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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 200 KB, 605x605, tattoos-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7819669 No.7819669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of literary tattoos?

I've been thinking of one I'd like to get but I'm not sure if it's too tacky. I have moderate to severe scoliosis, and I want to get the hump on my back to look like a mountain with Sisyphus pushing his boulder.

>> No.7819688

Even more repulsive than posting pictures of books you've bought for other poeple to comment on.

>> No.7819695


>> No.7819699

So it goes.

>> No.7819700

So it goes.

>> No.7819708

Did I accidentally post this twice?

>> No.7819715

"-He's not sure who he is any more, whether he's anyone at all for that matter. That's why he wants a tattoo, of course. Simply a matter of ego-identification.
-So that when he wakes up he'll know it's the same person he went to bed with,"

>> No.7819717

No, you repeated me.

>> No.7819722

This sounds about right to me.
nice dubs

>> No.7819728

>38 milliseconds

>> No.7819734

I'd like to get this:

И, мoжeт быть, я зaвтpa yмpy!.. и нe ocтaнeтcя нa зeмлe ни oднoгo cyщecтвa, кoтopoe бы пoнялo мeня coвepшeннo. Oдни пoчитaют мeня хyжe, дpyгиe лyчшe, чeм я в caмoм дeлe... Oдни cкaжyт: oн был дoбpый мaлый, дpyгиe — мepзaвeц. И тo и дpyгoe бyдeт лoжнo.

It's from Lermontov's A Hero of Our Time.

>> No.7820603

I might get that one scene from Ulysses where Bloom turns into a woman and gets sexually dominated by the proprietor of a whorehouse tattooed on my chest

>> No.7820631

I got a So it goes.` tat when I was a teen. I regret it because of the status it has here

>> No.7820634

Get it as a trampstamp

>> No.7820639


I'm generally not a fan, although I like the Sisyphus idea. (He'd be pretty small, I suppose.)

>> No.7820862

Why would you want to be a walking advertisement? Sad!

>> No.7820931

I've always wanted to get the 2+2=5 in my right wrist or something like that.

Apart from that, if it's not some botched job or a really long quote, why not. Do whatever pleases you.

>> No.7820942


>>What do you think of literary tattoos?

I think this question is a nice litmus test to weed out the fashion readers among us.

>> No.7820951

I've been thinking about getting "Bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunnt-rovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk" as a tramp stamp. Should I do it?

>> No.7820968


>> No.7820972

I already have one. It's from an old french poem that means a lot to me and is mostly unknown.

>> No.7820980

Care to share?

>> No.7820984

I don't like text tattoos. Not on principle I just think it's very difficult to make them look good unless you're an MS13 gangster or streetfighter or in prison or something.

An image with reference to literature that also looks good without context is a better idea

>> No.7820986

>"Oh oui maintenant que je me rends compte de cette blague est en fait très drôle et un poste digne, si seulement ce fut Reddit alors je voudrais vous assurer de upvote il. Alors, quelle est la meilleure façon de gérer cela? Je suppose que la méthode la plus utilisée est de simplement copier et le coller dans d'autres discussions? Je suppose que ce que vous faites, mais des éclaircissements serait bien. Merci d'avance.."

>> No.7820989

Agreed in part, if I was to get a tattoo it would be of the VFD eye from A Series of Unfortunate Events. The books are what got me into reading, which is a pretty big part of me as a person.

>> No.7820992

tattoos are little signs that say "I can't make good decisions."

>> No.7820993


>> No.7820995

Shit, I know enough of the french to understand maybe 75% of the actual words, but the overall meaning evades me.

>> No.7820996


>> No.7821000
File: 5 KB, 250x232, 1456807083578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That;s a clever idea anon. I say go for it. Fuck whatever this board thinks. I have several tattoos (albeit it none of them literary) and enjoy them for their own meanings.

Heh. Gaddis knows how to hit close to home.

>> No.7821003

Reddit memeing

>> No.7821019
File: 750 KB, 1275x1944, tattoo vonnegut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7821073

Yes please.

>> No.7821082

even nicer

>> No.7821115
File: 27 KB, 364x366, 1414211310855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to get that giant 5 page rambling nonsense rant from City of Glass on my back

>> No.7821160

For a long time I thought of getting "The world is all that is the case" then I realized I didn't want to explain Wittgenstein to dumb girls at bars who don't really care about anything interesting anyway.

>> No.7821184


>> No.7821186

That Harry Potter one is utter shite.

