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/lit/ - Literature

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7843865 No.7843865 [Reply] [Original]

Infinite jest music suggestions?

Alt-j feels really right to listen to when I'm reading IJ but they've only got two albums out

>> No.7843875

>he can't read ij in sub two hours


>> No.7843914

even if you read a page a minute, which you'd have to be fucking speedy gonzales to do given the font size and the size of the pages, it would still take 16 hours

>> No.7843917

Wallace forgive me.

Also, Neutral Milk Hotel, in case other people are looking for suggestions

>> No.7843924

Dude if you like Alt-J you should just keep reading John Green ayyyyy

Read in as quiet a place as possible.

>> No.7843937
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>> No.7843940

Yes because alt-j is so popular with teenaged girls

Your thinking of the Wombats, anon

>> No.7843949

you've recced Neutral Milk Hotel and Alt-J. Your posts reek of "I've been on /mu/ for 10 minutes"

>> No.7843960

Ok, I don't give a hoot about whatever the NME has shilled whenever. But why listen to music while reading anyway? Shit is majorly distracting.

>> No.7843964

I don't browse /mu/, buddy. 4chan is the last place I would go for general music suggestions

>> No.7843977

>irritating Infinite Jest FAN ART
>listening to music while reading
>listening to Alt-j at all
I really want to kickpunch your throat. I know that's not a normal emotional reaction to such an innocuous post, I know your post is just an abstract representation of a person whom I will never interact with in real life, I know that you're probably just some dumb teenager who wandered in from /mu/, I know it's not necessarily your fault that your such a superficial, irritating, and tasteless little swine, but I still feel this overwhelming desire to physically hurt you. What gives? I am autistic or something? Probably. Anyways, please kill yourself OP, it would be of great relief to me.

>> No.7843981

Eh sometimes listening to music keeps me from getting distracted. Also one of my roomates is talking to her boyfriend, and I would rather listen to nails on a blackboard than hear his voice

>> No.7843986

Too long, didn't read. Why did you even waste your time writing that.

>> No.7843994

Alt-j is popular with teenage girls.

>> No.7843999

so where do you go for music recommendations? You seem to have some pretty reddit taste.

>> No.7844014

My friends/Pandora, like a normal person

>> No.7844015

>My friends/Pandora, like a pleb

>> No.7844031

Good choice. /mu/ is just a hipster breeding ground

>> No.7844034

Ewww go home hipster, this board listens to classical

>> No.7844072

>I know

>> No.7844085

I play classical saxophone in a wind ensemble, it can be pretty distracting or I get sick of it

>> No.7844179

>alt-j is so popular with teenaged girls

it is

>> No.7844185

>no image reply
>criricizing Infinite Jest FAN ART
>enjoying silence
>judging musical tastes
I really want to licksuck your cock. I know that's not a normal emotional reaction to such an offensive post, I know your post is just an concrete representation of a person whom I will never interact with in real life, I know that you're probably just some smart adult who wandered in from /hm/, I know it's not necessarily your fault that your such a deep, good-humored, and refined patrician but I still feel this overwhelming desire to physically please you. What gives? I am hedonistic or something? Probably. Anyways, please self-satisfy yourself OP, it would be of great torture to me.

>> No.7844236

The Infinite Jest audiobook

>> No.7844249


this is the equivalent of a john green fan saying /lit/ is the last place they'd go for book suggestions

>> No.7844331

jesus christ alt-j? 15 year olds really have started picking up IJ more and more everyday

>> No.7844334

alt-j is the music that the least interesting teenage girls listen to, thinking that they're apart of a new counter-culture

>> No.7844518

Because autistic 17 year olds have such great taste and are Objectively Superior at choosing subjective art

>> No.7844538

So are you going to suggest anything or are you only capable of whining? No wonder /lit/ is dying.

>> No.7844613

I suggest you don't listen to music while reading, I used to do this because I thought it would make things more meaningful or what not but it didn't, if you can't focus while reading then you probably just like the idea of reading instead of reading.

>> No.7844637


>> No.7844653

We actually have good taste though. In both music and books because its not an obscurity contest like it is on mu

>> No.7844666

Ravel, Schumann, Rachmaninoff, Shostakovich

Just to name some that blows /mu/s hipster shit out of the water

>> No.7844737

Some guy on /lit/ told me listening to music while reading makes me a poser so I'm gonna stop listening to music while I read

>> No.7844744

That fits though. DFW said he had the music taste of a teen girl.

>> No.7845364

This. Shostakovich is my favorite. Messiaen is good too.

>> No.7845389
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Champaign-Urbana was pumping out some great stuff in the late 90s

>> No.7845395

Yeah I would listen to GY!BE until I realized I became a caricature of myself, honestly reading outside not near anything or late at night in silence are the best places for me

>> No.7845400
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>> No.7845417
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>> No.7845422

p4k bnm: the music library

>> No.7845425

if you dig it, look into more kinsella-core; joan of arc (try their first two albums and life like), cap'n jazz... also, maybe algernon cadwallader, and i personally love the brave little abacus... chicago native here. i really love our little brand of emo.

>> No.7845428

dean blunt never got more than a 6.5 on p4k

>> No.7845429

/mu/ is a pretty great mixture of pretending to enjoy Drone, ranking radiohead albums, and Scaruffi fanboys vs Fantano fanboys

>> No.7845437

his latest got a 7.3

>> No.7845446
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>> No.7845481

Yeah maybe it's autistic or something but I listened to this almost nonstop when I read this last summer. It gets you into the DFW oeuvre like nothing else (in my opinion).

>> No.7845492

P4k hate autechre

>> No.7845504


i bet dfw was into good vibes

>> No.7845547


you listen to shit music, if you actually defend alt j and yourself your taste in literature is also most likely shitty and entry level.

>> No.7845727

i hope so
I dig it
Why did you even post in this thread

>> No.7845744


P4k ignored Rashad until he was dead tho

>> No.7845757

>brave little abacus
amazing band.. is anything else they did as good as just got back from discomfort?

>> No.7846141

Last time I checked my was all over kanyhe's dick.

>> No.7846173


nah, he got a bnm on double cup while he was alive. they did pretty much ignore his earlier output.

>> No.7846402

more like pretending to enjoy EAI and harsh noise