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/lit/ - Literature

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7850389 No.7850389 [Reply] [Original]

> book you last read

> book you're currently reading

> book you plan on reading next

Others guess things about each anon. Have a comfy time.

>> No.7850393
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> Last read

The Crying Of Lot 49

> Currently reading

Moby Dick

> Reading next

The Trial or Child Of God, I want to read something shorter after Moby Dick

>> No.7850410

last: Ernest Shackleton's South: The Endurance Expedition

current: Soseki's I Am A Cat

next: Hubert Selby Jr's The Demon

>> No.7850411

> Last
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
Didn't like it tho

> Currently

> Next
Maybe Lolita or finish up Proust.

>> No.7850481

>I want to read something shorter after Moby Dick

literally everyone has felt this way

>> No.7850488

>book you last read
addict in the family (my bro is an h junkie) it's a great read if you have a family member dealing with addiction. it's written for you not the addict.

> book you're currently reading
crazy horse and custer. about the lives of two American giants.

>book you plan on reading next
thinking about re-reading some kenzaburo oe. either a healing family or a quiet life.

>> No.7850490

Not really. I read Tristram Shandy after Moby-Dick. Preferred the dick tho.

>> No.7850495


The Lime Twig

Journey to the End of the Night

The Bibble

>> No.7850500

I don't mean it to sound like I'm not enjoying it, but I think I went into reading it a little unprepared with how Melville had written his prose - I definitely need to re-read certain passages just to make sure I'm following it. It certainly is one of those books that I will have to re-read sometime.

>> No.7850509

>last read
The Catcher in the Rye
>currently reading
a Christian inspirational book for artists that my mom gifted me
>reading next
either A Canticle for Leibowitz or Suttree

>> No.7850521

>last read
Heart of Darkness

>currently reading

>next book

>> No.7850534

college freshmen/sophmore considering that English major/minor. go for it, bro. :)

tattooed slacker who is relatively well-versed on the classics.

video game nerd who is ashamed of this aspect of your life. thinks it's cool to smoke cigarettes.

just what popped into my head, gents.

>> No.7850536

The Crossing
The Tunnel
Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.7850537

Crime and Punishment

The Da Vinci Code and War and Peace


>> No.7850542

aged 17-22. sees self as precocious but deep down has doubts about said precociousness. I know your pain, anon.

snooty literary fiction reader but tries to be unassuming and open minded when dealing with people. this anon's ego struggles with this.

>> No.7850545

> da vinci code

wew lad

>> No.7850562

> What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver
> It (for leisure) and A Thousand Splendid Suns (for humanities class)
> Slaughterhouse Five or Stoner

>> No.7850576

Crime and punishment

A clockwork orange

Beneath the wheel

>> No.7850578
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how does one go from reading the great Raymond carver to Stephen king?

>> No.7850579

not bad. no tattoos but the jury is still out on the slacker part. Currently studying history at uni. literature is merely a hobby, so naturally only 'relatively' well-versed on classics.

>> No.7850581

>What we talk about when we talk about love - Carver

>The sailor who fell from grace with the sea - Mishima

>Slaughterhouse 5 - Vonnegut

>> No.7850583

i'm not snooty you fucking pleb

>> No.7850587

aged 17-23. likes to say "fuck the establishment" while brofisting his buddies. says "Namaste" after the brofist occurs.

>> No.7850594

Julius Winsome
A Box of Matches
The President

>> No.7850600

carver and mishima are at total odds philosophically. carver was great at showing how unreal the everyday could sometimes be. mishima kind of scoffed at the "every day" in pursuit of quixotic ideals. what say you to this, anon?

>> No.7850601

Well, you definitely missed it

>> No.7850629
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I'm actually a sophomore considering going into teaching English. nice work, anon

>> No.7850634

I'm on a Huysmans-based sequence.

A Rebours

The Picture of Dorian Gray


>> No.7850637

while i enjoyed both, i was far more touched by carver than by mishima. i felt like mishima was trying to get to a point that i just couldn't fully understand, while with carver i effortlessly got invested in every little story.
i don't know, maybe it's the cultural differences, or i'm just not iniciated enough to understand mishima

>> No.7850643

Dude. I was a video game junkie. Still kinda admire the circle puffs some people do.
Damn nice.

>> No.7850645

Personally, I don't mind Stephen King, even though he gets shit on a lot here. I think its a good trait that I can enjoy Stephen King but also enjoy books that have a lot more meaning.

With that being said, Jack Torrance in The Shining is one of my favorite characters. So I give King credit more than most.

>> No.7850652

Hamlet (again)

>> No.7850663

The Violent Bear It Away - Flannery O'Connor
Las fuerzas extrañas - Leopoldo Lugones
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - Wittgenstein
V. by Pynchon

>> No.7850669


> re-read Words of Radiance
> Reading Infinite Jest
> Probably Calamity

>> No.7850679

when is a right moment to read Ulysses?
i really want to read it but i feel intimidated by it and the whole aura it has

>> No.7850683

Lem - Solaris

Henwood - Wall Street

Morrison - Beloved

guess something about me, if u dare...

>> No.7850716

Read Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist first.

Then familiarise yourself with Greek classics like Illiad and Metamorphoses. Follow it up with a scholarly read of The Bible and other essential canonical works like the Divine Comedy.

Then you might be ready for Ulysses. I'm not even exaggerating, anon (of course, nothing stops you from reading Ulysses already - it might be beneficial if you just dive right into it, pushing yourself through it even if you don't understand it. Revisiting the book years down the line once you're more familiar with western canonical works would be beneficial, especially since you may have already read it. It's just a matter of familiarising yourself with the book and its inspirations).

