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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.17 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20160307_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7785981 No.7785981 [Reply] [Original]

No thread in catalog.

pic related is mine. Yes; I bought the meme book. I hope it is good.

So far I've read Mao II and All the Pretty Horses

Post 'em!

>> No.7785983

but how much did you pay for all them

>> No.7785986

>Yes; I bought the meme book

you mean, meme books

>> No.7785992
File: 1.05 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All on the discount shelf, 50% off.

>> No.7785995


I bought them in several orders. Whenever I order books, I usually average about 70-80 DKK (Danish Krone) per book. I think this lot was a bit more expensive, though.

So I would guess about 1600-2000 DKK, which is about 250-300 USD.

I order this quantity once every 2 or 3 months.

>> No.7786001

nice taste m8

ah I see. I will be posting some of my latest haul soon and be blowin' yr cost outta the water

>> No.7786010

They put some pretty good stuff on the discount shelf. Of course you have to dig through a mountain of shit, but it makes it exciting.

>> No.7786015

Always nice to see Kierkegaard.

>> No.7786020
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There's a place near me that is open every weekend that exclusively sells 1 dollar books, no matter what the condition. A lot of people go and grab up on the Harry Potter, Stephen King, etc, meanwhile leaving me goodies like this for a buck

Not pictured are some other grabs I've already filed into my bookshelves like The Savage Detectives

>> No.7786050


Problem is I want to read in english, not many english books to fetch at a danish library. But I like having a personal collection/library anyway, so I don't mind paying.

>> No.7786160
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Euripides is so much better than Sophocles or Aeschylus.

>> No.7786174

>The Tunnel
You, my friend, have made a good choice--it's great.

>> No.7786192

Telling it like it is.

>> No.7786214

maybe you should invest in a camera instead of books

>> No.7786233

200-300$ American?

Are you fucking retarded.

>> No.7786238

What site did you order from?

>> No.7786252

holy fuck stop wasting so much money. go second hand. go one book at a time. i hate lit sometimes (all the time).

>> No.7786272


"go second hand"

I read in English, I live in Denmark. How the fuck am I going to get Moliere or Gass in english?

>> No.7786288

book depository

>> No.7786307

you could say that to literally everyone itt since libraries exist and buying books is a waste of money

>> No.7786680

this may be the best I've seen on here. gj buddy. read it.

>> No.7786688

Mason & Dixon for $1? Nice grab, anon.

>> No.7786694

absolutely supreme numbers

>> No.7786697

That's about $20 a book.

>> No.7786699

I don't care. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.7786721

I haven't been to a bookstore in forever. I just end up downloading whatever I want to read. I want physical copies but am too lazy.

>> No.7786724

op services other men with his lips

this thread is gay as fuck

>> No.7786733

If you buy second hand, why buy one at a time?

If I buy second hand I always buy lots of books. My library has sales where genre and classic paperbacks are a quarter. I can't pass that up.

The only time I buy a single book at a time is when it's a brand new release.

>> No.7786737

This isn't op's thread. This is our thread. Fuck off.

>> No.7786779
File: 963 KB, 779x583, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the books i have with me at school. the non-fiction is just reference material, the fiction is all stuff I'm currently working through.

my man

>> No.7786884
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>> No.7786940
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2666 was a birthday gift I got for myself, and all the others I bought in february for less than a dollar each

>> No.7786957

amazing digits again sir!

>> No.7787082

>nice taste m8
The worst post on /lit/ atm

>> No.7787086

b-but Sophocles is GOAT
I need to check out Euripides I guess

>> No.7787161

To try this hard on an anonymous board, how embarrassing

>> No.7787216
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Just got these at a charity thing and paid $5 for each.
Been wanting to read Benjamin Franklin and AILD for a while.
No idea if the sql book is any good but I figured it might be a decent resource.

>> No.7787263

As I Lay Dying is great and Norton Critical Editions have such sick resources. Nice grab

>> No.7788130


Thank you

>> No.7788194

I'm not the one who automatically assumes anything by NYRB or Gass is good
Get some taste

>> No.7788195
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These two came in the mail today. Pretty excited to read The Brothers Karamazov. Crime and Punishment was my first Dostoevsky and I loved it.

