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7841187 No.7841187 [Reply] [Original]

Im sure you've come across a book that just wasn't what you expected. Do you guys just power through it and finish or just stop reading?

Pic related.

>> No.7841476

I feel you on that one. I ended up powering though Neuromancer just to get it out of my mind.

>> No.7841529

Neuromancer wasn't what I expected, but I didn't power read it, nor drop it. I just read it bit by bit over the course of a week, taking notes of interesting techie culture that Gibson collated so poetically.

>> No.7841530

nick land loves neuromancer. the dude cites it in almost all his work.

>> No.7842284
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I'm trying to power through this but it's pretty shit t b h

>> No.7842438

I'm just over halfway through neuromancer and it's gotten a little better. But theres parts of the book where I'm like what the fuck am I reading?

>> No.7842447

For me it was Naked Lunch. I don't think I'm retarded, but I couldn't find the plot at all.

I finished Neuromancer just before it, I don't read much sci-fi but it seemed OK. My biggest problem was how convenient everything seemed to be.

>> No.7842753


I had to endure it not because it was different, but because it was boring. So fucking boring. I finished it only because I enjoed cyberpunk and I wanted to read the begin of the genre. Dracula on the other side was a much better reading.

I haven't finished Carver's "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love". Call me a pleb but I hate Carver almost as I hate Kafka.

>> No.7842762

Yeah there's times where I feel the exact same way. I picked this book up because cyberpunk sounded like it would be interesting. I'm probably going to finish it but I must say I'm fairly disappointed.

Crime and Punishment is next on my list which I hope is a little better than this.

>> No.7842779

Queen of the damned by Anne Rice.
Fuck, this book took me 5 months, because I forced myself to read it, but I could never read more than 20 pages per go. I read both Interview with the vampire and the vampire lestat and loved both, but the 3rd book struck me hard. I've never suffered a more boring book in my entire life. The only good bit was the story of the twins, but that was really good.

>> No.7842806
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Neuromancer and dune were the first books I bought. I wasn't into reading, but I was trying to impress a girl who was really into cyberpunk and SF. Dune was great and turned me into a reader but I thought Neuromancer was a snorefest. Now that I'm older appreciate Gibson writing a lot more, but I still think he's overrated.

Pic related was hard for me. The last 1/3rd was GOAT but I wouldn't blame anyone for dropping it after 100 pages.

>> No.7842823

>I wasn't into reading, but I was trying to impress a girl who was really into cyberpunk and SF.
aww this has just made my day, Anon

>> No.7842875

To the Lighthouse
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

>> No.7842889
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I cringe thinking about it now honestly. She was the first girl that I fell hard for and I made the mistake of putting pussy on a pedestal and trying to be the person I thought she wanted instead of just being myself. I actually ran into her on Goodreads a couple months ago and she didn't even remember who I was, she had 100+ male friends on Goodreads who probably was in the same situation I was.

At least I got a productive hobby out of the whole thing.

>> No.7842905

>I hate Kafka
You just invalidated all your post, sorry anon.

>> No.7842906

I think every young man needs to experience a similar situation. It will teach you to be yourself and not cater to what a girl thinks you should be. If she doesn't like you for you, see ya.

But on a side note, was dune a good read especially for someone fairly new?

>> No.7842918

Not being what you expect can be refreshing sometimes. I read Paul Auster's The Brooklyn Follies after The New York Trilogy and the two books were basically nothing alike. I loved The NY Trilogy, but that other book was a really quick, fun read even if it wasn't as impressive.

>> No.7842935

Yeah true, I think everyone has 'the one that got away'. It's very sobering that to her, someone that has made a lifelong impact on me, I was just some person she used to know in high school.

Dune is great! It mixes politics, religion, and sci-fi in a way that's accessible and really fun to read. I have recommended it to new readers all the time.

>> No.7842946

But Neuromancer is a very short and light book?

>> No.7842959

Be that as it may it certainly doesn't feel that way. There's been a few times I had to force myself to finish a chapter. I'm roughly 2/3 into it and the last 30 pages or so have had me a lot more engaged.

>> No.7842966


>> No.7842980

Yeah, for the longest time I thought The Bible was called The Bibble. I had never actually said it to anybody out loud, because The Bible never came up in conversations with anybody I knew until I was a teenager and I decided I was going to become an intellectual. I guessed that the best place to start would be with the Bible (Bibble, I thought, and actually the best place to start is the Greeks, but I was young and didn't know this). So I went to the library and went up to the lady and said "Hi, I'm looking for a Bibble." And she didn't betray that she didn't know what I was talking about. She just told me to follow her. She found the Bibles and she pulled one off the shelf and gave it to me. I said thanks, and I opened up to the title page. It said "The Holy Bible." That's what I learned it wasn't Bibble but Bible. I pressed on anyway and got to about the middle of Exodus before I decided to throw in the towel because it was too long. I never returned the book, though, because I didn't feel like it.

>> No.7843004

i enjoyed this story

>> No.7843042

It's also overwritten in a really bad way, so it's difficult to read despite being a simple pulp thriller about ninja hackers.

>> No.7843080

Man it must be difficult getting through life with such shit taste.

>> No.7843116

I think I'll do fine living without reading any more fedoracore sci-fi garbage.

>> No.7843230

Do you even know what 'fedoracore' means? Of course not. You don't know what anything means. That's why you cling to what the smart people tell you to enjoy. Fucking plebs, am I right?

>> No.7843257
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>so this girl is a hacker cyborg and also she's a ninja and has retractable knifes in her fingers uses a sweet katana and she's out for revenge and she's really hot and I get to have sex -I mean- the main character gets to have sex with her but it's not love or anything lame like that she just gets what she wants though she also has a soft side deep down

>> No.7843260

Lolita. Prose was good, but jesus it's dull. I guess when I read it I wasn't in the right place to fully appreciate it. Can't say I'll reread it again soon. Thought there'd be more plot. Not interested in tennis and teenage magazines.

>> No.7843294
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>years later, the hot hacker cyborg girl laments that I- the cool street-smart hacker slept with once has settled down and has a family now