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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 334x441, Yukio Mishima - 1970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7821018 No.7821018 [Reply] [Original]

post authors that you agree with politically

>> No.7821021
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>> No.7821030
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>inb4 butthurt

>> No.7821042

i'm not hurt, i'm just very disappointed in you

>> No.7821047
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>> No.7821049

Oh yes now that I realize this the joke is actually very funny and a worthy post, if only this was Reddit then I would make sure to upvote it. So what's the best way to handle that? I suppose the most widely used method is to just copy and paste it in other threads? I'm assuming that's what you do, but some clarification would be nice. Thanks in advance.

>> No.7821148
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>>7821049 (You)
replies are the new upboats.
congratz on your own upboat.

>> No.7821224

So you're Japanese then? Or how do you apply his political views?

>> No.7821241
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ya basta dickbutts

>> No.7821245
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>> No.7821249
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>> No.7821287

Unironically this.

>> No.7821311


Proud and redpilled and against degeneracy and SJWs!

>> No.7821369


>> No.7821379
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>> No.7821403

So much edge in one thread. Keep it real plebs.

I love Mishima, but his political ideas were horribly confused. It basically boiled down to liking the uniforms.

>> No.7821406


I'm sorry to tell you he was a better painter than author & he was fucking shit at that.

>> No.7821410 [DELETED] 


>> No.7821413


reading Mein Kampf and some literature on the holocaust being a hoax, I have to say Hitler is not like what I thought he would be.

He's actually a decent thinker to be honest

>> No.7821416
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>> No.7821420
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>> No.7821435

This guy is literally Elliot Rodger, he couldnt even fucking do the atrocity he wanted to without fucking up everything along the way

>> No.7821449


He did exactly what he set out to do, dumbass.

>> No.7821454

>i'll set out to show them all!
>pls cut off my head
> i have a boner for samurai
>why can't you cut properly
>ay yo this hurts
>you other tomodachi do it this hurts
>cheers tomodachi

the dumbest death

>> No.7821463
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>> No.7821470

>implying he wrote it himself

he was more of a dictator

>> No.7821621
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>> No.7821625

And the bumming and the death.

>> No.7821630
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>> No.7821636
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I would have deleted this thread.

>> No.7821654
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>Has only read 'Confessions of a Mask.'

>> No.7821666

What's high school like these days? Girls still ignoring you? Don't worry buddy, you'll get through it :-)

>> No.7821668
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>> No.7821702

>I dont understand that Mishima was a mentally ill traditionalist who wanted to return power to the Emperor under a second Meiji revolution, but who's ambitions got sidetracked by his instability and homosexuality

>> No.7821720
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>> No.7821749
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>> No.7821753

Wew lad

>> No.7821760
File: 19 KB, 220x286, Simon_Bolivar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never go to the grand metropolitan centers of education and culture in 21st century Gran Colombia

>> No.7822583


>> No.7822798

Fuck off and die red.

>> No.7822839

no, he was sidetracked by the fact nobody gave a fuck about his dumbass ideals. man was basically laughed at before he whimperingly killed himself

>> No.7822944
File: 42 KB, 400x572, cioran3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late Cioran, not young fascist Cioran. Basically you should be above dumb as fuck populism bullshit.

>> No.7823041

Spics don't deserve him.

He was a man way ahead of his time.

Also, he was not author.

>> No.7823179

He was b8ing

>> No.7823408

He was a prolific writer of letters, there are 10s of thousands extant.


his most famous

>> No.7823430

His short story Oshym oshym is actually very nice

>> No.7823441

His overt political essays have never been translated, but he mostly concentrated on Cultural Nationalism, in defense of Japanese traditionalism (Bushido, the Emperor) against the forces of Western cultural hegemony and globalisation

>> No.7823451

Can you provide a link or do you have to buy them from a japanese publishing house?

>> No.7823456

Youd be better off reading his biography. His "nationalism" was emperor worship in the end.

>> No.7823471

I've never read them, they're not translated. I only know through academic secondary sources such as "Mishima Yukio and Kita Ikki The Aesthetics and Politics of Ultranationalism in Japan". I'm guessing his biographies also touch on this but I've not read any

But if you ever find a translation of his "Defense of Culture" essay, let me know

>> No.7823480

Satanic trips don't lie

>> No.7823488

Knut Hamsun

>> No.7823498
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>> No.7823522
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patrician choices

for mine, pic related

>> No.7823760
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>> No.7823797

why does always look like someone's pestering him

>> No.7823945


>> No.7824039


>> No.7824042

What is his political stance anyway? Aren't politics a spook?

