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/lit/ - Literature

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7783052 No.7783052 [Reply] [Original]

What the /lit/ equivalent of this chart?

>> No.7783058

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.7783062


>> No.7783063

Bela Tarr, Jonas Mekas. Who are the rest?

>> No.7783266

basically meme trilogy and also Kubrick should be on this

>> No.7783292

basically fuck off back to shit boards fagtron

>> No.7783305

Kant then Schopenhauer.

Bonus: gives you the ability to convince the shit out of everyone
Negatives: you have to read Kant and then Schopenhauer, dying inside

>> No.7783307

greenaway, james benning(i think)

>> No.7783318

how can anyone be bothered by peter greenaway? he's an inoffensive goofball who makes well lit historical dramas

>> No.7783344

he makes snobbishly giant claims that he can't argue for shit for.


Look at this interview or any others and you get the idea that he has no clue what he's talking about.

>> No.7783351

i don't give a fuck how he interviews. bob dylan was a prick in interviews.

go back to /tv/ and stop whining that people like movies you don't.

>> No.7783720

Foster Wallace, Pynchon, Joyce

>> No.7783724

If a 16 y/o is watching Mekas and Tarr and Benning I think their taste is fucking superior. I was watching Fight Club and listening to nu-metal and trying to get girls at school to 'like' me when I was 16.

>> No.7783726

Schoppy can be annoying, but is Kant really that bad? Hes the biggest figure in western philosophy since Aristotle, its hard to just disregard him.

>> No.7784050

Schopenhauer was truely a great philosopher, he was jus left irrelevant by the existentialists.

>> No.7784219

Ozu is the greatest director.

> hurr durr I like Mekas and Tarr

They're crap.

>> No.7784254

Schopenhauer is a great stylist, Kant should have been shot for his writing style if he weren't so brilliant.

>> No.7784416

bob dylan was a pretentious kike

what's wrong with nu metal

>> No.7784421

>what's wrong with nu metal

>> No.7784422

come on, bob dylan is fine

>> No.7784426

This chart will give you better tastes then 99% of the population though

>> No.7784438

>thinking i can tell ugly old white guys apart
saying pynchon, delillio and roth are the best living writers

>> No.7784891

At the beginning of the Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics he basically said:

I could totes write flamboyantly and attractively if I wanted to and y'all bitches would be dripping over my prose, but that wouldn't do justice to what I'm trying to say so get your autism on boys, it's gonna' be a long ride.

>> No.7784902

This is in the Preface of the Cambridge edition thing:

"It is not given to everyone to write so subtlely and yet also so alluringly as
David Hume, or so profoundly and at the same time so elegantly as Moses
12 but I could well have given my presentation popularity
(as I flatter myself) if all I had wanted to do was to sketch a plan and
to commend its execution to others, and had I not taken to heart the
well-being of the science that kept me occupied for so long; for after all it
requires great perseverance and also indeed not a little self-denial to set
aside the enticement of an earlier, favorable reception for the expectation
of an admittedly later, but lasting approval."

>> No.7784921

Agreed. I'm 21 and I don't recognize a single person from that picture.
Usually the 'I'm 16 and my taste is superior' things are filled with pewdiepie and a bunch of other shitty youtubers and memes

>> No.7785019


You must not live in the city then

>> No.7785021


>> No.7785034


Shit, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. Stay pleb then.

>> No.7785052


> Kant should have been shot for his writing style if he weren't so brilliant.

This tbhfaм

>> No.7785071

Kant calls his own writing style out as dry and shit in the Prolegomena
he wrote like that for a reason though

>> No.7785075

Nice anecdote, idk where you guys grew up but I went to John Marshall High in LA and all of my friends knew they wanted to be film majors and loved Fassbinder, Cassavetes, Bergman, etc by 14

>> No.7785495
File: 1.21 MB, 3615x2411, Werner_herzog_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot somebody

>> No.7785516

there's a pretty funny "hack writer starter pack" somewhere out there. i dont have a copy saved but I'd say it's our equivalent

requesting hack writer starter pack picture

>> No.7785529
File: 37 KB, 556x350, Asskantian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wrote like that for a reason though
and we all know what that reason was

>> No.7785956

>ywn be friends with kant

>> No.7785965


>> No.7786008

Nietzsche, Marx, Sartre

>> No.7786021


He's absolutely right in saying stories are for booksshops and if you watch for plot you're a pleb.

