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/lit/ - Literature

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7781946 No.7781946 [Reply] [Original]

Would Dante have wanted Virgil as his guide if he knew about his sexuality? Did he know?

>> No.7781965
File: 540 KB, 1440x849, Caesar_in_Gaul_FINAL_alter_1385565070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all agree that the best part of Inferno was when Dante espoused that Julius Caesar being killed was one of the worst things to befall humanity, because he represented a unified Italy under divinely orchestrated rule?

>> No.7781968

let's dispel this notion that Julius Caesar didn't know what he is doing. Of course he knows what he is doing.

>> No.7781972

he knew he wasnt christian but picked him anyway

>> No.7781974

Virgil also wasn't christian, dumbass, and Dante obviously fucking knew that. He placed Virgil into a group of "exceptions" that didn't get to go to heaven, but weren't punished in hell either, because they were significant proto-christian intellectuals. This is pretty clearly articulated, so clearly you didn't read the inferno.
Plus every one those roman niggers were fucking their bros and some little bois to boot in their day, and Dante would have known about that, regardless of whether or not he knew about Virgil specifically.

>> No.7781998


>> No.7782005


>> No.7782015

/pol/ retardation, basically. Le corn man is idolized by wrong generation cuckservative reactionaries.

>> No.7782028


>According to John D. Sinclair, Dante respected Brunetto Latini immensely but nonetheless felt it necessary to place him with the sodomites since, according to Sinclair, such behaviour by Latini was well known in Florence at the time.

>> No.7782044

I idolize Julius Caesar, but I'm not really /pol/.

>> No.7782053



Joke's on you, I'm an ethnic nationalist.

>> No.7782058

>le corn man
Someone direct me to a good meme dictionary, I am lost

>> No.7782067
File: 840 KB, 1291x533, 1451956340804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's referencing this.

>> No.7782075


>> No.7782087

but the corn man is Nabokov you newfag

>> No.7782090

I've been here for ages and still don't get that meme. Or rather what's funny about it.

>> No.7782104

That's right, because Latini was a modern Italian christian, not a Roman intellectual
Again, why do people who haven't read Dante post in Dante threads?

>> No.7782105

Corn is an old word meaning grain. It only came to apply colloquially to "corn" (American maize) much later. Pretty recently. Older translations of books will often say "corn" when they mean grain, and modern readers will picture maize corn.

The joke of the image is that the original person who posted it either didn't know or was pretending not to know that maize corn is a New World discovery, and there's no way Caesar could have been referring to it. Presumably he should have known or inferred that Old World grain was meant. Whenever it would be posted everyone would fall over themselves to show off their sick knowledge of corn etymology, so people started doing that preemptively/ironically, so it became a meme.

>> No.7782106

>newfags pretending to be oldfags
Nabokov's the cornfather, Caesar is le corn man.

>> No.7782107

There's a translation of that book that translates the latin word for 'grain' as 'corn'. And in that book Julius Caesar spends a ton of time talking about grains and farms.

>> No.7782109

At one point he talks about Gallic Agriculture, so now it's a meme.

>> No.7782113

Corn is from the Americas, not Italy.

>> No.7782159

>about his sexuality
what about it? was he gay?

>> No.7782198

Also Nabokov disliked Faulkner's corncobby chronicles (a reference to the corn cob rape scene in Sanctuary) so he became corn father.

>> No.7782250

What exactly does the word "corncobby" even mean though

>> No.7782285

Thanks anon. If I knew earlier I would be saved many a rage reading history books.

>> No.7782287

Nabkov is the cornfather because of his crack about Faulkner's "corncobby" prose. Caesar is the corn man because corn/grain.

>> No.7782388

Folksy, provincial, reminiscent of the type of person who smokes a corncob pipe while telling their grandkids stories about the "good old days".

>> No.7782406


i sincerely think Nabokov was trolling academia with his vitriolic criticism of contemporary and even classic writers and works. like his prose, you cannot take his comments at face value.

also, the corn cobby comment is an allusion to Faulkner's Sanctuary, where the item in question plays quite a role.

do you guys even read Faulkner or Nabokov?

>> No.7782414

>sick knowledge of corn etymology,
Kek. Best summary of /lit.

>> No.7782420

is the Inferno the greatest piece of fan-fiction ever produced?

>> No.7782442

no my diary desu is

>> No.7782472

Do you meet up with some gay boys for a romp in Hell?

>> No.7782485
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>ethnic nationalist

>> No.7782512
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>> No.7782550

Please tell me what anime this is from and then I'll go away.

>> No.7782558
File: 281 KB, 1920x1080, 1448809259139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non Non Biyori or some shit.

>> No.7782571

Thank you.
Go back to talking about smart stuff.

>> No.7782615

He was trolling them, but that doesn't mean he wasn't at least half-serious when he said those things.

>> No.7782793

Virgil was very tame by Roman standards. He didn't even want to publish the sex-favor exchange scene between Venus and Vulcan but Augustus ordered his boys to do so anyways once he died.

Ovid, who was a contemporary of Virgil's time, on the otherhand, got into some very sexual shit that was even too extreme for the Romans, and Augustus sent him to the black sea among the Scythians to stop his degenerate influence on the Romans cuz he liked him too much to kill him. He was probably the perverted drunk uncle of his personal poet circle who needed to be alone in time-out for a while.

>> No.7783070

Did any of these poems survive? Have read the satyricon I'm curious.

>> No.7783754


Also, keep in mind that at the time of Dante's writing "sodomy" had a wider meaning than just "buttfucker". It could be taken as sexually promiscuous in a more general way.

>> No.7783809

Wait, since when is Virgil gay?

>> No.7783849

Everyone on the past was gay now anon

>> No.7783849,1 [INTERNAL] 

The sheer italian nature of this thread would attract aramini eventually, but not as quickly as mention of Wolfe ... the one thing, the only thing aramini does not comprehend is anonymity. My homunculus sleeps now under offal and sperm, but one day it shall rise up, and then we shall make of the earth the zeroth circle of hell.

>> No.7784197

Sure, but it's still a sin, and Latini still went to hell for it when Virgil didn't, even though Latini was Dante's own father figure whom he respects presumably as much as he does Virgil. The point is that Virgil and other ancients can be semi-forgiven because they didn't know any better. But also, Latini obviously isn't congruent with Virgil in how much respect he deserves as an intellectual figure

>> No.7784202

>Virgil predicted Jesus tho
Now the last age by Cumae's Sibyl sung
Has come and gone, and the majestic roll
Of circling centuries begins anew:
Justice returns, returns old Saturn's reign,
With a new breed of men sent down from heaven.
Only do thou, at the boy's birth in whom
The iron shall cease, the golden race arise,
Befriend him, chaste Lucina; 'tis thine own
Apollo reigns. And in thy consulate,
This glorious age

>> No.7784540

Burning abyss sucks now

>> No.7784566

This answer is much more accurate than >>7782105
The joke wasn't some kind of faux-irony about incorrectly translating 'grain', it was just that the book spends an inordinate amount of time talking about things like the cultural practices of german tribes and agricultural preperations.

>tfw poor Aedui kept getting massacred by their neighbors and were ignored when they went to Rome to ask for help

>> No.7784577

Italian disunification was good for the West, eventually. Competition on a micro level between those cities allowed new institutions to develop and be tested, and gave intellectuals a new-found importance.

We saw something similar once continental politics became the name of the game, someone in the 17th century.

>> No.7784595

That's odd. He was a lefty in the context of Roman politics.