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7792328 No.7792328 [Reply] [Original]

>Today there are two sins, pedophilia and smoking, and I don't smoke.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.7792332

Feeling guilty for what you haven't done and having an abiding sense of fear instilled for no real reason.

>> No.7792337

>smearing someone anonymously on the internet by attributing barely-intelligible quotes under their name


>> No.7792350

Hi Slavoj.

>> No.7792378

I like when he explained why the Sound of Music was racist

>> No.7792410

he actually said it, you dumb-ass

>> No.7792419


In all seriousness, he does look like the kind of guy who'd indulge in a little kiddie-fiddling; only to philosophize his way to a clear conscience afterwards.

>> No.7792425

He looks like he should be in GTA IV

>> No.7792428

come on, he looks like a typical eastern european dad

>> No.7792441


>> No.7792618

He supports the death penalty for pedophiles though.

I forget which video he says it in

>> No.7792626

Perverts are more likely support harsh punishments for themselves than normies, in fact.

>> No.7792632

Pedophiles, or child molesters? The latter makes sense, but the former doesn't.

>> No.7792660

can we ban "what did he mean by this?" threads already?

sage and report

>> No.7792691

You know announcing sages and reports is banned, right?

>> No.7792697

you know admonition is banned, right?

>> No.7792721


>Homophobes are more likely to be gay

Look, more insecurity-signalling!

Doesn't get it dull declaring every disagreement as being rooted in some sort of insecurity?

>> No.7792754

You think I'm just making shit up?
>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

>> No.7792763


>> No.7792778


>> No.7792796
File: 990 KB, 500x500, 1446686370554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your'r're so easy

>> No.7792923

That he's out of bubblegum.

>> No.7793024

He is saying that the only two behaviors which are still deemed offensive and corrupting in modern society are pedophilia and smoking. Also he's sexually aroused by minors.

>> No.7793039

By the way, smokers are cancer, can't even walk in the streets without breathing their garbage smoke. Sometimes I understand why the mass shootings happen.

>> No.7793051


This is why I subtly blow my smoke in people's faces.

>> No.7793080

Stop mixing your dreams with reality.
It doesn't change anything, even if you were 10 meters ahead it's the same shit.
Smoking in public, or in a place that can't guarantee air cleaning, should be a crime passable of conviction.

>> No.7793087


*lights up a cigarette*

Easy compadré...

*teleports behind you, and whispers in your ear*

It's not so bad, wanna try?

*drag on my cigarette as I walk in front of you, removing it from between my lips with my thumb and index finger, before blowing a steady cloud of smoke all over your face*

>> No.7793104

Nigga I was smoking at 14, when you weren't even born. My roommate was a druggie who smoked a joint first thing in the morning. In the fucking room. I lived a whole year like this. I don't need to "try it".

>> No.7793108

*unsheaths katana*
*teleports behind you*
tch, nothin personel kid

>> No.7793248
File: 1.59 MB, 940x1640, Kant_foto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The form of your posts are shit. The content of your posts are also shit. Stop posting loser.

>> No.7793266

He also says that he supports death penalty in theory but not in practice. He repeats this shit all the time.

>> No.7793282

ooh he smoked first thing in the morning. wow, what a crazy roommate you had there.

>> No.7793296
File: 222 KB, 846x212, Not the first time you've described your life in the way of John Rambo's life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will somebody please link the actual video because he definitely does not stop at "I don't smoke," iirc he's setting himself up for an explanation

dumbest fucking thread in a long time, congrats everyone

>> No.7793302

eh i've seen worse

>> No.7793347
File: 21 KB, 231x363, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking truth

>> No.7793375

This isn't like bubblegum.
He just doesn't smoke.

>> No.7793863

He is baiting you into believing he is a pedophile, yet there is no evidence he is actually a pedophile for, while he didn't deny being a pedophile like he denied being a smoker, he also didn't confirm it, yet you'll assume so. It's a very deep and complex sentence.

>> No.7794046


>> No.7794397

I came here... to escape ideology...

>> No.7794576

You're killing a good meme by overusing it

>> No.7794579

Its a pretty old meme

>> No.7794587

Is that new? And what about that:

>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.

>> No.7795001

4chan's policies are absolute shit-tier and the moderators are retarded.