Malick and Tarkovsky got it right, there's things in cinema that cannot be done in books, filmmakers should focus on those things instead of making film equivalents of genre fiction

>> No.7786043

How the fuck is Tarantino not in that pic OP?

>> No.7786297

because those are actually good directors. it's just a buttblasted /tv/ user

>> No.7786327

If this were serious it would have Tarantino and low brow shite. The book version would have Vonnegut, Camus and anyone else pushed on r/books.

>> No.7786412

I don't think OP considers those directors hacks so much as they're typical the starting auteur directors that any budding film nerd learns to obsess over before moving on to (hopefully) develop their own tastes.

>> No.7786504


But they're genuinely not. They're genuinely great directors.

>> No.7786841


Is there anything that is safe from being labeled as 'meme', 'entry level', or 'reddit' these days that is remotely well-known? Music, film, or otherwise. I would like just one example.


So did I. I still like them though and I'm 25. Whenever I see charts like this for stuff that is 'entry level' or supposedly 'entry level' (music, film, lit, etc) I always wonder what the creator of the chart is trying to say. Are they implying that they graduated from liking these directors to liking better alternatives? No alternatives are ever provided.


Ozu is my favorite director as well. I had a guy on /tv/ recently tell me that I was 16 and should 'fuck off to reddit' for starting an Ozu thread and that Ozu wasn't even top 5 post-war Japanese directors. I made him list his top 5 and they were literally all anime directors... I'm starting to believe that the creators of these images actually have pleb taste and lash out whenever they lack the patience or intellect to appreciate something.

>> No.7786894

>I'm starting to believe that the creators of these images actually have pleb taste and lash out whenever they lack the patience or intellect to appreciate something

The person who made that specific OP image is a /tv/ pleb and an Inarritu fanboy. It's not meant to be ironic, it's sincere, but nonetheless it's a joke of which you really won't be able to understand the mechanics of unless you spend more time than is necessary browsing the television pleb board

>> No.7786955
File: 78 KB, 399x240, 1456555271282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't read for plot, action is portrayed more efficiently through visuals! film is for something else, go read a book if you want plot!
>you can't watch for plot, story is portrayed more efficiently through language! literature is for something else, go watch a movte if you want plot!

>> No.7786971

>good directors
>bela tarr
pick uno

>> No.7786973


Nobody really gives two shits about Benning.

Not even in the most pretentious film schools.

>> No.7786977


tv is literally the worst board to discuss film.

>> No.7786981

What's wrong with Tarr?

>> No.7786984
File: 38 KB, 585x420, andres-riendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>malick got it right

>> No.7786989

James Joyce, Vladimir Nabokov, Thomas Pynchon, William Faulkner, and Walt Whitman

>> No.7786995


Im sorry, I meant Michael Bay.

That aside, Tarr has about two good films, right¿

>> No.7786998

>what's wrong with nu metal

>> No.7787001

>hating Greenaway

er what?

>> No.7787007


I know.

It was cool to hate him back in the 90s, but in 2016?

>> No.7787010

What do you fail to see? Narrative is the lowest form of any art.

>> No.7787011

I love some of Greenaway's films but that interview video is horrific, I can't tell if he's just trolling or he's serious

>> No.7787017

Eschewing narrative doesn't necessitate turning cinema into a videogame / DJ experience, which is what Greenaway seems to be trying to do in the interview

>"what the fuck are you doing sitting the dark, man is not a nocturnal creature"
>"the remote control was the death of cinema, so let's accelerate the decomposition of the rotting body by turning cinema into an interactive text adventure"

Is he just meming or what

>> No.7787020


>> No.7787021

What have you read of his?

>> No.7787022

I don't care who Greenaway is or what he has to say. I'm addressing the pleb condition.

>> No.7787026

At 16?
The Stranger
Clockwork Orange
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Less Than Zero
Fight Club

>> No.7787028

film is no longer cutting edge is what he means, and he wants to create art for the modern viewer who was raised on choice driven TV who watched from comfort of their own homes instead of sitting in a big dark room. he is abandoning conventional film

>> No.7787031

Which vid is this? Greenaway is a sublime bullshitter in interviews. You can see the mischief in his eyes.

>> No.7787037

Narratives don't have the artistic potential of aesthetic experimentation. Narratives are for making sense of the world. We do not need to make sense of worlds which do not exist. Narrative is for non-fiction. (and documentary film) Fiction literature is for aesthetics. (as is fiction film)

>> No.7787039



the music they added makes it even more hilarious

>> No.7787041

A Zed & Two Noughts vidya when? I could see it as an FPS where you shoot the zebras because you hate the stripes.