>> No.7788196

Ben's autobiography is great
Same with AILD
Nice picks

>> No.7788244

These books look so fancy

>> No.7788255

Shots fired senpai bangbangbang

>> No.7788260

1 Henry IV is tiiiiiiight read that next

>> No.7788264

I agreed with you until i read Oedipus at Colonus

>> No.7788274

How do I balance pirating on my ereader and buying physical books? I'm thinking of using it to just read pleb shit like fantasy and buying real books, but then I'm unsure if I will like a book, read it on my ereader and then I don't want to purchase a book I've already read

the struggle

>> No.7788337

I know this feel.

I have a list of books that I've read on my ereader that I buy if I ever see them at a thrift store/goodwill.

>> No.7788344


I havn't read many plays, so I think I am going to go on a play spree. Shakespeare --> Beckett --> Moliere I think.

>> No.7788352

I have the same problem. After years Ive come up with this solution: I mostly buy rare or really good academic books (critical ed. And annotated translations) and books with illustrations. Otherwise, if I buy all the novels that I read, even the top tier ones, I'd be broke.

>> No.7788467

You do realise you can read that autobiography for free, online, in a lunch break?

>> No.7788474

Anything by nyrb IS good though. Show me one bad book they publish.

>> No.7788509

Which one is the meme book ? In Search of Lost Time ? One Hundred Years of Solitude ? Also, what is that green book ?

As for myself, I've been enjoying my recently acquired first edition of The Poetical Works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, and Collins.

>> No.7788543

>c.1870 edition of William Cowper's complete works, all intact, gold gilt pages, for only $1
Thrift shops are wonderful things.

>> No.7788552
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>> No.7788561

Meme book: The Tunnel, Gass
Somebody keeps posting it here, basically the new meme book.

Green book: Waiting for Godot, Beckett.

>> No.7788588
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Everything except for the Walsers I found at my local bookstores. I generally make a full round every month.

Which cover of Mao II is that? I have the standard Penguin orange spine.

>> No.7788589

Oh, OK. When I think of meme books the only ones that come to mind are Infinite Jest and House of Leaves.

>> No.7788593

How is Walser? Looks really interesting.

>> No.7788595
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This one from penguin

>> No.7788601

I mentioned it before, in passing, that he reminds me a lot of Felisberto Hernandez. He has a kind of amazed, awestruck joie de vivre which doesn't shy away from the morbid or melancholic, with flights of fancy that border on the surreal. He's great, is what I'm trying to say.

>> No.7788603

Mattia Pascal is shit and I have no interest in Twain, but the rest is GOAT, good hoard

>> No.7788621
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damn son those weren't even buzzwords

>> No.7788657

>Mattia Pascal is shit
I was so excited when I found it in my library's bookstore just based on the synopsis, that's too bad. Still gonna read it, though.

>I have no interest in Twain
I remember I said the same thing back in university to another lit major, but I've recently been on a big American kick. I'm at the tail end of Hawthorne's Tales and Sketches, I've read and reread Melville's narrative stuff and I'm gearing up to tackle Faulkner's Snopes trilogy. I heard Twain's funny, so I thought I'd dip into him before making up my mind.

>> No.7788674

Yeah, it's a problem / prejudice I have, I feel guys like Hawthorne and Twain (amongst other authors) are too "american" for a foreigner to grasp.

>> No.7788678

Also, to be quite honest, the edition I read is notorious for shit translations, and I haven't read anything else by Pirandello, so, the problem might lie with me

>> No.7788689
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>> No.7788725

I just finished writing up a wall of text explaining why I agree with you on a fundamental level but how there are certain shades of cultural currency which make "very American" authors like Hawthorne and Twain interesting, a distinction from the "great American" writers like Faulkner and Melville which reach a primal, universal level of human understanding and the writers of middling reputation (Henry James) whose cosmopolitan and trans-Atlantic pedigree lend them some weight in the foreign market; but, I'll just shut up and nod my head in agreement.

>> No.7788729


Holy shit, you guys really do buy all the same books just to meme on them.

>> No.7788753
File: 22 KB, 400x300, journey to the west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, just recently bought this meself, no camera right now, so just a stock image.

>> No.7788756

Decent translation, but man is the packaging and design generic

>> No.7788767

oh? these have little illustrations, really thin pages though, you can see the print right through them, but i don't mind that much. they're incredibly small too, would fit in one's pocket.

>> No.7788791

I got them as a gift before, have donated them since.

They're a remarkable achievement, but carry too many bad resonances with the 90s. I mean, come on, did they really use Impact on the spine?

>> No.7788807

kinda like them, they remind me of shelved manga

>> No.7788849
File: 83 KB, 451x802, 20160308_111555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, based Powell's.