>> No.7821198


>> No.7821201

Bien memé, ami. Your French is shit though.

>> No.7821205

>Le trumpet tattoo

At least it looks kinda good and is not from a pleb book. Still stupid though, like what is the point even.

>> No.7821207

>not from a pleb book


>> No.7821213

Could anyone go through all the book references in the OP image? I only got the last one.

>> No.7821220 [DELETED] 

Needs an exclamation mark at the end, but yes.

>> No.7821223

Degeneracy at it's finest

>> No.7821226

>everything except obscure French 18th century poetry is pleb
In a general sense, CoL49 is not pleb.

>> No.7821235


Blanket judgement of people based on their fashion choices is a flashing warning indicator for 'I am a prig'. At least you, with your prejudice, have the advantage that you can often tell who has tattoos and avoid them. By contrast, all kinds of poor fuckers must get into conversation with you not even realising how annoying you are. If you don't wear a fedora already, you should start - it's only fair.

>> No.7821237


I would get a walrus tattoo

>> No.7821325

Howard Roark one is the Fountainhead, I think; haven't actually read it, name is just familiar.

>> No.7821336

Besides the obvious irony and stupidity of using a tattoo -- the mark of gang members, sailors, and Amazonian tribesmen -- to communicate your individuality and personal good taste, text tattoos look like garbage. The straight lines of the Roman script will always look like garbage on the flexible and unfixed surface of human skin.

To reduce a book, and I'll get melodramatic here, to reduce a book to a little quip or icon you wear around as a fashion statement is to murder it.

>> No.7821350
File: 61 KB, 634x997, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Besides the obvious irony and stupidity of using a tattoo -- the mark of gang members, sailors, and Amazonian tribesmen
Fuck me is it still the 18th century?

>> No.7821642


Aside from the fact that your view of tattoos is reminiscent of a Victorian housewife, I don't think any 'reduction' is implied by the act of getting a tattoo. If a Christian wears a crucifix around their neck, would you describe that as reducing religion to a little icon they wear around as a fashion statement?

Bearing a symbol of something is not inherently reductionist, and tattoos may be more than just a fashion statement, just like a necklace.

>> No.7821646

Yes they said yes.

>> No.7821682
File: 140 KB, 239x352, Pam_Tattoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byron is always a good choice

>> No.7821686


how the "only russian prisoners can get tattoos, otherwise ur LAME XD" mentality typically leaves one after the teenage years

as if they've ever earned anything in their life anyways

>> No.7821708

you expected a slaughterhouse instead a story of one of the biggest bombing in the history?

I got the same shit as you

>> No.7821715

I'm surprised I don't see Vollmann tattoos in these threads, I would think You Bright and Risen Angels would be prime material for the sorts of people who get literary tattoos.

>> No.7821825
File: 8 KB, 670x670, ouroboros_2_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting an ourosboros tat on my wrist. Would this be tacky?

>> No.7821827

Which one is that?

>> No.7821828

tattoos are always tacky

>> No.7821832

a couple of those look alright

>> No.7821833

It's a little bit cliché as an image but it's really up to you to decide how much it means to you.

>> No.7821835


and since you're a dumbass and will get it anyway, make sure you learn how to spell ouroboros, so you don't go around explaining it's an "ouros boros" to your retarded friends.

>> No.7821918

>He's not sure who he is any more, whether he's anyone at all for that matter. That's why he wants a tattoo, of course. Simply a matter of ego-identification.
>-So that when he wakes up he'll know it's the same person he went to bed with,"

this was pretty good. did you just write this?

>> No.7821938

i want to get 'call me Ishmael' tattooed on my moby dick

>> No.7821956
File: 139 KB, 400x400, spooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting this on my forearm

>> No.7821963

Just get "S P O O K" in typewriter font instead. Cooler to the uninformed, and all thd important people will get it just the same

>> No.7821965

how about not get a tattoo and be even more lit

>> No.7821968
File: 23 KB, 380x380, 1447994239368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should get SPOOK in Comic Sans on his arm.

>> No.7821985

>Could anyone go through all the book references in the OP image? I only got the last one.

"Howard Roark laughs" can't be anything else but The Fountainhead.

"Stay Gold" is from the The Outsiders in reference to the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay"

The two in the middle are both from Harry Potter

"2 + 2 = 5" is 1984

And in case anyone is wondering, the last one is from The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.7821997

I thought the one with "follow your bliss" was a reference to Joseph Campbell's "The Power of Myth"?

