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/lit/ - Literature

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7840766 No.7840766 [Reply] [Original]

>go to bookstore
>ask for any books by William H. Gass
>bookman takes me to the "Ga" section which I had just came from
>"Doesn't look like we have anything by him. What's he write?"
>"Essays, short-stories. Long, dense fiction, from what I've read about him. His style's supposed to be really interesting, and the way he tells his stories is unfamiliar-sounding."
>"Have you heard of Infinite Jest®"

>> No.7840774
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>go to bookstore
>ask for any books by Yukio Mishima
>"Oh, is that an anime?"

I really wish I was kidding

>> No.7840803

>go to Barnsen Noble
>hang around outside of the kid's sections
>Kid comes out holding A book about fish
>"Get some taste, kid"
>repeat several times until asked to leave

i hope you're all doing your part to make young patricians

>> No.7840809

The book is a meme it's terrible don't read it

>> No.7840812

Was she cute?

>> No.7840813

all books over 400 pages are memes

>> No.7840814

autistic question, but is pepe supposed to be in a cave in this pic?

>> No.7840816

William Gass isn't a book, nor are any of his books memes

>> No.7840819

>go to bookstore
>ask for any books by Yukio Mishima
>"We don't sell no books written by fags."

I miss Kentucky.

>> No.7840821

It was a numale-looking guy

>> No.7840833

Was he cute?

>> No.7840838

Not really

>> No.7840844

Wait, so if you haven't read anything by Gass, how do you know he isn't comparable to DFW?

>> No.7840850
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>ask for Franz Kafka books
>"I'm sorry?"
>repeat myself
>"Im sorry, Mister Mumbles. We don't have anything by a 'Friend Zgofgod'. Maybe if you enunciated properly, we would . . . follow me."
>He takes me to the "for dummies section"
>I think these books might be your speed.

>> No.7840853

>reading long books

>> No.7840873

Lmaoooo. I genuinely zozzed after reading this.

>> No.7841104

>Go to /lit/
>Make up a retarded story that obviously didn't happen
>Post to /r/4chan
>Collect (You)s and upboats
>Declare a successful day on the internet

>> No.7841155
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>work at bookstore
>nod approvingly at everyone's book selection as I ring them in
>regulars start asking me for recommendations
>start with the Greeks!
>mfw they actually buy those expensive fagles editions of Homer

>> No.7841420
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>be monkey
>sitting in a tree
>watching fishermen cast lines from shoal of river
>wait till fishermen leave
>take up their nets
>drown in two-inch deep water

>> No.7841446

>Go to the bookstore (Barnsen Nobles)
>Walk around until I see the little kiosk desk thing
>walk up to it and ask the person behind the desk where "Blood Meridian" is
>they promptly direct me to where the book is
>I say "Thakns" and proceed to the cashier
>Hand her my debit card and complete the transaction
>Go home and read some of the book then cry myself to sleep because of how lonely I am.

>> No.7841456

>not peppering your conversations with the word "Nigger" for a more interesting day

>> No.7841482
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>at bookstore
>cute cashier
>sperg out


>> No.7841487

What should I have said? Thanks nigger? lol

>> No.7841490

What does sperging out even entail?? Like what do you do?

>> No.7841498

breathe unevenly, stutter, shaky voice, shaky hand giving the cash, no eye contact, compulsive squinting

not even kidding you

>> No.7841499

>"mommy what's taste?"
oh what a dark road he will lead

>> No.7841504

Yikes. Just think that she is a human being, like your mom or sister or aunt.

>> No.7841508
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>go to B&N
>put Gravity's Rainbow in the Faith & Spirituality section
doing my part to enlighten fools against the matastructural war machine & illuminati overlords

>> No.7841511

>go to Barnsen Nobles
>gather up all the Bibles and spread them around in the kids, fiction, and cuckold sections.
Just doing my part.

>> No.7841535
File: 30 KB, 216x231, William_H._Gass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one, no matter how much you think otherwise, calling something a meme is not a valid argument or claim of value, and, no matter how many times you do it, it never will be. For two--and this is a bit of a projection--I highly doubt you have actually read The Tunnel from cover to cover, and, on the off chance that you have, I'm even more doubtful that you understood it.

>> No.7841549

Gassposter gtfo

>> No.7841550

he probably wants to fuck his mom/sister/aunt too though

>> No.7841555

you fuck! the cuckold section is my favorite >:(

>> No.7841558
File: 14 KB, 150x150, interview_gass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I will make this board great again.

>> No.7841564

>I'm even more doubtful that you understood it.

The book's plot is simple (it's basically Gass's autobiography); it's only the poeticality of the writing that makes it worth anything.

>> No.7841587
File: 787 KB, 654x539, 1456877105842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to read book written by a fat person?

>> No.7841594

thats a good point tho i can't think of any fat fucks who write rad shit, well overweight niggas like samuel johnson or balzac are aiight, but like fatfucks fuck no

>> No.7841597

Because I'm not prejudiced against fat people

>> No.7841604

being fat is a lifestyle choice, and it's ok to be prejudiced against people who make bad choices, in fact it's essential to the survival of the species, being accepting of fatasses is inhuman

>> No.7841607

Why not?

>> No.7841609

I never said I accept their choice. I'm just no prejudiced.

I don't know.

>> No.7841610

he's fat because he spends all his time reading and writing

>> No.7841614

You can read and write while walking on a treadmill. Checkmate fatties.

>> No.7841619

death of the author . i don't care who wrote a book so long as it's good. i always separate the author as a person and authorial intent/contexts from the work itself.

for example, i am a gay black socialist jew and Mein Kampf is my favorite book of all time. just because Adolf Hitler wrote it and meant it to be anti-semetic doesn't mean I have to read it that way. it is a prose masterpiece which can be read as a postmodern pastiche on Seven Against Thebes

>> No.7841627
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>> No.7841643

exactly. i read my twisted world as a fictional parody inside the mind of an autist. i dont care that he killed people, i dont associate the work with those deeds. who are you to say pynchon didn't write the book and attribute it to Elliot Rodger as his final joke

>> No.7841646

You're mad because you went to a bookstore? Couldn't find a book? And then proceeded to tell the guy about how good it is despite having read it?

>> No.7841659

as if!! LOL, we're like so cool, for like lol sticking it to the MAN, by like being complete shit heads-- he wouldn't expect that now would he?!!!? LOL

>> No.7841667
File: 128 KB, 350x525, gass-by-philip-guston.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too tired to explain why, with the exception of the similarity between Kohler's and Gass' life, your post is completely wrong, so I'll just post this interview Gass, who does it much better than I could. Enjoy.
Fat people are good writers. Just look at Flaubert and Wolfe.

>> No.7841677

Define good. I think that writers who are fat are fat writers.

>> No.7841679

if u think someone with that gut has ever had a single profound, worthwhile thought then you are probably a fatass...

>> No.7841687

Thanks for keeping this board patrish, Gassposter

>> No.7841707

Good: appealing to my arbitrary sensibilities.
Nope, I am a human skeleton.
I do my best.