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/lit/ - Literature

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7826423 No.7826423 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather be a literary genius with a 2 inch dong or a Salieri in Amadeus level writer where you have just enough talent to realize how shitty you are compared to the geniuses around you but you have a 6.5 incher

>> No.7826434

Dongs don't fucking matter. If you're a world-conquering demigod of intellect you can have harems of teenage girls who will suck your weird shrimp boner and lick your asshole and pour their piss down your throat from beakers while roleplaying that they're lactating anime cowgirls or whatever the fuck you're into. Women will do literally anything you want if you achieve "famous genius" status. Being Salieri with a huge dong is a lot like the movie, where you're a sad old man reminiscing to a guy who doesn't give a shit that IF you had banged girls they would have loved your adequate dong.

Women are fundamentally psychical substrates. We'll never know how big Einstein's or Feynman's penises were, because whatever the truth, when you're an Einstein or a Feynman you can just command a womanbrain to reorder itself to a new reality. Napoleon could have had no penis at all and all the women he bedded would collectively agree it was 14 inches long, because he was Napoleon.

>> No.7826440

napoleon was a huge cuck

>> No.7826447
File: 29 KB, 450x300, Geneviève Castrée 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried average dick and no talent for long enough, so I'd be up for a change.

>> No.7826714
File: 33 KB, 480x400, 1448746609933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather just be me.

>> No.7826746
File: 729 KB, 500x281, Anthony.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6.75 inches; smart, hot, Russian girlfriend; and genius composer.