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/lit/ - Literature

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7847157 No.7847157 [Reply] [Original]

Why did no one make a new thread edition

Recommendation Charts:
Selected: http://i.imgur.com/3v2oXAY.jpg
General: http://i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg
Flowchart: http://i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg

Selected: http://i.imgur.com/A96mTQX.jpg
General: http://i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg / http://i.imgur.com/gNTrDmc.jpg

>What are you reading right now?
>dunno just talk about what you want

>> No.7847170

No one made a new thread for a good reason.
Fuck off with this garbage

>> No.7847232
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no u

Not reading anything /sffg/ right now, but I found some pulpy old Philip K Dicks in a thrift store and I'll probably do one of them next. Which of these would be a good starting point?

(Also, I'm congratulating myself for making it through this post without a "Dick" pun).

>> No.7847385

Just finished The Last Mortal Bond

Really a disappointing ending for a promising series desu

>> No.7847449

>at the start of every thread
Someone post the meme where "elitist" come in here and shitpost about quality

I'm at chapter 59 spoil it for me does the god of darkness show himself? Does the God of death? We have pain and pleasure does the other gods turn up in person?

>> No.7847453

Spoiler in >>7847449 for >>7847385

>> No.7847514

This a good series? Just looked it up and it apparently concluded 9 days ago. I always like it when a series finally ends.

>> No.7847583

>Why did no one make a new thread edition
I would have but I haven't had good discussions in these in a while.
Why do you come here then anon? Shill and it's active so I can read a few new posts whenever I come back.
>What are you reading right now?
Flannery O'Connor.
She is absolutely amazing. Funny, sad, heartbreaking, sweet, everything I can wish for in short stories.
"I thank Jesus every day he didn't make me a nigger or white trash"
>dunno just talk about what you want
Hilaire Belloc is the most underrated political author I know of and considering I can't be the only conservative Catholic it seems strange only 2-3 of us have read him. My mouth is full of him these days.

Also got a Kobo, I will after I finish some other shit pick up Wolfe again. I started In Green Jungles few months ago but stalled because I by mistake read half of On Blue Waters by mistake. Or the other way around. Confusing titles. Also How is Peace?

>> No.7847740

Currently reading the night's dawn trilogy book 2, and while I really dig the huge narrative and universe it spans up, it's such a LONG thing. There is so much going on, and so many places where things happen, which I enjoy, but at the same time, it doesn't feel like it's moving an arc along. I wouldn't call it filler, because all events affect the story, it's just so damn large.
Hopefully, it ends in a satisfying conclusion.

>> No.7847785
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So are there any steampunk books that aren't lolrandom stories about Sir Gentleman Cogshat and his giant steam mech? Something actually serious and not pulpy. Also don't recommend me any actual Victorian/Edwardian sci-fi. Not that I have a problem with it, but that feels like cheating.

>> No.7847925
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Plus his H.G. Wells homage, The Time Ships. Baxter's more known for large scale universe-spanning stuff, but these are pretty underrated.

>> No.7847952

Someone got a link to a retail version of Tolkiens work in epub format? With the illustrations preferably

>> No.7847970

Princess Bride any good?

>> No.7848053

nobody else shows up, and you never see pleasure again in this book

>> No.7848057

The first two books are really enjoyable imo. Third book is the worst in the series tho

>> No.7848068
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so anybody know if Mark Lawrence's new trilogy is any good?

>> No.7848087


No it's absolutely awful, luckily there is an abridged version that's a lot better

>> No.7848095

I already got "spoiled" about that part, the full book not really existing. Is that an important point?

>> No.7848142


No but it's kind of funny

>> No.7848246

>dunno just talk about what you want
So, this is me letting my low-grade autism shine through because I've been drinking, but it bothers me that in the OP of these threads the fantasy charts come before the sci-fi charts. It's /sffg/, not /fsfg/, the charts should parallel that arrangement.

Read a sci-fi book that started out well but then got boring, isn't that just the worst? Also, finally got around to reading the Prose Edda, due entirely to this thread. It was good. Thanks, /sffg/!

>> No.7848273

The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, if you haven't read it already.

>> No.7848279
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http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/suzanne-delage/ NEW SHORT STORY BY GENE WOLFE

>> No.7848295

>thinking that anything in the cosmos requisites order

u went full pleb senpai

>> No.7848585

Damn you that is one of his classics.

>> No.7848603

Sorry, didn't realize. I saw it shared in my facebook and assumed it was new.

>> No.7848609

The Iron Dragon's Daughter by Michael Swanwick is a cut above

>> No.7848806

Yeah it's a GOAT adventure book.

>> No.7849677

I bet this loser abuses his waifu.

>> No.7849738

>>What are you reading right now?
A Game of Thrones, read the series skipping the first book after watching the tv show season one. It's nice how much backstory it has compared to it. Also the foreshadowing.

>>dunno just talk about what you want
So what are your favourite Alastair Reynolds novels?
I guess I most like Revelation Space and everything with the ship Nostalgia for Infinity in it, though its hard to pick favourites as several novels are memorable. The last trilogy was ok but elefants aren't that cool. I'm still cautiously exited for his next projects (2 in 2016 + the Prefect sequel in 2017) even though the short story Slow Bullets felt like a bit of a rehash of his previous ideas while missing a climax.

>> No.7849878

Yea the novels have a lot of detail. I wish more was put into the show, but the damn thing is already expensive as hell.

>> No.7849883
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I just ordered all the Book of the New Sun books on ebay.


>> No.7849886

>buying books

>> No.7849888

>he fell for the wolfe meme

>> No.7849891
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>> No.7849953


this desu

underrated book, one of my all time favs.

>> No.7849969

Him, Erickson and the idiot from prince of nothing are shit tier writters praised because "it's deep brah, you just don't get it!"
Enjoy your meme books mate.

>> No.7850040

Post your fave five fantasy authors

>> No.7850221

They're shit tier because they don't fit the Tolkien mold of fantasy?

>> No.7850249
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I want to GM for Ryuutama soon and am looking for inspo. Anything comfy, Ghibli like.

