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/lit/ - Literature

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7810225 No.7810225 [Reply] [Original]

Are any of your friends into reading? what do they like?

>> No.7810257

What friends?

>> No.7810281
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>tfw no qt bookcase-assemby gf who studied Analytics and lives with you in your cozy San Francisco apartment

>> No.7810284

>gf who studied Analytics and lives with you in your cozy San Francisco apartment

i would probably off myself if i had to suffer that existence

>> No.7810290

op is a faggot

>> No.7810302

Dat hunch

>> No.7810305
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You most certainly wouldn't be saying that if you, like me, had the privileged of waking up besides a qt Analytics graduate and have her sleepily grin at you before nuzzling her head into your chest and hugging you close as your combined warmth keeps you in a state of drowsy semi-wakefulness, the sky outside still grey and not-yet-day and the distant sound of traffic barely audible above the sound of the wind against the window pane and the gentle breathing of your lover beside you. You would consider suicide a surreal, other-worldly prospect should you be fortunate enough to spend chilly Sunday evenings walking along the San Francisco bay beside your qt gf who holds your arm and laughs as you talk at length about something you are passionate about before concluding what has essentially become a rant by saying some self-deprecating remark and half-smiling towards her face which is blushed in all the right places on account of the chilly wind coming in from the sea whose waves surge foaming against the large-block sea wall to your right where you sit for a while eating warm food sold by a street vendor whose food you have eaten before and enjoyed and then retire back to your apartment, saying hello to your elderly neighbour who you see entering the building and who you hold the elevator door open for and who thanks you before asking if you'd be so kind as to look after their pet cat which your qt maternal gf agrees to excitedly without consulting you but then gazes at you to gauge whether your own expression suggests you're okay with it and say "sure" like a practical paternal figure and have the elderly person tell you how the cat loves belly rubs etc before parting ways and heading into your apartment to watch old episodes of the X Files as she lays with her back against you and allows you to clumsily, distractedly braid her hair as she sits in an oversized black band tshirt and slowly runs her fingertips up and down the hair of your thighs. Literally get back to me when you have experienced these things and then we'll talk, okay bucko?

>> No.7810333

I'm not going to read all of that and your girlfriend has an ugly mouth.
You buy books that come with CDs. You are a vile person.
Your girlfriend magically changed apparel and you offered no explanation as to why.

>> No.7810336

bourgeois as fuck

>> No.7810340

More like...
a severe case of assburghers.

>> No.7810346

You're treading a very thin line my friend. Very thin.

>> No.7810356

Amateurish prose, m8.

>> No.7810407

This isn't a rate thread fgt

>> No.7810462

Fuck you, I don't have any friends

>> No.7810465
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Every time this question is asked I look back into my childhood when people actually wanted to be around me, and I wasn't that guy who tries to get people together only to have them never reciprocate.

>tfw friendless since 2014

>> No.7810466

But Anon, we're your friends.

>> No.7810491
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>friendless since 2014

I havent had friends since 2006 when i was like 10
And only then because you dont have to be a worthwhile human to have friends at that age

>> No.7810503

>tfw friendless since 2014


>> No.7810505

I'm friendless since 2016, bucko.

>> No.7810506

What did you do?

>> No.7810514

think my friends don't like me anymore
I see them less and less and they 'forget' to invite me to things occasionally
on the upside I got my first ever gf recently but I don't like her that much tbqh

>> No.7810515


Just one of them reads literature. He's studying philosophy and has spent the last six months or so reading Moby Dick. Big Kierkegaard fan.

The rest of my friends have all read The Alchemist and consider it the pinnacle of literature and the deepest work of art yet concieved. I do not discuss literature with them. My women acquintances are living embodiments of the tumblrina stereotype, and are mostly into homo-slash fiction Harry Potter, Dr. Who, and unadulterated John Green.

I myself am aggresively middlebrow like literally everyone else here.

>> No.7810524

Yes, some are.
One posts here, but is relatively new to reading novels, he's read much more philosophy (studies it) than I did. He's been reading Hesse, Nabokov and some other commonly mentioned stuff.
One is also a philosophy student, but he doesn't read as much as he did before, he's read all of Marquez in the past few months I believe.
One literally doesn't have time to read much so he's been reading mostly fantasy with some of it being good.
One other who used to be into reading the most never transitioned from high school fantasy so he's still reading reddit stuff.
One other is an actual reddit poster who likes mostly high brow reddit stuff, so basically Vonnegut and the likes.
So yeah, I actually have people irl to discuss literature with.
On the question how to find them- I've known these people mostly for 5+ or even 16 years so I guess you grow alongside of them and you slowly get them to like literature and they get you to like philosophy.

>> No.7810525
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>tfw that's not my life

Then I remember I am fortunately not American and everything is much better.

Your gf is cute.