>> No.7821998

>Follow your bliss
>arry potta

>> No.7822013

I've always wanted to get some i ching hexagrams along my forearm because john cage's writing was basically the only thing that successfully talked me off the ledge after my first unsuccessful suicide attempt in high school. But then I searched "i ching tattoo", saw the kind of douchebags that already have it, and gave up on it. I just have a stick n poke of a lime on my ass that my friend gave me while I was drunk, now.

>> No.7822023

No dubs :(

>> No.7822024
File: 145 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7822049
File: 456 KB, 2550x3300, 1457115507827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me "Memento mori"

>> No.7822067

>was me
>was yon

Who is Yon?

>> No.7822077

I was thinking of getting a tat that helps me be mindful of impermanence and my own mortality, but would like to avoid tattoos with text. Any suggestions?

>> No.7822079

Only normies need to be remembered that they are mortal

>> No.7822087

Just a skull, or tombstone.
If numerals don't count, try your birthyear with a hyphen and a blank. Like

>> No.7822089

>A skull and an hour glass?
>A skull with an eternal symbol at the bottom?

>> No.7822093

>mindful of impermanence and my own mortality

Tattoo that says "Sein-Zum-Tode"

>> No.7822118
File: 1.97 MB, 390x357, 1454799631155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying the quote was only about mortality.
>implying earthly vanity is pointless.
>implying humility

>> No.7822120

Skull, hourglass, and tombstone seem kinda cliche but I like the birth year idea.
hmm... I might consider that once I'm a bit more well read with Heideggerian philisophy.

>> No.7822141

You never will be, you retard

>> No.7822161

Had you said that a few months ago I would have agreed with you, but as of recent I got myself an adderall script and have been reading for hours a day at a high speed. Plan to get into Heidegger soon.

>> No.7822165

>Plan to get into Heidegger soon.

Should read Husserl first tbqh fampai.

>> No.7822170

Tattoos are the gayest possible thing you could do with your time and money.

>> No.7822184

>double dubs
Confirmed for getting this shit on my dick

>> No.7822200

Plan to get a tattoo based on the following passage from Hesse's Demian:

>The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas.

Not sure how I want to depict Abraxas. I'm thinking either the symbols of the seven classical planets surrounding it, or pic related behind it/sort of offset up and to one side.

A lot of people will think negatively of tattoos in general, and "literary tattoos" specifically, but if it will make you happy, go for it.

>> No.7822212
File: 209 KB, 476x568, Screenshot_2016-03-17-12-44-32-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic . . . and I meant just the image of pic related, not the lettering.

>> No.7822219

>>implying earthly vanity is pointless.

are you implying that it isnt pointless?
because if you are you right smugness and arrogance are essential to a fulfilling life

>> No.7822250

Almost correct. Not sure if I agree about it being reductionist in general but I do think that what it really comes down to is fashion. I've thought about getting tattoos before. If I was going to get a tattoo, it would be something that means something. But then I thought, well why have it tattooed on yourself? What significance does a tattoo add to it? What is the real point of a tattoo? To remember? No, if it's really important you won't forget. I honestly can't come up with any reason other than fashion, which I find to be a very shallow reason to do anything.
So, get you tattoos, if you want. I don't care. But be honest with yourself: the reason you have that tattoo is for a shallow reason like fashion and/or vanity.

>> No.7822341


Damn that's a fucking niche tat. It's also not /lit/ related.

>> No.7822393

no, you

>> No.7822415

>Be fat
>Get tattoo
Not even once

>> No.7822419


it's just narcissism and a shit sense of aesthetics

>> No.7822432

my friend has a 'GHOTI' tattooed near her ankles and she thinks it's the shit

>> No.7822550

How about a hot semi-nude woman with a symbiote on her head that takes on the shape of two massive horns and also conveniently covers her genitals and breasts?

>> No.7822586
File: 130 KB, 396x381, epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT snobby skinnyfat shits hating on tattoos to keep intact their contrarian persona
Yeah we get it you hate everything mainstream, so unique !
I Don't even have tattoos tb h, but you guys are stupid as fuck

>> No.7822626

>Aurora Bros

>> No.7822643

I bet you also think we are being contrarian by reading books instead of playing video games.

You seem concerned with this contrarian-mainstream dichotomy, which is completely imagined. One could even argue that you are the contrarian by voicing your shitty opinion that is contrary the people in the thread's. Perhaps some of us just think tattoos look gay?
Stay pleb, faggot.