>> No.7850309

>not liking the rape, gay and incest in Prince of nothing

>call others tastes bad

Wew lad

>> No.7850383

I want to write a story, but I'm struggling to work out the religions in my fantasy world. The overarching idea is that there is a pantheon of deities that rule over mankind, but they're not completely genuine. They took over the planet(so I guess they're really "ancient aliens," huh.) and are treating the humans like lab mice to learn how they function and solve the problems put forth in their society.

I wanted to do something like a Greek or Egyptian pantheon where each "god" has a domain over something, but I'm not sure how to write the origin story for the universe and how to divide up the type of gods or even how many of them there should be. Does anyone have some ideas, or suggest anything beyond reading more religious texts for inspiration?

>> No.7850386
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Just finished reading the Three Body Problem 1 and 2.

I'm exhausted as fuck.

Best hard sci-fi I've read in years. Even if characterization is kinda wonky at times, I really enjoy the grand scale and imagination of the plot. Trisolarans must be the most interesting and loveable ayys I've ever read.

I hope that they do not mess up with the movie.

What does /lit/ think about it?

>> No.7850417
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>> No.7850419

have the human characters only interact with lowly constructs or records, if at all. A society that advanced can't just be green humans, it needs a sense of mysticism, or else it becomes campy.
Have people investigate and find clues about them. Maybe have each incident color coded, for a different "deity".
A research team would naturally have different experts. So naturally, your aliens could also be divided into similarly. Geology, Biology, Meteorology, you name it.

I wouldn't do direct parallels with actual gods though. That has been done to death.

>> No.7850425

I don't generally read a lot of fantasy, but I finished The Darkness that Comes Before recently and about to start The Warrior Prophet. Does the series start getting less plotting and more philosophical later on?

>> No.7850499

Raymond E. Feist, Gail Z. Martin, Rowena Cory Daniels, Dan Abnett, and Harry Turtledove

>> No.7850518

2 is more philosophical, 3 is more action

And the second series is almost all action with only smatterings of philosophy.

It comes off so heavy in the first books because he was writing a philosophy dissertation at the same time.

>> No.7850575

By appliance does the man differ from beasts; in plowed fields seeds lie in furrows and ponderous thought upon the brow - by page and at plow, all serves the Increate.

>> No.7850747

This is why we must maintain the bulwark of this general. The poor effetes without shouldn't have to deal with sandersonfags. We have experience.

>> No.7850774

Shut up loser.

>> No.7850810

Sounds fun. Reminds me of the Screwfly Solution and Hard to be God. As the other anon said I'd look at our own fields of science, maybe add some special branches or seemingly pseudo sciency stuff and then make those the base gods. Think about what animals and objects the people of your world associate with those domains, they would use those to give the gods shapes. Additionaly think of what tools the scientists use in their research. Maybe the geologist uses robots for ground samples that resembles spiders. This created the myth of the earth god commanding man sized spiders. Hence it is said to bring bad harvest to step on a species of ground borrowing spiders.

>> No.7851546

>tfw can't bring yourself to read

>> No.7851593
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same her senpai, i've been reading maybe 3-4 pages at a time then I take a quick break or my train of thought is broken by my own random thoughts going through my brain.

>> No.7851704

I'm on fucking fire. I'm reading more than 10 books a month this year.

>> No.7851711

How do you keep yourself motivated and not lose focus?

And in what kind of location do you read? Got a comfy chair or something?

>> No.7851802

>How do you keep yourself motivated and not lose focus?
Audiobooks on the walk, personal goal of being educated and knowing how good it does to me. Just like for official education, but less repetitive.
>And in what kind of location do you read? Got a comfy chair or something?
I either read in my bed with my kobo or in coffee shops during studying breaks.

>> No.7851820

>genre general
Do those 10 books a month not include fat Fantasy series?

>> No.7851851

No. It's been mostly going through philosophy, Catholic authors and some random stuff. Read Gormenghast, first half of Amber Chronicle and some Elric of Melbourne.
Was impressed the most by O'Connor, Belloc, Hayek, also gone through some more Nietzsche, Plato and Aristotle. Thomas More and Machiavelli were also good reads.

>> No.7851864

That all depends on how your humans interact with the aliens. Tell us more of that.

Most importantly, expect there to be different branches of your religion focusing on different gods, even some pretenders who don't exist. Like any cultural group, expect there to be dissent between some of these. Expect much of the religion to have drifted into fanciful mythology rather than fact if people haven't knowingly been in contact with the gods for a long time.

Real religions are far messier than fantasy ones would ever have you think.

>> No.7851877

>a pantheon of deities that rule over mankind, but they're not completely genuine. They took over the planet(so I guess they're really "ancient aliens," huh.)
This has been done so many times.
>are treating the humans like lab mice to learn how they function and solve the problems put forth in their society.
The answer to those problems is 42. Seriously though, why would studying human society be of any benefit to aliens?

>> No.7851879


>> No.7851981

People would definitely study aliens if we ever found any. Not a big stretch to asume other life forms would act in the same way.

>> No.7851995

>why would studying human society be of any benefit to aliens
but humans are so special snowflakes, we can teach the aliens how to be better people.

>> No.7852904
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my idea was that humans are just one of many, and not unique. The idea I'm currently tossing around for the subject of their research is "the fate of empires/civilization" where the aliens are testing different types of environments/scenarios to see if the "cycle of civilization" can be broken or not. I'm really having second thoughts on this but I'll see how things go.

>That all depends on how your humans interact with the aliens. Tell us more of that.

Well, they're going to "rise up and kill them" when they realize they aren't real gods. One ravaging lunatic starts a crusade that has no following until he scars one of them at the cost of his life. I'll post more about this at a later time if necessary.

>> No.7852925

Loved it. Didn't know there was going to be a movie. You'd think the chinese government might want to censor a book about how pants-on-head retarded the cultural revolution was.

>> No.7853139

is bakker any good ? can i get an amswer without any meme magic?

>> No.7853152

Usually studying things involves trying not to disturb their normal behaviour by doing things like setting yourself up as their gods.

