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/lit/ - Literature

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7811581 No.7811581 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it

>> No.7811585

read more

>> No.7811592

because it's the P&V translation

>> No.7811599

I hope you have seen at least several russian movies
Have drunk russian wodka before
If not, you can't comprehend

>> No.7811619

OP, Dostoevsky literally tells you the point of the book in many occasions. Most of the chapters are just character building until shit like The Grand Inquisitor and Zosima's Preaching where it all becomes clear. If you didn't understand those chapters, then you should probably quit reading m8

>> No.7811654

yes the book is great and beautiful, but if theres one thing its not thatd be subtle. what is it u dont get low effort op?

>> No.7811659

OP is a woman, I bet its the same girl that said she hated Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.7811692

Be like Alyosha, don't be like Ivan or you'll lose your mind, if you're gonna be a drunkard and a manwhore at least have a good soul or something. Also religion's cool, use it.

>> No.7811719

OP it seems your computer managed to change your post for whatever reason.

What OP really said is "I haven't read it" just to clarify for everybody

>> No.7812022

how come? it´s the most beautiful and perfect novel written in the XIX century...you have to read slow.

>> No.7812088

>being THIS reddit

>> No.7812095

lol the old man and the sea is the worst book by hemingway

>> No.7812127

>being THIS reddit

>> No.7812136


Seriously, as a native Russian/English speaker, I don't quite understand this mania for the P&V. Though I did like their translation of Crime and Punishment a little more.

>> No.7812137

really? I really enjoyed it which must mean I have a loot to look forward to

>> No.7812149
File: 382 KB, 1270x1312, Yfh6hYu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats like saying the pink haired girl is the one I want to fuck least

>> No.7812180

Looks like you read a translation buddy

>> No.7812193

Translations are works of art on their own

>> No.7812208

>he rejects translations

How is sophomore year treating you buddy?

>> No.7812215

>I'm old and have given up on ever learning a second language

gee grandpa that's rather sad isn't it

>> No.7812243

>a second language

I don't got time to learn every major literary language, I've learned French and German because some more obscure philosophy can be poorly or non-translated but for the major canons of other languages like Russian the translations are absolutely fine, even great

>> No.7812250

>other languages like Russian the translations are absolutely fine

How would you know if you don't speak the language?

I know Russian and I can safely tell you that the translations are complete garbage, same goes for German, French and Spanish

>> No.7812273

I know because I've read trasnlated works and found them to be a great experience as most any great English works I've read. Maybe they happen to be so much more tremendous than that in their original language but to accuse them of being worthless I imagine is just absurd hyperbole, of course yeah I can never be certain of that but the contrary can never be certain either. I can claim you perhaps are just too obsessively distracted by the idea of the original work it prevents you from seeing and appreciating them in the way non-speakers do

>> No.7812529

I dont blame you. I marathoned the first 20 pages then gave up because I found the narrator annoying. Theres plenty of other good books to read.

>> No.7812539

I thought the P&V translation was great, is there one you think is better?

>> No.7812551


If the translations are complete garbage, and you're aware of this first hand from knowledge of multiple languages, and you aren't making mad bank from translation, then your opinion isn't worth the 1s and 0s I used to make this post.

>> No.7812827

Let's be honest here, these anons claiming to know multiple languages fluently enough to read Dostoevsky in different languages are full of shit plain and simple. They came to /lit/ for whatever reason and just copy these shitty memes and throw off people that are interested in reading the books.

If you want to read these things and you have the PV/want the PV then just read it. I guarantee that reading their translation will be more rewarding then listening to some dumbass /lit/ neet about how you should enjoy your literature.

>> No.7813650
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Not posting best cover...

>> No.7813675

Russian was my first language and I can tell you that the translations Ive read have been good.

Idi nahui, pridurak

>> No.7813738

Ignat Avsey is mentioned here all the time.

>> No.7814482

Russian is my language primo (as you can see I also know Italian) and as uno (Spanish too impressed yet?) of the languages I know it's easy for me to compare these translations. They are all bad and you shouldn't read any of them, completely inferior to anything else that can be read in a language and I definitely know I mean believe me it isn't like I just used a translator to look cool or anything.

Trust me OP I know and AND am smart so listen when I say don't read any translations. Especially PV they don't even know what the word Russian means and secretly nobody else knows this but they're actually really bad at doing books.

>> No.7814498
File: 259 KB, 198x153, crying041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Dostoyevsky intended to write a sequel, which would detail the rest of Alyosha's life, but died shortly after the publication of The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.7814588

>"That was amazing! What Do you call yourselves?"
>"The Brothers Karamazov!"