>> No.7824045
File: 43 KB, 220x304, Ludovici_A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /Enlightened Aristocratic Rule/ here?

>> No.7824120

Hasta siempre!

>> No.7824133
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>> No.7825055


>> No.7825056
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>> No.7825075

Poopy! Tehe poopy oopy!

>> No.7825078
File: 1.90 MB, 2939x1959, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7825110
File: 2.55 MB, 2386x3000, Benjamin_Franklin_1767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so many radicals?

>> No.7825124

>tfw some angry autist tries to make a shitty meme out of you

Fucking underage, why do faggots like this even come here?

>> No.7825180

Benjamin showing us his trips, but oh no, off by one, you old dog.

>> No.7825189

Going with whatever serves you personally.

>> No.7825858


>> No.7825867
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>> No.7825869

>liking the uniforms
I like his books very much, and drop his name to impress Japs I meet on the street.

>> No.7825878

Who is he?

>> No.7825880


>tfw someone compares Mishima to that fucktard


It wasn't his fault Morita fucked it up, and he did indeed die the way he wanted to.

>> No.7825919

but mishi didn't have a concrete political view, just an aesthetic

>> No.7825933

> spic


>> No.7825938

He didn't want the traditional values of Japanese culture to die by the cold sword of Modernity. It was one of those cases in which aesthetics become politics.

>> No.7825956


>> No.7825962

The enigmatic image of the Zapatista movement in Mexico

>> No.7825999
File: 829 KB, 1094x623, domestic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just...

>> No.7826046

MGTOW PUA enthusiast and proponent of a World White Christian Empire ruled by the Pope.Not SJW Francis, but a real Redpilled Traditional Pope, you know?

Left-communist pansexual tumblrite (pronouns: Ze/Zir/Zirself) diagnoses self with autism and BPD

>Right Now
post-ironic Eurasianist. Shia-Orthodox Mystic. Ya Nasrallah! Putin is life

>> No.7826076
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>> No.7826106
File: 484 KB, 2024x2568, Anne-Louis_Girodet-Trioson_006[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7826158

Motherfucking white ass Jesus and shit.

>> No.7826272

no he didn't. he was BOOED and scoffed when he gave his speech right before his death. if he really though people would've responded that way he wouldn't have done it. he's too arrogant.

he underestimated how uninterested the average Japanese were in his quixotic notions of samurais and emperor worship. many Japanese were disillusioned and wanted to move forward in what many felt was a cultural modernization.

and that is SO typical of mishima to want to hold on to some ideal no matter what the reality is that stares him in the face.

>> No.7826432
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>> No.7827289

he was mostly indifferent to how the soldiers would respond, it was a win-win situation for him

if they responded to his oratory, he'd get his glorious revolution

if they didn't(which happened), he'd get the death of the samurai of the old(what he had a fetish for), the harakiri washing away all dishonor

trust me my dad worked for mishi-san

>> No.7827307

Well obviously OP is a short angry Japanese man with repressed homosexual tendencies, who view death and violence as the most perfect expression of his own sexuality!

>> No.7827317
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>> No.7827319

So happy that this is the first response
Is that guy on the left Shia Labeouf?

>> No.7827498
File: 40 KB, 290x290, dr-seuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the GOAT

>> No.7827684

this just shows what an annoying faggot he was. he wanted to LARP his pretty death, the rest didn't really matter to him.

in a way he was exactly what he loathed, the most modern, self-absorbed faggot in the world.

>> No.7827692

>he wanted to LARP

pls rid yourself of spooks such as "authenticity" and/or "sincerity"

>> No.7827705

Mishima's political views were literally based on what gave him a boner

>> No.7827707

should have told mushi mushi before he dedicated his life to a sincere attempt to fake authenticity until he made it bruv bruv

>> No.7827709

btw he also had orgies with his militia
it was pretty much just an excuse to gather uneducated, fit young men to LARP samurai/apprentice sex

>> No.7827905
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>not understanding Mishima chan's acute sense of aesthetics
>being this pleb
Same goes for people who "agree with him politically" I suppose.

How is he repressed? There is evidence he's been fucking guys left and right.

>> No.7827922

yeah its too bad japan's media censorship laws are so bad and mishima's family takes full advantage of them, theres so much gossip but no one can publish it

>> No.7827923


Triggered HARD

>> No.7827927

Mishima nearly married the current queen of Japan and was best buddy with the Governor of Tokyo, you know they have to suppress some things that make the current government look bad until after their death.

