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/lit/ - Literature

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7832701 No.7832701 [Reply] [Original]

Just got accepted into Columbia University. They have a good literature program, yea?

>> No.7833049

Yes they do. Though they did turn out a lot of beatniks.
Try not to get shot or stabbed on your way to class.

>> No.7833058

I'll be fine. Thank ye, sir!

>> No.7833064

Work hard and stay the hell away from drugs and alcohol and you will have a bright future waiting for you in 4 years.

>> No.7833292


what are your plans afterward?

>> No.7833314

It's ok for a tier 2 ivy I guess.

>> No.7833376

I go to Columbia. I will be a senior next year. Also, I see a bunch of people from NYC browse /lit/. NYC meetup when?

>> No.7833380

lets meet up and do a ton of acid and orgy

>> No.7833382


>> No.7833389

but no fedoras or try-hard "hip" ppl plz

>> No.7833398

Anyone got any thoughts about Yale? I got in early and though it seems kind of like a meme school, it's supposed to be good for lit/english plus the name gets me mad poosy.

>> No.7833408
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What will actually happen.

>3 guys
>2 gay
>1 bi

>combined total for intercourse = 2
>neither came to climax
>meet up awkwardly
>all have books in hand
>2 have backpacks and one has one of those faggot over the sholder oversized purse/laptop carrying things.
>one has desperate attempt for a mustache above lip
>all three have clothes that don't properly fit
>one has guyliner
>meet at coffee shop
>proceed to talk about how lame people who go to coffee shops are
>'lol its totally ironic right now like we are living in a post-modern novel written by a post-modern who hates people who go to coffee shops'
>one with shoulder fagbag has stroke of autism
>rips out a printed off pepe from his fagbag
>twenty more fall out
>the whole bag is filled with printed out pepe memes
>'desu desu senpai?'
>the bi one pulls out a gun and does what confused sexually ignorant 20~ year old slightly autistic retard does and shoots himself
>other faggot cries
>other faggot still spilling pepe all over the floor
>mfw 4chan meetup

>> No.7833422

Who /Chicago/ here?

>> No.7833427

That's basically what happened any time i met anyone off here. You forget to mention that 75% of people will be dropped off by their mother, though.

>> No.7833428

>ywn be american

>> No.7833438

>thinking american name brand will lay him
do whatever you want kid. everyone has to grow up sometime, and yale is good as any other place to do it

>> No.7833448

Plan to become a famous musician like Vampire Weekend did (except much, much better)

Nice, nice. I live in TX, will be going there in August

>> No.7833453

in both extremes of level-of-irony, "good luck"

>> No.7833456

Any Ivy League school is great, bro. We're lucky that we both got in, we're set for life.

>> No.7833464

never, hopefully

>> No.7833466

Thanks. I'll do my best.

>> No.7833511


>> No.7833526

Are you retarded? You got into an Ivy and want to piss it away with an English degree?
Get your ass into Architecture or an Engineering major you utter buffoon. Even Finance or Actuarial science are better.

>> No.7833541

Thanks ;)

With an English degree, I could teach English to students. Piss off.

>> No.7833544

doing an engineering degree is a waste of an ivy, first of all ivy's aren't leaders in engineering, second of all even if they were engineering is a sort of "objective" career were the brand of your degree doesn't matter, either you're good or you aren't, i saw an article the other day that said engineering salaries even out after 5 years, while subjective shit like literature or studio art need a brand name attached to it to let people know you're "good" since there's really no other way to tell

fetishizing engineering just makes u reek of some third world refugee to be quite honest

>> No.7833559

>get into engineering

ppl at ivies laugh at engineering majors because it has a labor smell, like you come from a bad family desperate for cash lol might as well sew a pleb patch onto ur backpack

>> No.7833592

STEM degrees are pissing away an ivy. A roboto STEM degree is good from any fucking school but english and arts degrees are best at ivy schools

>> No.7833739

>Paying ivy prices for studying shit you can teach yourself
>All the "arts" you take are entry level shit, or heavy liberal shit that's written to convince you to become a cuckold
>Not taking advantage of the fact that the best scientific minds and the more advanced research takes place in Ivys.
Enjoy your microaggressions 101 class
Great "Arts" you're learning there.

>> No.7833755

You're a retard.


