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/lit/ - Literature

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7782024 No.7782024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books do you think Elliot was into?

>> No.7782036

World of Warcraft novels

>> No.7782048

I could see him deconstructing John Green. He should've lived long enough to do that Tbh.

>> No.7782056

None because robots don't read. He apparently googled things like "philosophy of a knife" which is hilarious af.

>> No.7782070

He sounds like an edgy, try hard.

>> No.7782084

It's supposed to be a movie btw.

>> No.7782089

Why so many threads about him today? anniversary or something?

>> No.7782093

>anniversary or something?

The Anniversery is May 23rd you retarded imbecile.

>> No.7782103

ok stop already

>> No.7782110


He like that book "The Secret"

>> No.7782116

from My Twisted World:

>I formed an ideology in my head of how the world should work. I was fueled both by my desire to destroy all of the injustices of the world, and to exact revenge on everyone I envy and hate. I decided that my destiny in life is to rise to power so I can impose my ideology on the world and set everything right. I was only seventeen, I have plenty of time. I thought to myself. I spent all of my time studying in my room, reading books about history, politics, and sociology, trying to learn as much as I can.

>I began a daily routine of walking to Barnes & Noble in Calabasas every day, where I would spend hours reading books that ranged from biographies of powerful leaders, histories of significant periods, self-help books, philosophy and psychology texts, and historical fiction novels. I sometimes even spent entire days there, from the time it opened to the time it closed. In the afternoons, to my extreme rage, I sometimes saw young couples strolling through the store. Sometimes they would even sit on the reading chairs, kissing and fondling each other. Whenever I saw this, I got so overcome by envy and heartbreak that I went to the bathroom to cry. The occasional couples didn’t stop me from going there, however, because it was the most beneficial thing for me to do at that moment.

>For the rest of the summer, I took it easy and played WoW with James, Steve, and Mark; just like old times. I also started reading a new book series called A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R.R. Martin. This medieval fantasy series was spectacular. The first book of the series was A Game of Thrones, and once I read the first chapter I just couldn’t put it down. It was like nothing I had ever read before, with a huge array of complex characters, a few of whom I could relate to. I found out that it was going to be adapted into an HBO television series, and I became very excited for that.
>Delving into fantasy stories like WoW and Game of Thrones didn’t make me forget about all of my troubles in life, but they did give me a temporary and relieving sense of escape, which I need from time to time. Life would be impossible to handle without those temporary respites.

>> No.7782120

his diary desu

>> No.7782123

>I finished the fourth book of the Song of Ice and Fire series. The television adaptation, Game of Thrones was coming out in just a few months, and I was really looking forward to that. I was also looking forward to the fifth book of the series, which had a release date of July 12th. After finishing all four books, I had become a huge fan of the series. It depicted a much more exciting world than the one I lived in, with a large array of complex characters, a few of whom I could really relate to.
>As I was reading up about the release date for the fifth book, I found an online countdown that showed each day, hour, minute, and second that remained until July 12th. Since July 12th was so close to my 20th birthday, I used this countdown as the official countdown of my last days as a teenager. I made it my internet homepage, and hoped that it would motivate me to do everything I can to change my life during this crucial period.

>My father gave me a book called The Secret after I had dinner at his house in February. He said it will help me develop a positive attitude. The book explained the fundamentals of a concept known as the Law of Attraction. I had never heard or read anything quite like this before, and I was intrigued. The theory stated that one’s thoughts were connected to a universal force that can shape the future of reality. Being one who always loved fantasy and magic, and who always wished that such things were real, I was swept up in a temporary wave of enthusiasm over this book. The prospect that I could change my future just by visualizing in my mind the life I wanted filled me with a surge of hope that my life could turn out happy. The idea was ridiculous, of course, but the world is such a ridiculous place already that I figured I might as well give it a try. In addition, I was so desperate for something to live for that I wanted to believe in the Law of Attraction, even if it was proven to me that it wasn’t real.

>Before I knew it, it was July 12th and the countdown on my internet homepage was up. The new Song of Ice and Fire book, A Dance with Dragons, was released. I emailed my mother to order me the book from Amazon. The countdown was ultimately over, and I had nothing to show for it. I was still a virgin, even after a month of living in a town full of college kids who had sex all the time. I realized that I had only twelve more days as a teenager! I was going to turn twenty very soon. One of my hopes was to at least lose my virginity before my time as a teenager was over. Being a virgin at the age of twenty would make me feel very defeated.

>> No.7782127

Glad he's dead

>> No.7782128

>The red carpet premiere of the Hunger Games was an even more exclusive event. The reason we got in was because my father was friends with the director, Gary Ross. My father even contributed to the film as a second unit director. Gary Ross had been coming over to father’s house for dinner quite frequently in the past few months. When he told me about the Hunger Games, I had never heard about it before, so I decided to read the books that the movie would be based on. It was quite an enjoyable story and I became a fan.

