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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 493 KB, 1618x1696, novellas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
782622 No.782622 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, e/lit/es, I've spent a lazy Sunday putting together this list of novellas (standard size books of little more than 200 pages or less) as I assumed we didn't have an image for this format.

Thoughts? This was all off the top of my head, so what's missing?

I only really want novellas that can be purchased individually (not as part of a collection) and I don't want more than a couple by any single author.

>> No.782623

What's a novella?

>> No.782626

I would put Siddartha by Hermann Hesse

>> No.782627

is there one of these pictures for all books in general? I want to start to get into reading and i think im gonna start with Atlas Shrugged

>> No.782632

That's a nice list, OP. However, why would you want to read a novella specifically?

>> No.782634

Seconded. Actually many Hesse's books could be there.
Seems to be a great list though

>> No.782640

where's the pk dick?

>> No.782646

The Old Man and the Sea was as boring as watching the nasa channel logo for 20 hours straight.

>> No.782647

>Best Novella List
>No Steinbeck


>> No.782650

Did you mean "Nottrolla?"

>> No.782651

everything by ray bradbury

>> No.782655

especially something wicked this way comes

>> No.782656

I also agree with your decision to put Animal Farm on the list instead of 1984.

>> No.782657

at the mountains of madness

>> No.782660

Why the fuck is Daisy Miller not on that list?

>> No.782663

>no At The Mountains Of Madness
>no Of Mice & Men

>> No.782668


I make no bones about this being a far from definitive list, this is the stuff I've read, that's why I'm asking for help filling the gaps. So give me your recommendations and I'll get round to updating the list.


Well, I just like the novella format a lot and thought about putting this image together, that's all really.

>> No.782673

The Dead should be on here

>> No.782675

A Clockwork Orange.

>> No.782677
File: 71 KB, 390x600, patriotism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure whether this counts as a short novella or a short story, but I'm throwing it in for consideration anyway.

>> No.782678

<---------- /co/ is that way

>> No.782679

what the fuck are you saying

>> No.782685

where are you from OP?

>> No.782689


Hmm, does the preponderance of UK covers give me away?

>> No.782696


Seconded. Although it reads more like a short story than a novella to be honest...but it's around 57 pages (my edition anyway). So it's not quite a short story...not quite a novella...but it's still a good read.

>> No.782697

well yes now that you mention it.

>> No.782704
File: 71 KB, 482x703, sfgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having thought it over, I'd say The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea fits the category much better.

>> No.782710

hey Croaker, list looks good so far.
nice to see a chart by someone who know what they're on about.

>> No.782712

(at 192 pages, without any scholarly introduction)

>> No.782729


Ahhh, damn, TSWFFGWTS is sitting on my shelf! Don't know why I forgot to include it.

>> No.782736


>No Heart of Darkness.

>> No.782737

Death in Venice

>> No.782753

The Blind Owl

>> No.782871

How many translations vs native English writers here?

Does this mean that English writing is no longer British/American?

>> No.782925


Sorry? This was never stated as an English language / literature guide only...

>> No.782947
File: 112 KB, 256x223, 1273716572297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really needs Of Mice and Men, even if it's too LOL MAINSTREEM

>> No.782971

The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
The Pearl by John Steinbeck
At The Mountains Of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft
The Time Machine by Orson Wells
The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allen Poe
Billy Budd by Herman Melville
One Day in The life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Taras Bulba by Nicolai Gogol
Johnathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Luis Stevenson
The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre

Here are a few.

>> No.782977


Also, The Call of the Wild

>> No.783001
File: 50 KB, 225x205, ralph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best novellas
>Murakami Haruki


>> No.783016

Although Snow Country is excellent, the English translation is pretty weak.

>> No.783023


>> No.783050

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

>> No.783057
File: 41 KB, 300x453, novela-eclipse-bree-tanner1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot this OP

>> No.783097

Pedro Paramo - Juan Rulfo

Why has no one read this?

