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File: 165 KB, 333x502, The_Game_-_Penetrating_the_Secret_Society_of_Pickup_Artists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7844762 No.7844762 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on this?

>> No.7844829

I read it many many years ago. It's a decent book if you're not treating it as a guide. It's basically from what I remember a bunch of stories and experiences.

>> No.7844896

This, it's entertaining. It's also dated as fuck, the kind of thing that worked then don't work nowadays.

>> No.7844931

It's an interesting read, and it reads like a good magazine article. I would recommend reading it for the lessons that Strauss learns along the way.

Strauss concludes that if he's confident and has something going on in his life, then everything plays out well. He also realizes that hedonistic pursuits should not be one's focus.

Its a fun read overall. Has shitty advice for picking up girls at the bar, but has good life lessons.

>> No.7844935

Entertaining. Strauss does some decent nonfiction. Emergency! was pretty good.

>> No.7844940

I like how all the pick up guys's lives fall apart at the end. People seem to miss that part.

>> No.7844966

>Having casual sex
Literally why? Pleasuring yourself is so fucking easy, if all you want out of women is sex, not self actualization and love or whatever, you're not getting a very good return on your investment considering all the money and time you have to spend.

>> No.7844984

so true, unless the chick has at least a possibility of wifeness, there's no need to tap it, i don't know how people can put up with the asinine ramblings of some chicks just because they're hot, who the fuck cares, any chick who throws on some make-up and a fancy dress is going to look fuckable, i can't listen to braindead banter all day, and holy shit, dudes who spend money on chicks to get pussy? now that i don't even... holy shit

>> No.7845072

I know, it's weird how demonized it is. The book literally starts with the main PUA dude having a fucking nervous breakdown.

>> No.7845420


well all the idiots think its a guide on how to pick up.

>> No.7845442
File: 2.00 MB, 340x355, 1445084398490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to spend money. That is only one option. I've gotten women while unemployed. Shit isn't rocket science you just have to make them think you're better than them. And I highly suggest you get laid a few times before you settle down with "the one." as long as your safe, it'll give you invaluable experience with women and make your future marriage much more pleasant.

>> No.7845535

was a good read for 13 year old me

>> No.7845576

the point is why you should bother spending your day trying to please women.

>> No.7845593


The company of women is often pleasant. That includes the time you spend with them before and after sex.

>> No.7845726

>the game
You just lost it.

>> No.7845733

It's funny when it gets lumped into "that PUA trash" when if anything it's a peek i to just how pathetic and broken some of these guys are, and how sad their lifestyles can be.

Had a lot of fun reading it a few years back.

>> No.7846055

How fucking old are you guys? Next thing you know you'll tell me girls have cooties.

>and make your future marriage much more pleasant.

This so fucking much. Women treat you way better when they know you used to get pussy/can still get it.

>> No.7846615


See? People don't really understand the whole picture, while only grasping a small part of it.

Most of the people in the book were terrible, depressed or simply awkward people from the get go, that thought that learning game would magically set them straight. PUA doesn't make you an asshole creep. You were already one.

Learning game does not turn you into some disgusting fuck with no life, it simply is a set of skills that you learn or not.

This is precisely why the couple of guys that actually made it teaching this, like Tyler and Papa, got rich, they evolved into self help for all the autists to learn how not to be a creep/weirdo and basically hit the jackpot, while Mystery, while having basically created the whole thing, never really cared for anything more than actual ways to hit on women.

Also, it's skewed from the start, because the author is a self-centered ass, and as such he will never admit that he actually had to learn how to get women, and even after seeing how human interaction in its rawest form works, still decided to delude himself into believing that Disney love is real. Instead, he basically rants how he had it in himself all along, and learning PUA didn't have anything to do with it, while making it out to be something toxic. That's precisely why he goes out of his way to disenfranchise from the rest of the group, but can't bring himself to shit on Mystery, even though he's clearly the worst of them all, because of a primal sense of loyalty for Mystery having taught him not to be shit with women.

>> No.7848186

I honestly never would've guessed there was something of worth had I just looked at the cover.

>> No.7848196

i just lost the game

>> No.7848319

reminder that only chads and robots live to try to please women through sex, material support and emotional support.

>> No.7848333
