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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 228x346, artemis fowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7829362 No.7829362 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most autistic book series of all time.

> main character is a basement dwelling aspie described as having pale skin from never leaving his computer
> Artemis is basically a neckbeard, or at least how a neckbeard views himself because he's also a genius
> spends his time obsessing over fairies like a retarded brony
> fairy he discovers is part of Lower Elements Police which is shortened to, I shit you not, LEPrecon
> all kinds of bullshit fairy politics and magic events

This series feels like what I imagine would happen if a brony inserted himself into his own fan fiction.

>> No.7829734

I read it in 6th grade and forgot about its existence entirely


>> No.7829748

Hardly a controversial view here. Take it to /v/, they'll go ape.

>> No.7829979

I liked it. It was a fun read. I still go back and flip through it when I'm feeling bored and nostalgic. Not everything has to be high literature, anon.

>> No.7830000

my aunt gave me this book when i was 8ish. I thought it was awesome. Fell in love with the fairy cop girl too. Thinking about it gives me warm feels.

>> No.7830024
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What's worse is the female love interest the exact same as him including her own butler who was introduced in one book only to be never speaken of again. Then in the next book Artemis likes the main fairy girl. Who he frames for giving his mother cancer. I stopped reading then.

>> No.7830026

I heard somewhere that the author basically caved to fan pressure. There was apparently a big backlash when the human love interest was introduced.

>> No.7830260

It's also for ten year olds. Maybe you're reading too much into it.

>> No.7830277

I remember hating it for similar reasons when I was a ten year old, especially the leprecon shit

>> No.7830313

I loved it as a kid then started to listen to it on audiobook to help me sleep and found it mega cringe.

>> No.7830321

I remember cracking the code that ran along the bottom of the book, but then I think it was just a preview to the second book. The second book I thought was pretty good but the third one sucked and I stopped reading.

This is of course in the opinion of my 13 year old self. I'd probably pick it up and think it's trash if I read it today.

>> No.7830330

you got bullied at school didn't you

>> No.7830352

This. Read them at the same age and found them way to edgy. I mean half of the novels are elaborate revenge fantasies.

>> No.7830358


>> No.7830375

I liked the book series, but they were a bit dark.

>> No.7830510

this was the first book I ever read without having it assigned to me in school, will always be a big fan

>> No.7830667

FUCK why'd you have to remind me of this shit. Wish I'd never read it as a kid.

>> No.7831640

i borrowed it from the library and started reading it. It was literal reddit athiest selfjerking off tier so I put it down and never gave it back. It's been 2 years.

>> No.7831646


>i'd probably think a book for 13 years olds is trash if i read it when not underage

this entire thread

>> No.7831655
File: 34 KB, 375x579, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autismus Fowl
>not reading Chad Rider

>has cool gadgets and gizmos
>skis down the mountain on an ironing board
>never pissed the bed
>does super cool flips
>has super cool quips
>has kissed a girl before
>knows karate or something
>his dad never beat him up

Man... This kid was pretty cool

>> No.7831665
File: 44 KB, 305x400, babygreek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember getting this when I was ~6. I read this over and over for years. It was the first "book" I really liked besides some children's Bible

I actually started with the Greeks and the Bible.. Where the hell did everything go so wrong?

>> No.7831673
File: 49 KB, 500x342, tumblr_inline_ngl6qzQDK11r7o5cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot more autistic characters out there, broseph.

>> No.7831695

I like you senpai

>> No.7831714

this was my first book in english (I'm baguette). I remember reading through the beginning where he, I shit you not, flips over a boat with a crane, and I didn't know the word "crane".
I was too entranced by the realisation that I understood english to put the book down and look up "crane" in my dictionnary. My father eventually told me what it meant.
Has anyone here had that clicking moment similar to learning how to swim where you suddenly understand how a language works?

>> No.7831862

I tried reading it as a kid and just thought it was gay and retarded and tryhard, which was a good call for me because so was i

>> No.7831876

Haha, what? I don't think anyone has nostalgia for Artemis Fowl. It was one of those things that only got popular with dumb children who didn't know any better. Even back then I was into intelligent children's novels, like Harry Potter or Hitchhiker's Guide. You can imagine my fury when Edgemaster Colfer got his grimy hands on the latter.

>> No.7831878
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>intelligent children's novels, like Harry Potter or Hitchhiker's Guide

>> No.7831959

>Hardly a controversial view
Hardly controversial means it's not controversial here.

>> No.7832060

I thought it was pretty fun as a kid. I occasionally flip through it just to capture some feels from the past. It was crazy, fantastical, and yeah, kinda stupid, but I still love it.

But hey, you may not like it and that's fine.

>> No.7832070

All my friends were super into this. I read the first one and thiught all my friends were retarded

>> No.7832971

> fairy he discovers is part of Lower Elements Police which is shortened to, I shit you not, LEPrecon
SHIT how did I never notice this?
Is it a valid excuse that I'm not a native, and was very young when I read them?