>> No.7822708
File: 42 KB, 399x388, 1429640951634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carving dead symbols into your flesh instead of becoming the living embodiment of the synthetic a priori truth they represent

Tattoos are the most glaring example of reducing literary beauty to social capital that I can think of.

Absolute vanity t b h

>> No.7822714

And but so

>> No.7822730

I like tattoos. Not so much because they look nice (they rarely do), but because they serve a very important social function -- tattoos identify the toxic, impulsive, and superficial members of our society who are a threat to our collective intelligence and well-being.

Those who choose to get tattoos are generally immature and childish. They're prone to making poor life choices with irreparable consequences, and that's information I like having. I know to avoid these people, I know not to hire them, I know they're irresponsible, I know they probably won't do their jobs very well (if at all), I know they have trouble thinking critically and rationally, I know they are narcissistic, and above all, I know that they are superficial. There exists no non-superficial reason for getting a tattoo in the modern Western world

None of these traits are particularly attractive, but then again, neither are tattoos.

>> No.7822738


Well sure, vanitas vanitatum and all that jazz. But tattoos are no more vain than, for instance, furnishing and decorating your house with things you like.

People like to express themselves through outward symbols. 'But they're not expressing themselves, they're just spouting memes' - that may be, but if your head is full of memes then that's how self-expression comes out. That doesn't make it less of a human need.


So which great literary truth are you embodying by frogposting on 4chan?


worse-than-my-Grandma tier

>> No.7822743

>So which great literary truth are you embodying by frogposting on 4chan?
The death of god

>> No.7822750

I love Fellini's 9¾

>> No.7822752

>tattoos are no more vain than, for instance, furnishing and decorating your house with things you like

Carving a permanent relic of your own choosing into your flesh and displaying it so that anyone wishing to interact with you must confront it is a little bit more vain than owning a nice chair.

>So which great literary truth are you embodying by frogposting on 4chan?

Nothing, this is a conversation about a negligible topic relevant to the least literate strata of society. Why would anyone attempt theophanic poetry in a thread about degenerates?

>> No.7822755

hah nice anon

>> No.7822756

How about do some fucking spine exercises to straighten that shit up?

>> No.7822769

Ah yes Frederico Fellini

>> No.7822790

Yes, to an extent.

>> No.7822807
File: 114 KB, 1600x990, AmerPsycho_208Pyxurz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7822809

>But tattoos are no more vain than, for instance, furnishing and decorating your house with things you like
when you decorate your house you aren't tarnishing the perfection of the human body which was perfected either by God's design or 98598290358 years of evolution (depending on what you believe) with some stupid Chinese script or the astronaut from Brand New's debut album cover.

>> No.7822817


Are we exclusively talking about virulently offensive symbols tattooed right across the face, here, or something? How is, say, a Pinecone-related trumpet, on the arm, an unpleasant confrontation for you? Do you stress out when people wear t-shirts with writing on them?


nice memes

>> No.7822826

jesus christ i hope you're never in charge of anything

>> No.7822834
File: 109 KB, 266x189, hehhehheh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat "was green party" derp face skull

>> No.7822869

>perfected [...] or 98598290358 years of evolution

You are using evolution inappropriately: evolution does not have a defined route, rather it is the opposite, as evolution is the adaptation of an organism to a habitat.

>> No.7822874

I would vote for you

>> No.7822880
File: 19 KB, 225x225, 1428976513761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some stupid Chinese script or the astronaut from Brand New's debut album cover.


>> No.7823048
File: 753 KB, 1600x1893, oddyseus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting an Odysseus tattoo in a 3 weeks on my arm, pretty excited, I don't care what /lit/ neckbeards think.

>> No.7823051

3 weeks*
fuck I'm out

>> No.7823082

what does an 'Odysseus' tattoo look like?

>> No.7823092

I'm planning to get "gnothi seauton" as a trampstamp.

>> No.7823334

drawing of the pic I posted

>> No.7823335

/pol/ is that way -> YOUR MOM

>> No.7823397

Wait a year and see if you still want it.

>> No.7823509
File: 201 KB, 640x892, 1456162550414-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Want to get a face tattoo, but it would fuck me out of a job for life, but God dam would it be beautiful. I most likely will get Bad ass quotes Placed strategically around my body.
>I would be as happy as Zeus If i had but bread and water. -Epicurus
> Thoe I walk through the valley in the shadow of death i fear no evil, For I am the meanest mother fucker in the valley.

