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/lit/ - Literature

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7818148 No.7818148[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>in class, about 50 people in
>teacher asks me a question
>answer, accidently end my sentence with 'senpai'

This actually happened. Any of you guys acquire any bad habits because you browse /lit/?

>> No.7818156

I hope this actually happened

>> No.7818161

Wait to people actually type out senpai? Lmao.

>> No.7818167

Yeh, similarly I say desu and senpai in my head a lot now.

>> No.7818182

What happened next?

>> No.7818183

not just from /lit/ but occasionally, and I mean very rarely, I will accidentally end a sentence in mate. There are british people in my city so it isn't that weird I suppose but it's very out of character for how I normally speak. I don't think I actually know a single person who says 'mate'

>> No.7818184

I catch myself saying DESU at the end of almost every single fucking sentence, tbqhwyf.

>> No.7818193

do you say mate or m8

>> No.7818198

Did you actually say senpai or do you mean the non wordfiltered version?

>> No.7818204

in my head it's m8 accompanied with a slight upwards motion

>> No.7818239

I do this too, but I live in Texas so its a legitimate issue

>> No.7818338

He asked what i said and i replied 'nothing'

>> No.7818343

What do you mean?

>> No.7818354

I'm asking if he literally said senpai or f-a-m (minus the hyphens).

>> No.7818355


>> No.7818357
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Hehehe, yes. Good yank

>> No.7818359

I say faggot a lot in everyday speech. I guess that's shitty

>> No.7818361

i say senpai irl all the time desu

>> No.7818370
File: 34 KB, 543x549, me ponder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in weird ghetto part of london
>insert some 4chan word into speech
>people just assume its a new slang word and they start using it too

>> No.7818395

OP here, said it literally

>> No.7818397

Once again proving it the greatest city in Europe.

>> No.7818404

London is the 4chan of the world

>> No.7818406

I definitely have become more snobbish. My mom was reading some Pulitzer shortlist books and I actually called her out for reading middlebrow novels. She sort of raised her eyebrows and told me that she reads for relaxation and enjoyment, and that the NYT and Pulitzer was fine for her.

As I walked away I called her a pleb in my head.

>implying he isnt mimicing Aussie shitposters

>> No.7818408

Except 4chan won't charge you twenty quid for a half hour train ride.

Everyone is stiff and polite but surprisingly interesting when drunk though.

>> No.7818430

4chan is full of Pakis?

>> No.7818434

yes, go to /int/. They are just like girls, in that they dont announce their presence because they want to discuss memes and not their shitty religion

>> No.7818514

More related to 4chan than /lit/ in particular i guess, but i once called oprah winfrey a nigger during a lecture after which i switched degress

>> No.7818526
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I have became a little bit egoistic

>laying on my table in class
>Almost sleeping
>Teacher is talking about some subject
>Classmates can't anwser even a simple question
>Almost asleep
>"Anon!What is your opinion on the solution?"
>"Solution is X"
>I go back to sleep

Other thing that happened was:

>Read a book in a literature class
>"Anon! are you actually reading a fucking book in the literature class?Heaven's forbid you put it away!"
>"I'm sorry"
>teacher's face

>> No.7818597

Tfw intelectually superior amirite?

>> No.7818615

yup, I ask if someone is " 'avin a giggle" to indicate my mild disbelief.

>> No.7818676

I do this all the time, but I'm not trying to correct it because no one gives a fuck.

>> No.7818689

Eh, I say 'to be honest' more now, but that's about it.

>> No.7818695

SmArT bUt LaZy!!1 XDDDD

>> No.7818696

>talking to a girl on a crowded train
>she's talking about a problem she's having
>accidentally blurt out "yeah, i know that feel"

it wouldn't be worth a mention these days after "le feels" became a thing but back then i felt stupid as hell

>> No.7818702

Should give you cause to feel less embarrassed if it was before it was more well known. Seems perfectly acceptable to say.

>> No.7818715
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I think it came out a little stunted because I realised half-way through I was saying a fuggin' meme.

Another time
>high school
>writing essay due the next day at 3am with no internet
>it was something about Joseph Conrad, post-colonialism and racism
>want to use Paula Deen losing her career over saying nigger as an example of anti-racism gone too far
>can't remember who she was or what actually happened so I just write "such as that woman who did that cooking show who got fired for saying nigger at some point," with phrasing that awkward
>get 100% and the teacher reads it out to the class

>> No.7818726
File: 3 KB, 93x93, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that who did that cooking show who got fired for saying nigger at some point

Topkek m8

>> No.7818760

This is about the only meme phrase I've ever accidentally uttered. I'm pretty sure I tried lamely to cover it, as in
>yeah, I know that feel... ing. Feeling.

