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/lit/ - Literature

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7800261 No.7800261 [Reply] [Original]

Reading group for pic?
I've just started and would really like a cohort to bounce ideas / questions off; I don't want to have that nagging sense that I'm missing things. It shall be fun.

> we read 30 pages a day
> post thoughts and questions on here

? yeah ?

>> No.7800267

>30 pages a day of ulysses
>on /lit/

son i appreciate your enthusiasm but i don't think you quite understand just how little this board actually reads

>> No.7800272

how about Harry Potter?

>> No.7800281

And this anon just confirmed
This anon

>> No.7800315

Ha, to be fair I've read about 3 pages in 20 minutes because I've spent a good deal of time looking up words like "Junket" and "Dewsilky".

Surely there are some Anons willing to commit to 15-20 pages?

> Every Anon that joins in strikes a blow against the Reddit faction

>> No.7800393

I'm currently about 200 pages in so I'm too far along for you guys, but go for it!
Try to make a schema, say 20-30 pages a day (although you're going to lose a lot of people on Proteus), maybe point to some secondary resources and see if there's enough interest. The IJ and GR threads seemed to have enough to keep it going.

>> No.7800407

only book in the meme trilogy i don't own

ironically I took a look at r/books and there was a thread about finnegans wake and holy shit reddit is awful. "i-it's just gibberish" "Joyce is a hack, go read Vonnegut instead"

holy fuck

>> No.7800418

I finished it today. It was ok but a huge struggle to get through. Granted it was my first time reading it and just jumped in without reading the necessary prerequisites.

>> No.7801140

How did you find it, I'm doing the same; there's some stuff relating to Catholicism that goes straight over my head and my mum just told me to "not worry about it" and that that's just "Joyce having a go" I feel like it would be better if I read around it?

>> No.7801156

just charge through it your first time and dont worry about the things you dont get. knowing there's so much left uncovered is motivation for a second and more prepared reading

>> No.7801214

This. Reading groups have already been attempted DOA, not once, but twice this year. Most of /lit/'s crowd worth mentioning have already read Ulysses, and you won't attract much support from the pseuds (most of /lit/, who again, do not read), who'd rather stalk the thread rather than contribute.

>> No.7801217

I'm absolutely down for this, I just started reading Ulysses the other day and I'm about 70 pages in now and loving it.

My one note would be that 30 pages is probably too much, I tend to read a chapter with endnotes then re-read passages I really enjoyed and then I'll look up any analyses I can find. I just don't see myself being able to keep up that kind of pace for 30 pages a day.

That being said, I do have a little bit of a head start already so if people want to do this I'll participate as much as I can.

I really want to get the most out of this amazing book.

>> No.7801238



If this thread had 60 enthusiastic responses, that means there'd be about 5 actual participants.

Yet it only has 11 responses in the last 4 hours. Sorry to say, but there won't be a thread. Just nom it on your own, and g'luck.

>> No.7801265

Let's read something random like the Devils Notebook by LaVey. Fuck Ulysses, I hate that book.

>> No.7801270
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Sadly, we tried this very recently, and though I finished it on my own and would like to rereread it, people won't show up.
My advice, if you were ardent, would be to have a weekly thread, maybe on a Wednesday, the same time every time. Each week's reading assignment. is fifty-eighty pages.
Even if it is just you and I, and you have the excitement I do, we will keep a thread going.

>> No.7801299

>Even if it is just you and I
More like you and I, and the 50 leeching pseuds who will use your insights for their mediocre university essays.

>> No.7801300

Ok guys we have ourselves a group (I hope). I'm twenty pages in and will read a bit more and post my thoughts and questions tomorrow. Be good to share resources and such I just though, I did some goggling earlier but didn't find anything great.

>> No.7801306


>> No.7801309

Last group had more members and it fell flat on the floor.

You have a band of spineless shitheads (most who actually read Ulysses don't really discuss it much, and certainly not on 4chan), don't expect much.

>> No.7801695

It might be better to do chapter discussions rather than discussions based on page numbers

>> No.7801730

Sure I'll try. Let me get a copy

>> No.7801778

What's the best edition of Ulysses to buy?
Why are the chapters formatted weirdly in the Oxford University Press edition?

Would I be ok with the vintage edition?

>> No.7802348
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I have the Oxford world classics edition and in my opinion it both looks the nicest and is the best in content. The endnotes are amazing and for every chapter it gives you the corresponding parts in the Odyssey and a chapter summary. I've been chugging along great with this edition so far without a supplementary book and I'm loving it.

Oh and there's a map I'm the front which helps with the visualization of it all.

>> No.7802367

Don't forget it's also the only quality book in the meme trilogy ;)

>> No.7802370

OP I'd be willing. My edition is somewhat shitty but I'd be glad to contribute to these discussion - just outline the timeline you'd like to read it on.

>> No.7802640

get the gabler or texts based off that 196x text, dont get fooled into thinking the 1922 text is the best.

>> No.7802713

>God fucked Ulysses in what might have been his ass