>> No.7823517
File: 81 KB, 500x656, bee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that glorious feel when no hideous ink marks on my body

>> No.7823521
File: 1.50 MB, 1108x996, crysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7823536

You body is probably ugly anyways

>> No.7823556

I think you'd be much happier elsewhere, friend

Reddit? /fit/?? You're not one of us, over-compensating manlet
pls go

>> No.7823564
File: 2.06 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it. Pic related, it's a Mayakovsky illustration.
I agree that text tattoos look shit though. Text belongs on paper or begrudgingly on screens.
>everyone on /b/ said it looked like a cock. They would though innit?

>> No.7823567

cringeworthy to be quite honest

>> No.7823571


>> No.7823574

hop off, roastie

>> No.7823577

I like it

Tho ID rather do something simple that I drew myself

>> No.7823591


>> No.7823592
File: 135 KB, 407x750, 1435469513514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does look like a big, asymmetrical schlong.

>> No.7823597

You're just saying that because you're a 90lb twink. Sorry in high school while all the other boys did sports you were shunned and forced to start reading for compensation. But when you bicep curl 145 and bench 300+ the idea of over-compensating disappears. And why again can't I enjoy literature and have achieve physical excellence?
>bak 2 r9k pepe

>> No.7823603

It... does look like an ejaculating cock. No offense.

>> No.7823605

Men see dicks everywhere.

>> No.7823609

Excuse me, mister, but /lit/ is a strictly no normies board. I would appreciate if you got the frick out

>> No.7823611
File: 231 KB, 800x607, pynchonjoyceshirtjohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about shirts?

>> No.7823614

Oh no no nono, After all the shit i have done I am noo normie ser

>> No.7823615
File: 920 KB, 250x250, 1404767922778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that one just posted in this thread.

>> No.7823617

Well, we're not saying that is only a cock, I'm sure that the meaning this tattoo has for you must be something more intelligent, nonetheless the potential for 'cockness' is there. On 4chan people will see what is the lowest in it, it's normal.

>> No.7823645

>lifts weights
>has tattoos
>is now or was ever in a position to have sex


>> No.7823675

normies arent the only ones that have sex. freaks have sex with freaks

>> No.7823690

>he's so much of a normie that he calls slightly abnormal normies "freaks"

my mana is depleting with each post I respond to you. please leave before i lose my wizard status.

>> No.7823693

isn't that a Television (band) quote?

>> No.7823710

I have not seen television in years i would not know,

>> No.7823718

no... my point was that having sex doesnt make you normal. many abnormal people have sex

>> No.7823719
File: 46 KB, 855x484, 63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually that aint me lol

>> No.7823723

I agree, thats a peenor

>> No.7823756

>implying you're the only normie in this thread or in anyway the subject of his ire
Just re-affirming what a narcissistic normie you are, bucko

If you've ever had someone openly attracted to you - let alone willing to let you have sex with them - then you're a normie, what part do you not understand??

>> No.7823795

>what part do you not understand??
i understand i just dont agree

>> No.7823876

I've always wanted some sort of Orpheus & Eurydice related tattoo since that myth has been special to me since I was a kid

>> No.7824020

right to a T, m8

>> No.7824032
File: 44 KB, 375x375, 1426023707852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the perfection of the human body

>> No.7824040

not all of us are gross fatties bruh

>> No.7824055

The astronaut is actually on their second album. Sorry, it was my favorite album in the 7th grade.

>> No.7824076

What's the point really?

Goodreads and tattoos are two vices (being the kind where you appeal for the approval of common people) literary individuals can engage in under the cover of some other non sense like >>7819715

Bullshit I say, you're being an unenlightened little shit who is desperate to have other people view you as deep.

>> No.7824115

>The straight lines of the Roman script will always look like garbage on the flexible and unfixed surface of human skin.

No idea what you're on about here. Contrast and interplay between fixed/unfixed and curved/straight is a central part of aesthetics, and academic and modern art.

>> No.7824129

It would also suck to have a tattoo of a book that gets everything wrong

>> No.7824146


>> No.7824147

If you're going to do something get the entire tractatus in quite small print down your back.

I'm thinking about doing something like a "golden record" but just for myself. Don't really know what I'll put on it yet. Birth year with a hyphen at the end is a good idea. I'll include my blood type as well. Maybe that I have genetic predispositions to schizophrenia and early onset alzheimer's(obviously in a hip, aesthetic way)

>> No.7824151

that 2+2=5 better not be from underground, fucking hell