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/lit/ - Literature

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7849077 No.7849077 [Reply] [Original]

What is true /lit/'s opinion on this trilogy

PS: people who think fantasy is trash or reddit are not real /lit/ go back to your greek with their shakespeare or something fantasy is a real gender

>> No.7849100
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>fantasy is a real gender
Thanks for singlehandedly confirming exactly how retarded you genreplebs are.

>> No.7849112

This is the most retarded meme on this board,. Some read for entertainment you autistic faggot, not just for pretending being an intellectual

>> No.7849126
File: 132 KB, 349x500, 1456523072682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finding dime a dozen generic sword&cocksuckery shit """""entertaining"""""
Kill yourself tbhfam.

>> No.7849138

>finding books """"""""entertaining""""""""""
yeah im so glad i read infinite jest 6 times. im so smart and intelligent now.

>> No.7849248

This is probably the worst thread I've ever seen on /lit/

>> No.7849260

why are genre fiction readers so aggressive?

>> No.7849262


Why are the pseudo "intellectuals" (not really intellectuals, reading obscure and old books doesn't make one one) so aggressive towards people who read for fun and to enjoy the stories and plots and the world?

>> No.7849268 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 464x464, 1458890877468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this pretentious
whatever Mr. Euphoria not all of us are insecure of ourselves and adapt a facade of intellectualism to protect us from other people, by reading whatever the heck I want I am exercising my radical freedom you frigging estatist.

>> No.7849273

How do you down vote comments? I want to downvote this comment.

>> No.7849277

i think it's due in part to plebs being seemingly incapable of making the transition to big boy literature. plebs will happily devour 800 pages of grrm yet suddenly ulysses or moby dick (both incredibly engaging, immensely readable and enjoyable books even if you read for plot) are suddenly too hard and long.
also the perceived rarity of readers of proper literature in a sea of plebs

>> No.7849282

>Stop liking what I don't like !!!1111 a hurrrr durrr

>> No.7849292

Genre fiction readers, everyone.

>> No.7849296

The only reason you gave is >U can't find it boring !!!11111 Just face it * genre fiction ages better than other crap*

>> No.7849297

Have you ever tried to read something from the Western canon?

>> No.7849306

Yes. I read Kurt Vonnegut before.

>> No.7849312


Literary fiction is more serious and can offer social/political commentary along with complex emotions with a more styled, elegant prose. Genre fiction is designed for mass appeal along with a prose that's for achieving exactly that. Focuses more on plot and solely entertainment instead of any big questions. Literary fiction simply has merit and can stand the test of time.

>> No.7849321


Just because a deep study into physics offers more than just a few basic courses doesn't mean that everyone has to get a PhD in physics.

>> No.7849328

That's just your opinion. Most people consider genre fiction better than literary fiction.

>> No.7849329

honestly m8 vonnegut is basically genre fiction
hence why he's so popular on reddit

read some entry-level stuff.. kafka, orwell, garcia marquez, a portrait of dorian gray by wilde, camus, mccarthy,steinbeck, dickens.

if you can make this leap i'm confident you'll go on to more challenging fiction and look back on your genre fiction period as a waste of time (i know i did)

>> No.7849333

Mistborn is great. Absolutely love it. The plot is gripping. I was literally "ooh"ing and "ahh"ing when the twists appeared. I also think theologically it is interesting. Maybe Mormons aren't morons after all.

Anyway, check out The Stormligbt Archives, OP. And read the sequel novella about cowboy allomancers.

>> No.7849335

>Most people consider genre fiction better than literary fiction.

only because they're intimidated and hence never tried

'You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore' -
william faulkner

>> No.7849341


>> No.7849343


>le fallacy spouting gentlesir

>> No.7849349
File: 360 KB, 1300x957, grinning-man-fedora-hat-28126280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well quoted fellow /lit/izen

>> No.7849352


I read both, I still prefer genre fiction.

>> No.7849364

what proper literature did you read?

>> No.7849369


What, you want to tell me how I wasn't reading REAL proper literature?
People have preferences, I prefer genre fiction, doesn't mean I have to hate other kinds of fiction.

>> No.7849454

Alright magic, cringey romance between the main characters, no deeper philosophical insight or questioning, fantasy for fantasy's sake.


>> No.7849622

Same fag

>> No.7849637

>What, you want to tell me how I wasn't reading REAL proper literature?
Assuming Sanderson is the type you have mostly been reading, yes, you haven't read any real, proper literature.
>People have preferences, I prefer genre fiction, doesn't mean I have to hate other kinds of fiction.
People having a preference for low quality fiction doesn't make the quality of said fiction go up. The fact that you prefer genre fiction, and I'm using this term to mark trash like Sanderson, Erikson, Jordan and not the masters of fiction such as Wolfe or Tolkien, means you prefer trash to quality, in the same way people prefer Katy Perry to Hildegard von Bingen.

>> No.7849732

I do read for fun too, but i can't get fun from shallow genre fantasy fiction

>> No.7849744

>oohing and aahing

Who does this? No one does this

>> No.7850053

You realize you people are as insufferable as vegans with this shit. I maintain a balanced diet most of the time but I eat one burger and you won't shut up.

>> No.7850068

Just let the troll be. He can feel patrician for reading his big boy books while we can read actual good literature.

