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7814488 No.7814488 [Reply] [Original]

any good books about hikikomori?


>> No.7814674 [DELETED] 

Do you actually give a fuck or are you just bored?

>> No.7814708

my diary desu

>> No.7814754

what dy mean bored

i said about not by

>> No.7814758 [DELETED] 

I mean "bored" as in are you just asking because you're a stupid fucking casual asking some dumb questions because he just learned a new word and wants to repeat it as soon as possible, or do you actually intend to read the books suggested and develop a sincere interest in the issue. If the latter then great I have read a ton of articles and some books on the issue, if the former then get the fuck out of /lit/

>> No.7814780

dude, just give OP the list. if he buys them and never reads them, your fav researchers still get the money.

>> No.7814937

ah really? well i actually made the thread out of a conversation i had but some months ago i actually read every scientific article i found on the question which took me to read on psychology and sociology of japan in general, and specifically child rearing and contemporary social pressures on the new generations.

The best papers i read were the ethnographies of the NPOs treating, "resocializing", hikis. I even contacted the most famous one, newstart, and talked to them about the process.

This is becoming a thing in european research, both clinical and academic. We'll be hearing a lot about it.

>> No.7814941

inb4 some weeb posts that fucking light novel

>> No.7815029 [DELETED] 

It's true, and certain European countries have their own names for the Millenial Generation group, and are often associated with the avoidance of work, introversion, poor social skills and so on.

NEET is the British (and internet) term for it, and although it's not exactly the same as hikiomori as the former is usually used in economic arguments whereas the latter usually references a cultural phenomena, I'd say contemporary youth culture (that is, the kind of youths which serve as the budgies in the mineshaft of culture) is pretty much the same in all developed countries (i.e. all countries of interest, as others are just developed countries 50 - 100 years ago). As an autistic, narcissistic NEET myself I fully comprehend the type of individual being discussed when I see the word Hikikomorri, NEET etc. In that sense I am something of a visionary / seer myself, five steps ahead of my contemporaries and dismissed by them as a valid human being on account of my wisdom and prescience.

>> No.7815214

you are such a fucking faggot
if you weren't so stupid you would know that regardless of the answer he gives you, you don't really know what that OP's motivations are.... you can't control people hahah
"sincere interest in the issue" haha jesus fucking christ

>> No.7815262

>As an autistic, narcissistic NEET myself I fully comprehend the type of individual being discussed when I see the word Hikikomorri, NEET etc. In that sense I am something of a visionary / seer myself, five steps ahead of my contemporaries and dismissed by them as a valid human being on account of my wisdom and prescience

what the actual fuck

>> No.7815272
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>As an autistic, narcissistic NEET myself I fully comprehend the type of individual being discussed when I see the word Hikikomorri, NEET etc. In that sense I am something of a visionary / seer myself, five steps ahead of my contemporaries and dismissed by them as a valid human being on account of my wisdom and prescience.

>> No.7815279
File: 25 KB, 226x346, 51M2V+OZj2L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. It's fascinating. And might disholussion you if you're a weeaboo.

>> No.7815292

Weaboo here. I read this book and found it interesting, but it didn't mar my weaboo-ness.
Once a weeb, always a weeb desu.

>> No.7815309

post it please please please

>> No.7815321

Did you watch the BBC Doc on Japanese birthrates


>> No.7815323

Dayum, senpai, your weeb game must be strong.

>> No.7815370

will do

don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed

>> No.7815376
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this desu

>> No.7815400

i enjoyed that one, id even recommend it but it is certainly to be taken with a grain of salt, as the guy is just a journalist therefore lots of misconceptions are taken as facts.

>> No.7815431

This desu - the LN is about the wacky hijinks of a Schizo but it does capture quite a bit of the psychology and nature of being a Hikki in the early 00s

>> No.7815448

Got it sitting on my Kindle, waiting for when I feel like reading it.

>> No.7815451

Kobo Abe's The Box Man.

>> No.7816221

OP hit the nigger trigger on this Anon.

>> No.7816235

man, those japs are centuries ahead of us.

>> No.7816428

Hikikomori, a deafening silence is another good documentary on NEETs in japan

here's a download link of anyone that wants it

>> No.7816549 [DELETED] 

>that currynigger succubus shaming those NEETs
I hate when westerners come to a culture they don't understand and judge and shame something that doesn't fall into their narrow world view. It's like when the UN tried to ban lolis in Japan. Luckily they got absolutely btfo, but still people need to learn that Japan is a completely separate entity and applying western values doesn't make any sense.

>> No.7817188

HIKIKOMORI, by Ellen Kennedy and Tao Lin ofc.

Read it for free at:

>> No.7817195

>Ellen Kennedy