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7844996 No.7844996 [Reply] [Original]

Finished the Greeks and Romans, what next?

>> No.7845007


>> No.7845018

>Finished the Greeks

The greeks cannot be read; only re-read
one can only physically cease reading them, the well remains untapped

>> No.7845033
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the Jews

>> No.7845054

Don't trust the Jews

Either this or skip to Descartes. What is it you're studying specifically, OP?

>> No.7845112

Well I'm studying Econ and Finance, Philosophy is just a hobby

>> No.7845164

You are sufficiently well equipped, provided you have some cursory knowledge of the bible, to tackle almost anyone before Kant.

To level up to Kant, you have to slog through a lot of dead Englishmen and le dick giver man.

After Kant you can do pretty much anything in the 19th century , Hegel was a fucking hack and you can just read the cliffnotes on his shit and probably come away with as good as an understanding as you would have derived from reading the literary gore (admittedly very important literary gore) he produced. You should stop over at Marx, but Nietzsche is the gatekeeper of the 19th century, can't move on to the 20th without forming your own idea of what the fuck he was talking about because "what the fuck Nietzsche was talking about" is very important to Heidegger and is a theme that echoes through pretty much every major figure of the 20th century, in the same way that Kant informed Hegel and as such the vast majority of 19th century philosophy in Germany.

Or you can just skip straight to Nietzsche and read the ciffnotes of most of the rest of the 19th century. Honestly I studied the classics, Locke/Hobbes/Mill, a tiny bit of Descartes and Rawls before I even gave a fuck about philosophy, and when I started giving a fuck I just jumped straight into Twilight of the Idols and had very little problem understanding it. You won't get all of the fresh memes Nietzsche hurls at Hegel and Kant but his criticisms usually apply to several figures at once. The Last Man is just as valid of a criticism of Mill as it is of Hegel. Most of his criticisms of the generalities of Kant also apply to Plato who he spends more time memeing on.

>> No.7845336

Pick one:
St. Augustine -> Aquinas -> Descartes



Macchiavelli is also great to read through at some point.

>> No.7845352

Have you read them in the original latin/greek though?

>> No.7845353

>Finished the Romans

I don't believe you. I will genuinely be surprised if you even made a dent. What/whom did you read?

>> No.7845390

Cicero mainly, but also Seneca, Lucretius, Aurelius

>> No.7845415

>/lit/ still doesn't have a good philosophy guide outside of "read everything"

>> No.7845443

Good choices. I think the Aeneid is an easier read than either of Homer's and I highly recommend it.

>> No.7845445



I don't have a newer edition, is there one?

>> No.7845447

Yeah that's Roman philosophy but hardly "the Romans" as Homer, Herodotus, and friends are "the Greeks."

Anyway if you're inclined to philosophy, do what >>7845164 said, or >>7845336.

If you want to actually "finish" the Romans, buckle up for a long fucking ride because you're not even close. You have no:
>Dio Cassius
>Augustan history
>Pliny (elder and younger)

You've barely scratched the surface of Rome, friend.

>> No.7845467

Well, I was referring specifically to Philosophy, if we're talking history too, I've read
>Both Pliny

I've seen that, it really isn't great, /lit/ can do a lot better

>> No.7845530

Oh wow, well not bad at all, then. Keep up the good work man.

>> No.7845538

Does /lit/ take notes when reading Philosophical works?

>> No.7845577
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>I ""finished"" the Greeks
>I ""finished"" the Romans
Legitimately made me kek

>> No.7845581


if you're really trying hard in a good sense you take notes on anything you read that's of some worth, just analyzing or what not, i'm not smart enough or try hard enough but i've seen some people on here that do that.

>> No.7845594

What else do you call reading all of them senpai?

>> No.7845607

i genuinely don't know how someone would respond to this.
the romans i can understand, but the greeks seem entirely plausible.

>> No.7845883
File: 81 KB, 410x617, srsly bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You read Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, Herodotus, Thucydides, Plutarch, Pre-socratics, Plato, Aristotle and all the many neo-platonists and Latin authors? Wow you must be a classicist or something? ti eniautos en didaskaleion philos ou o?