>> No.7810531

One's into philosophy (as much as you can be at 17) and wants to do some reading. He's also a giant procrastinator, and just plays vidya. But he's definitely the best hope of the lot, smart as shit too.

My other main friend reads fucking John Green. The rest (i.e. the guys I don't really know) read less even though I'm at a fucking Grammar School. Send help.

>> No.7810533

All this pasta is stale.

>> No.7810539

>All this pasta is stale.
That's how they ship the pasta you dip.
You put it in the boiling water and cook for ~11 minutes.

>> No.7810652

i've known literally one person who read something other than harry potter, george rr martin, and john green for pleasure

she said she recently read crime and punishment, it was sad how happy i was to hear that

>> No.7810657

are you literally me

i try messaging them to stay in touch but now they never respond and i can't be assed to do it anymore

>> No.7810660

My best friend is a writer and prolific reader like myself. I've had countless night's out with him that are punctuated by discussions of literature and writing and women. Mostly talk of women. He's a basically a more handsome facsimile of myself.

He recently moved to Canada though and now I don't have anyone except the dozens of young girls I work with at Apple who come to me to bitch about their non-issues and heap scorn on their 'friends'. I've never felt so lonely.

>> No.7810669

I spend my lunch and break times alone in the library pretending to work while browsing one chan or another. I always sit alone on the bus. I barely speak to anyone. It's at the point that I'd like to get bullied. Anything. I went on a five hour trip (five there, five back) for school and spent the whole journey in silence. I got invited to a bunch of girls' room and just sat there browsing /leftypol/. It's gotten to the point that I no longer feel the loneliness. Or anything, really. I don't even play vidya any more.

On the other hand, I got into literature.

>> No.7810673

How often do you message them?
I keep it to an email or so a year with my uni friends because I don't want to bother them with this shit. If you're messaging them like twice a month they're probably not going to bother responding.

>> No.7810675

I know several hoes who are into Márquez, Murakami and George RR Martin.
Also there's this one dude who I would call my best friend. Self-confessed reactionary, likes Trump (don't know how much irony is in that support), doesn't drink alcohol, browses /int/ and /pol/. Nigga studies English and likes The Greeks, Lolita and general theater stuff. He pretty inconstant tho. He bought Finnegans Wake and last friday we were reading random pages in an irish pub and cracking up. We're probably writing a greek-style comedy satirizing an acquitance soon.

>> No.7810731

Sincere question:

How will novelists deal with the friendlesness of the current generation?

How are they to transcribe dialogue when it is mostly expressed in memes, abbreviations and internal references?

>> No.7810736

You're pretty dumb if you think slang and informality is exclusive to this generation.

>> No.7810740

*grabs you by the collar*

[crying] "What the f**k did you just say to me?!?!?"

>> No.7810741

You're pretty dumb if you think slang and informality is exclusive to this generation.

>> No.7810748

what's the deal with her mouth though

>> No.7810749


"W-wha- h-how..."

*releases your collar and sobs against your chest*

>> No.7810753

not even 1ce

>> No.7810755

The loneliness got me into lit, rather than the other way around.

>> No.7810756

I have two friends who read.

One can barely understand written English. Last I knew he was reading some garbage spy series.

The other is a soccer mom who reads Christian self-help books and occasionally contemporary literary fiction. However, we still discuss literature a good bit, because when she was younger, she read a lot of classics.

They are both alike in that they love Harry Potter.

I'm trying to get them into better literature, but I'm not pushing too hard. They're both intelligent (especially the soccer mom) and really nice to talk with, I just think they would enjoy reading more if they were reading good things.

>> No.7810760

Just one. He's a moody procrastinator who when last I talked to was reading Lovecraft.

>> No.7810765
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>> No.7810769

considering I'm studying Classics all of my friends read.

>> No.7810772

*tips fedora*

>> No.7810817

Not him but I used to be the one to put stuff together on weekends, and for friends at home every holiday season. But no one ever, ever calls me.

>> No.7810823
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Here is the first one.

Not sure how good the resolution is.

>> No.7810837

"Hey, anon, let's like, go outside. You know? Do something. Anything"
Anon: "ughhhhh"
me: "Anything at all. I'm paying."
Anon: "I dunno mannn"
me: "Chug redbulls and play lazer tag? Call anon2 and get drunk? anything"
me: "I dunno I was uhh, I was thinking about organizing my bookshelf today"

The man never leaves his fucking room and getting him to do or talk about anything that isn't him is a chore. But he reads. It's a trade off.

>> No.7810839

Someone's obviously never had real pasta.

>> No.7810840

Whoops. It's him that was organizing his shelf. Not me.

>> No.7810865

>Male best friend
Reads more or less anything, lots of pulpy horror, Japanese lit (think Mishima, not Murakami) pomo maximalism; gives a chance to anything I share with him, so I got him into DFW, McCarthy, Stirner, Deleuze, Pynchon and other authors whose names would be meaningless to you, them being Italian. He lately surprised me by picking up Spinoza's Ethics and a couple books by Deleuze about him.

