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7839374 No.7839374 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the ethics of meat-eating seem to be the most fashionable topic in philosophy today?

Why does seemingly every philosopher currently working feel the need to devote thousands upon thousands of words to this issue?

Are we as a society too comfortable and pre-occupied with 'luxury issues,' like whether it's OK to eat meat?

>> No.7839381

fuck i could go for some rotisserie chicken right now

>> No.7839386

they don't want to talk about the real issues

>> No.7839390

It's just one piece of a patchwork of concerns regarding the future of our planet which is under a lot of stress with overpopulation.

>> No.7839407

I realise this is not a very helpful post
it's more that meat eating is something that you can acceptably have a strong opinion on
what are some debates you would like to see?

>> No.7839416



Also, I got a 'select all the food' captcha text for this post...

>> No.7839437

I think I made it clear that I am the same person in both posts

>> No.7839463

Why do you feel as if it's a luxury issue? In contrast to what?

>> No.7839477

this desu

it compiles all our anxieties about ecology, indulgent consumerism and unrelenting industrial production into one neat package which goes down amazingly with a splash of gravy

>> No.7839483

>why does a race that has done ethical philosophy for thousands of years sometimes wonder whether it's okay to torture, imprison, and murder things for its own pleasure

>> No.7839486

>luxury issue
Man you're delusional

>> No.7839490

>it's more that meat eating is something that you can acceptably have a strong opinion on
yeah i guess it's a good way for misunderstood millennials and hippies to break off of the beaten path. doesnt evolution favor meat eaters though>

>> No.7839494

You can acceptably have an opinion on loads of things as longs as you're well spoken and aren't an absolute cunt.

>> No.7839499

>doesn't evolution favor meat eaters though
You should not only learn what evolution means but also the history of it because you obviously don't know shit
I think you meant to say natural selection and if that's the case, you're wrong
Our distant ancestors hardly ate meat

>> No.7839501


Not a luxury issue
Third worlders eat meat, but could also not eat meat too
A luxury issue is deciding which meat you want to eat and where you will get it from, or if you will get it delivered to your door

>> No.7839504

Oh yeah megafauna were just hunted to extinction for shits and giggles, not food.

get the fuck out of here you waterbrained vegetable

>> No.7839505

list some of those things that are actually worth debating

>> No.7839509

It's not a luxury issue desu. Has more impact than racism or any Sexism bullshit.
Matters more than brown people dying or atheism

>> No.7839512

just a bunch of white ass 1st world babbys who don't care about real issues

>> No.7839514

>hardly somehow equates to never
>thinks the extinction of these animals was completely due to human hunting
You don't know what you're talking about. Please stop talking.

>> No.7839518

we are all going to die anyway, so why should I care about some dumb ass animals lol

i did not ask to be born, so therefore, I should feel the greatest amount of pleasure between my birth and my death, and guess what, eating meat is part of that plasure

>> No.7839521

It's not like i care either way, fuck animals, they'd eat me if they could, but they can't cause I'm better than them. Might makes right which is why meat tastes good, fight me irl.

>> No.7839527
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meat are responsable of
>heart attacks that is the firts fucking cause of dead in the world
>fat shit ass
>erectil dysfuntion lel
>inmoral behaviours, cruelty, torture, rape, etc.
>atmosphere contamination (more than any other industry) destroying the planet were you live in.
>imposible to support the world population so every poor kid gonna die of hungry because a fucking cow need to eat to support your disgusting behaviours

>> No.7839536

You sound hysterical honey, why don't you go play with your vibrator for an hour or so, you'll feel better

>> No.7839537

this, except for me it's raping your kids

>> No.7839540

Do you ever look at little girls and think "fuck she's going to be hot when she grows up"

>> No.7839541

>implying I will have children

lol pleb

>> No.7839544

Homosexuals and others mentally ill degenerates

>> No.7839547

Yeah, just without the 'when she grows up'

>> No.7839548

>implying she isn't right now

>> No.7839556

Contemporary moral issues:

Philosophical anarchy
Human Cloning
Kidney Sales
Famine Relief
Meat Eating

These are pretty pertinent ethical issues IMO. Plus, unlike metaphysics and other areas of philosophy, contemporary ethics can actually influence how a system treats issues. Who says philosophy is merely mental masturbation?

