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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 222 KB, 1600x1333, bob dylan can't sing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
780654 No.780654 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate some of you.

You know when I first came to /lit/ the big brother of 4chan. Civilized conversation, clever humor, and productive discourse. That was a long time ago, but over the past few months I can't help but notice this board is turning into a fucking asshole-factory just like the rest of 4chan. You people cruelly attack anyone who has an opinion you don't agree with, you go out of your way to piss people off and create the kind of anon elitism that clearly hasn't worked on any of the other boards. The worst part is that there is hardly any decent intelligent conversations anymore.

I'm not talking about everyone. Some of you oldfags are the backbone of this board. However, you newcomers just talk shit, spread cancer and ruin the board.

Go back where you came from.

>> No.780657

Fuck off, cunt.

>> No.780664

>/insert board here/

Copy-pasta isn't that delicious.

>> No.780670


You fucking idiots are proving his point.

>> No.780674

Dude, this is the reality of the internet. It's not just 4chan. The fact that everyone thinks their opinion, no matter how poorly thought out or how deeply rooted in ignorance, is as valuable as anyone else's coupled with the ability to anonymously fuck with people and generally be a dick without any repercussions is why the initernet is a shit-tier medium for dialogue and meaningful discussion.

>> No.780675

Well, what did you expect? Socratic dioalogues everywhere?

We're still in 4chan.

>> No.780677

Please, can we sit down and have an intelligent discussion about your complaints?

>> No.780679

>Civilized conversation, clever humor, and productive discourse.
You must have gone to a different /lit/ than I did.
The first month was filled with Ayn Rand and bookshelf threads. The only difference now is that the retardation is more spread out instead of being concentrated.
Also, it's been up for 5 months, quit being a faggot.

>> No.780682

Actually, my post was intended to be irony, but I guess you missed the point.

>> No.780687

And metathreads like this don't help anything.
If you want to make it better, make more threads on books you like. Make interesting discussions happen.

>> No.780689
File: 18 KB, 407x405, caat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, irony.

>> No.780694

Dude its summertime, all boards are experiencing a massive influx of underage B& newfags.

Just chill out, this shall pass.

>> No.780696
File: 46 KB, 700x278, imacheerleaderban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Meta threads are meaningless. You want change? MAKE THE CHANGE.

>> No.780700

>implying 4chan isn't filled with underageb& all year

>> No.780697

I totally agree on him on the whole cancer thing.


>> No.780701

This makes no sense...as if the people who browse 4chan only come out in the summer? I really never understood this idea, nor have I seen any actual change due to it being summertime. And I been lurking a while.

>> No.780705

Listen dude. I TOTALLY FUCKING AGREE WITH YOU. SERIOUSLY. That being said, you're wasting your energy preaching. The people who are true to this board can't do anything about the /b/tards on here and /b/tards love the attention you're giving them. just stfu and let it pass, they'll get board and go fuck with /x/ soon enough.

>> No.780713

And mine was to point out the fact that you could substitute OPs dislike of this board with almost any board on 4chan that isn't /b/.
Hell, I see this tired argument posted and re-posted on almost every board I frequent that isn't 2+ years old and it's getting pretty old.
Also, I wish that 4chaners in general woulds stop with the elite oldfags vs. newfags attitude. There are plenty of cool newcommers that stir up old boards with some fresh viewpoints and discussions, and there are always a few oldies that have lodged onto the boards like parasites for the soul purpose of stinking them up.

>> No.780715


Are you trying to be obtuse?

>> No.780717

Disqualifed. I know what you mean bro, but what did you expect? Just talk about higher things and you'll get higher conversation

>> No.780733

I had a picture saved from a while ago.
It was a screencap from one guy from here, and something like 9/10 threads were hidden for one reason or another (eReaders, Homeworks, Ayn Rand, GRRM threads, whatever - he had annotated them accordingly in the picture).

The only remaining thread was on ... Orwell. As much as I like Orwell, come on, let's buck up a bit shall we?

>> No.780743

lol, really?

I must see it

>> No.780751


Trying to find it. I don't think I have it anymore

>> No.780753
File: 296 KB, 738x559, 1273093811425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I tell a lie
I do have it


>> No.780756


>> No.780757

because he has nothing useful to say?

>> No.780759

I bet my life that within the next 10 years dylan will cure aids

>> No.780762

because it's from a music video everyone knows this.