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/lit/ - Literature

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7832938 No.7832938[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ stay /fit/?

>> No.7832945


>> No.7832953
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We don't. We cultivate Falstaffian girths.

>> No.7832972

>Healthy eating
You faggots who are only interested in improving yourselves intellectually are just doing it for show.

>> No.7832983

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench/Press
1x5 Deadlift/3x5 Light Deadlift
3xF Dip/Pull up
3x8 Bicep/Tricep

>> No.7832996

Loading milk containers onto goddamn fucking trucks all fucking night for a goddamn fucking dairy desu

>> No.7832997


You faggots who are only interested in reading as an additional component of the general process of "self improvement" are just doing it to avoid seriously grappling with your existence.

>> No.7832999

better question would be how does /fit/ stay /lit/

>> No.7833003

don't eat like a dip and swim every other day

>> No.7833006

I read in between sets.
Do some squats, read Gravity's Rainbow.
Work my glutes (no homo), read Infinite Jest.
Curl, read Mason & Dixon.

>> No.7833027


>Reading Pynchon in the squat rack


>> No.7833033

>you will never be a fat, intellectual jew

>> No.7833038

pushups and pullups

>> No.7833044

HI /fit/

>> No.7833057

100 jumping jacks in the morning
20-25 push ups
20-30 sit ups
long ass walks

>> No.7833061

I don't
Why bother

>> No.7833086

>be healthy
>live longer
>read more

>> No.7833092
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Your method is all fucked up. You're pairing everything all wrong

Good choice on Gravities Rainbow in between squats. Thematically sits well with the rocket and rising upwards theme. then you fuck up with glutes and IJ. IJ is a book to read while doing planks or time consuming ab workouts. I would suggest planks and laying the book in front of you and reading it that way. Your glute book should be Mason and Dixon you insufferable faggot. Curling with Mason&Dixon? are you retarded son? finally when you're working arms with those curls you should be reading some Schopenhaur or Kant and wrestle with the idea of the ego.

>being this much of a pleb

>> No.7833099

>giving up my moment-to-moment happiness is worth some future gain
not to mention I'll never be able to read enough regardless of how long I live

>> No.7833102

>he doesn't feel good while exercizing

>> No.7833103

15-20 mins on the treadmill
30-60 mins on the weights

The gym at work is aight. few qt3.14s there.

>> No.7833107
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>being this dead

>> No.7833108

being a fatty is fun, you should try it some time man

>> No.7833109

Run in the mornings, walk in the evenings, do pushups throughout the day, and eat well.

Been slacking the past few days though, and am already gaining back some weight. Wish my mood wasn't so capricious and I wasn't so easily discouraged :(

>> No.7833160

why is your mood low brah?

>> No.7833167

Fatties like you will be first to be hunted in the glorious revolution

Count your calories.

>> No.7833173

Wonderful post. Thank you.

>> No.7833195
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At last, I truly see.

>> No.7833200

Idk, just got hit with some bad anhedonia the other day that has yet to subside. I've generally been in a good place these past few months but every now and then a bout like this will overwhelm me.

Usually I do, but when in a state like this I just say 'fuck it' and eat whatever instantly-gratifying bullshit I come across. I have a bad sweet tooth.

>> No.7833210

We can't all be patrician, but I'll be damned if we can't try

>> No.7833213

I walk 10km each morning.

>> No.7833218
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Is there someone on /fit/ who can claim he's really otter++ /fit/, while also reading at least 30mins/day?

>> No.7833222

Fatties like me would be the first dead in anything like that anyway, I don't really mind desu
I wonder what percentage of /lit/ and /mu/ are crossboarders between the two

>> No.7833231

>shitty manlet who's probably five feet tall and has barely visible abs

god the homosexuals on /fit/ have no taste in the male form, when i see the roided midget crap they idolize i feel like a fucking god too bad i still never get laid

>> No.7833243

this whole thread is the most boring, most aesthetically shallow form of shitposting. mods pls delete

>> No.7833250

well the mods deleted the good thread so now we're stuck with this

>> No.7833252

Reading my Tinder rejections

>> No.7833255

Disgusting stubbles and stretch marks.

>> No.7833261

I don't waste my time and I'm not fat anyway.

>> No.7833271 [DELETED] 


plus the veins popping in unnatural places gives a way his PED use, those super squiggly voids are from roids

thank god i have natural veins, nice thick straight blue one going the length of my left bicep that matches the big ass vein in my big uncut cock, damn im making myself horny

>> No.7833278 [DELETED] 

>nice thick straight blue one going the length of my left bicep that matches the big ass vein in my big uncut cock

matches my blues eyes too, mmm, so pleasing

>> No.7833281

i had to look up that word. thank you for teaching me a new word

>> No.7833294

>had to look it up
Never gonna make it.

>> No.7833316

I'm 179, fit but not buff, and get laid a lot. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.7833317

>I'm 179


>> No.7833320

i go to the gym 2 hours a day
i do explosive training, i sprint
i swim
ill run a half marathon every now and then, to chill out and meditate a bit

exercise is my life, i read books at night when i can keep my eyes open for long enough to process the words on the pages in front of me

>> No.7833322

>caring about height
stay neanderthal,

jokes aside yeah I'm short, no reason not to get laid though.

>> No.7833323

i have shitty social skills, i only get laid if the chick basically rapes me

>> No.7833325

this guys skin is really gross

>> No.7833328

Just go to the club. No one has social skills if you're insanely drunk.

>> No.7833329

he probably mean 179 pounds u insecure lil manlet

>> No.7833332

>counting calories

nigga just live a non sedentary lifestyle and you dont need to count anything

>> No.7833335

yeah but u still have to get them home somehow plus how do i know some club slut won't try to steal my shit, i have a lot of apple gear for my job

>> No.7833336

Do Americans refer to weight as in "I'm 179 pounds"? It wouldn't surprise me but damn, that's just autistic.

>> No.7833341

Why is that autistic?

>> No.7833346

well no american is going to stay they are 179 centimeters tall or whatever u fucking eurotrash welfare state wigger

>> No.7833347

Go to her place, if you're worried she'll steal your shit then lock it up somewhere safe, at this point it just sounds as if you are making up excuses. Just talk to some girl and if she's interested then just ask if she wants to get out of here and take her home, worst thing that can happen is she says no.

>> No.7833354

disgustig lad/10 would not greek with

>> No.7833357


what are some good white clubs in nyc that u don't have to be dressed head to toe in gucci to get in the door?

>> No.7833359

If you don't realize why that is autistic I feel bad for you.
When did I ever say I was American? I said that even if he misinterpreted what I said "I'm 179", it would be a stupid misinterpretation, even for a American, because you simply don't say "I'm 179 pounds.

Gosh why are Americans aggregated easily, it's instantly "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOURE SAYING TO ME YOU LITTLE FUCKING CUNT", they never stop for even a second to think something through logically.

>> No.7833363
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this guy

>> No.7833365

Don't live in nyc, just google, otherwise just ask your friends/colleagues/classmates where they're heading out to and go there.

>> No.7833368

american say shit like "6'1", 180" who the fuck is going to say their height in inches u sound autistic as shit nerd