How in the world could I ever teach myself Crime and Punishment? King Lear? Pride and Prejudice? The Greeks?

>> No.7833771

Wow I'm sure reading a couple of papers is impossible without 60K tuition
Kill yourself you retarded cuckold

>> No.7833793

>enslaving your love of literature to the soulless, utilitarian, hopelessly political landscape of modern day academia

Do you make your beloved pet dog run on a wheel to generate electricity for your flat?

>> No.7833817

No, I just love the idea of studying literature under one of the most renowned and esteemed universities. If I wanted to be an engineer, I would go to fucking MIT (accepted there too, it's a party school)

>> No.7833917

I know a kid who went to columbia and did well in their english program. Kid was brilliant

he became an MD

>> No.7834003

These threads make it so obvious who is actually educated and a patrician.

I go to an Ivy league school STEM & Philosophy double major

>> No.7834540

you're retarded lol if you're in an ivy it literally doesn't matterw hat your degree is. having to do a STEMlord degree is only for people who couldn't get into ivies so they need another way to demonstrate value to society. you could literally major in gender studies at harvard and google, facebook, goldman sachs, jp morgan, mckinsey, any "prestige" company will still give you the time of day and court you.

>> No.7834544

>paying ivy prices

kek. ivies have some of the best financial aid/scholarships cause they're all loaded.

anon are you still butthurt harvard rejected you all those years ago? :^)

>> No.7834567
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>tfw go to community college

m-maybe if I kill the ACT I'll get to go to an Ivy...

>tfw if I don't get into a prestigious grad school I'm finna be relegated to the bottom rungs of society forever
>will not be happy with my mediocrity; will either flourish or suffer

>> No.7834572

don't give up

even if you don't get into ivy, you have a whole lifetime ahead of you to write good things. connections matter and stuff, and prestige is fun, but even if shit goes wrong, no one can take your personal life projects away from you.

>> No.7834592


thanks senpai

>> No.7834593

Don't worry too much, only losers are defined by what "prestigious" school they went to. Your life's greatest achievement shouldn't be you existing at a school that's hard to get into and it shouldn't be defined by what schools you didn't get into.

Besides, college at this point is becoming like a high school education in the 1960s. You need one, but it's pretty worthless beyond that.

>> No.7834599

You only need a 32 to be in the middle 50%. You could, at the very least, get in with a 27.

>> No.7834601

Just do a double major. Jeez.

>> No.7834611

>27 ACT can get you into an Ivy as a transfer

Best joke I've heard all day.
Harvard accepts a dozen or so transfers each year out of 1200. Yale accepts 4%. Penn has the highest transfer rate, but that's about 9%.

You must have been a good candidate academically and in your ECs to even qualify. Not to mention a lot of the spots are taken by URMs and athletes.

>>7834567 is not gonna make it unless he's Ivy material from the get-go. Most transfers are lateral in the first place.

>> No.7834612

Nice dude. Was just trying to soften the inevitable rejection he would face, and the crushing depression he's going to feel afterwards.

>> No.7834618

It's not bad. He should go to his state flagship anyways, aid is almost nonexistent for transfers anyways.

>> No.7834628


I'm maintaining a 4.6 weighted, but I fucked up at the beginning of the semester in the first year. I was taking all those bullshit prerequisite classes and like a retard I took the standard ones instead of the advanced ones.

My ECs suck because I'm stubbornly opposed to them. Don't get me wrong, they make sense. Lots of smart people, not many smart ambitious people, ECs are a good indicator. I'm very ambitious, I just don't give a fuck about saving Ethiopian kids from mouth cancer or joining a club chock full of liberal do gooders. I'd rather stay in and shitpost

No idea what I'd get on my ACT, probably a little above average.

Tbh I'm just hoping that I'll get into a good state school (I will) and from there I'll be able to launch myself into an Ivy, which seems way easier to do with a good GRE rather than going from CC > Ivy

>> No.7834629

LOL you're so delusional

>> No.7834636

Your lack of ECs and rigor are problems. You won't get in.

Which state do you live in? You might be able to transfer into your flagship's honor's college. If you want to get into an Ivy for grad school, follow that plan. Contact professors and search for research positions, this is vital for admissions. Get good letters of rec from professors known in their field, a lot of flagships give tenure to Nobel Laureates.