>> No.7845889

read Polybius bitch

>> No.7845908


>> No.7845960

You're finished with the Greeks and you don't know what to read next? You obviously didn't get anything from it. Re-read the Greeks.

>> No.7846004

Meditate with the Medievals.

>> No.7846032

>not a philosopher

Somebody didn't read their Moralia

>> No.7846057

i know u r but what am i

Descartes or aquinas

>> No.7846171

Fuuuck someone else on /lit/ has heard of this.

>mfw very seriously considering buying the entire 16 volume set from Loeb

>> No.7848016


>> No.7848077

Are loeb books expensive? I've decided to seriously study Latin and I wanted to buy a few for practice.

>> No.7848106

>Heidegger recommended postponing reading Nietzsche, and to "first study Aristotle for ten to fifteen years."

>> No.7848118

and he was a nazi manlet who took care of his wifes son his whole life

>> No.7848122

Lmao unrealistic.

OP just go for Christians. You haven't finished the Greeks because one should reread the shit out of especially Plato and Aristotle, but you're in between re-readings and are ready to move on.

>> No.7848138

Which invalidates his opinion amirite?

>> No.7848168

Yes, you are correct.

>> No.7848231

Yes, almost brutally so. Flat $26 per volume, with VERY occasional lower prices on amazon (typically for popular texts easily available elsewhere, like Homer). Never seen a new copy for less than $20. Also most major works are split up into multiple volumes, so the 2 Homeric epics are in 4 volumes total.

There are a few poetry texts offered by cheaper publishers (oxford has a few) with the original language presented, but that's usually just to pad page count, and of course is rather rare. And Loebs basically never exceed 600 pages, of which half of course are Latin/Greek, and the remaining English text has fairly generous margins on some of the smallest (short/narrow) pages you'll find in "normal" publishing.

Basically you get fucked by Loeb in exchange for the original language text and sometimes (but not always) lots of footnotes/references. Very little critical apparatus otherwise, never any end notes, usually little more than a 5-10 page intro for what may be a 12 volume work. Readily available used, but often in fairly shabby condition, and rarely if ever cheaper than $15+shipping online. Also some old editions are really bad translations (think epic poetry with "thee" and "thou" formal English, often clumsy), so you can get screwed buying used.

My advice: Buy Loeb when you can't buy from anywhere else, or REALLY want the original language text. Try to buy used if you're not super picky about condition, but double check that there isn't a new, better Loeb edition/translation of the same text available. Also abebooks occasionally has complete (used) sets of certain writers at good discounts, but clearly used condition. Try to find a penguin/oxford version for the critical intro so lacking in Loeb.

Eventually you'll reach a point where you're forced to buy Loeb because they publish things nobody else does. I swore I'd never buy another after buying the Greek Epic Fragments text, and now have 25+ volumes, with more in the mail.

>> No.7848561

Skip the Christians
Read Discourse on the Method and Meditations by Descartes, the rest is optional.
Then you want to read the three Critiques by Kant, and then all of his metaphysical works.
Next you want to read Hegel and Hume, and while you're there read Leviathan by Hobbes. When you're done with them read whatever you want from Spinoza and Leibniz.

>> No.7848640

Thanks for the heads up; I'm probably going to just buy a translation and use internet sources to look at the original for the time being.

>> No.7848848
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>implying I was implying they are philosophers

>> No.7848884

Read some book about the history of philosophy and then expand on the ones that interest you.

>> No.7848908

If you down this route:

St. Augustine
St. Anselm
St. Thomas Aquinas
Martin Luther
John Calvin
Puritans (Optional)
Cornelius Van Til
Greg Bahnsen
John M. Frame
Michael R. Butler
Scott K. Oliphint
James Anderson

>> No.7849541

It's time for the Muslims OP, to prepare yourself for life in the New World.

>> No.7849567

>Reading the Muslims

>> No.7849575


>> No.7849703

>>reading a bunch of guys writing in the margins of Aristotle's categories