>> No.7818820

>at a smal gettogether for a friends birthday
>group of about 3 girls and guys standing in a circle
>i'm standing a few steps apart, on my own
>they start discussing politics and such
>one of the girls starts talking about zizek
>move my hand so it resembles a sideways "v"
>say: "quoting zizek"
>it was soft, but loud enough so everyone heard
>room is dead silent, everybody is staring at me
>slowly back out of the room

>> No.7818858
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>move my hand so it resembles a sideways "v"
>say: "quoting zizek"

>> No.7818866
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>> No.7818873

I'm just curious, what part of London do you live in and what 4chan words have spread in the local speech?

I don't live in London myself

>> No.7818875

i greentext extensively when i'm talking. a friend once commented "i can literally hear the meme arrows when you open your mouth"

>> No.7818877


>> No.7818905

>these are the people you "discuss" literature with

>> No.7818934

i live in germany and we have some british barracks and a british area here.. they only hang out with other brits because they cant into german and we dont really like them, but I hope to get the chance to say "u wot m8" one day

>> No.7818939

Why do you even get out of bed in the morning?

>> No.7818943

Must sound really funny with the German accent.

>> No.7818958

to go to work, usually.

>> No.7818990

m8 is pronounced mate, mate

>> No.7819179


>> No.7819315

yu'd be suprise

>> No.7819349
File: 93 KB, 654x976, 1455991246980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be drunk at a bar at a wedding
>Be my usual charming self
>Older guy (who has hot daughters) becomes my mate
>We get chatting and he buys be a martini
>Some time passes and I'm back at the bar and he buys my Pimms
>I say the following "You're a real hero and a real human bea - man guy. A real great guy..."
>"Did you just call me a bee man?"
>Laugh it off and apologise saying I'm too drunk and its his fault I'm talking shit
>We laugh, it's all good. I unironically use "senpai" now too

>> No.7819363
File: 66 KB, 800x480, Bane comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I text people I have to watch myself because sometimes 4chan lingo sneaks in.

>> No.7819389

Pics of daughters.

>> No.7819395

I once used the word 'jest' and the person I was talking to turned around and asked if I actually had just used that word in 2016

>> No.7819430

that doesnt seem that antiquated

>> No.7819433

Just be glad Bongs don't use 'innit' because you'd unconsciously be using that all the time.

>> No.7819442

Someone in one of my English course tutorials described one of our books as 'incredibly banal' and I had to bite my tongue off not to reply with '4u'

>> No.7819520



>> No.7819581


>> No.7819589

zu vat m-acht ?

>> No.7819607


>> No.7819671


>> No.7819689

starting sentences with implying

>> No.7819702

I say m88 so there's no confusion about which spelling I prefer.

>> No.7819725

mfw i'm a reasonably popular kid and got almost everyone at my school to start saying "kek" and "my face when"

>> No.7819733

Did an extra curricular program once where one sperger dude stood up during a meeting and said "DO I HAVE ANY SLASH BEE SLASH BROS HERE!?"

I stopped going to meetings

>> No.7819760

I've gone through that phase
the first year of browsing. I've gotten over that shit years ago and act like a human being outside 4chan.

>> No.7819767

i saw a guy reading infinite jest and i told him to 'start with the greeks'

>tfw he stared blankly

>> No.7819773
File: 360 KB, 500x375, 1442980702471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never lurk 4chan as a newfag again

>> No.7819781

>tfw been here since 2012 already
>haven't got anything out of it other than memes
>failed uni
>don't even read

>> No.7819782

>you will never again nervously lie when someone calls you out as new
heh heh newfag that's rich I've been here since 03 ahh man reddit? what's reddit? I bet you came from there.

>> No.7819783


>> No.7819800

no wonder i don't feel any different coming on here

>> No.7819896

I end my sentences with senpai unironically senpai

>> No.7820193

Sometimes I accidentally say "famalam"

>> No.7820199

No, but I once yelled at an teenager for reading Ayn Rand in my presence.

>> No.7820202

lit has turned me into a pretentious asshole and I love it. other than that no bad habits brah

>> No.7820209

I literally say nigger all the time and I can't stop doing it.

>> No.7820233

'>implying' and constanza pictures pop up in my head whenever i talk to certain customers at work (IT support)

>> No.7820241


what the fuck is senpai?

>> No.7820253

A delicious dessert.

>> No.7820412

Oh my fucking god, your mother must regret every moment of her life for creating such a colossal little faggot like you

>> No.7820422

my compulsive viewings of the XFM podcasts has made me develop the "innit" tic

>> No.7820444

>he called his mom a pleb


>> No.7820446

I say lol sometimes

>> No.7820512

I started browsing /pol/ a bit for the meme electiona and have a since dismissed people for having low energy irl desu senpai

>> No.7820666

yeah you do that because you're a cunt, cunt