>the aliens are testing different types of environments/scenarios to see if the "cycle of civilization" can be broken or not.
Again, them getting directly involved in Earth politics seems counter-productive. Besides, unless these aliens have solved the cycle for themselves then they're not going to be around long enough to see how it turns out and make any use of it.

>One ravaging lunatic starts a crusade that has no following until he scars one of them at the cost of his life.
Not totally unlike Eight O'clock In The Morning in spirit.

>> No.7853154
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Just started Chronicles of the Black Company. A few pages in, fully erect.

>> No.7853165

The CR and Great Leap are actually acknowledged by the CCP to be huge mistakes by the party leadership back then.

They just disencourage that people question the party's legitimacy because of these mistakes.

>> No.7853176

Depends on how you criticize it. And of course, with "Communism with Chinese characteristics" (state-controlled capitalism) if it makes money and can be touted as a example of the greatness of Chinese culture, it's got a better chance than some dissident in Gaundong writing screeds.

>> No.7853179

>Trisolarans must be the most interesting and loveable ayys I've ever read.

Is there any art depicting the Trisolarans correctly?

>> No.7853806

He's a master of rape, gay and incest

>> No.7854080

I've found so many digital copies of "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" yet all of them don't have the right cover. How do I fix this?

>> No.7854085

Is this a joke? You can change the cover to anything you want in calibre.

>> No.7854096

What's a calibre? I don't speak spanish.

>> No.7854099

it's an ebook software thing.
google it.

>> No.7854103

I already did, thanks!

>> No.7854349

i dont speak meme,any original answers?

>> No.7854466

He's a good author, but tends to wax philosophically a bit often, if that bothers you.

>> No.7854472


>> No.7854646

>no interest in Malazan
>I can get Malazan 1-9 for 7~ bucks
>they'll probably just take space away
fuck this price is too good

>> No.7854662

All for 7 bucks or 7 bucks each? Because they print them en masse in cheap paperback, you could probably get them cheaper.
Also the covers are awful, they wouldn't even look good.

>> No.7854666

All. Good condition and #9 is even new lol

And yeah they don't look that good.

>> No.7854705

I hate malazan but that may be too cheap to pass. You can always just throw them in the trash if you don't like them

>> No.7854883
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I'm looking for something similar to Princess Mononoke in setting - not the usual ogres and dragons but instead a more mythical feel like forest spirits, guardians etc. Also I really liked the main character.

Anyone got me?

>> No.7854885

Croatian Tales of Long Ago

>> No.7855574

Robert Low-The Whale Road
Viking book with just hints of fantasy-really good

>> No.7856405

So, Michael Additionalpenis is barely even talked about here.

I'm reading the first Corum book and it seems alright so far. Prose is competent, nothing spectacular but it doesn't put you to sleep, and it isn't too lengthy either.

Is Elric better or worse?

>> No.7856428

desu desu

>> No.7856445

Well then I can't truly judge you as I have not read those authors.

>> No.7856454

Regardless of what we achieve in life, we always gotta keep striving for more, staying hungrier than the rest and being grateful around every corner. Stay hungry and keep working your ass off because one day I want to see you write a cool report about you and YOUR accomplishments.

>> No.7856514
File: 66 KB, 333x499, 61DmPLW-akL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading the Matt Turner books by Michael Siemsen. They are soo good. I'm on the third book now. It's about a psychic who can glean the past from objects and each book has matt's struggles and the struggles of person(s) in the past. It's amazing. I recommend it.

>> No.7856529

>He doesn't know how to torrent.

Audiobooks are a life saver. I'm "Reading" and lurking right now. I don't have time to read nowadays. So much to learn and do and multitasking is better.

>> No.7856532

I can't focus on audiobooks and never keep anything

>> No.7857249

Flow My Tears. I think the other two are actually pretty meh.

>> No.7857260

Read Lord of Light.

>> No.7857316

It's a little better generally but if you're looking for something better than "competent but not spectacular" you'll be disappointed.

>> No.7858201

The Man Who Spoke Snakish

>> No.7858877

What is your favorite science fiction novel, everyone? I might like to try it, and am interested in your preferences.

>> No.7858923
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I'm going to write a steampunk novel. Wish me well chaps.

>> No.7858959

Are any of the Warhammer books well written at all?

>> No.7859096

Well written is a stretch, but Aaron dembeski Bowen and abnett are capable authors.

>> No.7859105
File: 39 KB, 318x469, The_Pride_of_Chanur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a novel with a trilogy sequel, followed by another novel.

>> No.7859161

Just looked it up, and this sounds fantastic. One of the answers I was hoping for- great books which have inexplicably fallen off the radar of the standard recommended lists. Thank you!

>> No.7859226

You're welcome, I hope you like it. This title was my introduction to C. J. Cherryh. I really enjoy her books and own practically all of them.

>> No.7859260

Ahh, thanks. How is it on the PKD weirdness scale? Think all of these are before the whole "pink laser" incident, I want to work up to the heavy VALIS-tier stuff.

>> No.7859278

Flow my tears is pretty mid-level. The ending is a little weird but not insanely weird.

>> No.7859282

Finished the Mistborn trilogy recently

No idea what to read next

>> No.7859358
File: 580 KB, 923x1379, otcots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the brief of "great books which have inexplicably fallen off the radar of the standard recommended lists", I can't not mention Of The City Of The Saved. It's a weird old book, the best description I can think of is "post-singularity noir". There's this city the size of a galaxy, which exists at the end of Time, and into it are "saved" every human, pre-human, and human descendant who ever lived. So you've got Neanderthals living alongside cyborgs, and no one can be physically harmed. No one knows who set up the City, how they got there, why there aren't any aliens, or why everyone's suddenly immortal. And then someone gets murdered, which shouldn't be possible.

Technically it's #2 in the Faction Paradox series (small press SF by disgruntled Dr. Who writers, apparently), but none of the books in the series are related, I found this in a pound shop and read it as a standalone.

>> No.7859359
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Since I'm already shilling Cherryh tonight.

>> No.7859368

I'm sure I'll love it. This sounds just like a couple of my favorites. I can't wait!