>> No.7850480


I've sometimes done it

>> No.7850574

>You realize you people are as insufferable as vegans with this shit.

Too bad 90% of lit is filled with them

>> No.7850591

Eat it and don't pretend it's amazing when we tell you it's shit.

>> No.7850599

I read the first book a few years ago then read the first 100 pages of the second. I liked it

>> No.7850796

Your favorite authors are shit.

>> No.7850955

lit fiction is better but your explanation is a shit pseud one

>> No.7851135

sanderson is really carrying the torch. all you edgelord faggots should know he teaches uni, while regularly writing published books.

>> No.7851478

It's a fucking video game in book form. And he is religious, so that's like minus 9 points in respect.

>> No.7851485

There are Light Novels better than this.

>> No.7851491

No you havent.

>> No.7851494
File: 171 KB, 499x497, 1458690287349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fantasy is a real gender

what's the deal with the pleb invasion?

>> No.7851499

Is this thread just one fanboy sameposting

>> No.7851527

Is there sex in it? Or would he get excommunicated by his weird church for writing about it? I don't want to read another prudish fantasy series like the Wheel of Time.

>> No.7851697

He was literally the chosen one of Jordan.

>> No.7851717

Stormlight is way better. The books in the Mistborn series get worse as the series goes along, however the fourth spinoff book was decent.

>> No.7852139

His dedication is mildly disturbing

>> No.7852169

Whoever swims towards the horizon? That's dangerous.

>> No.7852816


Yes I have

>> No.7853007

Fantasy is not necessarily trash, everything is necessarily reddit, that book is probably both trash and reddit, judging purely by its cover.

>> No.7853016

Anyone swimming in a direction?

>> No.7853582

Read about 270 pages of the first book, and it was just mediocre, I felt like I'm wasting my time when I can read better things. The magic system was kind of cool though, and the mist wraiths.

>> No.7853635

The book entertains me, but that's it. Overall quality is downright mediocre. Alloymancy is not magic but rather shounen power disguised as one. Sanderson actually have the chance to turned into an interesting story at the second book but he took the most cliche route possible with the usual delusion of American that is muh democracy and the likes. In the end, I can't remember much of his trilogy due to how generic it is and how it doesn't have semblance of coherent theme.

Further about him and Mistborn novel, I somehow continued to the second trilogy set where the story took setting in a faux-victorian setting. That change makes his writing in general more readable because I found his prose too modern for a medieval fantasy. Combined with his habit of using pseudo-intelectual and modern words, it just make the perfect fit. The magic it still the same old shounen power shit and laughably it doesn't make any impact on how the society build. Same with the first book also, it doesn't have any coherent theme up to the second book. The only thing that makes me keep reading is Wayne, a character who can copy accent and dialect if different people so he can blend himself into a group. This shit right here is the most magical thing I found in his work, even more magical than his laughable alloymancy.

Honestly though, I would've dropped his works since Alloy of Law if it weren't for complecity sake. Sanderson is just a talentless writer beside his productivity because he don't know what he fucking write. You've read that accent-stealing that I mention above right? That shit treated like a throwaway power despite it contribute much in bringing faux-victorian atmosphere. It could even make a base for an interesting theme like industrial era migration, but no as Sanderson much interested retelling a story of ancient conspiracy again.

But do you know what I found most offensive from Sanderson obliviousness of his own writing? He makes his female character in the second trilogy like a prancing internet feminist, speaking how the main character from the previous trilogy that was a literal Jesus is good example of woman actualization . A fucking woman as a JESUS and she only ends up no more than an example of strong womyn in her own universe.

TL;DR Sanderson is fucking mediocre writer and you should feel bad defending him.

>> No.7853703

Would worship those feet desu

>> No.7853827

First book was really good, second mostly shit, I'm about 70% or so through the third one, it started well but then turned to boring shit, I think it's starting to pick up pace again though

>> No.7854457

I like sandersond

>> No.7854487


>> No.7854539

Jeez, guys...

Personally, I indulge in myriad of different genres. Classics, history, biography, poetry, philosophy and yes, even some fantasy/genre fic from time to time.

OP, you can go ahead and read that kind of stuff if you want, but if you trumpet it on a board like /lit/, don't feign confusion and take offense when you're rightfully laughed at and set upon. /lit/ is a community that, for all it's obvious psychosis, takes the creation and consumption of literature very seriously. Threads which don't conform threaten the already paper-thin egos of these weirdos and they have a tendency to lash out. You might find more kinship in a community like goodreads, which isn't so homogeneous in it's expectations as this one.

Personally, while I do enjoy the occasional break from more high minded literature that fantasy can offer me, I would never brag about it or expect my interests to be taken seriously. It's gauche and immature.

>> No.7854706

What was the point of the trilogy if everything ended up perfectly fine?

>> No.7854721



I also try to read a broad range of literature, which does include the odd genrefic if the situation demands it.

I've currently travelling. I don't usually read genrefic, but I actually downloaded the first Mistborn book to read on various transits. I don't feel like reading something I am required to take notes on / focus intensively when I'm uncomfortably crammed into a bus / train / plane with a million other sardines. Something easy going and relatively engaging helps to pass the time and make me forget the dull ache that has been getting progressively worse over the last 7 hours in my legs.

>> No.7854844

post recs