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/lit/ - Literature

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7783304 No.7783304 [Reply] [Original]

what got you into literature?

>> No.7783311

i don't remember

and i'm ok with that

>> No.7783315

i always read and was encourage to do so by my parents

but randomly at the library one day I picked up Catcher in the Rye and thought about how famous it was, said "sure, why not". Read it in one night, flipped my shit, never looked back

>> No.7783316


>> No.7783319

Same. First piece of literature I was shown was the Bible

>> No.7783322

danny divito made you love reading?

>> No.7783354
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years of absolutely crushing depression and loneliness :^)

>> No.7783356

is that Gene Wolfe?

>> No.7783363

I've always been off and on with reading, but GRRM legitimately got me reading more books back in 2012, so he's always cool in my book

>> No.7783382

REALLY trying not to judge you right now. i know its not your fault but still.

>> No.7783387

very similar experience.

>> No.7783391

little green ghouls.

>> No.7783392

jim morrison

>> No.7783397

Art Garfunkel

>> No.7783401

The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories
I liked to read but I didn't read very much literature before that.

>> No.7783433

I thought that some of the greatest stories that men could write would be in that form. I started off with The Stranger and Picture of Dorian gray and found that I enjoyed it enough and then read more from there

>> No.7783444

You could've done alot worse, dont feel bad

>> No.7783467


>> No.7783549

I got into reading by reading conspiracy theory books in my early teenage years. then i moved into occultism, then horrible calculus books since i wanted to prove occultism was real through math, and lastly i realized my attemps were futile and got into philosophy, And now i'm realizing philosophy is futile and i should just stop thinking and enjoy novels

>> No.7783558


Little Golden Books and R.L Stine

>> No.7783819

Psychological manga titles.

>> No.7783826

My personal wish to prepare for a philosophy class
Read Sophie's World and it overturned my view on literature.

>> No.7783841

nothing particular, it was bound to happen

>> No.7783895

Public transport.

>> No.7783902


Don't regret it t b h. Beats TV shows and movies.

>> No.7783915

I admire people that can incite emotions and thoughts simply with words on a page. Its easier to do it through cinema or music, but it takes more skill to do it simply with words. Most are terrible at it, which is why reading is usually considered boring, but the gems are immensely satisfying to me.

>> No.7783916

Wanting to feel superior to be my friends and strangers alike.

It worked.

>> No.7783925
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>i wanted to prove occultism was real through math

>> No.7783938


>> No.7783960

You can always feel superior, there's no need to read.

>> No.7783970
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This book. I got to it like most of people get into "their first book", by accident. Used to Harry Potter, fantasy, and science books, it gave a hard twist on my concept of what a book can be.
Although nowadays I'm stuck in the "I need to read more, I want to 'comprehend literature' and be a cultivated person" shitphase. With a bit of luck I'll soon be able to kill that maggot of nonsense that lives in my head and finally, be able to enjoy literature at its full potential.

>> No.7783974

Unbearable boredom as a kid. I didn't have a TV or computer until 14 or 15.

>> No.7783975

what do you mean?

>> No.7783977

I said in the first day of high school that it was a hobby of mine, because I thought it was a safe bet. It wasn't, and I had to show for it later on.

>> No.7783983

I'm in it to look like a smarty pants.

>> No.7783984
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the mountain goats + an unresolved existential crisis

>> No.7784026

Wait how?

>> No.7784044

the same feeling Stoner had when he read Shakespeare's sonnet.

>> No.7784061

I had a kind of similar thing to this. I read Dune, then GRRM because his stuff was kind of similar to Dune, then I just kept going because after five books of GRRM's easy to read bullshit I was on a role.

Really I think I should thank David Lynch for getting me into literature. Also, there's that time I just happened to buy an e-reader that had a whole shitload of the Gutenberg Library pre-loaded onto it. That's how I found my favourite book, Anne of Green Gables.

>> No.7784068


>You will never be this plebeian

It's a good feel.

>> No.7784078

My Aunt bought me the Spooks Apprentice for my birthday when I was 9. On a very boring night I decided to pick it up.

>> No.7784088

What mountain goats songs?

>> No.7784094


>> No.7784570

Wanting to write.

>> No.7784596

I read a lot as a kid, but stopped when I went through the teenage period of not being interested in doing anything that was at all productive, then I got into film, then I got into screenwriting, then I realised screenwriting is fucking annoying and one can just make scripts/films from writing normally, then I read IJ after coming to /lit/, thought it was good, then I read other books and realised IJ was shit.

>> No.7784606

Read a lot of Fantasy in my youth but nothing really noteworthy, than in (I'm from Germany) school we read "The Visit" (Besuch der alten Dame) and I was hooked for life.