>> No.7839557


I think 20-something men who consider meat-eating an integral part of their masculinity are hilarious.

>> No.7839558

fruits are responsable of
>fat shit ass
>shit libido
>inmoral behaviours, cruelty, torture, rape, etc
>destroying lives of workers with pesticides and altering, and destroying ecosystems
>luxury items for white nigs, perpetuating oppression of niggers and spics growing fruit

>> No.7839560

yeah tell that to the millions of hungry children in africa you dumbass

>> No.7839565

Not eating meat is responsible for
>Being liberal
>Being a fag
>Having shit taste in food

>> No.7839566


>> No.7839581

>implying it is wrong to eat a fucking dog

this is why the west is fucking declining, face it, anti-meat cucks opinions are just based on "muh feelings" and "muh empathy"

>> No.7839584


>> No.7839591
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>yeah DUDE we are just ded bodies welking :) xDDD
>>shit libido
Vegans have the same libido, retard
>>inmoral behaviours, cruelty, torture, rape, etc
Fruits arent sentient beings so you can't apply that... And eat raped, torturated, mutilated animals is inmoral.
>>destroying lives of workers with pesticides and altering, and destroying ecosystems
well, its not comparable with all the damage that cause the meat industry, do you think that a guy who kill everyday cows have good mental health? and what about all the fucking lands, forest that are just for the cow industry...?

Im pretty much have traditional values, im not homosexual and meat eats usually put all kind of vegetables/condiments in the meat of animals because it would taste like shit.

>> No.7839595
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>Tis only brave men such as I that abandon the swaddling clothes of emotion as we let the liberal hordes break upon our shields of reason like so many waves and as we push them back with the unforgiving spear of reason

lmao nice hat you fag

>> No.7839599

yes. our distant ancestors were also monkeys without the capacity to speak. the implement of meat into the diet contributed to the rapid growth of the human brain. i love getting lectured on evolution and natural selection by fucking morons.

>> No.7839602

She never went to northern brazil, here we eat EVERY kind of meat

the other countries are just a bunch of pussies who can't handle horse meat, crocodile meat, turtle meat

>> No.7839615
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dog meat is full of parasites
amazing that it took this woman 25 years of research to figure out that we find some animals cute and others not
>"paradigm shift"
I'm out

>> No.7839618

Why don't people talk about how grains are one of the worst things to eat?

>> No.7839619


what a bunch of hypocrites, it's fucking obvious that humans feel empathy towards cute animals

>> No.7839623

It's not a luxury issue, it's extremely pressing. Animal agriculture contributes more to greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation sector. To all those in this thread who mentioned the negative environmental impact of growing plants, that's just a stronger argument for a plant based diet. We grow more plants than we would otherwise in order to feed livestock. That's where the vast majority of grain, corn, soy, etc. grown in the US goes. Eating more plants means growing less.
Philosophers talk about it because our meat addiction causes torturous, inhumane deaths by the billions every year.

>> No.7839625


what is their solution to the meat "problem"? eating grains and pills?

>> No.7839627

>Vegans have the same libido, retard
Depends on what you consume and supplement with, but the vegan diet is not notorious for helping one's sex hormones due to a lower intake of zinc, protein and b-12.

>Fruits arent sentient beings so you can't apply that... And eat raped, torturated, mutilated animals is inmoral.
Yes, fruit is just a product, but a product produced by plants - which are - according to some - sentient beings. Abusing the shit out of these with pesticides and admixturing their genetics, against their will, is immoral then. Life is life.

>not comparable
Yes it is, a bigger, according to you, impact on the ecosystem and the failing health of the produce's manufacturers doesn't discredit the problem of "smaller" ones.