>> No.7850717


Notes From Underground


A Clockwork Orange


Mythology (Hamilton)

>> No.7850720


Moby dick

Stoner or The Defense

>> No.7850740

this guy isn't wrong but I usually tell people just Dubliners and Portrait is fine. also recommended but far from required: the Odyssey and Hamlet. recommending much more than that is mostly stalling instead of reading Ulysses - it's a readable book

>> No.7850753
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We The Drowned

The Once and Future King

The City of God

>> No.7850766
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>Guerra em Surdina, Boris Scheneidermann
>Old School, Tobias Wolff
>For Whom the Bell Tolls, Ernest Hemmingway

>> No.7850787

walked down the street of his college campus just the other day thinking how cool it was to be settled in, and used to taking care of your own shit despite having a credit card that your parents pay off.

you're a little older than the average anon here. you think you're an "insider" or perhaps an "outsider observer" of the human experience. you like to think you defy social norms but would be totally shocked at learning just how insulated you are *not* despite everything you thought about yourself.

you're reading good books for your age, anon. don't mind the grostesque as long as there is constructive meaning to derive from it.

insulated teen or very early 20-something who reads and generally rewatches miyazaki movies by him or herself. you get hoity toity but at the same time you know you're one of us enjoying normal shit even though you're embarrassed to admit it. I do like how clean your room is though.

>> No.7850799
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>Last read
Shadow over Innsmouth

>Now reading

>Next up
>lovecraft short story collection

>> No.7850808

Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger

A Martyr Speaks by John Alan Coey

Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Dana

>> No.7850817

some nerdy-looking dude who thinks he has an affinity with the goth weirdos who dress up in Halloween customers every day of the year.

just summed you up and destroyed your ass, anon.

>> No.7850829

>An Introduction to Legal Reasoning
>The Wealth of Nations
>Game Theory

>> No.7850830


Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann


Paradise Lost by John Milton


The Collected Poems of Robert Penn Warren

>> No.7850831
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Reading this one now.

I read Grendel by John Gardner yesterday. I didn't pick it up for the discussions of nihilism and existentialism, but it was actually pretty enjoyable to read even those philosophical parts. I bought it because I like Beowulf, and Gardner illustrates a very interesting and plausible scenario with all the central characters while making clear evaluations and examinations of ideas like heroism, nobility yada yada. It was pretty brutal at times, but very funny, and I found myself particularly unsettled by Grendel's mother. I haven't read any books like this one.

I want to read Giants in the Earth by Ole Rölvaag again, because someone on here mentioned reading your favorite book at least three times before seriously attempting a book yourself.

>> No.7850832


>brothers karamazov

>probably the master and margarita or notes from the underground

>> No.7850839


How was Storm of Steel? I've heard a mix of good and bad things about it, and I might buy it soon.

>> No.7850843

>Ada, or Ardor

>J R

>The Moonstone

>> No.7850848

Nah,I don't think I ever saw a goth in my whole life.
I'm just taking it easy and reading short things.
And why would I want to associate with a bunch of self important pale-as-a-wall tossers?
What are you reading?
I can give clever a clever observation of facts too.

>> No.7850868

no one sums me up. I am the summer upper of others.

>> No.7850873

I liked it. A lot of books/memoirs about war portray it as absolute hell all the way through. Junger just writes what he experienced. He doesn't try to make it anything more than a personal account of what he did.

>> No.7850874

>last read

>currently reading
White Teeth

>reading next
gonna re-read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.7850875


Your parents must be so proud.

>> No.7850879

Well,if you don't give the chance to someone to sum you up,no one will.

>> No.7850881

> Last Read
Mice and Men

> One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest

> 1984

>> No.7850889

Try summing yourself up.

>> No.7850921


this was me: >>7850488

I'm not even the op and I'm the only one replying to people's post here.

>> No.7850925

> Last Read
Wool saga
Monster Hunter S.R.O.
> Next
Repairman Jack saga

I like fun.

>> No.7850930

I just found your remarks on my rude and too personal.
That is all.

>> No.7850945
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>A Martyr Speaks by John Alan Coey

10/10, would slot floppies with

>> No.7850960

mostly right (I'm 28) but I'm not sure I understand the last part. am I insulated or not?

>> No.7851057


>book you last read
Delicious Foods
>book you're currently reading
The First Bad Man
>book you plan on reading next
>A Little Life


>> No.7851065



>> No.7851085

New to literature and wants to play catch up (which is fine, anon, because we all started somewhere). Some nice picks for entry-level lit. As long as you enjoy yourself, there's nothing bad about it.

>> No.7851098

not insulated.

>> No.7851115

Photopoetics at Tlatelolco: Afterimages of Mexico, 1968
The Winter of Our Discontent
Maybe Stoner?

>> No.7851137

The Broom of the System
The Pale King
Khaled Hosseini - And the Mountains Echoed, German language version
Wittgenstein's Mistress

>> No.7851153


but you wish you were as a thing to justify what you consider a hardline sense of independence.

>> No.7851165

>the broom of the system
i'm sorry you wasted your time

>> No.7851173

>kafka on the shore 10 minutes ago

>i am trying to decide between steppenwolf, blood meridian, or the trial

>i should decide on the book i am reading now first tbqh lads

>> No.7851180

>Dare Me by Megan Abbott

>Penguin Book of Norse Myths by Kevin Crossley-Holland and
>Voices in the Ocean by Susan Casey


>> No.7851189


you're a hipster but you don't care what others think anyway. good for you, anon.

>> No.7851196
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22, frequently accused of hipsterdom but i just try to Be Myself™

Played me like a fiddle friend

>> No.7851200

>last read
>currently reading
Heart of Darkness and other stories
>reading next
Crime and Punishment

>> No.7851203

Why is everyone reading Moby Dick?

>> No.7851211

Wow you got 3 out of 3 right
Teach me your secrets master

>> No.7851224

white noise
in cold blood
child of god

>> No.7851246

The guy who's responsible for 90% of religious shitposting and fedora calling on this board.

Aimless drifter looking to expand his mind by words or substances in hopes of finding a purpose.