>> No.7832994
File: 53 KB, 654x324, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Pic related, a superior book that greenpilled kids.

>> No.7833005

sheeeet, I loved these.
Bartimaeus was great, but the human protagonist was shit though. Never liked him, even though he basically changes character in every book.

And apparently there is a 4th prequel book?

>> No.7833008

You know what book was also fucking garbage? this one. Absolute trash I say. Another waste of my goddamn time.

Also Hoot, that book was fucking trash also

>> No.7833012
File: 3 KB, 67x104, shittyassbok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach image.

>> No.7833014

>Not everything has to be high literature, anon.
Fuck off, pleb.

>> No.7833025
File: 75 KB, 218x323, toad's satisfaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7833030

Just the progression of an egomanic, he's supposed to be disliked.

>> No.7833062
File: 7 KB, 133x186, ngf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who read pic and related trilogy...think there was only 3?

>> No.7833063

my preteen self was pretty impressed with it

>> No.7833068

I thought this was cool

>> No.7833137

I thought it was a fun read, but even then, I thought his plan was retarded. Like, what would he have done if the sleeping pill gambit hadn't worked? What if the fairies didn't let it go when his retarded plan did kept him from dying?

Artemis is supposed to be smart, but he keeps doing dumb shit, and relying on fairy technology to solve his problems. Perfect example of why you shouldn't try to write a character smarter than you are.

>> No.7833159

Calm down, it's only a children's book.

>> No.7833489
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>> No.7833536
File: 29 KB, 313x474, 41KH8NWA7RL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you lot think of this?

>> No.7833565

Orannis was one of the best baddies ever.

>> No.7833599

I did when I was probably 13 and deep in my weeb stage.

>> No.7833654

wtf is gri?

>> No.7833727

Eh, I liked it when I was about eleven, I think I read the first two sequels too.

I liked what they did with dwarves being burrowing creatures than eat soil, unhinge their jaws and use their "beards" like a rodent uses it's whiskers to navigate underground.

It put a fresh spin on some careworn fantasy tropes and entertained me enough to distract me a while at a time in my life when I just wanted to duck right out of my life.

Thanks, Eoin Colfer, you dirty Irishman.

>> No.7833733

>Typical /lit/ neckbeard hating on a book for kids


>> No.7833912


The Artemis Fowl books were comedy books. You seriously have more of a problem with the LEPrecon pun than Mulch Diggums shit jokes?

>> No.7834149


Name 15

>> No.7834249

it's a book for children. relax.

>> No.7834314

man I can't remember where I left off as a kid and don't want to end up rereading
otherwise I'd come back and finish these up

>> No.7834433
File: 28 KB, 243x346, 51+LkS+4wzL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAE remember Middle School?

>> No.7834472

It really lost steam around book 8

>> No.7834501

>it's a make you hate the memories of yourself back when you were young enough to sincerely enjoy things, episode

>> No.7834664

fuck man these books were the shit when I was a kid

>> No.7834672

This is probably the best YA series I read when I was in Middle School

Nix is goat

>> No.7834722

Redwall boys ww@?

>> No.7834792
File: 41 KB, 313x500, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Was my first book series, Redwall.
Also this.
I liked this better desu. Surprised it hasn't been mentioned.

>> No.7834854

These threads are sad. It's so obvious those who trash a fucking kids book are trying really, really hard to appear "literary" and "smart" by pretending they were never interested in something so "pedestrian" as a kid.

>> No.7834882

I read these. I actually read the newest one last year, because I found it at my parents house from 10 years ago and didn't have anything else to read.
I didn't cringe nearly as much as I expected to.

>> No.7834894

pretty much but it was also cool as hell when I was 10. you forgot the le epic badass bodyguard and the family fortune

>> No.7834920

did a. wyatt mann do the covers for this shit

>> No.7834921

A trilogy about monstrous jews doing monstrous things?

>> No.7834929

Does anyone remember a kids/teens fantasy series about a boy who finds a world under his New York apartment?

>> No.7834932
File: 40 KB, 720x450, Bloom-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all my 5th grade classmates read these books
>was too snobby to read them.
>Justified all these years later.
12 year old self did alright, he did alright~

>> No.7834933

Gregor the Overlander?
Something like that...

>> No.7834944

>Has anyone here had that clicking moment similar to learning how to swim where you suddenly understand how a language works?

Yeah, I think I was around 4 or 5 when I realized I could read, it was some book about a farm. I remember running around the house exclaiming to everyone that I had read a book on my own. It was one of the greatest and proudest moments of my life to be honest. Wish I could remember what the book was called.

>> No.7834952
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>> No.7834961

I liked it. Mulch is the best character though.

>> No.7834962

>Gregor the Overlander
holy shit thank you anon

>> No.7834998

All of you fuck off Jesus Christ


>> No.7835044

that is some great low key bait, I know a ton of guys who would shit themselves in rage if I said hitchhiker's guide is a children's book

>> No.7835048


>> No.7835198

they're 5 now. They're cool, for a young age.