>> No.7827928

I'am just wondering why it is bad to be ignored by the girls and being Redpilled.

All men cannot be handsome and attractive and in fact, less than 1/3 are though to be attractive by the women.

If you are ignored, it's not your fault. You are talking like a person very superficial that judge people about their looks.

>> No.7827931

>you know they have to suppress some things that make the current government look bad until after their death
Are you aware of the complete shame that his death brought to all these people anyway? I don't think fucking men is such a big deal compared to that. It's not like he's been hiding it in his books. Japan has a weird perception of homosexuality anyway which comes down to not caring as long as you don't disturb the order of things.

>> No.7827950

idk i think the attitude at the time was more "lol where does he come up with this stuff" because homosexuality was so unknown

>> No.7827964

t. Jacob Rosenberg, Bernie Sanders donor and phonebanker

>> No.7828078

Anarchist egoism or sth

>> No.7828091


>> No.7828135

Left communism is the most patrician leftist stance. Gender politics are not a key part of the movement at all.

>> No.7829062
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good choice!

>> No.7829189

ma nigga

>> No.7829252
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>> No.7829647
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>> No.7830185
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>> No.7830209
File: 46 KB, 700x700, absolutely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you immerse yourself in the far right and realize that the nazis were actually right about everything, on a level so deep that the west simply can't realize it yet
>tfw the submerged world-spirit basically reached out through the books and put its hand on your shoulder and said "hey"
>tfw you feel honored

>> No.7830253
File: 87 KB, 640x444, buk-and-bust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7830267
File: 190 KB, 1000x667, 1456050392548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you open your browser and type in 4chan.org/lit and you want to sum up how you are essentially a basic bitch that is unfamiliar with the acquisition of knowledge

>> No.7830284

The chick on the left is spreading too though

>> No.7830300
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>> No.7830309

that's kind of hot actually

>> No.7830320
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>> No.7830325

i'd suck her feminine balls

>> No.7830335

He's literally explaining to you how he acquired knowledge you illiterate mongoloid

>> No.7830366
File: 7 KB, 200x200, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so he's teaching me the alphabet? How to count? I already learned how to do that, thank you very much.

Go read some more Harold Bloom you unimaginative fuck.

>> No.7830462
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>> No.7830482
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>ser un criptopriísta

>> No.7830483
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>Harold Bloom
Nice try shlomo

>> No.7830492


fantastic post

>> No.7830582
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>> No.7830722

That's my point you retard.

>Read Bloom
>Distribute kike propaganda on /lit/
>"no no, you're the Schlomo here, I swear!"

Go back to /pol/, merchant.

>> No.7830757
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>> No.7830772

>tripfag offended because I insulted his precious BLOOM

hah hah hah hah moron

>> No.7831817


>> No.7831843
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>> No.7831867
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>/lit/ is a classier version of /pol/

>> No.7832754
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>> No.7833333


He wanted an excuse to suicide that wasn't his homosexuality. Being booed by the troops gave him that, he got exactly what he wanted anon.

>> No.7833410
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Even the gods of quints agree with me.

>> No.7833474

Same here

>> No.7833490
File: 38 KB, 468x600, proudhon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minus the antisemitism and sexism, I'd say he's my comrade

>> No.7833522

>le hypocritical big tobacco shill face

>> No.7833534
File: 20 KB, 233x307, Philip_k_dick_drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to pick a single antinomian author, but PKD will do.

Remember kids, the Empire never ended.

>> No.7833538


You are a big, fat mess. You are a waste.

>> No.7834690
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Chesterton is GOAT

>> No.7835463


>> No.7835485

>the zapatistas are in any way proto-centrist scum
nah senpai.
Pero, yo soy un Europeo, mi espanol no es bueno desu senpai.

>> No.7836009

>Minus the antisemitism and sexism

>> No.7836218

Are you Japanese? Or another western youngman influenced by Globalism living in parallax?

>> No.7836220

Mejor cree en las comunidades Chapanecas, que ahí sigue el espíritu, porque ese señor es imagen pública.

>> No.7836224
File: 125 KB, 581x799, yukiomishimaleccionesespiritualespa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to read this anon. Don´t know if there's an english translation though.

>> No.7836246

Mr Himmler, I'm NSDAP.

>> No.7836279


>> No.7836351
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>> No.7836354

No. Savage.

>> No.7837909

Electronic old men.
Running the world.