Very boring but reliable.

Wishes back the old days when a young man much like youself could get laid easily.

Just stared reading books a couple of weeks ago and made note of some stuff that is discussed heavily here.

>> No.7851270
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>Last read
Pale Fire

>Currently reading
Paradise Lost

Faust Pt.1 & 2

>> No.7851279

did you like Pale Fire?

>> No.7851281

no one didn't like Pale Fire

>> No.7851290

Yes, I enjoyed it quite a bit.
What did you think of it anon? I would recommend it if you haven't read it.

>> No.7851294
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oooh you noticed my excellent accuracy.

>> No.7851298

I was meant to start it as my next one and I'm still trying to fix my motivation for it.

>> No.7851305

Victoria by Hamsun
Death in Venice by Mann
Poemas y antipoemas by Nicanor Parra
Either Salambó or Lolita

>> No.7851321

Jesus' Son (it is truly amazing, one of the best things I've read)

Just finished, so... Though I'm sort of reading also Borges collected non-fiction and Flannery O'Connor's short stories.

Maybe Magnetic Fields by Loewinsohn. Not sure yet.

>> No.7851323

> book you last read
Crime and Punishment

> book you're currently reading

> book you plan on reading next
I want to read more 19th century Russian stuff.
It will be either A Hero of Our Time or Dead Souls. Dubliners might make me want to something else though.

>> No.7851327

>last read
Perfume by Suskind
>Currently reading
Dune by Frank Herbet
>Reading next
The Quiet American by Graham Greene

>> No.7851333

The book totals to approximately 250 pages, so do not be overwhelmed. It's a very enjoyable read which you should not hesitate to start.

>> No.7851340

It's a hoot. Like, not kidding, Nabakov is hilarious. Despair by him is funnier but not as well constructed.

>> No.7851342

Salammbo is great, though it took a while for me to appreciate it. It is the opposite of Madame Bovary. Understand that Flaubert tries to completely deprive his book of any emotional (especially in a psychologial sense) connection. He did it wonderfully.

>> No.7851343

Forgot to ask how Victoria was. I really enjoyed Mysteries. Definitely recommend that one.

>> No.7851348

A Confederacy of Dunces


Legend of the Galactic Heroes

>> No.7851352

> Last

A Euripides anthology

> Current

The Plague

> Next

Not sure yet, maybe some Tolstoy

>> No.7851366

arthur koestler - darkness at noon
william h gass - in the heart of the heart of the country (thanks gassposter)
finishing one of the ten million other things i've started and not finished. possibly austerlitz

>> No.7851367

>confederacy of dunces
All of our niggah!

>> No.7851407

How was journey to the end of the night im considering that or under the volcano next.

>Last: Oblomov
Current: Man Without Qualities
Next: ???????

>> No.7851420


my nigga

>> No.7851434

The Avatar by Poul Anderson

Changeling Earth by Fred Saberhagen

Whatever strikes my fancy from the receiving box, or I might finish Republic, it could happen.

>> No.7851444

tsar of love and techno

fates and furies

the mark and the void

am i a contemowhore, lads?

>> No.7851448


contempowhore*, apologies.

>> No.7851470

fuck that looks cumfy i could read there all day

>> No.7851525

> Last read

The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth

> Currently reading

Andy Warhol Was a Hoarder

> Reading next

The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided By Politics and Religion

>> No.7851535


You're doing pirouettes on the line of good taste desu

>> No.7851545
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>Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Isn't that an annie may?

>> No.7851559

Fuck me that looks so comfy and looks like the perfect mood for reading, I'd kill for it. I feel really uncomfortable reading and it's in a place I don't really like.

>> No.7851967

It was originally a series of ten books. They just started translating them.

It's like Game of Thrones but in space...and not fucking garbage.

Pick it up.

>> No.7852341

Victoria was heart-wrenching and delightful. Portuguese has a word "saudade" which means roughly "the love that remains after someone is gone", which I think perfectly describes the book.

It was the first Hamsun I've ever read aswell, and it has fascinated me. I really want to pick up another of his so I might read Mysteries next.

>> No.7852391

>Last Read
The Baron In The Trees
Oedipus Cycle
The Changing Light at Sandover

guess this: am I drinking beer, liquor, or tea?

>> No.7852399

Sorry for posting this here, cant find any suitable thread and my question isnt really suitable for a new one
Does anyone know the site that delivers books internationally with no postage cost, and the books are usually cheap?

>> No.7852419

get free ebooks from bookzz.org or irc (read the sticky)

>> No.7852425

Read Duma Key

>> No.7852453
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> read
Kafka's short stories

> reading
Some Dostoyevsky short stories

> Going to read
The Castle

>> No.7852459


>> No.7852463

The Crying of Lot 49

Gravity's Rainbow

Blood Meridian

Did I fall for the memes?

>> No.7852503
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Animal farm
Do.Android s dream of electric.nubian.goats
Infinite Jesse

Fuck her right in the pussy

>> No.7852510
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<<<just read this
reading: Catch-22 & Blood Meridian
reading next: Canoeing with the Cree

>> No.7852528

Kafka on the Shore
Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (very much on the side)
Hear the Wind Sing, Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice

>> No.7852552

Children of Húrin
Les Misérables

>> No.7852558

Someone's in French lit.

>> No.7852565

Caveat Emptor by Ruth Downie
Semper Fidelis By Ruth Downie
Tabulas Rasa By Ruth Downie
I'm on kind of a Roman fiction kick lately.

>> No.7852574

My friend!
I just finished the first book, a lot of fun, I wouldn't say it's much like GoT because there's not much blood/sex, and it focuses on only two characters. Still good reading

>> No.7852575

>Last read

Their Eyes Were Watching God

>Currently Reading

Under the Volcano


The Age of Innocence

>> No.7852584

So uh... how's high school

>> No.7852592

What's the name of the book?

