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/lit/ - Literature

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7803260 No.7803260 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ thinks of this piece of literature?

>> No.7803293

Probably the most doctored book of all time. You're better off reading David Irving's stuff.

>> No.7803296 [DELETED] 


Why is that roastie reading it?

>> No.7803301

Rniggerk get the fuck out

>> No.7803312

Business student 2nd year,apparently this is pretty popular among them.They read it for motivation somehow.

>> No.7803319

I bet she smells like curry and diarrhoea

>> No.7803328
File: 8 KB, 198x225, 12249613_10206367030712091_3003184757457653226_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stereotyping shitskins
>In 2016

>> No.7803337

Memes aside,is it really that bad anon?How well written it is?

>> No.7803347

at least they are aryan shitskins

>> No.7803360
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Pick one, m'negro.

>> No.7803375

Apparently this is a best seller In india.

>> No.7803382

>this piece of literature

>> No.7803741

Why does the platform have "women" on it? Is it some women only train car?

>> No.7803860
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>> No.7803910
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It's not a work of genius, but Hitler's life is almost a work of art in and of itself.

Hitler was extremely well read in the works of occultists like Blavatsky, and other Hermetic/Perennial philosophers. He read the epic Hindu myths and much of his beliefs are steeped in Hinduism. This religion was, for much of its history, a living National Socialism with a rigid racial caste system. Some writers like Savitri Devi believed Hitler was the human form of Vishnu. Hitler was a vegetarian and poured much money into environmental conservationism and animal welfare.

After Darwin, many people drifted into occult studies. Even the royal academy in London had top scientists studying ghosts and the supernatural. In his down and out days, Hitler would read Ostara in his homeless shelter. Even meeting the publisher in the 20s. There were countless occult societies around Germany in the 1920s, the NSDAP was originally an offshoot of one.

There were Indian axis supporters in WW2 and in East Asia, Hitler is seen as some as a religious figure.

Mein Kampf is not to be read as some curiosity, or more amusingly "a look into the mind of a psychopath". Hitler was a very intelligent, gentle man and Mein Kampf ought to be read as the culmination of the preceding 40 years in occultism. Hitler moving these ideas into action, rising out of the restless underground. Hitler did not hate the Jews because they Jew, or for pragmatic reasons "scapegoating" etc. He hated the Jews because the struggle of Aryan man was against lesser races like the Jews. This was an extension of a cosmic dialectic between light and dark.

Hitler will be remembered as a tragic hero. When the propaganda and the "oh wasn't he an evil man", "two world wars one world cup" attitude fades away people will look more deeply at Hitler and see how interesting he was.

This is what those largely unaffected by Nazism already do in countries where Jews do not run their media and news.

>> No.7803985

it sells well in muslim countries too

you're a loony

>> No.7803990

/x/ pls go.

>> No.7804095


>> No.7804457

Doctored? How so? Genuinely interested.

>> No.7804548


>you're a loony

Idk I found that post pretty fascinating, and I'm not even white.

>> No.7804555

N-not sure if shitpost or not, enlighten pls

>> No.7804664
File: 161 KB, 378x568, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a loony
I'm not claiming that magic is real, I'm explaining that Hitler was read in the occult and when you read the material that inspired him the "le twisted psychopath" meme collapses. It was also a response to the question of why so many people in India and Asia "like" Hitler. Hitler read Hindu texts and was aware of perennial and esoteric philosophers of his time.

Read the Secret Doctrine, Guido von List, and maybe Devi and Serrano if you want.

I would start with Anderson's "Hitler and the Occult" and maybe dip into the original texts at your leisure. Also read about Dietrich Eckart.

Hitler was an occultist. He attended seances, tarot readings, and paid attention to astrology. In WW1 he claimed to hear voices guiding him. When you understand how deeply he read about mysticism and the occult, Mein Kampf becomes a (somewhat hamfisted) attempt to bring together all of these disparate influences into a spiritual text. The execution is lacking but none can deny his vision which is clear when you actually read his spiritual influences.

People always argue over whether he was atheist or Christian, he disliked both.

Here is some poetry of the young Hitler http://ww1poetry.weebly.com/in-a-thicket-of-the-forest-at-artois.html

He was a gentle soul, an artist and poet. Mien Kampf is not psychopathic ranting, it becomes clear when you understand what he was attempting to articulate.

>> No.7804686

you may find this lecture interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiZ7W4X9JCM

>> No.7804713

>I'm explaining that Hitler was read in the occult

Nobody would deny that Hitler was well read. The book "Hitler's Private Library" by Timothy Ryback talks about his obsessions with the occult and the marginalia found in his surviving books.

>and when you read the material that inspired him the "le twisted psychopath" meme collapses.

People are not defined by their libraries. People don't call Hitler twisted because he read Don Quixote, for example; they call him twisted because of, well, all the other stuff he said and did.

>It was also a response to the question of why so many people in India and Asia "like" Hitler.

Mainly because of the stuff about Jews. A lot of which you seem to support.
For example, many people in Muslim countries are still taught that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which is directly cited in Mein Kampf, is a work of truth, rather than a piece of hack fiction plagiarised from a disregarded novel.

>Hitler read Hindu texts and was aware of perennial and esoteric philosophers of his time.

He also read a lot of Roman Catholicism and most of his beliefs were still based in or around Catholicism.

You're still a loony

>> No.7805117

When I was last in Tokyo I noticed a lot of women only train cars. Apparently it's so they don't get groped by men in suits or some shit.

>> No.7805168

a "nazi" friend of mine read it and told me that it has cool ideas but hitler was an idiot like a writer

>> No.7805652

lmao, young hitler looked kind of like young stephen fry