>> No.7788865

No there's a difference between a library book and a book you own, just like there's a difference between sensible purchasing and flagrantly burning cash on shit new overpriced shiny covered shit.

>> No.7788871

Because there's rarely any need to buy more than one at a time. You can't read more than one at a time. I don't mean that I don't ever have more than one book on the go, but if I do, they are related and complement each other, and it is not the case that such books are bought together in a single 'haul' from a second hand shop.

>> No.7788890
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>10 eurocoins for the lot.

>> No.7788908

Even if you can't read them at the same time, you can easily read them before your next trip to the store.

I don't leave the house much, so I get a few at a time. Because I know it'll be a week or two before I feel okay about going back.

>> No.7788976

love those covers - where did you order them from and how much did they cost you? particularly the dostoy.

>> No.7789012

>buying books that are completely saturated in the physical universe for a century

>> No.7789019

very nice

>> No.7789037
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That Pessoa was expensive as fuck.

>> No.7789060

You don't want to read that translation anon, and you can't see the cover while reading the book.

>> No.7789092

Haven't read Aeschylus, have we?

>> No.7789102

Where did you get it? it still on print or is used?

>> No.7789105

Butcher's crossing is nice, I really liked it. I thought that maybe Williams is a one-hit wonder with Stoner, but he delivered.

>> No.7789141


oh! i just bought that Chekhov. it's a great translation, and by far the best selection of stories

>> No.7789144

The Bacchae is best play.

>> No.7789145


who reads that honestly

>> No.7789151

How much?

>> No.7789179

That burgers cruising cover looks comfy as fuck

>> No.7789217

seriously? That's one of his worst plays.

>> No.7789336

The Dispossessed
The Master and Margarita

which should I read first guys

>> No.7789346

>The Master and Margarita
I hope it was the Wordsworth Classics edition.

>> No.7789422

430 argentinian pesos.
Emecé is expensive but great and that's the best Spanish translation, hands down.

>> No.7789441

His other book, Augustus, is really good as well. It's a nice nyrb threesome.

>> No.7789793

>not Arden Shakespeare

>> No.7789803

Who's the translator? I read one by Perfecto E. Cuadrado (that's his real name) and thought it was pretty good.

>> No.7789895

The translator is Santiago Kovadloff, and both this one and Cuadrado's are translations of the Richard Zenith edition. Cuadrado is an excellent option. Kavadloff publishes in Argentina. Cuadrado in Spain.

>> No.7789910
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Here's what I've received in March so far. I still have 14 ordered that haven't came in yet, too.

I'd read the Fifty Works of English Literature We Could Do Without in scanned PDF form, was surprised to see it in a bookstore. It seems expensive online; definitely wouldn't have been something I'd pay more than the $4 I did on. Their reasoning is awful, but it's a fun kind of trainwreck read. From a review of it:

>"Their basic error is a glaringly consistent failure to observe the general, commonsense principle sometimes known as psychic (or aesthetic) distance: in order to appreciate or respond to a work of literature, there has to be a gap between the reader's personal needs and prejudices and the work itself. But the authors do not like cruelty, particularly to animals, any form of religion, particularly Catholicism, authoritarianism or the mediaeval past. So Moby Dick is a bad book (cruelty to animals), and The Scarlet Letter (which, with breathtaking ignorance or insensitivity or both, they state is not ironic) is bad because it is - `puritanical' and about human cruelty."

The Little Wisdom Library stuff on top is a cute series, I've read the Zen and Tao ones too. There's not much for text, it's about as lengthy as a Wikipedia article, but the layout and graphics picked aren't halfhearted. They're probably meant as gift books.

The Masterpieces of Art one was actually surprisingly informative, though favored Hiroshige in almost amusing excess. There's very little text to go with the prints, and the introductory material tries to cover way too much historical background vs. providing little art background, but at less than $10 it's worth it for the range of prints, arranged by subject and chronologically. My local Half Price Books has a ton of them from that series, probably going to pick up more later.

The A. C. Scott book is my favorite kind of book. One born of intense love and expertise of a subject (another is Alice in Many Tongues). You can feel how much he cares for Chinese theater in every page, with every illustration. The start of it is also nicely gossipy about the seedy offshoots of the opera, tourists, overseas imitators, etc.

>> No.7789912

Is RSC Complete ok?