>I so happened to come across a book called the Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy. This book would fill me with hope for the next few months. It was very similar to The Secret, the book I read over a year ago, and it had the same effect on me. It gave an even more in-depth view on the law of attraction. A year previously, I had given up on believing in such a concept, but when I read through this book thoroughly, I desperately convinced myself to give it a try. I wanted to believe the theory could work. I needed something to live for.

>> No.7782131
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>> No.7782133

What a colossal pseud

>> No.7782134




>> No.7782135



>> No.7782138
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>Life would be impossible to handle without those temporary respites.

>> No.7782140

it's really one of the few books that portrays modern life honestly in all its bleak hollow banality

>> No.7782143

So what's the story? Some mexican kid was an hero?

>> No.7782147


He actually used to post on the big lore forums/website for WoW.

Even there he was made fun of because he was a massive unapologetic Garrosh fanboy.

We didn't know it was him until all of his shit was released though, then so many things clicked together. Guy was a psycho.

>> No.7782148

Try and find his bodybuilding.com misc posts, shit is hilarious.

>> No.7782150

>The world is such a ridiculous place already that I thought I'd give it a try
Sentences like this break my heart. He was a selfish, self-centered and rude autist but that was it. He was an autist. He was a child who couldn't understand how the grown-up world woks and so he became angry and frustrated. It breaks my heart Tbh.

>> No.7782154
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>> No.7782160
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>> No.7782161



>> No.7782163

There are so many more, and it's so inappropriate that he posted there.

>> No.7782165
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>> No.7782167

He basically got memed hard by pop-culture and his environment. Which interacted poorly with his autism and led to his delusions of grandeur manifesting the way they did.

>> No.7782168

That second guy forgot his meme arrows. Here.

>> No.7782169
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>> No.7782174
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>> No.7782185


>> No.7782187

>Avg looking Manlet

>> No.7782205

He might have liked John. He was a fan of the young Turks, was also subscribed to it on youtube

>> No.7782245

oh fuck

>> No.7782276


I would fucking love to call someone out as a future mass murderer, then them actually do it.

I am so jealous of this guy.

>> No.7782333


>I would love for a bunch of innocent people to die so I can have smug satisfaction over being right

And in this exhibit we have the average autistic shut-in of 4chan who wonders where his life went wrong and why it's so shit.

>> No.7782357


Why should I care if a few normalfags drop dead?

>> No.7782418

correlation doesnt' equal causation.

>> No.7782562


This is not literature, despite shoehorning the word 'books' into the post.

>> No.7782572


Bravo. This post gave me more pleasure than it should.

>> No.7782603
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He totally called it

>> No.7782608

This post isn't even ironically funny

>> No.7782621


>> No.7782630


Truth hurts doesn't it?

Maybe if you retards spend less time reading books/shitposting on 4chan and more time on improving yourself then you'll likely one day have a good job, people will like you and women will want to have intercourse with you.

Maybe. I really doubt most of you will make an attempt to improve though and will kill yourselves from crippling depression around 35-40.

>> No.7782646

What kind of shitposting is this?

>> No.7782686


not /lit/

>> No.7782734


Well, I came here to post ASoIaF as a joke and then looked down the page and apparently he actually was a fan.

>> No.7782773

>shitposting is literature

>> No.7782776

Eliot Rodger is like the sort of person old /b/ would have cooked up in a laboratory. Can you imagine if he'd been around back then? They'd have found him and turned him into one of the great, classic lolcows. He would have been every bit as famous/infamous as Chris-Chan.

And maybe he would have committed suicide as a result, thus sparing the lives of the people he murdered during his rampage. /b/ could have done the world a great service.

>> No.7782799

it is the most vibrant literary form of our times

>> No.7782800

wait, if that guy said inb4 doesnt that mean elliot isnt allowed to?

>> No.7782802

a guy predicting that elliot rodgers was gonna kill a bunch of normies doesn't mean that he cause the murder of them all. Life would have continued its tragic course even if that random forum guy wouldn't have predicted it. therefore if not predicting doesn't change anything and predicting doesn't either except that it makes u feel like a modern nostradamus, why is it that it's horrible for someone to want to predict it.

>> No.7782836


No he meant inb4 anyone else could call it, which is what stopped his family or therapist from seeing this a mile off.

>> No.7782842


He was on the bodybuilding.com forums so I wouldn't be surprised if he got assblasted on /fit/ a few times.

>> No.7782851


>> No.7782855

S till not /lit/
A nd it never will be
G ot me to click the images of cars though
E is the first letter on this line

>> No.7783213

Man if you have to say it out loud like that then there is something seriously wrong with you and you're most likely wrong

>> No.7783933


The official investigate summary includes some items found when they searched his room, and the only book listed was "The Art of Seduction". So there's that too.

>> No.7783949

>Stop reading books and using a literature website!!!!111