>> No.7852597

>Last read
>currently reading
Alexander: God of War
>Reading next
The Burning Land(Saxon series)

>> No.7852600

The only thing that matters to you is when you'll get your next fix of something, be it sex, drugs, or anything else. You consider yourself an aesthetician but in reality your a hedonist

>> No.7852606

A true meme connesieur

>> No.7852628

Starship Troopers

Don Quixote

The Civil War by Julius Caesar

>> No.7852641

American Psycho

Crime and Punishment

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.7852645

You have a lust for war.

>> No.7852656

Travels with Charley in Search of America

The Sorrows of a Young Werther


>> No.7852688
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philosophy undergrad edition

Georges Canguilhem - Ideology and Rationality in the Life Sciences
Sartre - Search for a Method
Canguilhem - On the Normal and the Pathological

>> No.7852703

you fell for the memes
not satisfied with current geographic location, but worried that the problems are your own and would be the same (basically) anywhere
could tell you were posting coursebooks before i even reread the post and saw that you were
hoping to discern something from the "classics" instead of developing own interests
about to throw caltrops all over main intersection of small hometown
fell for the memes in a slightly more hip way
why arent you reading more important texts to get at the questions you have?

rate lads?

>> No.7852750

>7851525 here, you got any specific recommendations? I'm probably gonna read Marcus Aurelius pretty soon.

>> No.7852769
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>not satisfied with current geographic location, but worried that the problems are your own and would be the same (basically) anywhere

spot on

>> No.7852779

hm, not really sure i do. i'm just surprised anyone would ever read self help books or stuff that sounds so gimmicky. but it seems like you're interested in morality. i just know that personally i would get a great deal more from reading more academic texts and canonical stuff.
it's ok bro, takes one to know one

>> No.7852785

and mean to say too that i really liked travels with charley when i read it a few years back. the winter of our discontent is ok. i've never read grapes of wrath and feel like that's a big detriment to my Real Reader credentials. steinbeck is one of my favs

>> No.7852806

Yeah, I was really enamored with the idea of packing up and experiencing something new every day, just me and what I could carry in my truck.

>i've never read grapes of wrath and feel like that's a big detriment to my Real Reader credentials.

Don't worry about it. Grapes of Wrath was great, but it's honestly not a tragedy if you never get around to reading it.

>> No.7852809

Georges Bernanos - Mouchette

Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha

Osamu Dazai - Blue Bamboo

Excuse the entry level books, only started reading recently.

>> No.7852857

>The Collected Poems of Robert Penn Warren
good taste

i bought this sumbich and it was worth the 50 dollars

>> No.7852871


>> No.7852885

>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>War and Peace
>damn son I don't know that's a while from now

>> No.7852889

fortune smiles - adam johnson


blood meridian - cormac mccarthy

>> No.7852897

The Iliad
The First Philosophers
Complete Cosmicomics
Conflict of Visions (for a project with a professor)
Short History of Myth (for uni)
Odyssey for fiction
Histories for non-fiction
El Libro de los Seres Imaginários (Borges) to train my Spanish

Tip: I'm actually on a STEM field.

>> No.7853083

Slaughter House V

Crying Lot of 49

Either Faust or Divine Comedy

>> No.7853091


>Last read
The best of E.E. 'Doc' Smith

>Currently reading
Walking on Glass - Iain Banks

>Reading next
The non-born King - Julian May

>> No.7853093

Journey to the end of the night

blood meridian

maybe no country for old men or the road...my library has a bunch of mccarthy

>> No.7853094

last read: the catcher in the rye

currently reading: a tale of two cities

next book: stoner

>> No.7853097

How come so many people are planing to read stoner next? Im not a /lit/ guy, is this a meme or a good book?

>> No.7853100

it's partly a meme but it has an interesting story and it's not too long of a read.

>> No.7853108

Foundation Trilogy
Collected Poems, Eugenio Montale. Though I probably won't read all of it just pick and choose
Not sure, more poetry, some book to help me get started with script writing or whatever novel catches my eye in my ebook library. (My pride and joy, approaching 1M books.)

>> No.7853111

>Last read
Chandler, The Lady in the Lake

>Current read
Melville, Benito Cereno

>Next read
Updike, Rabbit Run
Pynchon, Inherent Vice

>> No.7853114

Book I last read: Bazaar of Bad Dreams

Book I'm currently reading: Beyond The Chocolate War

Book I'm planning on reading next: Cujo

>> No.7853119

A Dance with Dragons
>last read
A Feast for Crows
>Reading next
All of Dune

>> No.7853125

> book you last read
The art of war
> book you're currently reading
A brief history of time
> book you plan on reading next
American psycho

>> No.7853127

oh yeah.. last """"book""""" you """"""""""""read""""""""""""
do me a favor.

>> No.7853157

>Dubliners & The Sublime Object of Ideology.
>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

Genuinely good person. Haven't found his literary path yet. Will read Steppenwolf before you should. Pretty popular but does feel the weight of the world on your shoulders a bit more than healthy but this also gives you some insight to life.
Would be very impressed with during the first 30 minutes of conversation but fast decline afterwards. Very thorough person. Problably had a 2 year relationship with a girl. Has slightly charlatan featuers.

>> No.7853182

The Satanic Verses

Absalom, Absalom!

The Rise and Fall of the British Empire or The Art of the Deal

>> No.7853186

A Hero of Our Time is GOAT, instant classic.

>> No.7853187

> Last read
The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway
> Reading
Purity by Franzen
> Reading next
The Accursed by Joyce Carol Oates

>> No.7853190
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Lord of the flies


Either The Crying Of Lot 49 or Mythology

>> No.7853195

Ah yes, thanks. I will definitely read Victoria.

Mysteries is fascinating, mysterious (huh), and memorable. The people I know who read it were all amazed by it, and so was I.