>> No.7859399

Oh man. Reading this description, I'm excited to get my hands on this one. Thanks very much for taking the time to recommend it!

>> No.7859415

>pink laser incident
What now?

>> No.7859486

Reading On a Planet Alien right now and it's pretty shit. At least I got it out of the free bin

>> No.7859586

Beloved, ya its a horror/fantasy novel, fuck of if u disagree imo

>> No.7859609

You'll be electrified. Been working on this post for months now for the most important part of /sffg/ - the posters. Here we go world.

>> No.7859610

Horaelover Fat gets shot by the pink laser of God in Valis.

>> No.7859640

Aw, you're welcome.

...no idea what this is.

>> No.7859671
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more like /trash/ general

>> No.7859683
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Fuck offerino.

>> No.7859693

Just trying to help. Just say f*ck it, smile and go.

>> No.7859732
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any comfy teen/young adult fantasy audiobooks, something akin to Harry Potter?

>> No.7859777

The Wizard Knight but it isn't shit

>> No.7860042


What kind of magic does it have?

>> No.7860111


The Magicians trilogy.

I think /lit/ shits on it but I found it comfy and interesting

>> No.7860283

They'll love it, it reads wonderfully. Best of luck in the posting!

>> No.7860307

Sabriel. Just finished it actually. Felt a bit like HP. Childish but fun.

>> No.7860319

Thank you sir. This was inspired by the fight against cancer. Much strength and light to you.

>> No.7860328

I second City of the Saved. I got mine from iBooks.
I like Alien Bodies and Interference 1/2 more than City though.

>> No.7860394

Brilliant, more recommendations! I was just wondering whether I should try any of the others along with City. Thank you!

And to you!

>> No.7860403

Alien Bodies and Interference require some Doctor Who knowledge compared to the FP ones which are essentially stand alone (but use very obscure parts/characters of the Doctor Who mythos).

For books that are not the obscure parts of a long running fandom, you might like Watts' Blindsight.

>> No.7860503

And to clarify a bit more: These three books were written in a period when Doctor Who was cancelled. So in those days the writers could basically write stories which were much more experimental and much harder scifi. (The newer books have been dumbed down).

Alien Bodies, Interference and Of the City of the Saved belong to the same universe that includes everything and the same track of ideas (and some of the same characters). However Alien Bodies and Interference has direct Doctor Who references and Of the City of the Saved has its references altered for copyright reasons and is more stand alone.

>> No.7860511

Thanks for the heads up! I'm just a newbie at the Doctor Who Universe, so will have a go at brushing up before I pick them up.
Blindsight looks fantastic- and looks to have some of my very favorite themes. Thank you again!

>> No.7860517

Oh, now I see just what you meant. I appreciate the follow-up!

>> No.7860548

The Gone Away World by Nick Harkaway. One of my favourite books. I keep shilling it around here but haven't got anybody to read it yet. :(

>> No.7860591

Heh, the way magic is handled is not similar at all. I'd say it was a lot more sorcerous/mysterious.
Kinda spoilers since you start with vague knowledge of how magic and figure out what's going on along with the protagonist.
Repetition, by anyone, carries mystical force of some degree, Particularly important are the floor-plans of buildings, as they involve much repetition and strength of intent. Departed spirits and arcane powers in general are bounded by such forces.

Biggest similarity to Mistborn is the struggle against an ancient and mysterious force of subtle power.

The protagonist is an artificial construct of sorcery with no identity, but indistinguishable from natural humans otherwise. One of the main themes is his persistent naivete and fecklessness.

>> No.7860599


That's quite interesting, I'll give it a try

>> No.7860947

Finished Assassin's Apprentice. It was alright I guess, but I don't think I will continue the series (unless someone here convinces me to). While I liked Fitz the politics / conflicts were boring and didn't really grip me.

>> No.7861023

fucking todd why doesn't he just let Kirkbride write TES VI

>> No.7861070

Should I start DW with Mort or Small Gods? Both sound pretty interesting, what are they like? Or something else entirely?

>> No.7861114

Best one I've read so far was Guards, Guards! and it's the first of the City Watch ones, so I'd start there desu. But of the two you mentioned, probably Mort.

>> No.7861152
File: 579 KB, 1000x1795, the-discworld-reading-order-guide-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mort and small gods are both rather seperate in continuity.
You can basically start at any plot line,

>> No.7861278
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What does /sffg/ think of this guy?

>> No.7861366

Pretty damn great. Get the NESFA Press edition if you can, since it collects all the Instrumentality stories.

>> No.7861385

It sounds as if it has a fascinating set-up. Reminds me a little of Egan's situational antics. I've added it to my list, so thank you!

>> No.7861440
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>tfw dragon sex publisher anon never came back

>> No.7861627
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Anyone here read the Sacred Band books? Saw it on a list opn Goodreads, and it seems to have near universal praise on there and on Amazon, though I had never heard of it before.

>> No.7861727

I would start with The Colour Of Magic as it explains a lot about Discworld, and makes it easier to understand. Then you can go pretty much anywhere from there.

>> No.7861776

Pratchett really had no idea what he was going for with Color of Magic, and he definitely improves over the series. Sure, it's enjoyable, but you can't claim it's integral to understanding the universe.
In retrospect, at least to me, it feels like the pilot episode for a cartoon, where some characters look different, but you can generally see where it's going, while lots of it is still subject to change.

>> No.7861795

Fuck, I remember that thread.

Were we ever able to find out if he was telling the truth? Have any books come out recently with dragon-fucking in them?

>> No.7861802

Well it helped me understand it better. I first read the Wee Free Men and couldn't get my head around it, but after reading The Colour Of Magic, I felt more confident with the Discworld series. Depends what works for each person I suppose.

>> No.7861811

oh sure, it does some decent world building, but as far as I remember you can start with any "starter" novel from this list >>7861152 .
Each book tends to introduce the discworld in some way just to establish the scene.
I wouldn't call Color of Magic bad, it's just one of the weaker in my opinion.

>> No.7861911

Im still hopeful, still I havent actually gone and searched outside of lit because I am too possessed by spooks to explore google

>> No.7861921

Got all 10, I loved them so much I got them rebound on black hardback with gold lettering. Gives me a semi on my bookcase

>> No.7861934

Does /lit/ have anymore links or recommendations for science fiction?

