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/lit/ - Literature

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7837390 No.7837390 [Reply] [Original]

>book has more than 500 pages

>> No.7837437

>post has more than 50% bullshit

>> No.7837443
File: 29 KB, 247x400, wat-guu-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> book has less than a thousand pages

>> No.7837618 [DELETED] 

>look mom I posted it again

>> No.7837656

whom art thou quoteth?

>> No.7837666


>> No.7837670

>reading a book

Why read when you have movies and video games, lmao gramps get with the times

>> No.7837683

There are more than 500 pages (plus plenty of fun, informative and engaging footnotes) in The Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace (AKA DWF)

>> No.7837693
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>David Wallace Foster

>> No.7837707
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>OP only has six words

>> No.7837967

>reply has only five

>> No.7837977

>reply only four

>> No.7837978

>You post four

>> No.7837981

beat you nigger

>> No.7837987

>trilogial comment

>> No.7838005


>> No.7838040


>> No.7838046


>> No.7838050
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>book has less than 200,000 words

>> No.7838058


>> No.7838079
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>books that have plot

>> No.7838136
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>talking shit, even indirectly, about Anna Karenina

>> No.7838165
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>book has footnotes

>> No.7838170


>Anna Karenina
>anything beyond "good"

>> No.7838222
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>footnotes have a book

>> No.7838228

>20th Anniversary Edition

>> No.7838274
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>Op has more than three braincells

>> No.7838398
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>books written by greeks and reading them before the rest of classic literature

>> No.7838678

>shitty bait thread has more than 25 shitty replies

>> No.7839323
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>book has less than three interconnecting plotlines

>> No.7839351

>not having read "For All Gods Gave Only Tears" by Amadou Pidleur
it is about a Viking warlord's life in the middle age with parts about a coffee table in Los Angeles in the 1970's. The last 200 pages are copied from a russian math book.

>> No.7839366


For what purpose?

>> No.7839372

Look kid, the fact is I live in a detached bungalow and pay rent so low that I almost feel bad for the landlord. My cute half-Russian girlfriend lives here with me and we both study literature at Iowa State, me having earned a three-year paid scholarship in the MFA program and her earning a degree to teach elementary school. I mean I come on this board and see people from Estonia, from New York and from places where their lives for whatever reason, usually economic and romantic, are so depressing that it makes me almost bad for them. I'm almost done editing a 67k word novel a year early, meaning that once its's published by Coffee House Press next Winter I'll have an entire year to promote it and to otherwise spend my time here in Iowa City writing short stories for the weekly class and just enjoying my life. Do you even comprehend the notion of enjoying your life any more kiddo? I thought not. There are people on this board working thirty, forty sometimes fifty hours a week while harboring ambitions of "making it" in literature. Meanwhile I spend my days waking at ten am, eating warm muffins and drinking cups of black coffee on the small wooden red-and-white oilcloth-covered table with my cute, Amelie-esque girlfriend who sits grinning and sipping her cinnamon tea as we discuss our plans for the week or some aspect of our course the other person expresses an interest in learning more about. I own a second-hand Volvo which looks beat up in a way that suggests the exact kind of poverty I'm looking to associate with my "brand" (every contemporary writer needs a brand) and I use it to drive to the library each day where I sit in a thick flannel shirt and sit at a table illuminated by a horizontal rectangular lamp while propping up my forehead with fingers placed to project my studiousness and complexity to others, only to drive home in the evening feeling a calm ease towards my life and walking up the three concrete steps and stepping through the screen door and then the wooden front door to find my qt gf baking in the kitchen with an apron on and a little flour on her cheeks which I rub off as she grins and asks me about my day. What do you have in your life that equates to this? Huh? I'm waiting for an answer...That's what I thought. Literary fame will be mine before the year is through. Meanwhile the rest of your year, and the rest of your life after that, will consist of a slow decline towards an obscure death remarked upon by nobody. I am literally and unironically eating a warm McDonalds cheesburger as I type this, the onions and mustard and tomato ketchup causing me to experience an overwhelming rush of pleasure as I continue to chew and swallow and digest my second meal of the day after a breakfast cooked by an individual to whom I am the love of their life.

>> No.7839389
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>book has characters speak in a foreign language
>No translation footnotes
>It's never explained in the text

>> No.7839406



>> No.7840549

Hey I looked this up and it isn't real fuck you

>> No.7840558

for a moment your plebeian brain imagined I read books that actually were written by authors and not thought of by Myself. How common.

>> No.7841473
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>the book is incredible and has changed your entire outlook on life for the better.

>> No.7841501


>> No.7841523
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>book has less than 300

>> No.7841585


ahem, David Woster Fallace

>> No.7841589

this is a good "one"

>> No.7841593

>Writes something

>> No.7841596

most of my favorite books tend to be longer, i love the whole maximalism thing, i'd rather something be exhaustive than leave me wanting far more from it

that being said, i've never read a book over 500 pages, except maybe moby dick, that couldn't have been significantly cut down

>> No.7841615

10/10. Now that's what I call fresh pasta.

>> No.7841620
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Vous suis un pleb.
Look in her eyes, and feel shame.

>> No.7841630

>Vous suis un pleb

isn't it "vous êtes"?

>> No.7841633


>> No.7841668

>writes two words

>> No.7841972

>replies with three words

>> No.7841975

>Now it is five words

>> No.7841993

>footnotes have entire film director's discographies

>> No.7842011

holy shit

>> No.7842020

I believe you mean Davey Wooster Fallus.

>> No.7842043


>post has shit

>> No.7842163

i fucking love you

>> No.7842189
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>fat autsist storms into my office
>oh God not again...
>he got past the guards
>"MR. ANON! Look I've made some changes and.."
>He's trying to pitch his 750,000 fantasy Tetralogy
>there's cum stains on the paper
>security drag him out
>mfw I publish my friend's feminist post-modern novella without reading it

>> No.7842299


>vous êtes un plébéien
would be the most correct thought

>> No.7842640

>you are a pleb
Thank you very much,not everyone has the privilige to have an indo-european first language.

>> No.7842786

>vous suis
Geez anon at least learn the language before you start shit posting in it

>> No.7842790

Why would it not be
>tu est un pleb

>> No.7842793

tu es*

>> No.7842798

Tuez Le pleb

>> No.7842897

It's funny. The only books that even work at that length are fantasy.

>> No.7842937
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>> No.7843019

>Fantasy works