>> No.7839633


clearly bait, but the real reason "the west is declining" (which it's not) is because today's generation grows up indifferent to pretty much everything (thanks largely to television and such) and thus has forced themselves into false feelings of empathy on whatever the topic of the day be. pseudo-empathy is what results in believing we should just let any terrorist in to whatever nations because it is founded on almost no truth or fact, it's simply just the person thinking i-must-be-empathetic-because-tv-told-me-to-be, but these people will move onto the next issue as soon as it comes up and immediately forget about the last one. watch your standard news program. note how quickly they move on from "explosions in brussels" to "cute puppy does something cute" to "home invasion leads to rape and murder".

>> No.7839643

The west is declining brah. You think Brussels today was an isolated incident? The west is soft as baby shit and it's going to get steamrolled.

>> No.7839645

>i am so deep and anti-materialistic

>> No.7839651

>Depends on what you consume and supplement with, but the vegan diet is not notorious for helping one's sex hormones due to a lower intake of zinc, protein and b-12.

It depends if that person knows what they are doing.

All those are easily supplemented . even though there are enough natural sources that do not require it

>> No.7839662
File: 50 KB, 529x352, 10-donald-trump-debate.w529.h352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soft, you say?

>> No.7839666

the west's only hope

>> No.7839668

>2 kids married to Jews
>wants 30k soldiers in Syria to die for Israel

Rest in piece Ameriga.

>> No.7839670

>The west is declining brah

What a meek statement. Explain yourself, you do not say how much it will decline, do you not know?

Things rise and fall all the time, but not by much

>> No.7839675


What, tell them it's wrong to eat meat, when the only convenient thing nearby might be a piece of roadkill?

OK dumbass, you go and tell them that.

>> No.7839676

Yes soft. A bunch of losers and crybabies with no backbone.

>> No.7839681

Europe becomes a Caliphate, America balkanizes, becomes a police prison state or a little bit of both.

>> No.7839686

balkanizing would be good though

>> No.7839687

>h-hey anon, can you give us some meat?
>"what? are you fucking insane? fucking carnist scum, here watch this video, just let me turn on my iPhone"

>> No.7839691
File: 35 KB, 547x415, hungry-children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but anon, we are so hungry!
>"fuck off carnist, here, take those pills and grains for you all, little budies"

>> No.7839692

Then guess who inherits global power? Thus a decline in the west.

>> No.7839694

>for Israel
umm, turn on the news anon. this isn't muslims vs jews anymore its muslms vs the west

>> No.7839698
File: 537 KB, 638x362, dfadfafafafafaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"we are all going to die anyway" - pic related
But meat dont have anything to do with the intelect. Cooking our vegetables develop more our brains because we could be eable get more glucose. Our brains need glucose not proteins. Stop being rude with others and get some glucose into your diet to develop some critial thinking, faggot.
Our ancestors will eat shit if that helps..
No according this
But those moral acts are delimite by the biology, plants can't feel pain. Why the fuck would feel pain if they even can run away from it? and how that apply to you when you fucking eat an mutilated cow???
And again not comparable. And its because most of most of the farming are for the cows and chickens. What do you think they eat? air?

>>h-hey anon, can you give us some slaves (niggers)?

>> No.7839703


>> No.7839707

And guess who's behind ISIS lad

>> No.7839710


i never said i wasn't part of that generation. after all, i am posting here on /lit/ from my thousand dollar laptop

>> No.7839718

anti-meat people are right

anti-meat is anti-zion, we need to boycott these greedy jew industry

>> No.7839735

What was that supposed to mean? what is the relation between meat and slavery? genuine question

>> No.7839739
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I can do what I want

>> No.7839742
File: 129 KB, 267x400, Emmanuel Levinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to researchers at the Institute for Applied Physics at the University of Bonn in Germany, plants release gases that are the equivalent of crying out in pain. Using a laser-powered microphone, researchers have picked up sound waves produced by plants releasing gases when cut or injured. Although not audible to the human ear, the secret voices of plants have revealed that cucumbers scream when they are sick, and flowers whine when their leaves are cut [source: Deutsche Welle].