>> No.7789918

Tbh I'd stick to individual volumes rather than complete works

>> No.7789929

I'd love to, but I have to buy from Book Depository and individual tomes are way more expensive.

>> No.7789931

May I ask where you buy from? I would suppose it is from an online shop, but I can't seem to find any decent second hand online bookshops.

>> No.7789935
File: 87 KB, 1024x576, KuCd7Pkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all these for one dollar each today. I fucking love Goodwill.

>> No.7790263

decent pickup for $2

>> No.7790268
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forgot pic

>> No.7790271

God damn you made out nice. I was in a trendy hipster book store in the city the other day, saw Oscar Wao for like 35 dollars. Highway Robbery

>> No.7790538

Horrible. It's a matter of finding the right store though. Look for the ones that are targeted at students, they tend to be good and cheap.

>> No.7790565

Is the Vintage Stoner any better than NYRB?

>> No.7790575

You gotta go for the shitty, inner city kind of thrift stores like Goodwill or Savers where they're only interested in quantity not quality. Granted you have to go searching through a lot of shit to find the gems, but seeing as you post on 4chan you should be used to that :^)

>> No.7790631

plz respond ; -;

>> No.7790686

Bought them from bookdepository.

Seven Pillars was $12 I think, and Karamazov was $36. Both are in AUD.

>> No.7791048

see >>7788543 to confirm

>> No.7791061

i got it from ebay for 29 bucks.

>> No.7791071


>> No.7791095


>Norton Critical

I like you anon.

>> No.7791173

thanks for the tip anon, i'll avoid it then

>> No.7791212

>All the Pretty Horse's
I wish this had The Road's public success.

>> No.7791275

damn thats a nice quality photo

>> No.7791641

This is true

t. huge pleb

>> No.7791655

All these posts about ultra cheap good condition books, what the fuck? Where do I go in Europe/Germany for this

>> No.7791671

I approve of your theatre choices anon. Remember though, plays, especially comedies and Beckett, need to be seen to be fully appreciated.

>> No.7791692
File: 1.24 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20160309_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>lit starter pack
just kidding friend. I want to read all the major religious texts. War and Peace and One Hundred Years are great reads.

>Norton Critical Edition
I see you nigga. Also, the overcoat.
What are you studying?

not familiar with any of these titles.

>> No.7791709


What is Das Boot doing there?

>> No.7791768

I love that Chekhov cover

>> No.7791782


duuu du dudu dududu duuuuuu du du du dudu duuuuuu


du du duu dududududuuuuuuuu

maximum velocity

>> No.7791879

As much as I would like to bully you for ordering that much stuff, I'm actually surprised that it all seems to be of high quality and to cover interesting subjects.

>> No.7791887

>dubliners and ulysses but no portrait of the artist as a young man
Please tell me you've read it, anon

>> No.7792135

How's Everyman's The Sound and the Fury?

>> No.7792586
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2ndhand shop, offline, made friends with the smelly owner who only wears sweaters with a minimum of four moth-holes and smokes at least five packs of Gauloises a day so he sells it to me for 1/5th of what he normally charges.
you too.
Just bokehwhoring.
Norton's are lovely.
The Gogol one is quite cool.

>> No.7792596


>> No.7792698
File: 140 KB, 624x611, ss+(2016-03-09+at+02.59.09).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 bucks

>> No.7792752
File: 2.18 MB, 2304x2586, march hauls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are some of the others that came in, plus another bookstore trip for the art books and Just So Stories. These art ones are just as good as the Japanese woodblocks one; so far I like them way better than the Taschen Basic Art series, though I'll need to get one that both series cover to warrant real comparison.

I've been trying not to buy anything I don't see myself reading in the near future, or that I haven't already read. It'd be easy to buy too much otherwise, since I've got some really great bookstores nearby. I kind of broke that with the folklore and poem anthologies though, since I rarely read those cover-to-cover.

Japanese lit, but I try to be interdisciplinary.

>> No.7792773
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>> No.7792784


>> No.7792785

Love some of the books there, but $17 seems kind of expensive for what looks like used copies of those books.

>> No.7792813

Not him but Faulkner's book is expensive.

>> No.7792825
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>> No.7792827

probably.. it was 2 dollars or something if the cover price was 7 and up, 1 dollar if it was 7 and below. The wear doesnt really bother me

>> No.7792836
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>> No.7792854


Meme duo

>> No.7792861


>> No.7793079

You got a problem with Stoner, nigger? Fight me irl fgt.