>> No.7861946

Why? I doubt you've read half of those.

>> No.7861950

I'm gonna make a Euro/Russian centric one. OP one a shit.

>> No.7861970
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You are right it is just sometimes I read weird ones that are off. Like Starhammer, I'll make an effort to read more of those if someone makes a more in depth list.
I want something that has the same mood as picture related. Dunno why but these pictures get me in the scifi mood.

>> No.7861993

One of my all-time favorite science fiction authors, Joan D. Vinge, doesn't seem to be listed in this one. I'm sure her Snow Queen/Tangled Up in Blue/World's End/Summer Queen quartet made a showing in the original recommended infographic.

>> No.7861994

Dhalgren, by Samuel Delany

>> No.7861996
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Congratulations! You have just received a random recommendation. B-Tier, but enjoyable. Don't worry, it's short.

>> No.7861997

Has anyone here read Bridge of Birds? Thinking of reading it since it looks decent.

>> No.7862007

Anyone here read Bridge of Birds? Thinking of reading it since it looks decent and has pretty good reviews.

>> No.7862013

Retarded chart desu

>Solaris (1961)
>Ubik (1969)

>> No.7862020

No Tolkien in the op? You guys not fans?

>> No.7862021

Are those the only ones on the chart you know? Because the other ones are released in similar dates.

>> No.7862024

just kinda obvious? like how is anyone looking for fantasy to read not already aware of tolkein. I didn't make the chart but I think it'd be a waste of space to put him there

>> No.7862033

Thanks for the recommendation! That's actually a funny coincidence, I just checked it out at the library for the first time this week, and haven't yet had a chance to dive in. It's the book set closest to me on my bookshelf, I could reach out and touch it.
So thanks again! Knowing it's so appreciated I can open it with a fresh eagerness.

>> No.7862039

Yeah, the charts suck, but no one likes the new charts that get made (of course they also suck). Why don't you give it a shot? Then you will know our (my ;_;) feels

>> No.7862042

The charts we have now are fine and have something for everyone. It's not as bad as the shitty YA urban fantasy one that had edgy females on every cover.

>> No.7862080

Quiet you! I'm trying to trick more people into making charts.

>> No.7862127

Damn, I want to read the second book but I can't find it anywhere for download.

>> No.7862345

God-tier, second the recommendation on the NESFA edition. It's called The Rediscovery of Man.

>> No.7862376

>solaris was reprinted
>no longer have to buy a george clooney version

praise be to yevon

>> No.7862411
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Been having a bit of a weird craving for dystopia/proto-cyberpunk works lately, mostly just browsing through the works of Dick, Simak, and half a dozen other authors

>> No.7862545
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Does anyone have links to The Lost Prince (Dark Border 1), its sequel (King Chondo's Ride), Faction Paradox: Of the City of the Saved, or Majestrum? Those are the only books I need from the /lit/ recommended fantasy chart, I painstakingly tracked each and every other single one down through the internet, including several newly recommended ones in threads like this.

As a reward, I can share this autistic martial arts movie list I made. It has over 500 movies on it and they're all of a guaranteed quality, if you're a fan. Last year I did research for hours comparing various scores and reviews from various fan websites and came up with this document. Minus the obvious martial arts movies, of course.

>> No.7862546
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What are the best fantasy novels inspired by east Asian culture?

>> No.7862579

Sunset Warrior Cycle?

>> No.7862599


>> No.7862606

Could you upload the books you have too?

>> No.7862624

I found all of them off gen.lib.rus.ec and bookzz.org over the course of a month or two.

I was thinking about making an xbox hueg document to upload to Mega, but maybe in the future. Want that Martial Arts doc?

Thanks a million, fimfam

>> No.7862706

Man, it's been almost a year since I read any memorable fantasy.

The grace of kings, the golem and the jinni, fevre dream, the night circus. I read those all last summer and it looks like I'm not going to find anything worthwhile this coming one

>> No.7862707


>> No.7862740

Sounds like a recipe for shitty charts.

>> No.7862745

Hild was pretty good

>> No.7862756

Havent been on /lit/ since /his/ was created
Have any of you fuckers read Gormenghast yet? Deserves every bit as much praise as LotR & BotNS

>> No.7862816

>Yeah, the charts suck, but no one likes the new charts that get made (of course they also suck). Why don't you give it a shot? Then you will know our (my ;_;) feels

>> No.7862834

read Company of Liars, Hild and the Whale Road-all have parts at the end which explain the historical context of the books

>> No.7862860
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Some terrible tsundere loli for the degenerate.

>> No.7862971

I like the selected sci-fi favorites chart just fine.

>> No.7862990
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Tell me something interesting about your world. I know you're designing one.

>> No.7862998

>worldbuilding before making a stor
Literal cancer

>> No.7863021

There are two parallel timelines in my universe but they flow in opposite directions. In addition, there are an untold number of links between one universe and the other that curve in odd ways through spacetime. Time travel is entirely possible by moving through these paths in the right order, but it's still the stable time loop system

>> No.7863267
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Yes, and you should read it, and yes, you should take me at my word.

Awesome, man! PEZ isn't exactly well-known, so I hope you have luck with your search.

>> No.7863280
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Shit, I need fantasy with strong female protagonists. No sexploitation or feminist bait, any good fantasy with badass female protagonists like Balsa?

>> No.7863336
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I don't know this Balsa.
Have a Badass femme mage.

>> No.7863462
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The translation of Legend of the Galactic Heroes isn't what I'd call the best, but this book has been an absolute treasure to finally read.

>> No.7863544

Thanks, man! The last two of that series is on bookzz.org, but, alas, the first two are not...Worse comes to worst, I can get them off half price books marketplace or something. Same with the other books I'm trying to snag, but the shipping costs are insane because they're from several different stores so you have to pay multiple shipping charges.

>> No.7863566

sounds like you just like shit desu

>> No.7863588

Heroes Die by Matthew Woodring Stover has a strong female deuterotagonist.

