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7815101 No.7815101 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that he was literally cucked by Bertrand Russell

>> No.7815116

That's just depressing. At least he got to talk with Groucho Marx.

>> No.7815122
File: 106 KB, 620x387, smugrussell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wasn't ?

>> No.7815126

Wittgenstein. :^)

>> No.7815127

never trust an atheist

>> No.7815134

Daily reminder that Bertrand Russell's father was literally cucked by his son's tutors and thought it was okay.

>> No.7815136

I am so glad he's considered a British poet and not American. His poetry is good but it's not great, sometimes it's just plain awful and cringey. Murder in the Cathedral was good, though.

He looked, wrote, and acted like a cuck. I could've spotted that from a mile away.

>> No.7815155

>he's considered a British poet and not American

by whom?

>> No.7815162

The first line on his wikipedia page

>> No.7815175

>I could've spotted that from a mile away.
this is my new favourite meme

>> No.7815190
File: 110 KB, 457x418, yacht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't hustle the Russell

>> No.7815204

everyone posting smug Russells ought to remember that he later confessed it was a loathsome experience

>> No.7815276

>getting cucked by a cuck
No wonder the "characters" he writes from are all pathetic betas

>> No.7815311


Prufrock is Eliot, there are no "characters"

>> No.7815319

Well that settles it then. And I meant there's Sweeney too and the narrator of Portrait of a Lady etc.

>> No.7815653

Probably humblebragging. Or trying to humiliate Eliot even more for deviant thrills.

>> No.7815674

Only until his conversion to Anglicanism

>> No.7815719
File: 69 KB, 850x400, cucking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haters gonna hate

>> No.7815782

...so pretty much every main character from dostoievski to today?

>> No.7815788

cute assertion

>> No.7815794

> Anonymous 03/15/16(Tue)13:26:48 No.7815175▶
well he moved to UK and renounced his american citizenship sooooooo i guess himself

>> No.7815804

if you'd read his biography you'd know that everything about Prufrock corresponds very exactly to Eliot's own person and his life. He even begins parting his hair behind at the same time as he writes the poem...

>> No.7815809
File: 21 KB, 402x350, bertrand-russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha as fuck

>> No.7815908

funny, but fake.

>> No.7816073

He was cucked though. He wasn't even sure if his son was his.