>> No.7834645

Dude, honestly. Like I know we're two different people in two different periods of our lives, but I gotta say: fuck the Ivy League. I've been neither rejected nor accepted from any yet but I lost all interest and concern for them like a few weeks ago.

>> No.7834660


Dude what

The entire implication of that post is that I'm not getting in as an undergrad

Yeah, well. Meh. I have a year left, about the only thing I have going for me is the chess club. Maybe I'll muster up the fucks to volunteer in a soup kitchen and join the debate team.

Florida btw, I intend on going to UF

>tfw I only want to get in to fuel my narcissism and unwavering superiority complex

also would be cool to receive a good graduate education

>> No.7834676

>Had the Canadian equivalent of 3.7 GPA first year
>Second year
>Average hovering right below 80
>Almost failing my Shakespeare course

How do i git gud again?
On the bright side, I have the highest mark in archaeology?

>> No.7834680

you're also not getting in as a grad lol

>> No.7834683

What if I told you you were never going to get into an Ivy League in this life?

>> No.7834696


Why is /lit/ consistently the board filled with the most negative people? My faggy friend got into Penn's psych program with a decent GRE, some bs research on bubble gum at a bottom tier private uni, and like 6 hours of shadowing a clinician. Notice I didn't come to this board saying I'm guaranteed a spot at a T3 by virtue of my brilliance; I said (hypoerbolically) that I desire to go to an Ivy

>> No.7834698
File: 11 KB, 180x246, bruh i aint even mad bruh .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>going to an ivy league school to learn how to read

this is why free university is a terrible idea

>> No.7834699

the fact that this is how you respond just confirms what >>7834680 and >>7834683 said desu. your "faggy friend" is likely magnitudes more brilliant than you but you're too dumb to realize it.

>> No.7834708

You're going to get in and instantly regret it because the sensation of getting into an Ivy League is brought on by our need for instant satisfaction.

>to learn how to read
You're a hopeless fucking idiot. You mad that you didn't get into Columbia like I did?

>> No.7834716
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> /lit/ user and armchair extraordinaire is assessing my chances of getting into an ivy based off my 4chan posts

The hilarity never ends

>> No.7834719
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nah. college is for chumps. enjoy your no job prospects after graduation and your crippling debt, you pleb.

>> No.7834721

I've posted this more times than I feel comfortable admitting but:

I went to the single worst university in my country (CC tier, we just don't have CCs), transferred to the equivalent of the big respectable state school, and went to Ivy for grad.

Also consider an MA pre-Ivy PhD. Just consider it, and ask around with professors who have experience with admissions committees about what a prior MA says for them when they see one on an app. I took my own MA for [reasons], but it massively helped me flesh out my project which was absolutely vital in getting into my PhD programs, it let me get to know my recommenders a lot better (some of whom had connections in my field, which helped me hugely - benefit of state school equivalent), AND made my application look more serious. The last point is what you'll want to ask around about. I was told that by certain high-up professors, but I don't want to speak it like the gospel to you.

Other tips: If you're doing Humanities, get languages and start getting them NOW. Don't fuck around with bullshit "I'll take a course next summer" shit. Start learning on your own immediately on top of any courses. Languages make you look serious. Also start seriously delving into research that interest you - follow up on any avenues that catch your eye aggressively. No matter who you are, if you look like a serious potential scholar and your GREs/GPA etc. check out, you WILL get considered by an admissions committee. Me being serious about my studies + coming from a shitty CC-ish background actually balanced out as a positive thing.

Also speak to every fucking professor you possibly can. At the CC, at your transfer school if/when you go, every fucking one. Ask for reading recommendations, general advice, help understanding the state of the field, etc. Don't be put off if one or two profs seem annoyed by you or you have trouble. This is vital networking.

Undergrad is garbage by the way. Ivy undergrads are just as fucking stupid as state undergrads. Everyone's a moron at this point. Make yourself qualitative and you instantly rise above the quantitative horde of prep school kids with no je ne sais quoi.

>> No.7834729

Come back and tell us what happens. It's not gonna be a surprise.

>college is for chumps
>no job prospects going to college
>but job prospects for people who don't go to college

If you're really this fucking deluded I can see why no colleges accepted you in the first place. Sorry that you didn't make it your dream school, you would've dragged it down with your severe mental deficiencies.