>> No.7863598

Oooh, also his Iron Dawn / Jericho Moon. You'd think a Celtic princess with a razor-thin stone axe and a wolf familiar would be cliché as fuck, a Mary Sue, or a Red Sonja knockoff. You'd be so wrong.

>> No.7863777

*tugs braid*

>> No.7863788

I think I like it more than his first trilogy, less deliberately edgy

but ultimately I think all his books aren't that great - well-paced page turners that don't stay in your mind long after you've finished them

>> No.7863795

Fitz is the best fantasy character I've ever read. If you liked Fitz I'd suggest that you keep reading - IMO his character is developed brilliantly.

>> No.7863806

So far my world consists of one female character, her morning routine, her profession and some images of vast planes of grass and hills and sand and a burning sun.

"Worldbuilding" and the assumption that one must have some great master plan for everything, a book planned in every detail aside from actually writing it down, a intricate meaning in every sentence, has kept me from writing for years. I'm just gonna fucking do it now and see where it goes.

>> No.7864005

>He spoke with a Pleiades accent

How the hell am I supposed to know what a Pleiades accent sounds like Asimov?

I'm reading Foundation and Empire at the moment, enjoying it a lot more than Foundation which I thought was a little slow and didn't really pick up until it was nearly over but I saw it was mostly just setting everything up. Are the other books outside of the trilogy worth picking up or is it a Dune kind of case?


Which episodes do the novels cover? I'm rewatching series one again since mine should be coming on Saturday.

>Yang's master plan in the first episode was just to join fleets together to outnumber the enemy
I forgot how incompetent everyone in the FPA was

>> No.7864099

>Are the other books outside of the trilogy worth picking up or is it a Dune kind of case?
They're plenty fine. I haven't read the ones Asimov didn't write though.

>> No.7864353
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>feel when you finally finish VALIS
Shame about that cliffhanger but wew what a book.

>> No.7864359


>> No.7864401 [DELETED] 

I have. To fill this in, (though it's been a while since I've read the series, so my memory might not be perfect,) they're not nearly as satisfying as any one of the novels written by Asimov, but if you're interested in reading the full Foundation set, outliers and all, as I was, they're worth it if only to feel you really have left nothing out in your sampling of this universe, since they really don't take too much time to finish. They're a little interesting in a way, since you get to see the Foundation universe moving within a different sort of plot structure than you've become very used to, reading so many of Asimov's novels, and you can feel entirely other mindsets directing the movement of the story with their own distinctively stylistic decisions.
So if you have spare time, go for these, too. If not, and you're choosing the books you read carefully, it might be better to skip them.

>> No.7864405

I have. To fill this in, (though it's been a while since I've read the series, so my memory might not be perfect,) they're not nearly as satisfying as any one of the novels written by Asimov, but if you're interested in reading the full Foundation set, outliers and all, as I was, they're worth it if only to feel you really have left nothing out in your sampling of this universe, since they really don't take too much time to finish. They're a little interesting in a way, since you get to see the Foundation universe moving within a different sort of plot structure than you've become very used to, reading so many of Asimov's novels, and you can feel entirely other mindsets directing the movement of the story with their own distinctive stylistic decisions.
So if you have spare time, go for these, too. If not, and you're choosing the books you read carefully, it might be better to skip them.

>> No.7864709

Fuck is Lord of Light worth going through? I read the first 4 pages but the prose is unbelievably bad and I'm able to tolerate Sanderson, and just in general it feels really dated with its quirks. Skip or does it get REALLY good at one point?

>> No.7864715
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Began reading the Name of the Wind and I can't carry on. It's just slow, prose is bad and the MC is a gary sue.

Every fantasy I read is Gary Sue.

>> No.7864760

he does get his shit kicked in for being such a little bitch occasionally, and you can chalk it up to unreliable narrator as well.
It's definitely not high art though, but I enjoyed it.

>> No.7865443

Yes it's absolute garbage.
Read Wolfe, Zelanzy, Tolkien and Peake for high quality fantasy.

>> No.7865449
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>high quality

>> No.7865450

But Zelanzy has far better prose than Sanderson, what are you talking about?

>> No.7865456

Tolkien is amazing, don't bait by implying bait

>> No.7865459
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>> No.7865476

We must be reading different authors. The pulp feel of Zelazny overwhelmed me, I don't think anything written like that would get published nowadays.

>> No.7865518

Lord of Light read pretty decently, didn't notice any particular problems with it personally, and regardless of prose it's one of the best sf novels I've read. Certainly interesting thematic and concept.
Go read Rothfuss son

>> No.7865528

You are literally retarded.

>> No.7865534

Also they publish was worse shit nowadays.

>> No.7865554

Decently for the time maybe, it doesn't hold up.

Sorry I don't like rubbish.

>> No.7865602
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Recently finished pic related. Not planning to read the sequels based on their being universally panned but I definitely would have been suckered into it back in the day.

Great combination of SCIENCE and mystery. Lots of exploring the physics of a giant rotating cylinder, more exciting than it sounds. I also liked how Clarke pretty much just cuts straight to the point of poking around the inside of Rama, in the tradition of eliding sea voyages etc.

The characters of course are made of paper, but it's interesting how this actually reflects Clarke's ideal future of ethnically indistinct cosmopolitans serenely unconcerned with any personal problems.

>> No.7865636

>Sorry I don't like rubbish
There is literally nothing wrong with Zelazny's writing, and he is categorically a better stylist than Sanderson. What's probably actually going on is that you don't know what's going on yet, and you don't like that, so you
>blame it on the prose
because you heard that word a lot on lit. Feel free to read another ten thousand page fantasy series where everything is carefully spoon fed to the reader immediately though if you can't keep reading.

>> No.7865639
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Any of you pricks read The Thing Itself, by Adam Roberts?

It's certainly something. I'd say it's sci-fi at its core, a shitty relatable story of a poor bastard we all relate too in one way, wrapped up in a thoroughly interesting concept. I highly recommend.

Although the secondary chapter features gay cunts fucking around in early 1900s Germany, and the entire book is disgustingly Brit-bong focused, to the point where at some bit they argue that British science beats Americas in regards to AI or some arse. Still good though.

