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/lit/ - Literature

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7787584 No.7787584 [Reply] [Original]

i love you guys

post your favorite book ITT

>> No.7787590

The Martian.

>> No.7787625

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.7787642

Moby-Dick; or, The Whale

>> No.7787736


>> No.7787913


>> No.7787917

well, which one is it?

>> No.7787922


>> No.7787923

nice hyphen my friend, that's how i know you're not just a poser

>> No.7787926

The Quran.

>> No.7787941

>tfw u want read a bunch of books at once

>> No.7788148

I read Alice in Wonderland almost biannually, so probably that.

>> No.7788151
File: 26 KB, 220x335, The_Tunnel(pic).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tunnel, of course.

>> No.7788157

I think you mean semianually.

>> No.7788162 [DELETED] 


>> No.7788431

gtfo gassposters. The tunnel is a pile of shit.

>> No.7788434

is it? why? not the same anon. i've been leery about Gass. I checked the first page via Amazon, and i read "Tampax". I'm not so sure after that.

>> No.7788444

It's nonsensical drivel, you'd be better off reading something actually worth your time.

>> No.7788476

No, I wait twice a year to read it.

>> No.7788482

the little prince

>> No.7788483

Grapes of Wrath

>> No.7788487

Infinite Jest

>> No.7788489

I bought it last week. It's shit, a device of cultural terrorism that assumes the maturity, in style and spirit, of a edgy college sophomore.

>> No.7788493

like mcelroy? or hawkes?

>> No.7788496

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.7788500

None of that is true, you sillybilly. Please read/understand a novel before you post about it.
It's beautifully written and filled with enough content to keep you scratching your head forever. If anyone ever says it is meaningless or nonsensical, immediately disregard their opinion, as almost every word in The Tunnel was deliberately placed where it was for a specific reason. Here is a section that Michael Silverblatt posted in his review:
"Ponderous aunts and uncles, uncles lean as withered beans, aunts pale as piecrust, grandmapas with rheum and gout, cousins shrill as sirens, sounding themselves through the house like warnings of death from the air (later in London, I heard them often), cousins who scratched you under the table, all agloat cousins who told on other cousins, cousins who scooped up fistfuls of mashed potato and let it slime over their wrists; aunts who wore hats in the house, aunts who starched and ironed linens, aunts who stirred pots, flagellated rugs, opened doors for dogs, swatted flies, and reminisced fondly of death and diseases as if they were high school dances, former flames; uncles and great-uncles who, like the hoppers, spat long brown jets of chewing tobacco across the railings while they rocked; nieces and nephews, a few of those too, who peed in their pants, threw up, bawled, and beat you on the shins and ankles with alphabet blocks; relatives at every conceivable remove, but not removed, each noisily present. . . ."

>> No.7788505


looks shit

>> No.7788510


>> No.7788527

thanks anon, though, i must say, that looks absolutely horrible. I would never read anything like that. Ever. It looks like an immense waste of time, really.

>> No.7788640

No, because, just like Gass, they're great.
That's the point, dummie. You are supposed to hate Kohler. Also, how about you finish it before you talk shit about it.
You guys are boring human beings.

>> No.7788666

The Stranger

>> No.7788671

Blood Meridian

(but keep in mind that I only got back into reading last year)

>> No.7788681

Lolita or Revolutionary Road.

>> No.7788726

why am i boring? because i don't want to read something horrible? okay then.

>> No.7788737

Journey to The West

>> No.7788741


well you already proved you have shit judgment, so think what'd you like...

>> No.7788743
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cosmopolis doesn't get enough love

>> No.7788744

>Revolutionary Road
Great book, very underrated. I haven't seen the movie, so I can't really talk about it much.

>> No.7788747

hey, have you read outlaws of the marsh yet?

>> No.7788759

Crime and Punishment

>> No.7788762

Not yet, but I am going too .

>> No.7788777

Anna Kerenina

>> No.7789265

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.7789279

East of Eden

>> No.7789282

Is the movie any good?

>> No.7789284

the obscene bird of night by jose donoso

>> No.7789449


>> No.7789722

yh also one of my favourites, very misunderstood tho

>> No.7789801
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>> No.7789867
File: 191 KB, 640x360, don-cherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don cherry is still alive


>> No.7789874
File: 49 KB, 250x427, VALIS(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you say love?

>> No.7790002

Alive and kicking. Still rambling about good old canadian boys with heart on a weekly basis. He looks great for his age too. The death of Don Cherry will be sadder than the death of Wayne Gretzky in the hockey world.

>> No.7790015

Either The Sound and the Fury or Lolita.

>> No.7790039

Redwall was the first book that I read that wasn't one of those beginners books like Magic Tree House and it will always be special to me.

>> No.7790054
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LOTR, unironically.

An Unexpected Party is still the comfiest chapter of any book ever written.

>> No.7790063

that's because it isn't good

>> No.7790097

Biannually works too anon.

>> No.7790362

Thank you. Gonna watch it. Love Cronenberg anyway.

>> No.7790386
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I love you too anon.
My favorite novel is Franny & Zooey

>> No.7790402

Is this high literature?
Do I need to read something else to get it?

How smart to do I have to be into Gass ?

>> No.7790417
File: 10 KB, 173x292, HOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw the best novel in the english language was written by a filthy pole

>> No.7790427

the power and the glory
cannery row
less than zero

oh, only one.....

>> No.7790434

sarcasm, or actually a solid? i'm gonna do that one soon, but anything over 300 pages kills my motivation unless it's that solid.

>> No.7790447
File: 30 KB, 270x364, favorite book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am just about to read Nostromo. How does Heart of Darkness compare in terms of quality? Might pick it up next.

My favorite book is pic related.

>> No.7790468
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The Stranger.

>> No.7790493
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