>There's also evidence that plants can hear themselves being eaten. Researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia found that plants understand and respond to chewing sounds made by caterpillars that are dining on them. As soon as the plants hear the noises, they respond with several defense mechanisms [source: Feinberg].

>For some researchers, evidence of these complex communication systems -- emitting noises via gas when in distress -- signals that plants feel pain. Others argue that there cannot be pain without a brain to register the feeling. Still more scientists surmise that plants can exhibit intelligent behavior without possessing a brain or conscious awareness [source: Pollan].


They react to being destroyed and scream. How much more evidence do you specieist shitlord need? Just because your limited, human-tailored senses can't perceive their pain, their face, does not mean it does not exist.

>> No.7839743


empathy is a spook
suffering is a spook

>> No.7839747

>the implement of meat into the diet contributed to the rapid growth of the human brain
Nice conjecture

>> No.7839754

are these anti-meat people against scientific tests on animals?

>> No.7839757

why the fuck are all these germans torturing these innocent vegetables?

shit this is cool.

>> No.7839761

>But meat dont have anything to do with the intelect. Cooking our vegetables develop more our brains because we could be eable get more glucose.

Vegetarians, everyone.

>> No.7839766

there is no relation, that poster is literally a stupid nigger

>> No.7839767

I'm sure some are but those people are idiots

>> No.7839770

Cause some years ago people see slavery as a normal thing, maybe?
well, of course they gonna have some mechanism of respond, duh, they have life. But if you think on it;If you put your hand is some hot superficie you gonna retired off it, they can't even move so is not the same pain that feels humans and animals. Plants dont have brain, etc. Nociception is not pain.
Your cat write that? wow

>> No.7839774

>Although not audible to the human ear, the secret voices of plants have revealed that cucumbers scream when they are sick, and flowers whine when their leaves are cut

i feel ghoulishly sad all of a sudden

>> No.7839781

just because something is "fresh" and "progressive", it doesn't mean is correct

and you did not debunk my argument, tell that to those hungry children in africa, go ahead, show them your pseudo-intellectual video, offer them some grains and pills to kill their hunger

>> No.7839786


>> No.7839788

>Cause some years ago people see slavery as a normal thing, maybe?
men wearing make up used to be a normal thing
ergo meat eating is the equivalent of males wearing make up

>> No.7839789


>> No.7839814
File: 39 KB, 640x360, asdfasf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the best option that we have. Peaceful and kind with others. What the fuck is wrong with that?
Almost half of farming go to our cows, we probably supere this hungry issues with those vegan diets if people stop their degenerate behaviours.
A poor country like Ethiopia is almost full vegan.
Sorry for that. Im still learning.

>> No.7839817

Being omnivorous and having the ability to eat a diverse catalog of things helps with survival.

>> No.7839825

Pain is a reactive mechanism.

If an alien has developed an "alien" way of reacting to its environment and avoiding destruction, and if that alien gets specific sensations/signals from said destruction if its material being, then that is pain - not its medical definition, being dependent on carbon-based lifeforms and their nervous systems, but a philosophical one.

>> No.7839859
File: 15 KB, 428x240, Kimpotatohead-33-06].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except aliens doesnt exist.
Again plants dont have a brain that alow them to feel pain as we and animals feel. And its they feel pain what they gonna do? run away? just stand and scream? Of course we expect a reasonable reaction because it have life, but we cant go full emphaty. Theres not reason to be philosophical i think...

>> No.7839883

Plants communicate chemically with each other.

It's conceivable that they "scream" chemically to allied plants in order to secure healing resources that would otherwise be difficult to obtain, or to warn other nearby plants of the same species to execute a specific defense mechanism.

