW.AnONTaLk.sE. then send SysOP Usd $563,785 In COmPeNSAtIOn aNd puT A PeRMaNEnt TEXt Ad FoR At ON thE ENtIrE SIte oF 4ChAN aND we will be eVEN. sHoUld You reFuSE, YOu wIlL BE suEd FoR $53,788 pEr nAno secoNd. iF thE PerSon REAding this IS nOt "MOoT", e-mAiL hIM aT MOOt@4chaN.oRG AND pUT PREssURe On HIm TO seT THiNgs Right. ThANk yOU for listENinG. dmwmlblywpzbshkzxvhnevlujtlaycmicq

>> No.788268

Precious Blood by Johnathan Hayes, pretty decent read.

>> No.788278 [DELETED] 

IMMedIaTELy reMOVE YoUR illEgaL clOnE tinY.4cHaN.ORg FroM yOuR SErVEr, chRIStoPhEr "sCumBAg THiEf" pOoL aR-Bear, aNd REDIRect IT (anD the SToLEn AT DOmAIn) To WWW.AnoNTaLk.SE. tHEn sEnd SYSOP uSD $575,307 iN cOMpEnsATion And PUt a PermanEnT texT Ad fOr At oN ThE ENTire sItE OF 4cHAN anD we wiLl bE evEn. SHouLD yOU ReFUSE, YOu wiLL be Sued fOr $61,339 per NAno secoND. iF tHe PERSON reADING tHIS Is not "mooT", E-mAil Him At mOoT@4ChaN.oRG aND pUt preSSuRE on him to SET thINgs riGHt. tHank YOu for LiSteNiNG. auftitsqtcyxngun

>> No.788325
File: 35 KB, 274x440, 1632_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy that wrote this also wrote a book called vampire$ that they made that godawful movie from. the book was fucking awesome though. also i never saw anyone that read the 1632 series which i love to death.

>> No.788338

I can't? You kidding me? Who on earth here has read the Collapsium, or Rat Run, or the New Barbarian Manifesto?

>> No.788344


You are not alone.

>> No.788350
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 518lrCUBMjL__SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.788352


recommended by tim powers? on the cover? doesn't sound that obscure.

>> No.788353

Oh shit. Sorry guys. It's an auto-biography. Doesn't count.

>> No.788365

call me. 1-860-335-2125

>> No.788367


>> No.788370

sadly, it is

seriously, i have only ever seen a copy of it in the west portal branch of the san francisco public library; i've never heard of it anywhere else, despite it actually having several sequels.

but you should read it it is an incredible book.

>> No.789361
File: 28 KB, 354x500, apathybig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]