>> No.7853199

Tao Te Ching
The Book of the Dead
The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.7853211

Sophocles' Theban Plays
The Philosophy of History - Hegel
Aesthetics of Architecture - Scruton
The Nibelungenlied

>> No.7853213

>Last read
Mason & Dixon

>Currently Reading
台北人(Taipei People)
Finnegan's Wake

>Next read

>> No.7853216

> Norvegian Wood

> The Great Gatsby

> The Dharma Bums

>> No.7853226

>Remember, remember the 5th of November: a history of Britain

>The Gods Themselves - Isaac Asimov

>The End of Eternity - Isaac Asimov

Trying to knock off all the Asimov books

>> No.7853259

-Lucky Jim

-Chess Story

-The Box Man

>> No.7853289

>book you last read
Romanzero - Heine

>book you're currently reading
Selected Short Stories - Gogol
Amours Jaunes - Corbière

>book you plan on reading next
The Snow Country - Kawabata
or some Huysmans

>> No.7853290
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> book you last read
> book you're currently reading
> book you plan on reading next
Not 100% sure, but perhaps まいてつ. And 千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫 体験版 will come out in a month, so I'll definetly go for that.

>> No.7853296

>last read
the complete cosmicomics


hyperion or the dispossessed (help me pick)

>> No.7853298

hate people like you
there are like three people on /lit/ who can read this shit

>> No.7853301


>> No.7853303

I think he's copy-pasting names from visual novels, which is even worse

>> No.7853306

Yeah, all those are visual novels. Y

>> No.7853311

>you're reading good books for your age, anon. don't mind the grostesque as long as there is constructive meaning to derive from it.
What's my age? What did he mean by this?

>> No.7853312 [DELETED] 

>Last read
The Picture of Dorian Grey

>Currently reading
The Idiot

>Planning to read:
No Longer Human

>> No.7853316

>Last read:
The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Idiot

>Planning to read:
No Longer Human

>> No.7853342

Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse 5
Christiane F - We kids from Bahnhofs Zoo
Schnitzler - Traumnovelle

>> No.7853435

You're about 16-20, tend to feel awkward when meeting people for the first time or conversing with strangers but you're good fun with close friends.
You're slightly overweight but in a warm, cuddly way, you present yourself as a complete cynic and an egotist but you're actually an optimist and a self-doubter at heart.

The world as will and idea by Schopenhauer
Anna Kerenina by Leo Tolstoy
For whom the bell tolls by Ernest Hemmingway

>> No.7853439

Storm of Steel
Landscape in Concrete
V. or Hunger

>> No.7853609

I´m actually underweight for my height.
As for the other qualities, I´ld lie if I knew myself that well to fully explain me, but:
cynic - yes
egoist - if it suits my needs
optimist - I try to be
self-doubter - most of the time

You like to have appropriate knowledge of many fields. Because of that you sometimes come off as pretentious in discussions. You´re either a student with a lot of time or a neet (depending on the time you need to read a book).
You sometimes do sports but not too much, just to stay fit.

Come at me

>> No.7853727
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Last: the stranger

Current: Dubliners

Next: Portrait of the Artist or Crying of Lot 49

I've been /lit/ memed

>> No.7853740

Current: Cryptonomicon, Lolita, Count of Monte Cristo, Paradise Lost

Next: Ulysses, The Tunnel.

>> No.7853748

Last: The Stranger
Current: Meditations on First Philosophy
Next: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding or Crime and Punishment

>> No.7853933

>book I last read
Blóðhófnir by Gerður Kristný

>book I am currently reading
Útlaginn by Jón Gnarr

>book I plan on reading next
Tauben im Gras by Wolfgang Koeppen

>> No.7853949

Newly getting into literature, so you're reading the classics

my nigger

wannabe politician

into world literature, very nice
prepare to be sad while reading Werther, though

Go for Hunger, Hamsun is great

>> No.7853951

>I want to read something shorter after Moby Dick
How about you read your own dick then?

>> No.7854371

>last read
Great Gatsby
>currently reading
Submission - Houllebecq & Decline of the West - Spengler

>> No.7854389




>> No.7854433

>last read
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.7854451

>last read
Kafka On The Shore

>currently reading
Moby Dick

>reading next
Naked Lunch, Butcher's Crossing, or Blood Meridian

>> No.7854501

>last read
Ado, or Ardor


>reading next
Invisible Cities

>> No.7854545

In a dark dark wood

The likening

And then there were none for the hundredth time

>> No.7854551

And a side of eggrolls

>> No.7854574

In Cold Blood
Blood Meridian
Moby Dick

>> No.7855296

> book you last read

The Road

> book you're currently reading

The Republic, Blood Meridian, 1984, The Art of War, The Metamorphosis

> book you plan on reading next

BNW or For Whom The Bell Tolls

>> No.7855505
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>> Last read
>The Crying Of Lot 49
>> Currently reading
>Moby Dick
>> Reading next
> Last read
The Baron in the Trees
> Currently reading
Perfume / On Death And Love
> Reading next
Leaviathan or The Road, not sure yet

>> No.7855542

>Heroes: Mass Murder and Suicide
>Jakob von Gunten
>Dr Faustus

>> No.7855566
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>last read
The Curtain: Milan Kundera

>currently reading
Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales: Marie-Louise von Franz

>reading next
The White Goddess: Robert Graves

>> No.7855579

>last read
Hommage to Catalonia

>Currently Reading
The Decline of the West

>reading next
Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism

>> No.7855587

>Confederacy of Dunces
>Sometime about going to law school. Any suggestions?

>> No.7855589

How are you finding Dubliners/

>> No.7855593


You like to have a relaxing drink now and then, probably something like a whiskey sour or a vodka and juice, and you rarely over do it.
You consider the eternal return. You have or either are interesting in psychedelic experiences. Joseph Campbell interests you. You long to travel but probably never have.