>> No.7865681

>can't handle people having different opinions
>ad hominem
Good that we concluded this.

>> No.7865714

Prose doesn't become bad with time retard.
Also it's usually held as a staple of quality prose in sff. When sf got no respect people held up Zelanzy as example of quality in the genre.

>> No.7865722

I started The Blade Itself. It reads like Warhammer. Prose is supremely generic and mediocre.

>> No.7865727

Well I have no doubts Fitz is still gonna be interesting to observe, but what about the rest of the plot? Does it improve in book 2 and 3?

>> No.7865767

It's bellow mediocre actually. I was hoping for something akin to Leiber or Howard or Moorcock.

>> No.7865770

It's significantly above average fantasy, stick with it.

>> No.7865776

I will, for a time at least. But the writing itself is truly without a soul.

>> No.7865843

Also, exposition is shit tier.

>> No.7865874

Logan/the Northman stuff is pretty much in that vein though

>> No.7865950

Except for when he gets cucked.

>> No.7866065
File: 1.97 MB, 1668x2222, Patrick-rothfuss-2014-kyle-cassidy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a flaw

>> No.7866071

Book 3 never.

>> No.7866074

Thus far he lacks the essential element- characters acting and talking as if they were from their world and not ours.
Also, prose and imagination in general. He describes only barebones events and certain thoughts, there's not even a single element of impressionism in him which is often essential to good fantasy.

>> No.7866091

There isn't a single redeeming quality in his writing or his persona.

>> No.7866123

his persona leaves in book 1 though. he gets a hot chick in a bar, and that's it.

>> No.7866137

fucking robert silverberg

>> No.7866157
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Is this book actually worth reading or is just meme-tier pulp for nerdy dads and annoying high schoolers?

>> No.7866163


Read the first few pages and see for yourself. I hated it, shitty humor and no plot.

>> No.7866177

If you like British humor, read it.
If not, don't...

>> No.7866200

it gets unnecessarily cynical and nihilistic towards the end, but I enjoyed back in the day, when I was, like, 15.

>> No.7866224

you have to understand british humor. if you're someone who enjoys monty python, shaun of the dead and top gear then it's definitely a book you might enjoy.

if you're someone who enjoys seth rogan movies or adam sandler movies then you probably wont like it.

i enjoyed it. theres a few books that arent really that good but the first, second and last books are worth it. not for everyone though.

>> No.7866232

ive considered reading this and i think i might give it a shot in the future. i enjoyed 2001 a space odyssey but i still need to finish the other odyssey books. NOT ENOUGH TIME FOR ALL THESE BOOKS AND SERIES

>> No.7866234

Been reading a couple of his recently.

>> No.7866334

The second book is the best of the trilogy by far. One of my favourite novels.

>> No.7866659

>Want that Martial Arts doc?
Not that anon but yes, please.

>> No.7867205
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Okay brothers and sisters, what should I read next?


>> No.7867276
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>> No.7867404

Nearly everything that happens to him is tragic and unfair, that's what's great.

I think it definitely does, if IIRC things basically become less black and white. But I dunno, I also thought the plot of the first book was decent so maybe it's not for you.

>> No.7867496

Never seen All Those Vanished Engines mentioned here, anyone else read it? It's one for the Wolfe fans. Park's other books don't seem that appealing but I'll try them if they're as clever as this one.

>> No.7867556

does /sffg/ know of any books the seamlessly blend science and fantasy in a completely logical way that aren't space operas?

I still haven't seen something that tops Something More Than Night in that regard

>> No.7867577

Book of the New Sun, Lord of Light

>> No.7867581

>Lord of light
>set on another planet
>not a space opera

>> No.7867605

Yeah but getting cucked by his father figure? That'd be brutal for any writer, let alone fantasy.

>> No.7867666

>completely logical way

The Golden Compass.
The Steel Remains.
Dying Earth.

Why would you call it a space opera?

>> No.7867690

Yeah I think I agree. Glokta was what made me stick with it, but everyone else is doing fuck all until the 3rd book. I really don't understand the point of that fucking adventure to the other end of the world. Didn't do shit for the plot, and the characterization was thrown out the moment they returned, except for Luthar.

>> No.7867818

For what it's worth, The Blade Itself is easily his worst novel.

>> No.7867841

I agree, though it probably would work better as a radio series.

>> No.7867850

So is the New Sun, but a space opera is a drama with lots of characters and plot that reaches over a massive scale, making Lord of Light a well not a space opera

>> No.7867853

I'm new to /lit/ and currently writing my first fantasy book. Since you guys read them a lot, what are some things that ruin a fantasy story for you?

Already avoided gold, silver, copper coin currency (they use sticks that are stacks of 12 coins and two types of coins as currency)

>> No.7867854

It may be enough for me to never touch him again.
There's no imagination to it, language and prose are generic and the presentation is dreadful, anime tier.

>> No.7867863

Best advice- don't write if you already didn't read a shitton of quality non fantasy. It's going to be shit.

>> No.7867866

Non fantasy as in any other genre, or non-fiction type stuff?

>> No.7867893

Genre. But also philosophy is recommended, lots of great writers were influenced by philosophy or theology.
Basically read the greeks, work your way through the Russians, magic realism, some French authors like Proust, Flaubert and Balzac, and start writing then. You otherwise won't have a feeling of what a good novel is like. You can read fantasy, but as far as literary merritt in it goes it's limited and I would recommend, Wolfe, Tolkien, Lewis, Peake, Zelanzy and Leiber.

>> No.7867938

Here goes the bait again!

>> No.7867945

I read quite a bit of sci-fi before now, as well as a few recommended stories from slice of life stuff in the 1950's life and up till now.

One of the actual foundations of the novel is on a DnD type setting I established many years ago, but never got to share with anyone. A principle trait of the world is that magic has to abide by certain scientific laws specific to the type of magic being used.

Don't think I've read much philosophy though. Would you really have to read whole books on it?