Even if plants did have a mind-center, you would move the goal-posts again to make eating plants right and eating meat wrong, because you don't actually care about suffering, you just want to win the morality high ground, fucking disgusting.

>> No.7839901

Being an ethical consumer is the crux of personal responsibility when you're in a capitalist environment.

Meat eating ties into climate change, superbugs, and the way immigrants are treated. Plus factory farming causes insane amounts of suffering as well as being very inefficient in terms of resources including space and food.

Same senpai

>> No.7839913

how do you respond to the question of plant suffering

>> No.7839914

>except aliens doesnt exist.

It was used as a theoretical example, but astrobiologists would probably slightly disagree with you on that point, considering the vastness of the universe.

What signifies the "brain"? Do you really need to have this specific anatomically mammal body-part, a mixture of chemicals and protein connected to nerves, to feel "pain"?

It does not matter whether they run or stand and scream - human and animal reactions as we know them do not possess a monopoly on "pain" - what matters is the existence of a reaction to destruction.

>but we cant go full emphaty

Why not? Life is always worthwhile.

>> No.7839919

Don't forget racists.

>> No.7839926

>Being an ethical consumer is the crux of personal responsibility when you're in a capitalist environment.
This completely ignores social grace and compassionate interpersonal interaction, which is very important to quality of life, and is typical of a communist

>> No.7839945

It's not suffering in the way that we understand suffering. Thinking otherwise is just anthropomorphizing. It's not a guarantee that plants *aren't* suffering, but it is a guarantee that animals in fact are.

One doesn't preclude the other, and you'd be pretty self-centered to put your feefees over the tremendous suffering antibiotic resistance is going to cause.

I know he's a burn victim but what about my stubbed TOE

>> No.7839949
File: 27 KB, 1024x576, What's Wrong With Eggs_ The Truth About The Egg Industry (360p)[00-32-51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga they can react to negative stimults WITHOUT the experience of pain, its called nociception! plants dont say "wow this is really hot i must get out of here hueheu". So yeah, plants dont feel pain!
The point of veganism is to reduce suffer and promote compassion a long with happy life in the planet with a vegan diet.
>Do you really need to have this specific anatomically mammal body-part, a mixture of chemicals and protein connected to nerves, to feel "pain"?
Actually yes to all. That make you enable to feel conscious and respond to the pain!
>Life is always worthwhile.
Animals and some humans too. But plants are cool, we take care of they and eat it because we are herbivores, we dont even feel bad when we eat oranges.

>> No.7839962

Why not have slavery *and* meat?

>> No.7839968

its bad

>> No.7839969

>Not being anthropocentric
Why is this thread full of cucks?

>> No.7839976

Human lives =! animal lives

>> No.7839979

stop being a sore cunt, faggot

>> No.7839983

>The way immigrants are treated
Why the fuck should I care?

>> No.7839986

Yea it's pretty stupid. Meat is delicious tho

>> No.7839989
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>That make you enable to feel conscious

ahh shit, here we go

>> No.7839991

Because they are human beings living in shit conditions.

>> No.7839993

If I'm only using non-anthropocentrism as a defense of my desire to eat meat does that still make me a cuck? unanswered questions of philosophy

>> No.7839995

What country are you thinking of?

>> No.7839997

I assume everyone in this website is American until proven otherwise.

>> No.7839999

What's your defence?

>> No.7840001

>That make you enable to feel conscious and respond to the pain!
Yeah ME and in MY case, but then all other possibilities of "brains" and "pain-centres" are being wrongfully ignored because you cannot accept the fact that life cannot be sustained without suffering, and that your blissful world of non-harm and white-and-black moral sentiments is challenged.

What happens if you come across a queer silicone-based lifeform, something lovecraftian - would you deny it feeling pain if you happened to stab it and it cried some guttural scream, would you deny it feeling pain because you have not mapped its brain yet to see if it looks like yours?

>we dont even feel bad when we eat oranges.
You do not feel bad as a result of your moral convictions, same as carnivores do when they eat steak.