And as far as the definition of a novella... I'd say between 100-200 pages, anything shorter than that is usually sold in a short story collection. The line between novella and novel is blurry, though.

>> No.783130

I usually use the term for stories 70-150 pages.

>> No.783153

Envy by Yuri Olesha
Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov
The Dying Animal by Philip Roth

>> No.783172

But would you agree that it's something that can be published alone?

>> No.783174

Memories Of My Melancholy Whores by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

>> No.783178

I did, but Spanish is my native language. I don't think there's any translated edition these days.

>> No.783234

Yeah, I would think so.

>> No.783337

I'd like to suggest "A Boy and His Dog" by Harlan Ellison, if just for the sake of shoe-horning SF's greatest short-form writer in there.

>> No.783350

Take out the word "best" and opt for just "novellas".

>> No.783648

south of the border, west of the sun is a gorgeous book. you are an idiot.

OP, is that the UK cover of it or something?

>> No.783660

yes, they're all UK covers

>> No.783680

Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
The Portrait of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

>> No.783707

I'm working on the update, thanks for the input on what I've missed.


How about "recommended" instead? I'm not aiming for a definitive list.

>> No.783740


>> No.784017
File: 830 KB, 1988x2085, novellas_1.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping, as here's the updated version.

Thanks for all the suggestions (some listed here I still haven't added for various reasons) but keep 'em coming if you think something's still missing.

>> No.784098

this is actually a good list :)

>> No.784117

I want to make a list picture like the OP one but have no idea how. Any anons care to explain?

>> No.784189

Download covers, resize them to a minimum readable size, use guidelines, etc.

>> No.784409

of mice and men - steinbeck
anthem - rand

>> No.784420

no kafka?

>> No.784485

I second on Olesha.
It does address the same topics as Happy New World or Fahrenheit, with Hyperopic Socialists replacing the Myopic Hedonists BUT the oldschool intellectual protagonists get dissed severely as well. Like /lit/ he's but a pathetic narcissist anachronism.
The "Book People" here are planning a "last parade" of outdated feelings (such as compassion, tenderness, pride, jealousy, honor, duty, love etc.) that involves the assassination of their perfectly utilitarian modern day genius sausage designer.
it involves family, suicide, love, a mecenate, a poet ranting against philistines, the passionate robot "ophelia", a football player and unrequited love and all that is packed in quite a short novel with prose wonderful enough to be recited by random russians on random occasions till this very day.
it is inspired the Russians to sing while they're taking a dump.

>> No.784496

where is kafka

otherwise, good and for once not trolling

>> No.784511

>where is kafka
on the shore
he's depressed! leave him be!

>> No.784532

want updates
got no photoshop

>> No.784546
File: 65 KB, 1300x1300, php7243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the /lit/ variant of bel-air


>> No.784557

Get rid of Murakami and add Tao Lin's "Shoplifting From American Apparell"

>> No.784564


Get the fuck out Tao Lin, you lurk here too much

>> No.784568

yeh, fuck off tao

>> No.784573

Go away Tao Lin.

>> No.784575



>> No.784581

>"Shoplifting From American Apparell"
I'd like to buy the book
explain why it is good

>> No.784585

Remove Kurt Vonnegut, it is simplistic hippie era nonsense!

>> No.784588

Same goes for Hesse and the Frenchmen
they all suck

>> No.784596

>Watches Faux news and probably has a Confederate flag on his car

>> No.784616

1.Jesus was a hippie bum
2.Killing people is bad
3.Officers are philistines for killing people while not fucking/farting in the open.

I'd say there are much better books about violence, war, love and shit. But you will defend it with flame because the status of your suburban left-leaning hippie literature is much more important to you than any of the issues it so pathetically failed to address.

>> No.784640

idiots namedropping books

>> No.784657

100% of the book threads on here involve that.

>> No.784701
File: 10 KB, 247x248, wtf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.784710

In threads about books, especially request threads, people name books. You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.784716

You must be new here

>> No.784752

A lot of the book you're all discussing here are also considered novels. What separates a novella from a novel? It seems like a line that can be crossed from person to person.

