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7849651 No.7849651 [Reply] [Original]

Hello on this Good Friday

There are several posters on /lit/ who claim to be Christian, so it seemed worthwhile to point out the arrival of this solemn day.

>> No.7849675

Yeah, I'll spend it reading Belloc, go to the not mass mass and see some friends while I'm back in town.

>> No.7850926

Dug up an old Roman Missal that was in the family and went trough Holy Thursday part yesterday, and I'll go through Good Friday today.
Then evening mass tommorow, and family dinner for Sunday.

>> No.7850933 [DELETED] 

lol christians are nerds

>> No.7851039

im a mexican catholic so i will watch people in badly made costumes doing a representation of the crucifixion.

>> No.7851061


>> No.7851277


Today is also the feast of the Annunciation to Mary, so there's an interesting additional layer of meaning this year.

>> No.7851286

why don't u reject the religion of the conquistadors who killed ur ancestors the same way they kill jesus christ? convert to christanity my friend

>> No.7851621

otherwise he'd be practicing the religion of live, human sacrifices

>> No.7851627

that's why i told him to convert to christianity u god damn mong

>> No.7851635
File: 27 KB, 306x517, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this low level of reading comprehension

>> No.7851636

nothing wrong with being a catholic mate

>> No.7851737

Lmao but they like have saints and ayy like Plato Aristotle and like reason lamao they aren't fideists

>> No.7851748

In any case, it's up to anon to decide for himself .

>> No.7851765

Plath a shit.

I had to get it off my chest. Sorry.

>> No.7851769

>not a religion based entirely around an incredibly significant human sacrifice

>> No.7851782

I'm writing an essay on martyrdom and how simple it is to die for your faith, but hard to die knowing how much pain your faith will bring to others making Christ's sacrifice that much more selfless.

>> No.7851926


These are really not going to convince anyone to follow your faith
And on Good Friday

>> No.7852318

Just got back from evening service

Hope everyone is doing well


>> No.7852328

I used to be a Christian, then I realized how gross using sex to win converts in the cult I was born and raised in was so no I'm not. They stopped after the aids scare though.

>> No.7852420
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What did you guys give up for lent?

I went without sugar and meat

>> No.7852426

if I were a priest would I get to kiss cute girly feet?

Also is women in that a new thing? I seem to remember only men getting their feet washed

>> No.7852435


>> No.7852451

good for you anon. It's something thats hard to give up if you have some. Are you going to smoke up on Easter like its April the 20th?

>> No.7852454

Wow. what an honour it must have been to have been kissed by Gods living representative on Earth. And what a message the pope is giving

>> No.7852466

I was planning on going on a big hike with my best friend/roommate today, but unfortunately, I injured my ankle a week ago, so the doctor recommended I rest up the damaged joint for a while before going on a 15 mile venture up and down a mountain. I'm glad I spent today getting some much-needed rest, however. Classes have not been good for my blood pressure.

>> No.7852484

Gave up spicy food and just had soup for lunch; took up a prayer discipline.

>smoke up on Easter like its April the 20th

(Not that anon, and I don't, but apropos that a funny story from living in Denver: a couple years ago, the first year pot was legal in CO, Easter was on April 20th. In addition to a huge 420 rally downtown, Snoop Dogg was in town that evening performing at Red Rocks. So he had his big pot concert there, just hours after the annual Easter Sunrise service. /blog)

>> No.7853009

Beer and memes but I couldn't do without memes for more than 15 days.
That cult isn't a Christian church man.

>> No.7853019
File: 13 KB, 225x251, 1368562209061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be agnostic
>Eat meat today
>Feel a little bit of guilt

What if I go to hell, guys?

>> No.7853023

If god exists and is omniscient like the Christfags like to claim, he'll understand your motivations and know whether or not you're a good person.

>> No.7853033
File: 41 KB, 494x640, 304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not, in the case, since you wastefully and cruelly chose to consume the flesh of another conscious being instead of enjoying the abundant plant life he's provided for your nourishment.

pic related for meat apologists

>> No.7853038

You're an intellectually dishonest faggot and I hope you get lyme disease.

>> No.7853049
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>> No.7853056

My mom had that and couldn't find work for half a year.

Also using vegetarian arguments in discourse with Christians is fucking retard, we aren't utilitarians and another conscious being that feels pain doesn't mean anything if it isn't another human and you aren't being sadistic.

>> No.7853059


Sounds like you just don't want to be a cultist, can't say I blame you.

>> No.7853486
File: 374 KB, 1820x2401, Lucenarium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but today is the Rite of Lucernarium!. A must for me personally, as it that includes one of the most awesome incantations in western civilization:

Christus heri et hodie
Principium et Finis
et Omega
Ipsius sunt tempora
et saecula
Ipsi gloria et imperium
per universa æternitatis saecula. Amen.
Prototip: Following mass counts as Sunday mass, so you can wrap yourself into armchair and spend whole day doing comfy stuff on Sunday.

>> No.7853608

Guys I just found out that international jewery is real what to do

>> No.7853651
File: 453 KB, 566x795, lifewithgrandpa4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, before I was born they published promoting of cucking for jesus but it got purged before I was born so I didn't see it until later, here's some pics,

>> No.7853679

What was the name of cucks for Jesus again? We talked about it in another thread.

>> No.7853711

The Family International

>> No.7853773

Sounds like a mafia organization

>> No.7853846

They were originally known as the Children of God. Joaquin and River Phoenix were born in it. And Rose McGowan.