>> No.7793106

TOOO TUSINDE? Du kunne have kobt et helt bibliotek for de penge, hvis du havde kobt brugt. Desuden ligger alt det sjove i at finde brugt, klassisk litteratur - og så kan det sagtens lade sig gore at finde både danske og engelske klassikere.
>tfw Mason&Dixon til 20 kr, Ulysses til 25

>> No.7793149
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7793196

where is Ulysses ? and Infinite Jest?

>> No.7793202


Against the Day and Wuthering Heights.

I shouldn't have, because my plan is to read a bunch of Russian shit so I won't get to these for months...

>> No.7793315

>Magna Carta

lol why? its not like its even worth reading, let alone owning

>> No.7793321

I ordered Homage to Catalonia. Should be here in a week.

>> No.7793403
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>> No.7793427

If you actually read the book (or any book for that matter) you wouldn't have posted this.

But fuck it. I'll take the bait. What's bad about it?

>> No.7793568

>Algernon Blackwood
How is he ? I'm awaiting the anthology titled The Moons at Your Door, edited by David Tibet, and it contains some of his stuff. I've heard a lot about him, as well as Machen, Stenbock, and M. R. James, so I'm excited to take a look at their writing.

>> No.7793580
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Every time I see that plump green spine I get a little triggered because everyone says it's such a great book but I found it too dull. Sometimes you just can't hide the fact that you're a pleb with no attention span, even from yourself. It was capsguy's favourite book too, I don't know if you remember him.

That Romain Gary book looks really good, have you read any of his other stuff? He seems like he had an interesting life.

>> No.7793631

So do you guys read anything but /lit/core? These threads so typical and boring.

>> No.7793648

Never read him before. Saw him recommended as a better alternative to HPL, so figured I would give him a read.

>> No.7793664

What kind of book hauls do you not find boring, if nothing in this thread fits the bill for you?

>> No.7793680

Incredibly boring and flat characters aside from Lomax

>> No.7793728


Don't make me quote the motherfucker. The dialogue alone is great let alone the prose.

>> No.7793736

Hold on am I being meme'd. Lomax is the least interesting character in the book while most every other character is rather interesting.

>> No.7794314

you could then say why go library when you could go ereader and save the time and the money.

>> No.7794474

Yeah, us Eurocucks never seem to get good deals secondhand. I see Americans always posting on here about getting 5 books for a dollar, high quality record players for 20 bucks and fucking shotguns and the like for a tenner. Really jealous of their second hand game. I consider £3 a good price for a second hand book, I would die happy if I only had to pay a dollar.

>> No.7794503

I'm sure someone pointed this out already but congratulations on picking up the shittest edition of McCarthy out there

>> No.7794781
File: 168 KB, 1000x667, _DSC1778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this one recently, it's breddy sweet. It's only ~180 pages without appendices, so it doesn't go into much detail, but the breadth is fine. If you have some background in diff geom, you shouldn't have any problems at all.

>> No.7794943

Thinking of picking up mccarthy's border trilogy is it any good?

>> No.7794948

Stoner > Augustus > Butcher

>> No.7794954

Buy books to look smart and to brag about. Read everything else on your e-reader

>> No.7795624


burn it

>> No.7795870

Moby dick
Notes from underground
Catch 22
Heart of Darkness

From some used online book store, 35$ total

>> No.7795964
File: 3.57 MB, 4128x3096, IMG_20160310_182600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the past 3 weeks I've been spending all my money on these, I am now hungry and sober.
I previously owned Personae The ABC of reading and Kulchur

>> No.7795989

how familiar are you with pound/how experienced with pound were you before getting all of this? why focusing on pound so much?

rec me a good edition of the cantos and possibly a good companion book?

>> No.7796007

A bunch of Strinberg books: Svenska öden och äventyr, Hemsöborna, Skärlkarlsliv, Giftas, Det nya riket, Sagor, Ensam, Tjänstekvinnans son, Röda Rummet, Fröken Julie och andra skådespel.

>> No.7796014


>> No.7796031
File: 81 KB, 960x599, pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a half-second I thought you were a friend of mine. He's been getting a lot of Pound the last few weeks too, and posted this picture a week or two back.