>> No.7814608
File: 371 KB, 500x375, 1340380169083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel too, brother.

>> No.7814764

>I marathoned the first 20 pages
This is a troll post, right?

>> No.7815267

so you are a perfect english speaker then, and have the authority to speak on an english translation?

>> No.7815302


>> No.7815799

Out of curiosity, if you own a hard copy of The Brothers Karamazov, how many pages long is it? I'm currently reading it on the Kindle and it's like 15-20 pages per 1%, making 1500-2000 Kindle pages in all - guessing the real copy isn't that long though.

>> No.7815819

around 950 pages for me but there's a preface

>> No.7815913

Humble yourself before God and salvation is yours.

>> No.7817229

Is Constance Garnett the best translator of Dostoevsky's works? Also, what order should I read his novels in? I started with A Gentle Spirit, and now I'm on Crime and Punishment.

>> No.7817536

I liked garnet better. She has better prose. I also kept a p & v translation close by and would re read so parts and there really isn't a huge difference

>> No.7818364

Are there any Russkies here? If so, did you have to read this in school (because that's what I've heard)? If so, how on earth did your teachers manage to get schoolchildren interested enough to actually read it? I read regularly, and even so it took me a good 3 weeks to finish this, spending about an hour each day with it. In my high school class we studied a single book which was about 150 pages long, and we read that as a group in class (because the teacher knew that if she assigned it for people to read in their own time, no one would bother).

>> No.7818520

I am from an ex communist country and this book wasnt part of the school program.
Also you couldnt buy it separately on its own, meaning it wasnt promoted by the party.
Books that werent on the communist party white list could only be purchased as part of a 3-pack, along two promoted books.

I imagine its because of its pro-religious comments. For example, novels like Solaris were promoted.

>> No.7818528

Everyman's is about 750 pages

>> No.7818530

Interesting. Tell us more about communist reading culture, anon. What other books were promoted perhaps? Which books were not but were available nonetheless?

>> No.7818552

All books were available, including The Road to Serfdom.
You just had to buy it along with approved books, either in a 3-pack of a 5-pack, depending on the book store.

There were many, MANY books, everyone used to read a ton, and many bookstores.
The print quality was pretty bad, mostly soft paper covers, sometimes the pages and the ink looked like what they get if they've been in the sun for a while. Still cheap, readable, and available.

The only thing I can think of that might be interesting for you, is that all the sci-fi authors had their short stories coupled with their reviews and scientific works. I remember buying books from Lem and Azimov, and only having one full story, something popular, then some excerpts from other stories, like a "best of", and then the rest was reviews of books and science of scientific philosophy or some such.
Basically the picture being painted was one of glorifying scientists, engineers, and them being the new leaders of the world, rather than the old rule of merchants. Thus pro-science and pro-engineer books were promoted, obviously all communist books were promoted, and the rest were either unregulated (so you can buy just the one), or black listed, so you have to pay it along promoted books.
I should mention that The Bible and The Bible for Children were not black listed, you could buy them on their own. You could buy books on outdated religious on their own as well, like on ancient greek mythos. The Koran wasnt available in the bookstores I visited, but I've only asked like twice.

I have maybe 20 copies of the very short history of my home town, because it was a cheap promoted book.

>> No.7818584

that would explain that small book marx-engels wrote I found on the family bookshelf

>> No.7818590

It's a lot better than War & Peace

>> No.7818603

what year was this? Brezhnev era or Gorbachev?

>> No.7818608

Yeah, guess I was just shitposting on autopilot. Must be a /lit thing. That sentence should start off "I read the first 20 pages" and it's my pure, unfettered opinion.

>> No.7818645

>being THIS reddit

>> No.7818691

I am not Russian. I am talking about 1984-1990.

>> No.7818694

Which ex-communist country then pray tell.

>> No.7818698

I'm from Bulgaria. I really hate saying this, because it tends to bring dismissal of my posts based on my nationality.
Whats relevant here is that I used to study and buy books under a communist regime.

>> No.7818714

what is /lit/s problem with P&V? when i came here years ago, /lit/ shit on garnett and lifted P&V on high.

seriously though what is the criticism of P&V?

>> No.7818718

Bulgarian squat program got me jacked!

>> No.7818741

Godzilla-mode detected

>> No.7818753

The contrarian pendulum has swung to the other side

>> No.7818799

There is nothing wrong with P&V, they are fantastic translators and their end notes are very informative

>> No.7818812

Too bad, it's one of the greatest novels ever written.

Try Crime and Punishment first.