>> No.7784626
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>> No.7784644

pseudo suicide attempt/bibliotherapy and failing at school

>> No.7784767

Probably Stanley Kubrick - I was always interested in films from a young age and one of the first directors I started taking seriously was Kubrick. I knew a lot of his works were adaptations of famous novels so I decided to read some of the books he adapted: first A Clockwork Orange, then 2001: A Space Odyssey, Lolita, etc.

From then on, I soon discovered Burroughs and I was reading more books adapted into popular movies like Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. I didn't read much at this time, I was maybe tackling a book a year during my Summer break, maybe two books in the whole year, depending on what my school library had. That's partly because I didn't know of many authors and my school's library was full of YA and children's books I wasn't interested in (although they had a shelf exclusively for the year 11s which was full of books like A Clockwork Orange).

I also got into Poe and Lovecraft pretty early on, like almost all of Poe and Lovecraft fans today.

>> No.7784773

This may be a little embarrassing but I was looking for new things to do and started browsing this board. I would have eventually gotten into literature but this board made me consistently indulge in it. I hate to say it but I use most of the niche boards to expand my knowledge in certain subjects.

>> No.7784786
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Parents always had books laying around, and encouraged me to read. My oncle gave me various works of Shakespeare when I was young. Grew up just as Harry Potter was getting recognition, and read them as they came out.

But, as cliché as it is the book that got me into reading was L'Etanger. Something about it resonated with me and I felt more drawn to books with substance. Although I still enjoy genre fiction from time to time.

>> No.7784865

No worries, anon, it happens. A curious glance around one board and visiting it more and more frequently is bound to immerse you more in the subject that board focuses on.

>> No.7784874

Pop culture as a kid

>> No.7784909


That's actually good anon! Don't be ashamed.

>> No.7784918

read it a couple of weeks ago, pretty nice read, it seemed like a Mech.Eng's wet dream.

>> No.7784922

I wear a certain hat

>> No.7784945

Visiting fit, lit and sci made me pick up an interest in lifting, reading and getting a bit better at math.
I'm starting to visit trv and mu to see if I can expand my hobbies to traveling and music as well.
Funny to think that the site I came to when I became a depressed neet is the same helping me to get a better person. Meme magic, I suppose.

>> No.7784977

Right? I came to this site years ago for /b/ and things to laugh at. After wasting some time on /v/ and /fa/ I ended up spending tons of time on /mu/ /fit/ /trv/ and /int/. When /out/ was made I spent tons of time there and now a lot of time on /lit/ and /his/

This entire website can be extremely beneficial if you use it right.

>> No.7784991

I found writing amusing as a kid and sporadically wrote some shit every now and then. Later on, I dropped out of college and one of the things I would do as a NEET to avoid my family was sitting around all day in the library and reading.

I mostly read nothing but Stephen King and Nora Roberts (only the In Death books) because I didn't really know about anyone else other than the types of authors we read in school. The first "real" book I read was The Blood Oranges by John Hawkes and I never looked back to the type of shit I used to read since then.

>> No.7785017

dubs of truth
are you still a neet or did reading help you get your shit together?

>> No.7785102


>> No.7785110

my mother, who majored in english literature

>> No.7785137

This song


I was 12 when I heard it, he mentions a few books/authors and it got me to read a bunch on my own.

>> No.7785147
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It's beautiful, isn't it?

>> No.7785170

Reading Catch-22 in high school

Although I read YA lit voraciously from childhood onward

>> No.7785182

Christ. I'm glad to not have been raised by Baptists.

Yeah, same. I was never down to read >20 pages a day until I had to push myself to read all five ASOIAF books. He also got me writing again, for the first time since middle school.

>> No.7785201

The Decemberists, Skyrim, and noticing repetitive trends in YA literature

>> No.7785245

I worked a couple of shitty jobs for a few years but I'm a NEET again now.

>> No.7785287

>literally just beginning to have an interest in reading

Gosh its like those two ideas are somehow connected

>> No.7785448

i kept finding that tv and film bored me to fuck since it was just staring at a screen and my mind would always drift off so i'd end up taking in no information and not getting any pleasure out of it.

the only film i didn't feel this towards was requiem for a dream mainly because of the time and point i decided to watch it in my life the plot and downfall of the characters really resonated with me. i had no idea that it was based off a book until september 2015, so i went out and brought it and read it and discovered that reading actually held my focus and was 10x better than tv and film, and now i can't go to the city without wandering into and dropping a fortune in waterstones.

>> No.7785452

Catch 22.

>> No.7785510

As a small child I read books constantly, I got turned on to science fiction by my 2nd grade teacher, who recommended foundation.

After reading all of asimov's stuff in my local library, I started reading science fiction at random, until I managed to get hooked on shitty star wars books.

Somewhere along the way I read Neil Gaimen's American Gods, which name dropped Gravity's Rainbow. I randomly purchased that and started reading it, knowing absolutely nothing about it. This was back in 2007. For the most part I haven't gone back to reading genre fiction other than for the occasional nostalgia read.

>> No.7785593

gonna read this in french desu