You should read Goethe

>> No.7855598

>Last Read

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

>Currently Reading



The Crying Lot of 49

>> No.7855602

The Trouble with Being Born by E.M.Cioran

2666 by Roberto Bolaño

No clue, I could drown an elephant with all the books i'd like to read

I'd like a few words on 2666, on what i'm getting into-Norton left from Central America back to Europe, which leaves Pelletier and Espinoza to find their idol.
Where does the Italian fit in? like Norton feels guilty whenever she talks to him, how can it be explained?

Does Pequod strike you as odd?

>> No.7855607

Julius Caesar


Trout Fishing in America - Richard Brautigan

>> No.7855609

>You should read Goethe
I know.
I have that planned. Wanted to read him ever since I found Mann to be one of my favourite writers

>You long to travel but probably never have.
I did travel quite a bit before, but I havent travelled in a while, so yeah, I do long to travel right now

>> No.7856088

I've never read Moby Dick, I accidentally quoted somebody else.
By the way, how good is 2666 so far? and are you reading the translation? I've read other novels by Bolaño but it's neither 2666 or The Savage Detectives

>> No.7856382


>> No.7856394

Last Read:
The Cathcher in the Rye

Currently Reading:
Blood Meridian

Reading Next:
War and Peace

>> No.7856403

>Robert greene's books
>maybe an audiobook of something by plato

>> No.7856714
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So many anons going unnoticed

>> No.7857357
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Last Read: 2666

Currently Reading: Gravity's Rainbow

Reading Next: Not really sure. I have a fuckton of poetry to read for comparative lit and I just ordered Mason & Dixon, Against the Day, The Savage Detectives, and The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea.

Any thoughts on what to read next anon?

I think she was just guilty because Pelletier, Espinoza, and her often seem to get stuck in their own parable, forgetting and neglecting Morini (If I remember correctly there's parts during the three way affair where they don't talk to him for months). Have you finished part 1 yet? Where Norton travels to be with Morini?

What's your favorite story in Dubliners so far?

If I where you I'd just use Mythology as a reference text instead of forcing yourself to read the whole damn thing. It's an interesting read, but can get tedious at times. At least that's what I did when I read The Illiad and The Odyssey.

>> No.7857767

The Butcher Boy

The Count of Monte Cristo

The Virtue of Selfishness

>> No.7857788

> Last read
Nickel and Dimed
> Currently reading
Masscult and Midcult
> Reading next
Something by Drewermann

>> No.7857815

the Illiad
either Orlando by Woolf or the Corpus Hermeticum.

>> No.7857823
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>Last read

The Sun Also Rises

>Currently Reading


>Plan on Reading Next

Thinking either To The Lighthouse or The Waves, not sure which is a better introduction to Woolf

>> No.7857836

> book you last read
The Jews by Hilaire Belloc
> book you're currently reading
Philosophy of the Mind by Edward Feser
> book you plan on reading next
John Henry Newman at random or Europe and Faith by Belloc. He's the biggest surprise this year. I almost never see him posted here.

>> No.7857847

That's not literature but young adult garbage on the level of harry potter. Fuck off.

>> No.7857856

> book you last read

The Brazilian Misery by J. Chasin

> book you're currently reading

Histoire et Conscience de Classe by Lukacs

> book you plan on reading next
Grundrisse by Marx

>> No.7857860

Fellow French German fag, I bid you bienvenue du schwein

>> No.7857873

> last read
The Great Gatsby

> currently reading
The Brothers Karamazov

> plan to read
Confessions of an economic hitman

>> No.7857888

The Tunnel - Sabato
The Road - McCarthy
probably All Quiet on the Western Front - Remarque

>> No.7857895

Some good stories, some not so good stories. I got good vibes from After the Race.

>> No.7857902

>last read

>currently reading
A Clash of Kings

What should I read next to cleanse my palette?

>> No.7857906

>last read
The Crying of Lot 49
House of Leaves
Finnegans Wake

>> No.7857908

The Night Land
Altered Carbon
The Stranger

>> No.7857958

fear and loathing on the campaign trail
white noise
Dharma bums

>> No.7857962

> book you last read
Obstacle is the way

> book you're currently reading

> book you plan on reading next

>> No.7857974

History of greek philosophy V.1 Guthrie
History of greek philosophy V.2 Guthrie
History of greek philosophy V.3 Guthrie

>> No.7857995

>Greek classics like Illiad and Metamorphoses
Metamorphoses is Italian, anon.

>> No.7858081

The Three Musketeers, before that Madness and Civilisation
Nothing (just finished TTM)
The Crying of Lot 49, Paradise Loft or Lolita, could use help

You are that one kid in class that cares about memes just enough to be annoying but just not enough to kick him out of your social group.

You are the kid that was kicked out.

You are the kid in the group who could talk about anything but were not exceptional in any meaningful capacity, also if you're that far along you might as well keep reading GRRM for the plot.

You are the best friend of the previous kid.

You are the best friend of the first kid.

You are the kid doing the kicking.

>> No.7858096

sun also rises
wild boys i guess
should i read something easy like dharma bums or just buy ulysses? i liked the first 50 pages

>> No.7858102

>Last Read

Kokoro - Natsume Soseki

>Currently Reading

The Plains of Passage - Jean M. Auel

> Plan on reading next

Rathen: The Legend of Ghrakus Castle - Grant Elliot Smith

>> No.7858280

Did you mean Paradise Lost? Either way, I strongly recommend Lolita, it's an exceptional and engaging book. It's narrated in the first person so it really does convey the conscience of its narrator in a superb manner.This book actually elicited many emotions in me, thus it has a special place in my heart. It really is a masterpiece and if I'm not wrong, it was originally written in English instead of Russian so you'll really get to experience its true spirit as on the contrary translations don't really retain it very much, something always gets lost along the way.