>Female best friend
Tends to read a lot of Philosophy (but we're both Philosophy undergrads), especially Cioran, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard. Likes nonfiction similar to Sacks. I throw her my books so she's starting to read Giorgio Manganelli, Tao Lin, Bataille and Hakim Bey.

Reads whatever she wants so goes from Dickens to Golding to DFW's essays to Hannah Arendt to pulpy, sixties sci-fi books she inherited from her dad, would like to get her more into Philosophy but she's got a fuckton to do so maybe in the next months.

>Old friend
Thirty-ish, reads a FUCKTON of horror / crime / pulp / sci-fi stuff, with a heavy side of DeLillo, Paul Auster and the likes. Also, "real" psychology books - but he's a professional, so of course he has to read them.

>Famous-ish friend
He's a small-to-medium size YouTuber who makes videos about Philosophy and, as far as I know, he's read more or less everything in the Western Canon. Currently getting more and more into Evolutionist literature and Philosophy of science.

>Mother & Father
They tend to read either crime books or pop-psych stuff, trying to "open up" their horizons by sneaking them old Japanese detective novels or pulpier stuff like Cronenberg's Consumed.

And before you start raving about
>muh lit-core
fuck off, we're all Italians so we've never heard about most of it, if it weren't for this place we probably wouldn't be reading it and we'd be missing out on lots of incredible stuff.

>> No.7810868


>> No.7810887

Anything Reddit tells him to read. Which I suppose isn't that much different from me and /lit/. .

>> No.7810894

Well my older bro is my best friend! ... and he reads Y/A.
I saw one of my friends reading Lord of the Rings once. Not bad.

>> No.7810977
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I convinced my friend to get a Kobo and star reading. I recommended him to start with "Junky", he liked. He's currently reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but going very slow. Idk if he'll keep reading.

>> No.7811011

Yeah, one. She's reading something on Coco Chanel. Marilyn Monroe before that.

>> No.7811039
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>TFW you assume everyone here is a neet
>TFW you answer a question with an unsolicited
>writing sample
>TFW it's not very good
Apparently all it takes to be a good writer is to somehow tie the sea and the sky into your diary.

>> No.7811044

I know one friend who is really into reading and reads literature, he wants to go and do English but also fronts a band which is starting to get more widespread gigs.

BF just reads garbage fantasy, cites Paolini's dragonfag books as his favourites and now is reading Game Of Thrones. I lent him Requiem For A Dream before christmas and he kept saying he had no time to read it but a few weeks later says he's nearly at the end of the first GOT book. RFAD isn't even 200 fucking pages compared to those shitty banal tomes - I demanded I got my book back since it was one of my favourites and didn't want it to disappear.

>> No.7811076

recommend me some entry level italian lit please.

>> No.7811086


>> No.7811110

Giacomo Leopardi (Canti), Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (The Leopard), Italo Calvino (everything), Italo Svevo (Zeno's Conscience), Alessandro Manzoni (The Bethroted), Giovanni Verga (The House by the Medlar-Tree, Little Novels of Sicily)

These are classics I know for a fact were translated, but I'm not THAT well-read in it (ironically), so my recs are fairly similar to what you'd get by just asking /lit/ about it. There are a lot of worthwile contemporary writers, but I'm fairly sure none of them was ever translated, sadly.

This is also nice, but middle-age lit is fairly challenging.

>> No.7811167

>Requiem for a Dream is a novel
I never knew.
I saw the movie and I liked it, will I enjoy the book?

>> No.7811171

took too much cock as a lass

>> No.7811178

>BF reads Paolini
so you are dating a child

>> No.7811190

She looks so lovely

>> No.7811191

>bitch is basic congrats op

>> No.7811216

Check out Vitaliano Trevisan...he lives up the road from my place. Sort of Beckett-ish

>> No.7811222

He reads the bible, doubt he understand any of it. He probably just reads it to feel good about himself.

>> No.7811229

The city he was born in is about 39 minutes away from my hometown, I'm surprised I haven't heard about him yet. Cool, thanks anon!

>> No.7811242


Do you think italian writers can be decently translated to other latin languages?

>> No.7811243

prego - mi piace i quindicimila passi sopratutto.

>> No.7811264

Should do, both the film and book are in my top favourites. Definitely try it, it's a pretty short book.

He read, past-tense. Still has all the hardbacks on his shelf which makes me cringe since they don't even look nice to make up for the garbage

>> No.7811265


>cites Paolini's dragonfag books as his favourites

Damn you, deranged pedophile!

>> No.7811266

I see no reason why a writer couldn't be efficiently translated in any other language - but I believe translation to be an act of transformation, not just "movement". Of course, Latin languages may allow for a more faithful translation, as I've seen happen to texts translated, for instance, from French to Italian.