>> No.7787042

gway films should play like MYST

>> No.7787043

That sounds like a fucking shit idea

It's the first Greenaway interview I've seen so I had no idea he was a ruseman in interviews

>> No.7787045

>not knowing that we are entering the age of the imagemakers

You're going to be left by the wayside anon

>> No.7787050

Narrative in a film can still be intertwined with and contribute to the aesthetics. This isn't to say it's all-important; narrative films are to experimental films as genre fiction is to literature. But dismissing a film because it has some kind of narrative is goofy.

>> No.7787053

I didn't, but narrative for narrative's sake is not the point. Narrative is a key element of crafting an aesthetic, as is music, but a film created for music's sake is not a true film.

>> No.7787059

And what makes aesthetic experimentation incapable of being done through narrative? And what makes sense-making purely practical?

>> No.7787062

This is perfect.

Rest of thread is faggotry of the highest order

>> No.7787064

>narrative for narrative's sake is not the point
Nobody implied it was.

>> No.7787067

1) It can be achieved through narrative.
2) Narrative is only 'sense making' in regards to trying to establish an order of cause and effect between events. Any good work of art has some interior 'sense', it does not have to be narrative.

>> No.7787078

Then what you mean to say is that narrative isn't a necessity of fiction?

>> No.7787124


>> No.7787179

wait, did they stop talking about having sex with disney starlets and star wars at some point in the past 2 years? do they actually discuss film now?

>> No.7787187

Kurt Vonnegut
George Orwell
Harper Lee
Isaac Asimov
Ray Bradbury
Anthony Burgess
William Golding
Philip K. Dick
Stephen King
Chuck Palahniuk
H.P Lovecraft
John Steinbeck
Jack Kerouac
Charles Bukowski
Ernest Hemingway
Hermann Hesse
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Haruki Murakami
Milan Kundera
Ayn Rand
Meme pop scientist divulgators

>> No.7787204


When I was that age I liked Dreyer, Deren, and Wilder. Is that cringe too?

>> No.7787213


>> No.7787320


None of those are cringe at any age...

Dreyer in particular is always popping up on critic polls. If people who devote their lives to film criticism think he's one of the best, I don't really see how someone could make a case that it is 'cringey' to like him.

>> No.7787337

>The Stranger
>Clockwork Orange
>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
>Less Than Zero
>Fight Club

Add Slaughterhouse-5 and we'll lock it in.

>> No.7787338

>tfw didn't get into Hesse until I was like 20
Does this make me a fag?

>> No.7787362

haha oh boy

>> No.7787455

>did they stop talking about having sex with disney starlets and star wars at some point in the past 2 years? do they actually discuss film now?

no, not really

>> No.7787865

The Tree of Life is one of my favorite films. Malick is a spectacular writer.

>> No.7787877

just don't 'for plot' anything man

>> No.7787881

that's entirely what the 'for plot' meme means though-- for its own sake, and, as probably would have it, little else.

>> No.7787900

>A film created for music's sake isn't a true film.
Pabst, Bernstein, etc. Created films to showcase music. That could be the point at times.

>> No.7787932

are Steinbeck and Hemingway really meme-authors?

>> No.7787978

Andrés Tarcóvquez

>> No.7787987

Not really. The thing is that they are in that list because of the "I've read their stuff so now I'm a literated person". They are great as authors (most of what >>7787187 cited), but they are in the "meme" list because they are often used as a badge for what OP said.

>> No.7787988


Or Marquez for that matter.

>> No.7788391

>whats wrong with nu metal

>> No.7788731

Davis Fincher is a pretty solid director. Fight Club isn't great, but it's again pretty solid.

every Tarr film is like James Joyce, so that one's obvious.

>> No.7788735

nah high schoolers think Fitzgerald is a shitty writer whose books aren't as good as what they read.

>> No.7788952

I just posted them because people who have read only a few books besides their high school recommended readings consider themselves literate after reading one or two of them. That doesn't mean they're bad writers at all! It's not about if they're good or bad but whether they fit the taste of beginners who have yet to stretch their still a bit narrow minds. >>7787987 explained it well.
To establish a comparison, it'd be like including The Godfather in a similar list with films; sure, it's good, but the 16 year old kid "my taste in film is superior" would also love it, right? Being accessible or in the top 100 imdb won't make it bad per se just because "plebs like it".

>> No.7789094

What would the Tarkovsky equivalent be?

>> No.7790530