>> No.7858534


>> No.7858916

cool guy

>> No.7858941


The road

Crime and Punishment

>> No.7858945
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>book you last read

Aquinas by Feser, finished it today

> book you're currently reading

Nothing, waiting for my order

> book you plan on reading next

Discourse on Method by Descartes

>> No.7858960

> book you last read

Kafka on the Shore – Murakami
Great surreal literature desu

> book you're currently reading

Names for the Sea – Moss [Icelandic travel lit; going for a few weeks in May]

> book you plan on reading next

The Tale of Genji – Shikibu [Summer project with a friend]

>> No.7858981

Last: The Fountainhead
Now: The Secret History
Then: Going Postal

>> No.7859012
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>book I last read

The Count of Monte Cristo - can't remember the translation off the top of my head, but my father recommended it. It was unabridged.

>book I'm currently reading

El abuelo by Benito Peréz Galdós in Spanish

>book I plan on reading next

Probably something by Ibsen or Moliere

>> No.7859013

> book you last read
Mythology (Hamilton)

> book you're currently reading
Fear and Loathing in Law Vegas

> book you plan on reading next
The Iliad (Lattimore)

>> No.7859069

stemfag who reads philosophy on the side to feel smart

last: Absalom, Absalom!
now: Ulysses
next: Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.7859214

I'm reading Feser on Philosophy of the Mind and it's a good cover of Descartes.
Still, no Aquinas in sight.

>> No.7859598

>Last Read
A Room of One's Own

>Currently Reading
The Odyssey

>Reading Next
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (re-read)

size me up

>> No.7859870

> book you last read

Flatland - Abbott

> book you're currently reading

Canzoniere - Petrarca
Nausea - Sartre

> book you plan on reading next

Crime and Punishment or Portrait of a Lady

>> No.7859903

As I Lay Dying
House of Leaves and Songs of a Dead Dreamer
probably The Blank Slate

>> No.7859984

Harlot's Ghost

The Man Without Qualities

Comet in Moominland has been sitting on my bedside table for a long time and god knows I need something lighter and shorter after these couple of doorstops, so maybe that.


You haven't been memed by lit into a snobbish loathing of Murakami, so that's a positive. I'm mad jelly that you're going to Iceland. Tale of Genji is, in my opinion, irredeemable drudgery. It's the only book that I can recall ever setting out to read and not finishing.


Ulysses. If you can enjoy Joyce's prose then I think you owe it to yourself to read his masterpiece.

>> No.7859999

>>last read
Stoner, Williams
>>Currently Reading
The Aleph and other stories, Borges
>>reading next
The Book of Disquiet, Pessoa

>> No.7860002

>last read

Reaper's Gale

>Currently reading

Toll the Hounds

>up next

Dust of Dreams

Malazan has been extremely rewarding thus far senpai. The last 3/4 of every book is intense and dominates my thoughts until I finish it. I'm really looking forward to how this series ends desu.

>tfw all these convergences

>> No.7860235

>Last read
Metaphysical meditions

>Currently reading
The idiot
About 60 pages until I finish it
Not sure, I was thinking I'd go on with Dostoievsky and read the brother Karamazov but I won't have much free time during the next few weeks so opting for a long hard read isn't the best choice

>> No.7860249

you are very ambitious, you start a lot of projects but you spread your energy too thin and in the end none of it was done as well as it could have been
you are inbetween places at the moment and you arent really sure where you are headed and you're not sure if you mind

>last read
massive, about the higgs boson
heart of darkness
the ascent of man

>> No.7860255


Are you enjoying The Idiot?

>> No.7860267

> book you last read
> book you're currently reading
Moby dick, crying lot of 49, the illiad, lord jim
> book you plan on reading next
IV , the idiot or the odyssey

>> No.7860292


Read The Idiot

You sound like a cool guy

>> No.7860320

i think i am gonna read that next, i really need to finish moby as i've left it over quite a period of time and read about 6 books inbertween it

what are you reading ?

>> No.7860329


I just finished Uncle's Dream last night, which is a little Dostoevsky novella. I'll probably start The Permanent Husband today or something like that.
The Idiot is great and I think you'll like it a lot if you've enjoyed Dostoevsky's other works, especially if you've been able to embrace his characters. It's very focused in that regard, of following a character, kind of like Crime and Punishment but even moreso.

>> No.7860332



Skyrim Library Volume II

>> No.7860379

Last read: Orthodoxy by Chesterton

Currently: The perfume by Süskind

Planning: The unbearable lightness of being by Kundera

>> No.7860536
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Not that other anon but would you recommend The Idiot as a good place to start with Dosto?

Also which translation?

>> No.7860554

You can safely skip kundera unless you want literary pussy

>> No.7861039

Just finished it.
God that book is fucked up
I won't lie that was a hard read by how many characters there were and how complex their psychology was but reflecting upon that plus the reccuring themes like religion, crime and so on which really felt like a continuation of Crime and Punishment in some ways really got me hooked.

>> No.7862233

Tough guys don't dance - Mailer
Plexus - Miller/ Farewell Waltz - Kundera / Don Quixote - Cervantes.
Les Liaisons dangereuses - Laclos / Jacques le fataliste et son maître - Diderot.
I want to read something else from Camus and maybe retry Lolita as I couldn't even read the 20 first pages. Also interested in Story of O.
Also, some Czech /b/ tards gave me a list of their "must read" literature. Christ.
How the fuck are we supposed to find the time for reading everything?

>> No.7862246

You like to have your butthole full 24/7

>> No.7862259

You're gonna have a blast with MK.
My intake is that you have 24 years old. You have an easy job and you think yourself as a player with females.