>> No.7796120

I owned 3 of his books previously, Personae was the first poetry book that I bought, then I bought ABC of Reading, which is more of a long essay on how to write/critique poetry.
After I read Ullyses I got into the background of it and how if not for Pound it might not have been published and Joyce could have remained unknown,thats basically where my interest comes from
As far as his cantos go I am only in the process of finding out myself. The annotated index is very helpful, I started with the Pisan cantos because thats the most acclaimed/interesting section but might just go back and start from I

The selected cantos (new directions not faber and faber) and George Kearns Guide to Ezra Pound Selected Cantos is probably a good start too but compared to the annotated index it's a bit intrusive on the actual poem.

The selected cantos has plenty of content, enough of the cantos for most people and Pound selected them all himself so I'd just recommend that or the Pisan cantos.

>> No.7796132

Shut up, meme spouting retard

>> No.7796161

>a good companion book?
Not that other guy, but there are a two-part University of California companion and a Cambridge companion on KAT. Or that's where I think I found them. I'll be seeding for a couple of hours, if you're interested.

>> No.7796216


Excellent choice for your field of study. Who would you recommend from Japan? I find their culture, both literature and music, hard to get into.

>> No.7796237
File: 2.43 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do /lit/?

>> No.7796253

thanks senpai

have you read them/are they any good? i prefer physical books and if they're good i can try to hunt them down. cheers for the offer.

>> No.7796300

I can't judge (yet) which one is better. But the two-volume set strongly resembles Gifford's 'Ulysses Annotated': they explain references, and do so well, but they will not interpret. Try reading a canto's worth of notes to see if they're up your alley. Because finding them might be a bit tricky, I fear.

>> No.7796336
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Np, I'd also recommend to start with his essays first and personae and his translations. He was brilliant when he wasn't talking about the economy and duh joos.
Leave the cantos for very last, or just ignore them altogether, some can be very arduous and can be sometimes maddening to turn a page and see this.

>> No.7796830

I just sold a bunch of books and got

a used copy of Ulysses (can't find my old one and I'm re-reading it with some friends)
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Lilith's Brood

>> No.7797185
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Pleb picks anon

>> No.7797453
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this for 1.50$ each.

>> No.7797829

Nice De Quincey!

>> No.7798646
File: 2.53 MB, 3264x2448, 20160311_134258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7799134

You're literally a fucking idiot; get the fuck off this board now. I don't want to see you on here again you anime shit. "I found it too dull": you're a fucking pleb, it's such a fucking easy book, and you, the lonely fucking idiot, found it "dull". Fuck off.

>> No.7799138

>breddy sweet
>It's only ~180 pages
>diff geom

>> No.7799143


>> No.7799196

please leave


>> No.7799327
File: 29 KB, 499x500, 1349372807057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourselves you feeble-minded inbred mongrels.

>> No.7799706

if that insta account is yours you've got some dope pics friend

>> No.7799715

You go to ucsc and worship Bruce Thompson

>> No.7799858
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I bought this during the OUP sale a couple of weeks ago, but the fact that it says it has been "adapted" bothers me. Anyone knows exactly how it has been adapted?

>> No.7800357 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20160311_211126410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwwww yiss, rev up those tales.

>> No.7800399

rhode island bro where do you shop?

>> No.7800430

i go to ucsd

>> No.7800749
File: 1.37 MB, 1152x2048, 20160312_104635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a cover that I actually liked, which was nice. Im not a fan of the all text covers that they seem to be doing for McCarthy now.

>> No.7800769
File: 776 KB, 2048x1152, recent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to kill myself, so if anyone wants any of the ones I bought recently from a library book sale or any from my personal library, contact me.
Pic is just a small sample of recent buys.

>> No.7800781

Don't kill yourself
If you do though I would take The Philosophy of History. And is that upside down black book a Melville collection?

>> No.7802350
File: 2.13 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*trigger warning; the pic is tilted, I just put them back in their place again and dont feel like doing it again*

I only bought a few of these; the dubliners, Illad an Corpus Hermeticum.
the rest belonged to my grandfather

>> No.7802356

oh it wasnt even tilted, top left is a 1921 version of Huckleberry Finn if anyone's wondering.

>> No.7802369

Woah dude looks like your non marxist approved literature triggered some people.

>> No.7802377

Hey anon, where can I contact you at?

>> No.7802389
File: 327 KB, 1000x1531, 51TLyybRlJL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I received this yesterday.

I've been asking myself maybe too profound questions on the roots of lust and such, and the scientific explanations really didnt answer anything. So I'm hoping I'll find some answers in this book. Evola is always good anyway.

>> No.7802394


Of lust without love, that is. I might have found something for attraction+love.