Se lo trovo nella biblioteca universitaria, proverò a leggerlo - sotto esami è sempre bello avere un libro di piccole/medie dimensioni da leggere per rilassarsi. Grazie!

>> No.7811345

>tfw no friends

Anyways cutie in class has read
>God created the integers
>cancer ward
>the red and the black
>currently reading east of Eden
Seems like intro to English to me
I'm too autistic to talk to her and I sit behind her in class
She always comes in with her book and reads it while the professor gets there, placing it on the top corner of her desk once class starts

>> No.7811538

I have a roommate who likes reading, and we're both studying English at university together. He's a year older than me, and we like similar books, although he is more into prosaic text, while I am into more obscure prose which is easily translated into poetry. Not that I disrespect that, or think him less than me, or my myself interested in "higher" forms of literature--just different taste.

We are both also taking a lot of creative writing courses, and both enjoy writing a lot. I write more poetry and he more fiction. I find that his relationship to writing is more of an aesthetic one--he occupies that neo-traditional "male writer" posture of the drinker, the feverish writer who is inspired and must take to the pen and paper. A very romantic mid-20th century character.

But we both love literature and talk about it over a cigarette or a glass of scotch or wine. We're both in a literary society (read: fraternity) that meets weekly to eat, drink, and talk about poetry, philosophy, music, and fiction. It's pretty gay but enjoyable, and a good way to meet people to talk to about that kind of stuff.

>> No.7811547

Nope, I am alone.

>> No.7811562

do you cuddle after sex? tfw

>> No.7811567


I've got one friend left. I seem to be way better at making enemies these days.

Also thread theme song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX694KGjtF4

>> No.7811584

Sounds like the perfect opportunity for homosex. I'm envious.

>> No.7811980

No but sometimes I wish I was gay. I've got so many good /lit/teratti guy friends to drink, smoke with, and to discuss philosophy and poetry with.

>> No.7812091
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>friends always come over and hang with me between classes and in the evenings
>having people around severely puts me off writing
>tfw I know at some point in the future I'm going to have to cut off all contact with people in order to productively write

>> No.7812146
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>that fucking particle board


>> No.7812221

sounds horrid!

>> No.7812222

>library books

>> No.7812236

whats wrong with it?

>> No.7812407

are you blind?

>> No.7812452

Friendless since 2009, unless you count books

>> No.7812459

I have one friend who listens to audio books and the last one he listened to was Ready Player One and won't shut up about it now. They only lit conversations I have are with anons on here and strangers in Barnes & Nobles

>> No.7812462

>she said she recently read crime and punishment, it was sad how happy i was to hear that

The struggle is real

>> No.7812465

>he doesn't practice an ascetic, hermit-like lifestyle devoid of contact with the opposite sex

greetings philistine

>> No.7812878

The 'ascetic, hermit-like lifestyle devoid of contact with the opposite sex' usually involves a lot of masturbation.

>> No.7813890


o, lord. had a good kek.

desu tho woodbang gf


also, this

>> No.7813899

Don't trashtalk them Billies desu, can't see the particleboard when it's up against the wall afterall.

>> No.7813904

the shelves are made from it, retard. they are such shit they bend over time because they can't hold any weight.

>> No.7813922


Why'd you censor her face this time?

I think I even had the last one saved but I deleted it in a sanitizing purge a while ago.


Please talk to her. Just comment on what she's reading, it's perfectly innocent. What we do in life echoes for eternity.

>> No.7813940

I want to see more pics of her

>> No.7813955

>he can't control his animalistic desire to jerk himself off


>> No.7813961

I do not have friends, largely because I dropped out of school at 13. While I did attend university for a year at age 20, I made few acquaintances, and none of them survived my subsequent 9-month commitment at a psychiatric hospital.

I know very few people outside of my immediate family, and have a very limited pool of people I know who could feasibly be into reading.

>> No.7813962

are you NEET?

>> No.7813976

I have to be. In a bizarre twist of fate, the thing I was institutionalised for was not mental illness, but epilepsy with seizure activity that can be observed on an EEG. I underwent 36 hours of monitoring, once, and had 120 seizures during that period.

I am too epileptic to drive, cross a road by myself, swim, or ride a bicycle. I cannot realistically work.

I have, unfortunately, already tried 8 different medications. The word for this type of epilepsy is refractory, or intractable. Either way, I'm fucked.

I haven't had a seizure-free day since April last year. Sometimes I can go a whole month without, but mostly I seize every day.

It was weird that they thought I was crazy, though.

>> No.7813984

*8 different medications not including benzodiazepines, which also do not work, but which I have had about 5 different varieties of. I tend not to count them, however, because they aren't realistic for long-term use anyway because of tolerance.