>> No.7862280

>last read
The Curtain: Milan Kundera

>currently reading
Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales: Marie-Louise von Franz

>reading next
The White Goddess: Robert Graves

>> No.7862301

Last: 100 Years of Solitude
Now: Bleeding Edge
Next: The Gulag Archipelago

>> No.7862566

Last: "Blasons" - Georges Zaragoza
Now: "Violence and the Sacred" - René Girard
Next: possibly "Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr" - E.T.A Hoffman

>> No.7862682
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.7863223

Last: East of Eden - Steinbeck
Now: 100 Years of Solitude - Márquez
Next: Perfume - Süskind

>> No.7863249

Last: The Remains of the Day
Current: As I Lay Dying
Next: Against the Day

>> No.7863509

>last read
handmaid's tale

>currently reading
point counter point

>reading next
pet sematary

>> No.7863530

i dont wanna be "that guy" but i think you should reconsider

>> No.7863623

do you mean reconsider reading pet sematary?
I know king gets shit on here a lot, but I love his writing, warts and all and I've been reading a lot of heavier shit lately so it'll be a nice change of pace to read something a little lighter.

>> No.7864193

> book you last read
Prime Obsession: Bernhard Reinmen and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics
> book you're currently reading
East of Eden
> book you plan on reading next
Something on number theory, not too sure yet
If anyone knows any good math books let me know

>> No.7864211

>Last read
The Brothers Lionheart

>Currently reading
The Brothers Karamazov

>Reading next
A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven

>> No.7864340

>Last read
I just finished The Stranger

>Currently reading

A confederacy of dunces or Infinite Jest

>> No.7864542

>The Divine Comedy
>Revelations of Divine Love
>The Hymn of the Universe

>> No.7864580

Hell's Angels (HST)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
On the Road, unless I tire of the American beat/acid period during Kesey. Then I'd read Oblivion (DFW) first, I think.

>> No.7864599

>handmaid's tail


>> No.7864682
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Hemingway, Men Without Women


Plato, Timaeus-Critias


Nabokov, Lolita

>Next Next

Soren Kierkegaard

please validate my search for being with occasional breaks

>> No.7864696
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My nigger. Augustine is essential to the exploration of Christian existentialism, Once and Future King is on my list. What's We The Drowned about?

>> No.7866063

Last: A Clockwork Orange

Current: Virgil's Aeneid

Next: Perdido Street Station

>> No.7866108

> Ulysses
> V.
> Pale Fire

Male, Norwegian, 20 yo, was raised in a christian family that had a lot of kids, but only girls besides him.

>> No.7866527
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The Pigeon - Patrick suskind
K - Roberto Calasso
Probably Naked Lunch or Steppenwolf

>> No.7866534

>Last read: Moby Dick
(I liked some parts of it but it was too slow for me and I felt like I was forcing the reading just to get done with it. The last quarter of the book was more enjoyable)
>Currently reading: Dune
>Planning on reading: Pride and prejudice or Stoner ( not quite sure if I'll like them, i read that stoner is depressing)

>> No.7866542

Is stoner any good?

I bought it and im not sure if i ll like it

>> No.7866635

JK is a hack. Defs go with oblivion

>> No.7866663

Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
In Praise of Older Women
Either DFW's essays or Demons/The Possesed
Unpretentious if a little naive
College Graduate
Kind of an asshole, but in a fun, charismatic way

>> No.7866695

Last: The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories
Current: Numbers The Language of Science - Dantzig
Next: Franz Kafka Complete Stories or Madame Bovary

>> No.7866696

>Book I last read:
The Fall of Paris by Ilya Ehrenburg
>Book I'm currently reading:
Much Ado about Nothing by Shakespeare
>Book I'm reading next:
The Master of Go by Yasunari Kawabata

>> No.7866705

It's in my top five novels of all time. It's a masterpiece.

>> No.7866719
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Barry Potter and the Case of Mysteries
Atlas Shrugged
I don't know

>> No.7867326

The Handmaid's Tale


Notes from a Dead House

>> No.7867355

Last: Armada by Ernest Cline

Current: Infinite Jest by DFW

Next: Leviathan Wakes I think.

>> No.7867607

>Last Read
Foucalt's Pendulum and Assassin's Apprentice

>Currently Reading
Seven Gothic Tales, Royal Assassin, The Secret History

>Book You Plan on Reading Next
Buddenbrooks and the next Farseer Book

>> No.7867615

The Brothers Karamazov
>Currently Reading
Plato's Republic
Nicomachean ethics Aristotle

Yes im a new friend

>> No.7867648

> book you last read
Slezské Písně
> book you're currently reading
Animal Farm
> book you plan on reading next

>> No.7867683


The Magic Mountain, but not doing it justice.
I am planning to translate Siddhartha into my first language so that my mum can read it.

Haven't really thought about it.

>> No.7867694

>last read
Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

>currently reading
Starship troopers

>next to read
Johnny got his gun

>> No.7867787

A Hell of a Woman by Jim Thompson

Savage Night by Jim Thompson

Either The Black Dahlia by James Ellroy or The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas

>> No.7868559

>> book you last read
Winnie the Pooh
>> book you're currently reading
>> book you plan on reading next
Summer on the Lakes

>> No.7869378

Student with a decent amount of time to read so that's right. I do have a compulsive desire to seem like an expert in anything being discussed and usually compared to my friends (who are laddish types) I sort of am but I generally feel really inadequate about how little I know about most things that interest me. I don't exercise at all apart from walking regularly but I try to remain in good health.

Good guessing anon

>> No.7869673

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Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de France 1977--1978
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>> No.7869714


Late reply but here you go: Don't read The Idiot first. Read either one of his lesser known works or less philosophical works like The Gambler, or read Notes From the Underground or Crime and Punishment first. There are a lot of places to start with him, just don't begin with The Idiot, Demons (The Possessed) or The Brothers K. I haven't read many translations but I've always enjoyed Garnett. I did not care for Jessie Coulson's Crime and Punishment. If you can find excerpts of different translations and go with the one that is most agreeable to you.

>> No.7869742


Tao Te Ching


Going to start A Short History of Decay tonight


The Enchanted Wanderer