>> No.7840004

Ive honestly didnt even know about it since you brought it up OP and I pay attention to a lot of philosophy

>> No.7840006

Which immigrants are you thinking of?
>inb4 illegals
>inb4 Muslims

>> No.7840008
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>not being egocentric

bullprepper detected

>> No.7840010

Multiple citations needed

>> No.7840012

One is just the continuation of another.

>> No.7840014

Sometimes I hate the fact that there are so many girls on /lit/.

>> No.7840017

Maybe they just like it and see no reason not to eat it

>> No.7840021
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Of the other*

>> No.7840025

Yes, pop culture masculinity is stupid. That's not an argument against meat though.

>> No.7840062

All of them? Should illegals and Muslims be treated like shit, other the prejudice?

>> No.7840066

>Illegals aren't immigrants
>Muslims shouldn't immigrate here

>> No.7840171
File: 92 KB, 500x664, ujoijoiji414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being wrongfully ignored because you cannot accept the fact that life cannot be sustained without suffering, and that your blissful world of non-harm and white-and-black moral sentiments is challenged.
We ignored for SOME reason, we as herbivorus dont understand those crazy so called "pain" that you referers, we are biological inept if you want. Thats why you can say "Awww" when you see a chicken and her babies, or empathysies with pain of a dog suffering.
and your arguments are "if this happend... or this occurs..." wtf?
The mother nature is intelligent. She doesnt not permit that they system be eable to feel pain without giving him a capacity to respond

>You do not feel bad as a result of your moral convictions, same as carnivores do when they eat steak.
Its because they dont make the mental connection that meat = murder. They just buy it on the store. Pure propaganda and shit.
Of what point?
Im not a girl...

>> No.7840173

>I'm not a girl
Oh, you're just a beta cuck then.

>> No.7840175

My friend is doing a PhD in this banal shit. I used to hold him in such high regard

>> No.7840211
File: 88 KB, 720x616, 1457241328321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always thought that being a vegan due to moral issues is stupid.
I became a vegetarian after watching cowspiracy, which was roughly around the same time that the paris attacks happened.
There I realized that I didn't really care about terrorism, war, animal suffering etc. Most aspects of real life / politics just made me depressed.
Now, it's not because I lack empathy. I've been told that I'm a very empathic person, but I view morality as a broader sense of empathy that society pushes down on you.
I found it really liberating, when I realized this.
It feels great being a vegetarian and not really caring about animal welfare, or supporting refugees but not really caring about them. Everything feels so much more real when you know it's fake.
That's why I think arguing over ethics in this regard is kinda pointless. Maybe in 100 years, eating animal meat will be seen as immoral as eating humans. But then maybe in 200 years, as some other anon pointed out, we'll find out that plants feel as much pain as humans, and then what the hell are we supposed to eat?
I would love for the human race to live in perfect symbiosis with nature, but untill we find a way to do that, we're gonna need to survive somehow, and we're gonna do that by not eating meat.
Our meat consumption is killing the planet, but most of all, it's killing us. We don't need to discuss ethics, because this is not a luxury issue, we just need to stop eating meat. So just stop viewing this as a moral problem, embrace egoism, and realize that we need to be vegans for our own sake.

fuck animals

>> No.7840964

if you still eat meat then you've made it clear enough that you have no control over the most basic animal impulses

think for ten minutes about things like water usage, pain, and the pleasure that you derive from meat. if you genuinely have trouble after this point, you are proof of moral degeneration

>> No.7840984
File: 87 KB, 380x480, bu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you still do not think the demise of all sentient beings should be hastened in every possible way you're stuck on the lowest levels of myopic empathy.

Don't hesitate, accelerate.

>> No.7841010
File: 11 KB, 600x491, shrugging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exploiting, dominating, or harming a sentient being is wrong. I can't find good reason to exclude animals from that category, and I don't want to do things that are "wrong," so I am vegan.