>> No.784803

For me, a novella is generally 100-200 pages, reads like a novel but is like a short story.

>> No.784812

My copy of Heart of Darkness is 72 pages. I thought it was a novella though..

>> No.784815

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Chess Story
The Postman Always Rings Twice

>> No.784820

I couldn't call Androids a novella. It's too long.

>> No.784835


210 pages doesn't seem bad, but I think it's on the border between novella and novel. It depends whether you consider it long, which I really didn't.

>> No.784856

If we consider Androids a novella it will usher in so many other works to be considered a novella.

>> No.784865

The Big Sleep

>> No.786031


>> No.786045

if a name comes without a personal and original comment it's called namedropping which is bad taste in post-wikipedian civilisations.

>> No.786672


>> No.786674

Chronicle of a death foretold by Marquez.

>> No.788349


>> No.788362 [DELETED] 


IMmedIaTely REMovE yOUR ILLeGAL ClOnE tiNy.4CHAn.ORG fROm yoUr serVEr, cHrIstOphER "ScUMbAG ThiEf" PoOl Ar-bEAR, aNd reDirEct it (ANd the STOLeN aT dOMAIN) TO Www.aNoNTaLK.se. Then send SySOP Usd $619,810 iN cOmPeNsatiOn anD put a perMAneNt TExT aD fOR at on the EntIRe SitE oF 4CHAN anD we Will bE EVEn. ShOULD YOu rEfuSE, you WILl bE SUED foR $56,002 pER NanO seCOnd. If tHE PErSon rEAdIng ThiS IS nOT "moOT", e-MAIl hIM At moOt@4cHAN.OrG AND PUt pREsSure on him TO set THInGs rigHt. Thank yoU For lIsTeNINg. eneundcdcprertswamzrlvcmyt

>> No.788444
File: 20 KB, 300x400, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> best novellas
> Animal Farm

>> No.788451

I didn't see "Of Mice of Men" by Steinbeck on there

>> No.788667

> best novellas
its just a list

>> No.788855


Okay, Candide, Voltaire's work is tasty satire.
Chess Story, is a carefully crafted story of allegory written by an exiled man.
The Postman Always Rings Twice was good probably the best crime novella I've read (despite I haven't read many).

Androids is Androids, classic PKD, probably too long to be considered.

>> No.788863

Get rid of Murakami Haruki!

>> No.788974

>it's called namedropping which is bad taste in post-wikipedian civilisations.
Good lord you have to be the biggest douche on the net. Get the fuck out of here. Learn to spell too.

>> No.788976 [DELETED] 

ImmediaTELY REMOVE yOur iLLeGaL CloNe TInY.4cHaN.org fROM yoUR sERVEr, chRIsTopHER "sCUMbAG tHIef" pool aR-bEAR, anD REDIrEct iT (and The sTOLEn at DomAIn) to WwW.aNonTAlK.sE. THEn SEnD sYSOP USd $569,099 In COMPeNsaTIon AND put a peRMAneNT TeXT aD fOR AT ON ThE ENtIre SiTE Of 4ChAN And wE wIll be eveN. ShoULD yOU RefUsE, YoU WILL be SuEd FOr $59,057 PEr nANo seCOnd. if tHe PeRSOn REaDiNg thIs iS NOt "mOot", E-maiL hIm AT MOot@4ChAN.oRg And PUt preSsURe ON HiM To sEt thINgS RighT. tHAnK YoU FOr lIStEnIng. ihvfvwhrugopcekxpiowvozsc

>> No.791115


>> No.791129

Definitely needs Death in Venice by Thomas Mann.

>> No.791132

Oops, sorry.

>> No.791186

When you're done updating/editing this, remember to upload it here: http://4chanlit.wikia.com/wiki/Recommended_Reading

>> No.791209

What a boring list, nothing but cocks everywhere

>> No.791227

Shop-lifting from American Apparel

>> No.791238

>The Sorrows of Young Werther