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7808422 No.7808422 [Reply] [Original]

Where the Thomas Wolfe folks at? I'm interested in Of Time And The River, is it fine to jump right into that or should I read Look Homeward, Angel first?

>> No.7808442

You should pack up and move to Asheville, best city on earth.

>> No.7808495

I used to post about him here a lot.

I recommend starting with Look Homeward, Angel since it's the first book in chronological order of the life of the character he depicts.

I also recommend his short story collection From Death To Morning. in 2011 I mentioned a story from that collection called "No Door" in a group discussion where the group comprised of some fifteen people plus the professor in charge. Shortly after mentioning it, when the class were talking amongst themselves, a cute half-Turkish girl (who looked white, but had a vaguely Mediterranean look on account her of full red lips, thick black hair and dark brown eyes) beckoned my attention and asked me what the name of the story was that I had mentioned. I repeated the title and she wrote it down in her writing pad. After one of these group discussions had ended in subsequent weeks I was walking towards the exit of the building when she called out my name from behind me and asked, in a casual tone, whether I was walking back to campus and informed me, after I told her that I was, that she would walk with me. Immediately after we had exited the building she took out a laminated flyer from her backpack and handed it to me and briefly told me about a theatrical production in which she was to play a negro housemaid, for which the flyer was an advertisement, and told me, again in a casual tone, that I should come along. Due to my inability to maintain a detached, hardened disposition while in a relatively intimate situation with an individual to whom I am attracted I began to ball up my fists in my jacket pocket and suppress every potential line of conversation supplied by my subconscious. Rather than rely on the sort of instinctive words and humour which are most genuine and thus most likely to make people laugh or be entertained by your frank expression, I instead mumbled a few words about something that really wasn't very funny, to which she replied with what I felt and still feel was an affected enthusiasm, perhaps intended to inform me through her behaviour that she was attracted to me and had been for some time. We crossed the street and while I walked across she half-jogged ahead of me and then, once I had reached the opposite side, apologized for being hyperactive. On our walk to campus we passed a group of people she knew, and my instinct was to keep walking several steps and stand at a distance from them, half-turning and taking a step or two away from her, unsure whether she had forgotten about me and not wanting to humiliate myself by remaining there and having her friends, some of whom looked over towards me as she spoke, to consider me pathetic for being delusional enough to think I had "a chance" with this girl.

>> No.7808525

She then said goodbye to them and returned to me and we walked to campus where her co-actors from the theatre department wore green tshirts with slogans across them in white print and handed out the same flyers I had received earlier. I said goodbye and made my way to the library to return some books. On leaving the library I turned left and walked along a rather narrow sidewalk on my way home. Looking up I saw the girl and two or three of her co-actors walking along the sidewalk towards me, presumably to hand out some flyers inside the library or somewhere else on campus nearby. I am unsure whether she saw me but for whatever reason my instinctive reaction on seeing her was to frown intensely, lower my face to the ground, arch my back into something of a hunchback, and dart along a narrow side-path which allowed me to avoid passing her by. The semester soon ended and I did not have a further opportunity to talk to this girl. In the following year of college she was in another class of mine, though as before I was rather repulsed by the several wristbands she wore from various sponsored events associated with the college. Having no friends at this point, I usually arrived at this class early, took my usual place at the far side of the room, and waited for her to arrive in the hope that she would sit somewhere where I could occasionally look at her, if only to fuel my imagination and the elaborate daydreams I had constructed over numerous weeks in which she and I were the loving protagonists. One class she arrived wearing a white woolen jumper with the sleeves pulled up her wrists a little, and a few semi-curled strands at the back of her dark hair, which she wore up in a "bun", falling onto her pale neck. This was to be the last time I ever saw her, and I regret to this day that I lacked the courage, or enthusiasm, or energy, or mental wellbeing, or confidence to make my affection for her known.

>> No.7808537

what in the hell

>> No.7808563
File: 27 KB, 240x180, WolfeBigPimping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone say Wolfe?

>> No.7808627

not you, grandpa.

>> No.7808636

kill yourself

>> No.7808789
File: 35 KB, 400x333, WolfeSpider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hip with all the kids these days. Anime? I'm on it.