>There is no right or wrong. Might is right. Mere social convention stops you from eating me right now. Everything I do, I do only because it suits my pleasure and whims. I want to eat animals, so I do.

Fucking retard
>Might is right >;) The weak should fear the strong. I CAN eat a cow, so I WILL! Hahahahaha! Wait, don't do anything that harms ME, though, because that would be immoral and wrong!!! :( Just because you can get away with murdering a human, and you want to, doesn't mean you should!

Fucking retard
>Exploiting, dominating, or harming a being of Sentience Qualification Rank 99 or higher is wrong. Humans are rank 99, and everything else is below rank 99 - as decided by [ability to play the piano / capacity to appreciate Adult Swim cartoons / some other one of my uneducated, arbitrary gut feelings about what kinds of sentience count as "important"]. Therefore it's okay to gouge a monkey's eyes out to test consumerist prole products, and I'm still a moral being for doing so!

>> No.7841021
File: 236 KB, 720x304, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty decent analysis, friend.

>> No.7841042

Actually if I remember correctly, it was mainly the addition of lots of starchy vegetable and grains that helped our brains get real big, along with a supplement of meat. For most of human history (and still for the world's poor) meat is essentially a dietary supplement

>> No.7841048

this yo

>> No.7842127

Eh Cows.
Their survival is intrinsically linked to our love for their grilled flesh.

>> No.7842175

>people actually taking the plants feel pain meme seriously

what the fuck happened to this board how fucking retarded do you have to be to think that plants feel pain

jesus christ this is so depressing

>> No.7842737

This board is a fucking shithole
It's filled with high schoolers

>> No.7842789

I like meat, but I think people should eat less of it, and that the industry could be significantly less cruel with minimal changes in cost.

>> No.7842792

If nerves are the reason animals feel pain then it isn't impossible plants have an analogous structure, they can be pretty complex, potentially as complex as a nervous system, so how exactly would we know?

>> No.7842878

...says the anon who types and expresses himself like an imbecile.

>> No.7842954

>>imposible to support the world population so every poor kid gonna die of hungry because a fucking cow need to eat to support your disgusting behaviours
I really disagree with that. If we could make people stop eating meat in excess and stop wasting edible parts of the animals we can probably go on eating meat for an extra century.

I don't eat and neither of my relatives eat pig tail, pig hoof, pig head, cow tongue, cow testicles, cow heart, goat eyes, ass dick and a lot of other shit.

>> No.7842956

Just wrote something about transplant tourism. Definitely an area worthy of exploration.

>> No.7842964

i wanna try roasted/fried calango

>> No.7843098

t. triggered vegan plant murderer who no longer gets to feel superior

>> No.7843458
File: 5 KB, 289x175, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are correct

>> No.7843490

Doesn't matter, art is above morality and other worldly things, and the culinary arts are just that, art.
>Who says philosophy is merely mental masturbation?
It isn't, but it should be.
Only the small-minded care about life.

>> No.7843493

there is always a relation between everything

>> No.7843505


you seem to be a very insufferable person, i'm sorry that you are such a gasbag.

>> No.7843508

That's beacuse he is right. It is sad but it is true.

>> No.7843530
File: 33 KB, 390x220, IMG_2282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you seem to be a very insufferable person
Good, to not be insufferable is to be ordinary, to have no wit, to be bovine.

>> No.7843533
File: 39 KB, 344x500, buda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels bad man. Do I just have to stop eating now?

>> No.7843547


i was more referring to the fact that you think you and philosophy (??) are above "life and its squabbles" or something. you are undoubtedly a teenager or someone who has accomplished very little in their life and yet salivate over the idea of "greatness" because you are insecure about the fact that being "average" would mean you have no personality or personal meaning.

i'm sorry for that. one day you'll get over that whole platonism kick you're on right now

>> No.7843564

>yet salivate over the idea of "greatness"
Greatness is a function of life, the ego needs only art and itself.

>> No.7843599


Industrial agriculture treats animals savagely.

I unironically think this is our generation's 'slavery moment'.