>> No.7868090

So is Malazan worth reading or is it trash? I'm about to finish Book of the New Sun and want something similar. Is Erikson a good author or is he YA meme garbage like Sanderson? Someone rec'd me Way of Kings and I cringed through the first 100 pages before refunding the book.

>> No.7868095

What are some good books about dying Earth like Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun cycle, but with more detailed descriptions of the world and it's history?

>> No.7868100

It's not YA that's for sure. I think I read the first three books or so and then gave up. I don't think he's a poor writer but he kept jumping from different characters/plot lines without much resolution which I found irritating after a while.

>> No.7868102

If you want a long series it's alright. But then again why would you invest so much time into it

Have you read Gormenghast yet? If not do that.

>> No.7868105


Is the jumping similar to ASOIAF? Because I can deal with that.

>> No.7868108

It's Sanderson tier, read Gormenghast for something fantasy and modernist. Also, Chesterton in general is a must for all Wolfe fans.
Yeah, it's going to be awful.
Don't ever write the mechanics first

>> No.7868112


Gormenghast has been on my list for awhile, guess I'll do that next after I finish up Wolfe.

>> No.7868142

It didn't come together for me, but I really don't have much of a critique. It's a fine modernist novel.

>> No.7868164

if you want to avoid trash steer clear of like 90% of sf/fantasy desu fampai

>> No.7868186


I know, that's why I'm here asking about Erikson. So far the only stuff I've read that I truly enjoy are Martin and Wolfe. I probably wouldn't have even enjoyed Sanderson if I were younger, I was never into that stuff.

>> No.7868210

MC is a character that got split into two different beings at birth. They both live there lives completely unaware of the other. Not really the premise, but its something I'm working with.

>> No.7868217
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So I just ordered pic.

Anyone here read this? Thoughts?

>> No.7868225

Yea, I've read it. I know there's at least one other on here who has also.

It surprised me even though I've read half a dozen Roberts already. I was completely lost in the first few interlude segments. I kind of like what he did with it, though.

>> No.7868283

I have to say this Corum stuff is interesting.

I had underestimated Moorcock, but really he doesn't waste time in lenghty purple prose and doesn't do cliches. I'd almost recommend it.

>> No.7868302

It's better than Sanderson but not a patch on Wolfe. I'd say Erikson's worth a read, there's some good stuff in there but also a whole load of trash. I did his first 4 books but had no desire to continue after that.

>> No.7868320

One of the few of his I haven't read. Reynolds is a genius, to me. The first author whose almost every novel I tracked down and read, short stories included, since Asimov, many years ago. I would definitely start with Revelation Space and that universe of his, though. They are by far and away the best. I'm very happy to see Reynolds mentioned, here.

>> No.7868327

I recently got into WH40K. Is any of the associated genreshit remotely salvageable?

>> No.7868333

As somebody who got quite far into that; no.

>> No.7868336

Thanks, also checked.

>> No.7868428

I mean if you know what you are getting into, Abnett and ADB are readable. Not good. Readable. First Heretic is probably the best one and isn't retarded like many others.

On another note, I'm 100 pages in First Law and the writing is absolute garbage. The inquisitor is mildly amusing and everything else is governed by cliches, he can't write a dialogue without them. I hate the expression, because I'm used to quality fantasy, but this is genre fiction if there ever was such a thing.

>> No.7868434

did you make that drawing?
cause if you did, let me give you some advice: stop slapping that watermark all over your stuff, it makes your drawings look like they were made by some obnoxious self-important twat. nobody will steal your art, it's not that great, and if they do, take it as a compliment.

also good luck with your shenanigans and whatevers.

>> No.7868481

If you're pressed don't bother with the Odyssey sequels. They're not awful but not essential either.

>> No.7868488

You may not like it but the Count to a Trillion series does this pretty well thematically.

>> No.7868504

Count to a Trillion builds a Dying Earth scenario from scratch, but it's not really spelled out explicitly to the reader and it really only happens in books 2-4.

Unfortunately the main character in the series is pretty obnoxious to read. Fuck, JCW, you could have had a winner here.

>> No.7868527

What are some good fantasy series where I'll really get into the world? I've only read ASOIAF and part of the first WoT book. In ASOIAF I only care about the characters, not the setting, and in Eye of the World I don't much care about anything. Maybe I'm just at the age where I can't get immersed anymore, or I'm just reading with the wrong mindset.

>> No.7868532


>> No.7868534

The Locke series is pretty good

>> No.7868585

You are reading wrong series. The recommendations are the ones always given, series by Wolfe, Tolkien, Vance, Peake, Leiber. Exhaust them and only then you'll have a problem with finding good reads.

>> No.7868588

Well trolled.

>> No.7868626

Go fucking read Sanderson retard.

>> No.7868710

I enjoyed it. I felt like the relationship between the two main characters was a bit odd, but to be fair they're not really people.

>> No.7868719

Just reading the blurb, I imagine that was intended

>> No.7868777
File: 223 KB, 1600x1019, 1009041_605229659537109_115443185_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally The Dying Earth by Vance.

>> No.7868785

This >>7868777

>In a series with garbage tier people I only care about the characters
The only decent person was the old and sick guy from Dorne and no one gave a fuck about him in his world.
Do this >>7868585

>> No.7869156
File: 87 KB, 900x1273, anomander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get hyped everyone
Malazan anime adaption officially announced.

>> No.7869170


>> No.7869174

First Malazan book is nigh-unreadable.
Deadhouse starts slow but becomes great when civil war starts

>> No.7869311

Can't find anything on it

>> No.7869363

New thread

>> No.7869439

This one isn't full yet...

>> No.7869470

It soon will be

>> No.7869733
File: 166 KB, 350x197, hacktrick rothfuss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit: the Writer

>> No.7870189

current year,reading books by women.choose one

>> No.7870196

Are you familiar with Wuxiaworld?

Some titles are rough and awkward with the prose, but I have been enjoying 7 Killers recently.

>> No.7870226

the thing about erikson is the scale,everything is big. if you can accept that and if you like figuring out stuff for yourself i suggest you try it. go for the first book and the second,finish both before decidingif yoy can go trough. the first on is like a shitty prequel but keep an open mind