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/lit/ - Literature

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7796046 No.7796046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would /lit/ be better off if the edgy atheist crowd left?

>> No.7796049

stupid meta posters

>> No.7796050


Then there would be no-one left.

>> No.7796058
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au contraire friendo, it is I! Patron Saint of all Christposters.

>> No.7796061

/lit/ would be better off if people stopped trying to be edgy, trying to be edgy defeats the purpose

>> No.7796063

i agree. we need a new sincerity of edginess, where any display of edge comes from within.

>> No.7796065

Why aren't you on /his/ right now?

>> No.7796069

show me one ONE ARGUMENT THAT DISPROVES ATHEISM. Yes? I'm waiting? Oh what THERE IS NONE? Have fun with religion maybe one day you'll grow up and move onto higher pursuits.

>> No.7796077

A true Saint stays whereof he springs, just as water never truly leaves the mountains.

>> No.7796081

Honestly the whole of western civilization needs to take this message to heart wed all be better for it

>> No.7796090
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>> No.7796096

This is why I prefer reddit, you get actual, critical discussions of theology instead of stupid fucking fedora posting.

>> No.7796101

this is one spicy meme friendo

>> No.7796159

>critical discussions of theology
>insults and downvotes

>> No.7796166

What edgy atheist crowd? Ever since /his/ religion arguments are about as nonexistent as your phony god's blessings

>> No.7796172

That's what you get on DebateReligion, comment threads on the Atheism subreddit actually have substance

>> No.7796180

It'd be far better if /pol/ and /r9k/ crossposters went back to their containment boards

>> No.7796185

literally /lit/ is already vulnerable with such a small active userbase, the waves of filth never ends - first the reddit lets make a book! then that one troll persistently shitposting on every single thread, and now we have remnants of those as well as the /r9k/ and /pol/ autists

>> No.7796232

>Implying theism and deism are the same thing
>Implying critical discussions of theology exist

>> No.7796248

>deism or theism are viable theological stances

Burden of proof idiot

>> No.7796265

>atheist """arguments"""

Have you read the argument from design? Literally no counterpoints

>> No.7796282

>no counterpoints

doesn't have a point to begin with, as with all religious arguments lmao

>> No.7796286
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>> No.7796291

nice man back at it again with fedora memes well fuck off



fuck you you fucking cunt I'm sick of your sophistry fuck

>> No.7796297


literally all me

>> No.7796365

well I think maybe all the [r9k] posting might've scared some reddit off our backs. ah well.

>> No.7796406

dumb frogposter

>> No.7796411

Prove that there's nothing after death.

>> No.7796423

You're worse than the atheistposters, the R.L. Stineposters, and the /pol/lacks put together tbqhwy my man.

>> No.7796428

Prove that there's something after death. We can go back and forth like this all day, but I really don't want to. You believe whatever you want, and I'll do the same.

>> No.7796433

Why don't you convert to Hinduism? It makes a lot more sense. If you've read any of the Stoics, you're already halfway there.

>> No.7796439

My question is why you would want to believe that there is nothing after death.

>> No.7796448

GOD is Gayu

>> No.7796474

i remember when /lit/ used to be about books

>> No.7796496


A love pure twice taken was never love at all

>> No.7796501


>> No.7796505
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>> No.7796543

All the leftist atheists here are but clueless Teenagers with Bernie pins, a grocers' list of mental illnesses and a Che T-shirt from hot topic. They don't read literature. The true and most erudite gentlemen scholars have always played for the other side, by which I mean, of course, reaction. As Anons learn about european high culture , they too shall realize the wisdom of our most exalted volkisch forefathers. From Orthodox Monarchist PUAs to race consious anarchocapitalists, we are here and there shall be no stoping us! We shall soon posses the whole realm. Deus Vult!

>> No.7796609

God is omnipotent. Hence, Even if God didn't exist, he would be able to use his powers to make himself real. QED god Exists